Nudism and Academic Politics 01


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"We could, of course, do something else. I know women who've done that. I would hate to do anything so drastic, but it would solve our immediate problem."

" No way. I'm not going to murder our child for the sake of convenience. I don't want that on my conscience." Frank's voice was harsh and decisive.

Susana grabbed his arm and murmured. "You're right. I could never do that. I don't even want to think about it."

At the bustling restaurant where they ate lunch, having a child seemed very odd to them, an almost unreal event that had disrupted their carefully planned existence. They began to notice young marrieds who struggled to keep their children quiet and enjoy what amounted to a partial meal.

They would not be able to discuss "adult matters" while eating out for some time to come. Child control would become their primary focus in public.

"You know, the person you could talk to would be Whitney. They've been through this twice and she would be a trustworthy confident," Frank offered.

"Don't forget Jeffrey, while we're at it. He could give you some tips." Susana chided.

"I'll bet he could," Frank sighed. "We just need to relax and take everything day by day."

As soon as Fred and Joyce were informed about the pregnancy, the southern rumor machine shifted into high gear among family members. Susana had called her mother, who was delighted at the news, but had her usual list of questions concerning their financial future. Her father had called and offered to help out if they needed assistance.

Fred and Joyce Kestler echoed that generosity a short time afterwards, hoping they would visit so they could "talk things over."

Susana got to the point where she was almost afraid to answer the phone, so many people were calling to congratulate her and offer advice.

Both parents had hinted they would like to come down and visit for a while and "help out" in any way they could. Susana had to explain that they didn't have an adequate guest bedroom and their academic schedules would be taking up most of their time. Frank was especially busy in adjusting to the Political Science curriculum and attending endless committee meetings prior to the fall semester.

Susana's mother cautioned her not to stress herself or work too hard. Many women had experience miscarriages under those circumstances. Susana assured her that Dean Wildridge had been very understanding and would shorten her work load until she delivered. There would be a generous maternity leave period, fortunately during Spring Break vacation when there would be no classes. She expected to return to her teaching responsibilities in early April or shortly thereafter. She would be teaching, however, as long as possible, depending on her health and the status of the foetus.

Susana's father, one evening, gave her a call. Frank answered the phone and William Carlson asked to speak to his daughter. As an afterthought, he also invited Frank to listen in on the conversation since it concerned both of them. First, he assured them that he had discussed this matter at length with her mother and the family and they were in agreement that it was a good idea, all things considered. He had not yet contacted Frank's parents but he thought that was an initiative the Frank should take if necessary.

After a pause of several seconds, William Carlson came to the point of his call: "I know that I haven't been as welcoming as I should have to Frank upon our initial meeting...and for that I would like to apologize. Both your mother and I are very happy to know that you are devoted to one another, or in love if I may. I am certain that Frank will be a hard-working and successful husband who will provide for his family in any way he can."

He again paused and cleared his throat. "I have a proposal to make that is both rational and in keeping with your aspirations and commitment to one another. Your mother and I would like you to consider getting married prior to the birth of your child. I know this is old-fashioned in today's world, but legal identity and legitimacy are very important to the stability of a family unit.

"We hope you will share our concerns about your child's future as a person born of a duly wedded couple in the state of Massachusetts. I am assuming that you, Susana, would prefer the ceremony to be held in your home state. This would make us very happy indeed.

"I know this is something that your mother has been reluctant to discuss, but it is her profound wish just the same. We could have the ceremony held in the Episcopal church in which you were raised or at a non-denominational location by a certified representative of the state. We would prefer, of course, a religious wedding.

"We would cover all expenses you incur; it would be our gift to your union. All the family would be delighted to wish you the very best in your future endeavors at the wedding."

Susana and Frank had listened in an almost stunned silence. It was obvious that her father had given this proposal a great deal of thought. Susana had also, without mentioning it to Frank, given marriage serious consideration since he had already proposed to her in France.

