Love's Curse Ch. 17


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Karas' grin turned feral as he and his men headed into the forest. Lynn turned to Aries. "Be careful, my Prince."

He turned and winked at Lynn, his fangs glinting a little in the dim light as he seemed to smile. "Aren't I always?" With that said his muscles heaved as he launched himself into the night air above, following the path of the general below.

Lynn snorted and hurried into the woods after Karas' group. They made good time and arrived early. Zanthiel was shaking but stilled at a glare from Karas. "You know what you have to do. Do not fail our Prince. Ashyton, do your best. Everyone else spread out, keep hidden, do not strike until our Prince commands it."

"Yes, sir!" With quick and quiet efficiency they got into position. Lynn joined Karas as everyone settled in to wait. In the clearing, Ashyton sat loosely bound with the nervous Zanthiel by his side.

There was a barely audible flutter above them, yet those in on the trap knew that it was no bird but something much more dangerous. The great hunter's eyes watched carefully from above, gleaming with anticipation of the event to come.

A few snaps and pops heralded the arrival of the prey. The man, burly and scruffy stopped a few feet from Zanthiel and Ashyton. "Well boy, I can't believe you came through!"

Zanthiel stood up slowly, his voice wavering slightly. "O-Of course I did, I said I would, didn't I?"

The visitor's eyes narrowed. "What's the matter boy? Scared of the forest? Well you shouldn't be. Did the girl put up much fuss?"

"A little, but I taught her who was in charge." He clenched his fists a little to stop them trembling, the poison was making his muscles ache terribly and it was difficult to stay focused.

The man leered. "Well I'm impressed that a young whelp like you had the balls to lay a hand on the prize. But my buyer doesn't care. He just said alive. Which means, I've got a few minutes to play." The man reached down and grabbed his crotch and made a lewd thrusting motion at the pair. "We can fuck her together, if you like?"

"NO! I, that's fine. I've had my fun with her already. You, come here." He motioned for Ashyton to come over to them.

"Your loss. Here," he tossed the bag with the gold to Zanthiel.

Ashyton came to his feet and reluctantly plodded over, face down, hair obscuring him from the visitor's view.

Zanthiel stepped to the side, away from the disguised young man, keeping far from the man who had given the bounty. He did not want to be close to what was to come.

Ashyton stopped a foot away and pretended to cower. The man laughed and reached forward, snagging one of Ashyton's arms and yanking the younger man to him. Ashyton kept his head bowed. "You are so tiny, maybe that's why the Beast didn't sacrifice you. His loss, my gain. My employer will be thrilled. After all, you remind him of something he lost long ago. Now, enough talking. time for some screaming." The man ripped open the bodice and leaned down to get a taste of the breasts beneath. He was however met with the feel of a long thin razor sharp cold blade pressed to his throat, what he thought at first were breasts were nothing more than a couple of stockings and a hairy chest.

The one feminine looking 'victim' was smiling now as Ashyton raised his head, looking directly into the man's wide eyes and smirked. "Oh on the contrary, I think we have just begun to talk."

The man glared. "What trick is this?" He demanded of Zanthiel, though his eyes never left Ashyton's face.

Zanthiel looked terrified now, a shadow coming across the clearing, the sound of leathery wings filling the night air. "I...I had no choice..."

The man started to sweat when he heard the fear in Zanthiel's voice. He was prepared for this. He let out a long whistle. That would bring the men that Discious had given him to help with the capture of the girl.

In a heartbeat Ashyton had swept the man before him off his feet, driving him into the ground, knocking the wind from his lungs. "Now now, don't spoil the party."

"Too late girl man!" the man sneered as fifteen armed soldiers entered the clearing. Several had bows but most had swords.

"You have your orders! Kill the Beast and those that follow him!" The lead solider shouted as they charged Ashyton and Zanthiel.

Their charge however was cut short as Karas and his men shot up from their hiding spots, blades at the ready. "Oh-ho, it's seems like quite the gathering, my blade is hungry for some fresh meat." Karas was a terrifying visage, his scarred and aged features made all the more horrible by the chipped and serrated blade held before him in his hands.

The opposing soldiers simple sneered and charged Karas and his men. "Death to the Beast lovers!"

