Lovers Ch. 03: Business Travel

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Tom & Lindsey go on business travel together find a friend.
11.5k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/29/2024
Created 04/03/2024
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Authors Note: This is the next installment of the Tom & Lindsey story. Detailed context will be provided if you read Lovers Ch. 1 & Ch. 2 first.

Synopsis: A chance meeting of coworkers at a coffee shop leads to passionate lovemaking by two married persons caught in failing marriages. Both are willing participants, cheating on their spouses, but overwhelmed by a loving connection and wanton desires.

Part 7 - The Business Trip: The First Night

I flew to DC on Monday morning with all the other business travelers. I arrived in time for a late afternoon meeting with customers where they distributed the agenda for the Tuesday and Wednesday sessions.

We planned to meet for a business dinner Tuesday evening, with Wednesday's agenda ending at midday.

I went to my hotel and checked in, verifying my room upgrade. It was quite nice, very spacious, and ornately done as many of the higher-end hotels in DC were. I checked to make sure the jacuzzi tub worked, because I had plans to make use of it when Lindsey arrived Wednesday evening.

The Tuesday session was busy and rapid paced. I was totally focused on the discussions, engaging in Q & A with the customers, and making great progress to the agenda's goals.

The dinner was planned at a very nice restaurant in Georgetown. While the dinner was enjoyable, I found my thoughts wandering to Lindsey, wondering what she was up to.

We hadn't seen each other since Friday lunch, so there was an absence in my day, and I was sure hers as well.

Dinner ended with cordial handshakes and a reminder that Wednesday's session started early so that it could end midday to allow anyone who had traveled to get home.

I mentioned I was staying for a corporate event, so if there were any lingering issues, I could hang around a little longer. I was assured by the customers that the agenda would not extend past midday.

I planned on having time Wednesday afternoon to relax a bit and anticipate Lindsey's arrival.

The Wednesday session flew by, and true to their word, the customers declared the session completed by midday. The group broke, handshakes and goodbyes were exchanged. I then left and went back to my hotel to unwind.

I checked my messages and found several from work colleagues, and just one from Lindsey.

It was a video message.

She was in the ladies' room in a stall at the airport before her flight. Her face came into view.

She was flushed and speaking breathily. "I'm missing you so much, I had to find a place to give myself some relief."

The view widened as she found a place to set the phone.

I could see her blouse and bra were undone.

She was squeezing her breasts and nipples and had her other hand in her pants vigorously strumming her pussy.

After about 30 seconds, telltale signs of a fast-approaching orgasm appeared. Her face scrunched up and she stifled a moan and grunted.

Lindsey grabbed the phone and focused on her breasts, making sure the milk leaking from her nipples was visible. She then brought her face into view, gave a big "mwah" kiss and said, "I love you and I miss you!" in a very sexy whisper and the video message ended.

I was quite aroused and happy I was in my hotel room. Checking the time stamp, I saw that the message had come in around 10:00am local time.

At 7am, she was horny enough to jill off in the airport bathroom!

I was really hot now. Just then, my phone pinged with another text from Lindsey. She was using the on-board Wi-Fi to text me.

There were three pictures in the message. Her face with a sexy smile in her seat, then in the airplane lavatory, two selfies taken in the mirror.

In the first, her blouse and bra were off, breasts visibly engorged. She was squirting her milk on the mirror.

I groaned as my cock hardened in my pants.

In the second, she managed to bend over, pants and panties down around her knees, giving me a nice view of her scrumptious ass and her glistening pussy peeking out between her thighs.

My cock only got harder.

Her message was, "Just a little something to keep you interested."

Well, being a gentleman, I had to return the favor. I took a picture of my face with a nice smile, then stripped off my pants and took a pic of my very hard cock with my fist wrapped around it.

The third would be a short video. I spent a few minutes stroking my cock getting close to spurting. Once there, I started the video and jacked furiously for a few seconds and came all over the place, allowing my jism to drip down my hand.

It was about a 15 second video that I thought would get through on the airplane Wi-Fi.

I sent all three plus a text that said, "Thanks for the video and pics. Enjoy these. And I'm VERY interested!"

I waited to see if the "delivered" confirmation would come through. It did.