"Daddy," Susana said, "this is so sudden. Could I talk this over with Mother tomorrow when Frank and I have had a chance to discuss your proposal? I really don't know what to say right now."

"Of course. Please understand, sweetheart, that we are suggesting something that would be in your long-term best interests. Sleep on it and let us know."

"Oh my God, he called you 'sweetheart.' He must be emotional." Frank's voice was incredulous at the use of such an endearment.

"No. He's done that before, whenever I'm in a difficult situation. I used to play soccer in high school and one day I broke my ankle. He stayed by my side in the hospital. He called me 'sweetheart' even then. He can get upset, believe it or not.

"It's hard for you to understand, maybe, but I love my father to death, really. He's stiff and very old-school, but he tries to do the right thing with us. He's been through some hard times."

Frank moved closer and took her hands. "This is something we've discussed before. I haven't changed my mind one whit. I don't want the baby to force you into marriage against your will; but having you as my wife would make know, very happy. I hope you feel the same. It would give us a new identity, a deeper bond that we both need right now."

Susana cuddled into his arms and wiped tears from her cheeks.

"It's time for me to grow up. I think I was viewing marriage as a trap that would put an end to my independence. Well, I don't want our child to be labeled "illegitimate"--whatever that implies today. She--or he--will have an accepted and traditional birth certificate.

"Will I marry you? Of course I fact, you've known that for some time. Even your mother sensed that in Georgia. Women can tell these things. Call it "women's intuition" if you will."

For the first time since they met, Frank Kestler began to cry...not in frustration or sadness, but in relief. A little taken aback, Susana smiled and assured him that it would be fine, they would be okay.

She was now in charge of how their life would unfold.

For the next few weeks, Dorothy Carlson called her daughter almost daily to make plans for the wedding. Frank's parents were also eager to help out in the wedding preparations. His sisters were also asking to be involved in some way although they weren't sure how "Yankees" handled their weddings. One thing was certain: the ceremony had to take place before Susana started to show her "baby bump." She would be wearing a very loose-fitting gown that her mother had chosen for the occasion. Susana was caught up in the maelstrom of trying to juggle her teaching duties and wedding preparations from afar.

It dawned on her that her wedding could be "zoomed" to Germany for Rudy and Gisela to view just as they would be seeing their wedding from Germany in the same manner.

Early October, she recognized, was not a convenient time frame for their friends to travel to Boston. Technology had made the need for foreign travel less and less essential. They would broach the subject with Rudy and Gisela who would most likely be relieved since they would be newlyweds themselves.

As new parents-to-be, Frank and Susana had learned from the gynecologist that they could continue their sex life under certain conditions. With some degree of embarrassment, they were given a very explicit, illustrated lecture with anatomically correct dolls about approved sexual positions during pregnancy. There was also information about approved lubricants and frequency intervals (no more than one time per day).

The lecturer stressed that rear entry (doggy style) was universally approved because it exerted very little pressure on the uterus. Frontal entry (missionary) was also possible; it was more conducive to orgasm but should be practiced with pillows under the hips of the woman to lessen pressure on her abdomen. In any event, positions that were uncomfortable to either party were to be avoided. Life could go on as usual with minor alterations in their sexual behavior.

"Now that's what I call intercourse by the numbers," Frank joked as they left the session. Susana laughed and said he needed to review his technique; no more big thrusts but gentle pushes were "highly recommended" by the authorities.

"Who knows, we might wind up liking this new style to satisfy our raunchy needs," Frank said in a pompous manner. Susana gave him a glaring look and changed the subject.

What was so mysterious and intimidating was now becoming a common factor in their life: The age of responsibility and discomfort (lack of sleep at night) was just beginning.

The marriage in Wellesley had gone as planned. Frank's sisters had been shepherded by Susana's nieces and aunts across Boston, from the Brahmin neighborhoods of the aristocracy to the Irish south side. They had eaten at some very fancy seafood restaurants and even seen a live performance of "My Fair Lady" that enchanted them.