It was at that point that Aries chose to land, crushing two archers as he did so. Karas and his men knew not to waste an opportunity and so leapt into battle with the opening this provided.

"Get him!" the leader snapped as he headed for Ashyton and the bounty hunter.

The remaining soldiers began battling Karas' men with gusto, wounding several. Lynn chose his targets carefully, coming in and killing an enemy. He was far older than Karas' men and had to be more careful.

Aries roared and slashed any man that dared to challenge him, the night air becoming a bloodied scene of death and agony. Behind Lynn, one of the fallen enemies was still alive, drawing a dagger as he slowly rose.

* * *

In the room, Lilandra stared at the mirror, fear riding her heart. "Beast," she whispered, glad to see that he was doing fine. But then the mirror's view shifted and she saw the enemy coming toward Lynn. "NO! Lynn look out!" she screamed.

* * *

The enemy soldier staggered toward his feet. He would take down that Beast lover! He gathered his failing energy and charged Lynn.

The fallen soldier moved in what seemed like slow motion, Aries caught sight of him but it was too late. Lynn turned at the last second, his sword slicing through the air, but he could only gasp as the dagger was plunged into his abdomen. The soldier did not last long, the momentum of Lynn's blade cleanly lopped off his head, sending it tumbling through the undergrowth.

All fighting in the clearing stilled as the men looked in shock at Lynn. Karas' hoarse shout, rang through the sudden quiet as he ran his opponent through and ran to Lynn. "Lynn! Lynn!"

The rest of the enemy were quickly felled, the opportunity not missed. Lynn's breathing was shallow, spitting up blood as he tried to apologize to Karas for his mistake.

"Hush old friend. You need help, serious help. Where is the nearest wise woman?"

"There is no wise woman left, she attempted to kill both Lynn and myself some time ago. She lives no longer."

Aries knelt down by his old friend, taking his hand in his large furry blood splattered paw, "Lynn."

"We cannot move him my Prince for it will surely kill him. I'm sorry." Karas bowed his head in regret.

* * *

Aquene turned Lilandra from the mirror again, the image fading from sight. "You have a chance to save your friend, my child. Will you take it?"

Lilandra was frantic. "Yes! Anything! Please just tell me what I need to do!" she clutched at her mother's arm.

"First of all you must calm yourself, clouding your mind will only make it harder."

She gently placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Picture in your mind the earth itself, the ground beneath your feet. Reach out and touch it, feel it, let it guide you to your friend. See yourself taking him in your arms and lifting him up, moving him through time and space."

Lilandra nodded and closed her eyes. At first nothing but then she felt a gentle stirring of her mind and senses and then...yes! Connection as the earth sang a greeting to her. Tears rolled from beneath closed eyelids as she wept in joy. But she could not stay to bathe in the happiness of the earth. Instead she called to mind the image of Lynn, the man who had guided her since she first arrived. Lynn, who she cared for as the father she never had. She moved so fast and then...

* * *

Lynn was growing weaker as the pain roared through his body. He was such a fool. He should have been faster.


He shook his head. For one moment he thought he heard Lilandra calling his name. That was impossible. She was safe in the castle, away from the carnage.

"My Prince," his breath wheezed. "Please, be gentle to the young miss. I do believe there is love there."

"Save your strength Lynn, don't try to speak. We'll get you to help, don't worry. I'm sure there will be a wise woman along an minute."

Tears rimmed his eyes as he watched his friend slowly slip away, he could hardly bear to watch him go, but he had to, he owed him that much.

"Lynn," the voice was faint in the air.

"Did you hear that my prince? They are calling me." Lynn's eyes began to glaze.

Karas felt tears on his face. He did not care if his men saw him weep. Lynn was and always had been an extraordinary man. His loss would be devastating.

Aries slowly nodded, he couldn't hear anything, but he would agree to whatever his friend said. When the time came everyone heard strange things.

A breeze stirred the leaves as a hum filled the air. It grew louder and a loud pop rocked the air. Branches flew about and the ground shook.

The men around the clearing shielded their eyes, Karas instinctively covered Lynn as whatever event happened around them. Aries looked around, the dust beginning to settle as he tried to make out who it was. Then the scent hit him, how could it be? "Lilandra...?"

