Love, Texas Style 16


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And, I did love it. In this position, he would have me cumming over and over again until I begged him to stop. Seven orgasms later, I begged him to cum inside me.

Chapter 176

I was in the kitchen of my Mommy and Daddy's house, helping Mommy with the Christmas meal. Daddy and my sister in laws were helping, too. The meal was catered, of course, because Mommy hates cooking for large groups and with my brothers' families, there were a lot of people in my parents' home.

Michael and my brothers were minding children, along with my college aged nieces. My foster daughters were talking and sipping punch with my nieces and nephews. I had taken a peek into the living room to find Nicole and Nora were smiling and chatting with my two, very handsome nephews, Nick and Steven. I would have to keep an eye on Nicole, as she had that look toward Nick. Hmm... Nick... Nicole. I just realized the similar names.

Since our trip to Philadelphia, Michael closed on three major deals for clients, bringing home some very handsome commissions. He was pretty much only spending about 25% of his time with M&T...that's what he told me. Aaron was doing some wonderful things with the investment firm and he wasn't worried with Aaron's management. Contract negotiating and consulting was becoming a lucrative business for Michael and it had become our primary income. He told me on the plane to Dallas, he had finished the year with over $180 million in after tax consulting commissions for the year. I gasped when he told me. I was so proud of him.

The Thanksgiving trip to the Johannsen home was a new experience. Spending a three day weekend with nearly total strangers. The most wonderful experience though was... the Morrison girls consumed the love of their grandparents and their uncle's family. They were truly happy to be in Kansas City with their family. And of course... the bragging Mommy that I am, the Johannsen Family fell in love with our daughters. Verónica, Mary and Olivia enjoyed the attention.

Michael, Nicole, and Mr. and Mrs. Johannsen had a lengthy discussion in Mr. Johannsen's study the day after Thanksgiving. To discuss Nicole's fickle ambitions about college, boys, and high school. Mr. Johannsen made it explicitly clear, Michael and I were in charge and that he supported our position that Nicole finish high school with her peers and start college when she was eighteen. Having heard her grandfather's opinion, Michael and I never heard another peep from Nicole about high school and college... yet. When Nicole told her sisters she was staying in Brenham until graduation, Nora and Millie were ecstatic.

A whining Little Olivia shook me from my reflection. From her tone, her diaper was wet and she was hugging my leg with a pleading tone. I put the ice bucket down and scooped her up, rounded the kitchen toward our bedroom for a new diaper.

While changing Olivia, I thought of the following weekend after Jacob's graduation. Bill and Denise married in the small church where she and her parents are members. Nicole, Nora, and Millie were in the wedding party and they were so pretty.

My Mommy came into the room right when I finished putting on Little Olivia's cute and ruffled over panties to cover her diaper. Her pretty and ruffled red Christmas dress was the hit of my sister in laws and nieces. When my Olivia heard Mommy's voice, she squeaked "G-mummie" and fussed to get off the bed to greet her grandmother. Michael is amazed all his daughters show the same enthusiastic affection for him, me, and my parents, as I did when Michael and I were dating. Our girls also have the same affection for the Morrison girls, too.

"Have you told Michael, yet?" Mommy asked, as she swept Little Olivia from her feet and into her arms for a kiss and hug. I group hugged both my Mommy and daughter before answering. Before I could answer...

"Is everything OK?"

I beamed as Michael came into the room and took him into my arms. Little Olivia squeaked out her jealously and waved her arms at her Daddy. "It's perfect," I told him, as he took his daughter from my Mommy's arms. "I have a special Christmas gift for you," I offered, with a smile.


I turned to my bag and pulled out a small, gift wrapped box with a tiny red bow and offered it to him. Little Olivia tried to snatch it from me, I suppose she thought it was her gift. "It's really a gift for both of us, Michael. Go ahead and open it... now."

"For both of us, huh? Well, let's see what's inside, Olivia. Do you want to help me open it?" Michael sat on our bed as Little Olivia squeaked and squirmed for the box. Right on que, the Morrison girls, Verónica, Mary, and my Daddy appeared in the room. I winked at them and they smiled. Michael furled his brow and cocked his head. "It must be a special gift if it requires an audience," he mumbled, with a side smile to me.