Frank's parents had both been to Boston before on business trips; this time they had limited themselves to shopping and a river boat cruise in the harbor.

After adjusting to regional accents, Fred Kestler and William Carlson found a common core of interest in baseball. As a young man, Fred had played minor league baseball in Georgia; William had been an outfielder for his team at the University of Pennsylvania. They spent time watching major league baseball on TV and talking about some of the great players of the past.

Her sister Marsha, with her husband and children, embraced her after the ceremony in the Episcopal church and whispered, jokingly, that she was going to enjoy family reunions now because Frank and she could discuss European history and French literature.

According to Rudy, the "zoom" broadcast came through just fine and they were delighted to see their friends so happy. Rudy and Gisela's "zoom" had come through in August but with quite a few "bugs" and some interference. But it had been a very touching experience to see them kneeling before the Catholic priest and taking communion.

Prior to the wedding, Susana and Frank were required--or highly encouraged--to attend a pre-marital counseling service provided by the reverend who would marry them. It was traditional in the church to give newlyweds wise guidance at the onset of their conjugal journey.

Susana, with Frank's okay, had confessed that they had met in the nude at Cap d'Agde in France and had fallen in love almost immediately. Reverend Hooks, who was more in tune with modern customs than his predecessors, laughed and said that the Lord was only replicating the union of Adam and Eve who were "anti-textiles" in their day. "He chose very wisely. I think you were blessed by the randomness of your union," the reverend opined. The session ended in a traditional Episcopal prayer for the sanctity of marriage and the happiness of their life in the days to come.

"Wow!" Frank concluded later. "There's quite a difference between our charismatic Baptist pastors and the Episcopalians. I'm impressed."

"It's the New England influence," Susana answered. "They are all philosophers and theologians."

As a honeymoon gift, William and Dorothy Carlson had offered the newlyweds an all-expenses paid stay at Niagara Falls (that Susana had visited many times before) together with a first-class return ticket to Orlando where they had left their car before traveling to Boston.

Once they returned to the apartment, life picked up at the same frenetic pace; they both became embroiled in school matters and other issues and time had marched on, interrupted by occasional visits from the Kestlers and a special get-together with Marsha and her family on their way to Disney World in Orlando.

Because of his precarious situation at the university, Frank had enrolled in the doctoral program in Political Science at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He managed to arrange his seminar courses so he could attend them twice a week in the late afternoon and still make the drive back to the apartment...about two hours round-trip.

Rudy and Gisela, redux

As she was preparing for her languages courses at the junior college, Susana received a phone call from Gisela in Hamburg. She and Rudy were at last financially capable of traveling abroad and would very much like to visit with them, if things could be arranged.

After exchanging pleasantries and catching up on their lives, Susana said that she would talk with Frank about his schedule and get back with her just as soon as possible. She knew that she couldn't put them off again--they were obviously eager to see them in Florida--A refusal now would amount to a slap in the face and the end of their friendship.

During Susana's pregnancy, Jeffrey and Whitney, as promised, had invited Frank and Susana to join them for a weekend at the nudist colony where they were members near Orlando. At the time, Susana was around five months pregnant; she was reluctant to go because of her condition, but Whitney assured her that pregnant women were in attendance--although they rarely played volley ball!

Neither Frank nor Susana had ever been to a nudist colony, although it was probably very similar to their experience on the beach at Cap d'Agde.

As predicted by the Baynards, Frank and Susana were pleasantly surprised by their reception at the colony. People of all shapes and sizes were milling about, wearing sunglasses and hats as they participated in a wide variety of activities. There were more mature members than very young; it was quite different from the sophisticated beach combers they had known at Cap d'Agde.

After unpacking in the cabin they had reserved, Frank had slathered himself with sunscreen oil; Susana had put sunscreen on every part of her body she could reach. Frank helped out by smearing oil on those areas she couldn't get to.

Jeffrey and Whitney knocked on the door and led them on a tour of the premises. Since Frank and Susana had seen them nude in their pool during the overnight visit, their nakedness was no surprise.