I hoped she was in a window seat so she could keep those to herself.

Then I texted, "Cannot wait for you to get here! Love you and miss you!" I also sent her my room number. I added an eggplant, taco, and fireworks emoji.

She texted back three red heart emojis.

It was now mid-afternoon. Lindsey would not land for a while, and then had to get a ride to the hotel. I decided to take a little nap before she showed up. I put my phone down on the nightstand, laid back in bed and closed my eyes.

In what seemed like no time, my phone pinged with a text from Lindsey saying she was in the lobby on her way up to her room before heading over to mine.

I sat up in bed, shook the sleep from my head, then went to the bathroom to quickly comb my hair and brush my teeth to be fresh for Linz. I got myself fairly well put together in a few minutes.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as my desire for Lindsey came to the surface.

I was really anticipating the next couple of days, as we had never been able to spend a night together. This would be very different, much more relaxed and less rushed than any of our previous trysts. No alarms to remind us one or the other had to get going.

I had the forethought to stop by a local grocery and get some wine, cheese, and crackers on the way over, so we could nosh a little before dinner or any 'activities.'

There was a knock at the door. I checked the peephole and saw the top of Lindsey's head. She was right up next to the door, probably with her hand on the knob.

I opened the door and she pushed through quickly. She had a small bag with her that she threw on a small sofa.

The door closed and we were on each other like long lost lovers. We kissed deeply, slowly, amorously. Our embrace was gentle but enthusiastic.

We came up for air and she whispered "Hello, lover. I've missed you so."

I smiled and whispered back "I've missed you too. The video was very...stimulating."

She smiled a languid, sexy smile and said, "Your video was just plain hot! I had to go back to the lavatory and frig myself again after I watched it!"

I asked if she watched it in her seat.

Her eyes got big and she said, "I started to, but the person next to me looked over. I had to shield it! After the first time, I immediately got up to go to the lavatory, but had to wait in line! My panties were so wet by the time I got in there!"

"You only watched it once?" I asked with a smirk.

"No, no way. Once I got into the bathroom, I watched it so many times while I worked my hand down there" pointing to her pussy.

I smiled impishly and whispered, "Well, I think it's time we helped each other out and gave our hands a rest!"

She laughed out loud.

"But first" I said, "I have some wine, cheese, and crackers for us to nosh before we get dinner."

She was happy to hear this as she was hungry from the flight.

We snacked and drank about half the bottle.

I asked what room she was in.

"Just down the hall a bit." She gave me her room number.

I quipped "Well this is convenient."

She smiled a sexy smile and batted her lashes. "Sure is."

All the while, we were just staring into each other's eyes, reveling in each other's presence and love.

"Where would you like to go for dinner?" I asked.

Lindsey thought for a moment. "I don't know any restaurants around here, but I'd like to get a healthy dinner."

I thought for a minute or two and came up with a place I knew that was a short ride on the Metro from our hotel. I told her the Metro station was just a two-minute walk and I'd wait at the top of the escalator for her.

We left the hotel separately about five minutes apart in case anyone from work we knew was around. I didn't see anyone I knew, but when Lindsey got to the Metro, she said it was good we left separately. She ran into a couple of people she knew, but not well, so we avoided any awkwardness there.

It was about a 5-minute ride to the area where the restaurant was.

We got seated fairly quickly in a cozy booth that was dimly lit and away from the main dining area. We sat next to each other, rather than facing each other. It was much more intimate that way. We made our selections and our server took our order.

I ordered a nice bottle of red wine, which came first.

We slowly sipped our wine and just talked about mundane things at first, but then Lindsey took the conversation in a slightly different direction.

"We are both pretty infatuated with each other, and we've both said we love each other many times. What do you think the future holds for us?"

I was and wasn't surprised by this. I had been having the same thought for some time now. I thought for a few minutes.

Linz broke in and said, "Don't overthink it, just say what's on your mind."

I smiled and said, "Well, in the best outcome, we find a way to be together on a permanent basis."

Her eyes got big and I noticed her lips imperceptibly curl at the corners of her mouth. Her nostrils flared just a tiny bit.

"Really?" she said with more than a bit of joy and lust in her voice.