Michael helped Little Olivia to open the present. As she pulled the two photographs from the box, she waved them to everyone and announced... "My!" That produced some laughs and giggles.

"Will you let me see what they are, Olivia?" Olivia promptly shoved them into her Daddy's face and he snatched them before he was poked in the eye. As he flipped them over and looked at them, his faced turned to the most astonished look I had ever seen him make... it surprised me and I was proud of myself.

"Jesus," he mumbled. He looked up to me with a "I hope this isn't a joke" look on his face. I nodded with a huge smile on my face. "Is this what I think it is?"

"YES!" I squealed, and launched myself into his arms, dislodging Little Olivia from his lap and onto the bed. "Isn't it wonderful?" I whispered into his ear...

"It's a boy AND a girl this time!"


I cried.

Tears pouring down my face as my Mommy, Daddy, brothers, sister in laws, nieces, and nephews each held me in congratulations. I was so fortunate to have such close family to share my happiness. Our daughters, I'm pretty sure, didn't know why there was so much excitement, but the Morrison girls held them and told them we were going to have a new brother and sister.

"Terry and Mary are coming over later today. They want to know what the hell we've been up to, having twins again!" I turned toward my husband from hugging my Mommy for the dozenth time. He was smiling a goofy smile and was waving his phone at me. I smiled at the news my brother in law and his family were coming to see me. Then, I saw his face change... just slightly and I wondered if he was thinking of his parents. His father knew our daughters before his death, and I feared my husband... my lover... the father of our children, would hurt because he couldn't share the news with...


"Yeah!" roared my brother, Robert, at the suggestion from my Daddy.

After the toast, my family sat down to the Christmas dinner and I was promptly ushered to sit next to my Daddy. Michael passed the photos of the sonogram around the table as we ate and they finally made their way back to my seat at the table. I picked them up and looked at my children's photos... the children who I didn't know their names yet. And, marveled they were inside of me, growing... a part of me. I was giving them life. For the fourth and fifth time, I was going to be a mommy again and I broke down with emotion. Happy and sad emotions. Happy for Michael and myself and our family. Sad I couldn't share my joy with Michael's parents. Michael saw my tears and held me as I continued to stare at the fine details of our children in the photos. I'm sure they will arrive a month early like Olivia and Mary, so I did a quick calculation in my head. I was three and half months, so... sometime between late April and mid-May. About four months.

"Oh, my God," I whispered and clamped a hand over my mouth. I turned to Michael with, I'm sure, a surprised looked on my face. He was looking at me like I'd just jumped out of a jack in the box. I took my hand from my mouth and leaned over to Michael...

"We're gonna have eight children in our house soon."


We were scrambling about the house.

Getting ready for work and school. We had arrived the afternoon before from our vacation in Telluride. A vacation Michael needed badly. I had a long talk with him in Colorado and told him I felt he did too much too often. I encouraged him to seek time away from work more often to relax his mind and body... citing he deserved the frequent breaks due to his past financial success as a business negotiator and the dividends he received from M&T. I fussed forcefully that he needed to have fun. He tried to argue with me that his negotiations for deals was fun. "Cute," I said. "Very funny. I'm serious, Michael." I pulled him into a hug and quick kiss. He agreed. He did have the money now to take frequent breaks from the stress and promised he would spend more time at home and take us on vacations. He mentioned Alaska when our expectant babies were ready for travel. He also told me he was hiring a cleaning crew for our home, to come in once a week, and he would be taking the dirty laundry to Brenham for cleaning... Citing I had my hands full with six girls and two babies on the way. He also bought a used Honda Civic for Nicole, now that she had her driver's license and she would be taking her sisters to and from school. Along with errands for me and Denise.

I was making breakfast for our daughters and found myself bumping my enlarging tummy against the counters. And when the Morrison girls kissed and hugged me before leaving for school, my "babies" bump tapped their tummy.

With that, I thought back on the day I found out I was carrying twins... again! Right before Christmas, I had a scheduled appointment with Dr. Lange in Brenham. During the sonogram, when I saw his eyebrows go up and a smile cross his lips, I knew something was up. "What?" I said.

"Well," he said, and directed his smile to me. Then, he looked at my three daughters. Behaving wonderfully with their dolls and coloring books. He knew Mary and Olivia were fraternal twins, but, they looked so much alike, they could be easily mistaken for identicals.