Whitney still had a firm body after two children and obviously exercised to keep herself in shape; Jeffrey had acquired pockets of fat here and there, but was still rather youthful-looking at forty plus years.

It was obvious they enjoyed the nudist environment; at times, they would hold hands and occasionally Jeffrey would put his arm over his wife's shoulders as they walked. In a reciprocal manner, Whitney would pat his buttocks and lean her head against his shoulder in a sign of conjugal affection.

Jeffrey introduced them to several members who were delighted to welcome a "young couple" to their club. Frank made sure he reapplied sunscreen at regular intervals as they moved through the colony. Susana was very glad to meet two other pregnant women who invited her to visit with them as they lay on chaises longue near the pool, sipping on drinks.

In the evening, there were karaoke contests, music for dancing provided by a local trio (dressed in costumes), and a variety of people sitting at tables and ordering drinks from the bar. All in all it seemed like a family-oriented, very friendly group of individuals who had chosen an "alternative" life style.

Susana turned down Frank's invitation to dance, saying she couldn't control her "whale-like" body any more.

In the cabin where they were spending the night, Frank checked his body for sunburn and was surprised to find very little; Susana back seemed reddish but she didn't feel any discomfort or feel ill at ease.

Playfully, she fondled his flaccid penis and claimed it looked pinker than usual. In turn, he gently lifted her heavy breasts and checked for any sign of excessive exposure.

"It was great to be naked again in the sun," Frank exclaimed as he stretched out on the bed, putting his hands under his head, and moving closer to Susana.

"I'll say," she replied. "Jeffrey and Whitney are really into this style of life." She lifted her leg and asked Frank to check for any red spots on the back of her thighs. "All clear, from this end," he answered, running his hands over her legs.

"I had forgotten how horny sunbathing in the nude can make you," Susana said. "I wonder if Jeffrey and Whitney are fooling around with their friends--she showed me some pretty explicit pictures of their shenanigans."

"Well, we can always go over and knock on their door to see if there's serious loving-making going on." Frank pinched her leg as he spoke.

"Who knows how many people are having sex after all this exposure and rubbing together in the pool and elsewhere. Body parts were flipping and flopping around."

"Now, you're tempting me, Jezebel. Should I be concerned?" He shifted to a position behind her and began to massage her breasts.

"As long as you control yourself, southern boy. Remember, lubrication, gentle strokes, push not shove, and breathe deeply. We'll make it a long time...from the rear, of course. Doggy style forever!"

Frank got up and brought the lubrication tube with a towel back with him and began to prepare his wife from behind. She reached around and grasped his penis that was already stiff with arousal. "Always prepared," she murmured. "You're were a good boy scout, I bet."

"Don't be so sure. Teenagers are always ready and horny..."

He slipped his erection in with ease, and pushed gently as instructed. Susana let out a deep sigh and said: "That's more like it. It's good, so good."

They settled into a rhythmic pattern of pleasure and relaxation. It had been worth the while to come to the Goldenbell Naturist Colony.

The next morning as they were preparing to leave, Susana said to Frank as he was packing their bags, "This is where would we could come with Rudy and Gisela...the only catch is that we have to be members. I think Jeffrey would vouch for us with the membership board, don't you?"

"I would hope so," he replied. "Keep in mind this is not cheap and we'll have a lot of expenses in a few months with childcare and everything else connected to a new-born."

"Whitney mentioned that the club was offering a big discount for first timers as an incentive to increase membership. We can look into that. I think we would fit in, don't' you?"

"Yes. This would be a great place for a young family. Let me check with Jeffrey before we commit."

"Rudy and Gisela would get a taste of Floridians in their 'natural state.' " Susana joked.

"Oh my, what a tease and what a bad pun!"

Frank headed for the car with Susana by his side, smiling at the sunlit surroundings and nudist passers-by. It had been a wonderful weekend after all.

To be continued with Rudy and Gisela's visit