"Yes." I said evenly. Then I asked, "What do you see in our future?"

She smiled, knowing I wasn't going to let her not tell me her thoughts.

She began, "Well, it's complicated, if nothing else."

I kinda rolled my eyes with a "duh" expression."

She continued, "Well, I really do love you. Far more than I ever loved my husband."

"You're kind, fair, incredibly sensitive to my feelings, my needs. I don't want you getting away from me. I've spent a lot of time in an unloving relationship, but now I have a loving relationship. I want to keep that."

"But as we talked about a while back, the cost of a divorce is pretty high. This is the big complication. I'm drawn so very strongly to you, but I have this anchor that, if I decided to cut it loose, would be a very difficult, painful option."

I nodded in complete agreement.

To be fair, I shared, "Linz, I feel exactly the same way. I'm deeply in love with you. We are so synchronized in our feelings, likes / dislikes, and importantly, in our physical relationship, that not having you at my side would be devastating."

"My marriage is very similar to yours; the passion is gone; the physical relationship is non-existent. And the cost to change that is very high, as you accurately note. The kids are probably what keep us together, and I'm guessing it's the same for you. But, one of mine is already out of the house, and the other goes away this fall."

"So now I have to think about what there is holding the marriage together. It's very scary to me."

At this point, she put her hands on mine.

"Your kids are about a year behind mine, right?"

She said "Yeah, one will leave next fall, and the other one the following fall."

We were looking into each other's souls at this point.

I asked, "Do you think we can make this work, this clandestine, torrid affair we are embroiled in right now, for the next couple of years?"

I could see the tears begin to form in her sparkling eyes.

She said, "I plan on giving it my all to make it work."

Tears were rolling down her face. I could feel a tear on my cheek.

"I have the same plan, lover girl."

She smiled, leaned over, and kissed me softly yet passionately on the lips.

I returned the gesture, and probed with just the tip of my tongue to find hers. We held this soft, loving deeply passionate kiss for what seemed like forever.

We were brought back to reality by our server, a kindly-looking older woman, who said softly, "I don't mean to interrupt, but I have your appetizers here, along with some bread."

We broke our kiss, but kept our gazes into each other's eyes for a few seconds more.

The server smiled warmly and said in a quiet, wistful tone "Ahh, to be in love is such a wonderful thing."

We both looked up and smiled at her as she served our plates. Another couple might have been embarrassed, but not us. We were happy. Our smiles and a quiet "thank you" with a little lilt from both of us made the older lady smile even broader.

"You're a beautiful couple! Enjoy your salads. I'll bring your entrees in a few minutes."

The server disappeared.

I looked at Lindsey and gently wiped her tears away.

She did the same for me.

Then Lindsey quipped, "Well, that's it. If we've convinced that lady that we're a beautiful couple, we must be a beautiful couple!"

We both laughed out loud.

Through the rest of dinner, we chatted, and looked into each other's eyes as if we were the only couple on earth. The wine made us feel warm and amorous. We traded long, sensuous strokes up and down each other's thighs, and a few more soft kisses, but we managed to not grope each other.

We finished our shared dessert, a very fine piece of art made to look like a woman's high-heeled shoe made from a dark chocolate-covered, sweet cracker-like thing that served as the sole, and a heel also from dark chocolate filled with raspberry-chocolate ganache. It was heavenly, as was our night to this point.

We both had unspoken plans to make it even better once we got back to the hotel.

Our return to the hotel was carefully choreographed so that we weren't seen together. We'd spent the better portion of the Metro ride just facing each other and trading kisses after we made sure that no other co-workers were on the train with us.

Lindsey went ahead and headed up to my floor, waiting at the elevator for me there. I followed a few minutes later and we nearly ran to my room from the elevator lobby.

I opened the door and Lindsey playfully pushed me through it and made sure it was closed behind us, after placing the "do not disturb" sign on the outer door handle. She locked the door and set the security latch.

She told me "I need to use the bathroom and freshen up a little bit." She grabbed the bag she had brought earlier and went into the bathroom.

I asked through the door "Do you want me to do anything besides wait for you?" in a playful tone.