"You did tell me twins run in the family. Your mother's side you said."

I gasped and I'm certain I had the look of shock on my face. He nodded with a big ass grin on his face. "Please tell me you're not kidding," I pleaded.

He shook his head and turned the screen in my direction. "No, Mrs. Woods. I'm not a kidder with my patients." Then he pointed to the screen where there were two side by side photographs. Screen grabs he told me. "This one is a boy and this one is a girl."

I shook myself from my day dream when Michael stopped in the kitchen for the breakfast burrito I made for him. He kissed me, sipped his coffee and took a bite of the burrito... taking it and his coffee to the table where our daughters were eating... or.. actually playing with their food.

"Aaron called a few minutes ago. Says we have a last minute scheduled visitor at the office this morning." He took a sip from his coffee. "Says this is the first kind of visitor he's ever had, laughed and said I needed to meet her. Wanted to make sure I was coming in at 8:30."

"And?" I offered, as I sat next to Mary.

He shrugged his shoulders. "When I asked, he said 'business confidential.' Nothing over the phone."

I suddenly realized. One... Michael has never mentioned Aaron withholding information over the phone. And two...

I had an uneasy feeling about this.

Chapter 177

Michael looked around and smiled at the beautiful and cool February day.

He reached inside his pickup truck, snatched his phone and locked the door before walking from the parking lot into the office. As he entered the reception area of his office... Aaron's office on the other side of the reception area... Laura, his assistant rose, and stepped around her desk.

"Mr. M. is waiting for you in his office." She smiled and tilted her head toward Aaron's office. "He said to bring you right over when you're settled. Brenda has gone for refreshments."

Michael nodded, "Thank you, Laura." He then asked about her, and her family, before he turned to head to Aaron's office. Knocking on the door, he let himself in a moment later.

"Michael," Aaron said, as he stood from the small conference table. Michael immediately noticed the brunette woman, about 50 to 60 years old, well-dressed, pretty, but business like and dressed for business. Well balanced dress to look attractive, yet, professional.

She stood from her chair and smiled a happy smile.

"This is Janet Thompkins, Michael. Ms. Thompkins is the Consul General for the British consulate in Houston." Turning to his guest, Aaron continued, "Ms. Thompkins, this is Michael Woods, Chairman of M&T Investments."

Janet stepped away from the table and shook Michael's hand... smiling the entire time. "Mr. Woods. It is certainly a pleasure to meet you. I can see from the looks on your faces, you're wondering why a British diplomat is in your office this morning." She chuckled. With that, Brenda entered the office with coffee and donuts. Once Aaron served everyone...

"Yes, Ms. Thompkins. I am wondering why a British diplomat is in our offices. I'm interested in finding out, just how we may help you, today." Michael tilted his head as Janet finished a sip of her coffee and placed her cup in the saucer.

"Mr. Woods, from this point onward, everything discussed is confidential." She paused and glanced at Aaron. Michael quickly responded.

"Ms. Thompkins. Mr. Mechlenberg has been a trusted employee and officer for M&T Investments in excess of 20 years. My father trusted him and I trust him. I insist in his presence, and, if that is not satisfactory, I can presume our business is concluded."

"Very well, Mr. Woods. Exactly what I expected from both of you. Now. To the matter at hand, shall we?"


Michael and Aaron stood together on the walkway as they both watched the chauffeured Jaguar sedan turn the corner and speed out of sight. Without a word between them, they returned to Aaron's office, closing the door behind them.

"Never in a million years would I expect what we've been told," Michael sighed, as he stood next to a chair at the conference table.

"Not surprised, personally, Michael," Aaron chuckled. "You've developed a monumental track record. The best I've ever seen, and from my conversations with our clients, the best they've ever seen. Why wouldn't the British government be interested in you representing their interests?" Aaron shrugged his shoulders toward Michael... and smiled.

Michael nodded and walked to the window overlooking the front of the building. "Do you think I should do it?" Aaron shook his head and chuckled a silent chuckle. He still couldn't get over Michael looking out the window to think. Just like his father. Aaron sat at his desk and quickly glanced at the pile of work Brenda brought while he was away. Then, swiveled in his chair to face Michael... Michael still gazing out the window.

"I don't think I can say one way or the other. I think you are the only one that can answer that question. I know this," he affirmed, and Michael furled his brow and turned to face Aaron, waiting for him to continue. "It's going to be something you've never done before and I think you can't resist the challenge. Challenges like security, secrecy, spies, counterparts... things you're accustom to, but on a grander scale, because it involves two governments." He paused a moment before continuing. "I think you... 'can'... do it. I've seen you pull off some incredible things in the past three years, Michael. Things I wouldn't trust myself with. I mean it."

Michael nodded and moved to the front of Aaron's desk. "I'm going home for the day. To think it over and discuss it with Amy. If I took Maggie and Kylie, would you let them go?"

Aaron barked out a laugh. "Is that all? You kidding me? Anything you want for this, just ask."

Michael smiled. "I want to make sure I can legally do this." Michael sighed and bowed his head, shaking it side to side a little. "Brexit," he mumbled. He looked up and toward Aaron. "I need to make sure, as a US citizen, I'm not doing something illegal. Will you hire an attorney? A good one, with ties to the State Department. Discreet, like Ms. Thompkins said."

Aaron rose from his chair, rounded the desk, and placed a hand on Michael's shoulder...

"It's done. Go home."


"It's going to be a big job. Probably the biggest I'll ever do."

I blinked... twice.

I looked at our daughters. Such happy children. Crawling all over their Daddy like ants on a sugar cube. We were sitting on the couch in our living room. I was caught by surprise when Michael came home early. It wasn't even 11:00 am yet. And now... A big project that may take him out of the country and he can't tell me where. And, he can't say how long he'll be gone or if he can even call home. So many uncertainties until he gets a feel for the project. Not that he hasn't done this before. Being gone for days, sometimes weeks on his projects... mostly negotiations. But, never out of the country.

I swallowed... it was dry and almost hurt.

"Do you need some water?" Before I could answer, he shed our daughters from his lap and marched into the kitchen for a bottle of cold water from the refrigerator. Verónica started jumping up and down on the couch, holding onto the back seat cushion for balance. Of course, Mary and Olivia had to do it, too, but, I put a stop to it quickly with a sharp "No, no."

Michael handed me the bottle as he looked out over the swimming pool. The contractor Bill hired to put a child proof safety fence around the pool was beginning to set up and start the work. I could tell Michael was aching to go out there and talk to them about the project. He then turned his attention to his daughters and followed up on the no-no's about jumping on the furniture.

I could feel my frustration brewing up and I knew I couldn't hold back my feelings. "Michael," I began, with a stern tone. "We just talked about this on our vacation. You working so much. And now... a project overseas?" I shook my head at him with an expression of disbelief.

He glided around the couch and knelt at my feet, taking my hands into his. Our girls yelped and joined in. "I may never get an opportunity like this again in my career. If I turn this down, for sure, I will never see another."

I wanted to say a naughty word. He makes me so angry sometimes. He was looking at me with that neutral look he gives. At least he could give me a pleading, puppy dog look. But, noooo... Mr. Neutral... don't give anyone what you're thinking, look.

It's like he read my mind. "I haven't committed yet, but if I do, it will be soon. I've been thinking how to go about it so I can do a lot of the work here... in Brenham."

I wasn't convinced he would do any work in Brenham and he saw it on my face. "The client. They have the resources to allow me to work from here. If... they agree." He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow for effect.

"If?" I groaned. "Really?" I snapped. "I'll believe it when I see it." I groaned again. Again, he pissed me off when a smirk fell across his lips and I could see right then, I had challenged him. He was going to do it or go butt a stump.


"You and Michael are so lucky... and happy. You have the cutest little girls I've ever seen!"

I hugged Maggie and squeezed her. "Thank you," I whispered. Verónica was squeezing Maggie's leg and Maggie was eating it up. She bent over and picked up Verónica with a firm squeeze and kissed on her the cheek. Mary and Olivia couldn't stand it and squealed for the same.

"Amy, I know you'll worry, but, not so much, OK?" Maggie said, as she set Mary down after a kiss. "I'll make sure he rests, eats, and exercises to relieve the stress. Kylie and I will watch him like a hawk." Kylie nodded her agreement over Maggie's shoulder.