She answered back "Nope, just go sit on the bed. I'll be out in a few." So, I did. I had to remind myself that "a few" in woman-speak was more like 15 minutes, on a good day. I just scrolled through emails on my phone to kill the time.

After several minutes, a text from Lindsey pinged.

I opened it and, to my surprise and amusement, it was a picture of her boobs with hard nipples. The message was "Just something to get the motor past idle" with a red heart emoji.

I simply texted back an eggplant emoji, which elicited a laugh I could hear. I love her boobs especially when her nipples get hard.

But I loved her, too. The beautiful boobs were just part of the package. I got up to get a bottle of water and found it difficult to walk due to my hardening manhood. I returned to the bed and waited, as I had been instructed.

I heard the door click open and decided to pretend like I had fallen asleep by falling back on the bed and closing my eyes.

Lindsey padded toward the bed and carefully put her hand on my crotch. She chuckled and said, "Nice try lover, the hard cock is a dead giveaway."

I smiled and sat up to see her standing in front of me in the flimsiest black negligee, covering a matching see-through baby doll, G-string, garter, and black stockings. The outfit was completed with a pair of six-inch high stiletto heels that made her legs look fantastic.

My mouth just hung open.

She still had her bag in her hand, which she laid down next to the bed on what would be her side.

Lindsey said in her breathiest, sexiest tone, "Well, I guess you like my outfit."

I finally broke out of my stupor and said, "Hell yeah" in a lusty, low tone.

She slipped off the negligee and tossed it on a chair. The baby doll hugged her body, and covered enough to make my imagination go wild. Her breasts were accentuated by underwires and support straps that made it act like a push-up bra, giving her a deep cleavage, but leaving the top half of her nipples exposed.

She was very turned on as her nipples were huge and distended, with just the tiniest droplets of milk beginning to form. I asked her to spin for me slowly. Her ass was mostly bare, save for the little cover the babydoll provided to the very top of her cheeks. The stockings had a seam running up the back that she had carefully made sure was perfectly straight. Her calves were beautifully flexed by the stilettos.

Lindsey completed her spin and then slowly, sensually stepped up close to me. She placed her hands on the back of my neck and brought me slowly but firmly to her bosom.

It was heavenly. I kissed the exposed part of her breasts and nuzzled between them. I ran my hands up and down her back, grabbing her ass and squeezing hard.

Lindsey squealed with each squeeze. She gently rubbed my hard cock with one of her knees.

It felt so good. She felt so good. Her musk was overpowering.

I began to get a little more aggressive with her, reaching for her nipples and pussy to play with them.

She gently pushed my hands away and said, "I'm going to make love to you tonight. Gentle, sensuous love. I'll take care of everything. You just lay there and enjoy it."

I groaned in agreement.

She began to disrobe me, starting with my shoes and socks, then my shirt, followed by my belt and slacks. She stopped there, leaving my boxers in place, saying, "we're just gonna leave those there for a bit."

I was disappointed, but very willing to play along. I then reminded her that we had the whole night to spend together, no outside encumbrances to force us to leave to attend to our usual homelives.

She responded sexily "I know, and I intend to make this a very special evening for us."

I smiled from ear to ear. We both wanted, for a long time, to wake up in each other's arms. Tonight would be the first time we would be able to do that. We both knew it was special, and we wanted to make it special for each other.

Lindsey then pushed me back onto the bed and had me swing my legs up onto it. She straddled me just below my crotch and began to gently rock. With each rock forward, she inched up just the tiniest bit toward my now crazy hard cock.

Finally, she was on it. She began to rub my cock with her barely-covered pussy.

I rubbed and squeezed her breasts, and then her ass cheeks, alternating between for a while.

She started working off her G-string, a task with which I gladly helped. She then fished my engorged member out of my boxers and began giving me a pussy-job. She rubbed her drenched pussy up and down the length my cock with the express intent of making both of us come.

I helped as much as I could to make sure she came the same time I did.

We were in a nice rhythm when she began to buck. This was the sign. She was very close to an orgasm.

I was too. It was going to be a close call.

We could hear the slurping of her drenched, drooling pussy as her labia stroked the length of my cock faster and faster.

Her orgasm started, which sent me over the edge.

She was moaning and squealing.