"Beast? Lynn?" Lilandra's hair had come unbound and flared out, stirred by an invisible wind. Her white gown and emerald green eyes were focused on Beast. "Where is Lynn? Please, I must help him!" She moved and the magic of the moment was broken when she ran to Beast's side. "Where is he? I know they hurt him! I have to save him!"

Karas slowly sat up when he heard her voice, confused. "Girl? How on earth did you get here?"

"No time!" She spotted Lynn, ran past Beast and fell to her knees at Lynn's side. "No dying, Lynn!" she ordered and then looked up at the sky. "Mother! Now what?" She tilted her head, a frown on her lovely face.

Karas looked hopelessly at Aries. "My Prince?"

There was soft laughter on the wind as it began to blow a little harder, a quiet whisper heard, barely audible. But to Lilandra is was as clear as day. "Reach out to the earth, bring its energies forth and give him new life."

"Yes mother." Lilandra's eyes focused fully on Lynn and she put one hand on his abdomen, the other above his heart. "I will not let you die, Lynn." She smiled serenely and her eyes began to glow.

The remaining soldiers gasped, some prayed to the gods and others backed away from the General, the Prince, Lynn and the witch girl.

Lilandra saw none of it. Her concentration was complete as she opened herself to the joyous harmony of the earth. The glow in her eyes matched the glow of her hands. Along the ground vines crawled and wrapped around Lynn's arms and legs. Lilandra's breath changed and sweat dotted her brow but still she did not move.

Lynn could only gasp as he felt something strange flow through his body, the pain stopping, subsiding, to be replaced by a warm safe glow inside him.

Aries and Karas couldn't believe what they were seeing. It had been decades since something like this last happened. Not since the war....

Slowly the glow disappeared and with a weak gasp, Lilandra slumped over Lynn unconscious. Karas immediately checked her pulse making sure she was alright.

Seeing Karas had the situation in hand, Aries turned and glared at the man who had issued bounty, he felt his need to kill slowly rising.

Lynn cradled Lilandra to his chest. "Amazing," he whispered but then his gaze went to his prince. "My prince, we need to get Miss Lilandra back to the castle. We can interrogate the vermin there," he sneered.

Aries nodded silently, containing his anger. "You are right Lynn, let us have a polite conversation with him where it is safe. Make sure he doesn't 'fall' down too many holes." He turned and walked over to Lilandra and Lynn. "I think you two might need a ride home."

Carefully Lynn stood. "She is a miracle, my prince. But this also raises many questions about her parentage. Best left for another day," he mused. "We are ready, my prince."

"Prince Aries, I and my men will return. We will also bring along our original traitor for he still needs to be dealt with."

Aries nodded as he wrapped his arms around Lilandra and Lynn, holding them close. "Excellent work Ashyton. General before you return with the bounty hunter, execute our traitor."

Without another word he gathered Lynn, who still held Lilandra, into his strong forearms. He grunted as he lifted off into the air, careful not to move too quickly in case someone lost their grip.

Karas watched as Aries headed for the castle. He and his troops turned to the cowering Zanthiel with feral grins on their faces. They advanced on him and soon shrieking was heard followed by the gurgle of a dying man.

* * *

Falcor stood in front of the magic see-all mirror that General Discious had managed to find. He wasn't sure how his commanding officer even knew where to get one and he didn't ask. His current job was to monitor the progress of the bounty hunter they had paid to find the girl. In disgust he watched as first the bounty hunter, then the soldiers fell to the Beast and his men. Discious was NOT going to be pleased. He covered the mirror after watching Zanthiel's death and headed for the general's tent.

Discious sat in his tent, brooding, the whore he had taken last night had given him something nasty and the itch was driving him mad. That idiot wise woman had told him the salve would stop it. He made a mental note to have her killed later that week.

Falcor cleared his throat and then entered, dropping to one knee. They were in the Village Enyer where resentment and hatred of the Beast was plentiful. "My lord."

"I thought I told you to watch the capture of the girl, Falcor? Is your attention span that short?" He snapped, the itch had made his temper short and dangerous.

"I was watching my lord but we have encountered a problem." He kept his head lowered, not wishing to provoke his commanding officer.

"WHAT? What problem!" He stormed up to Falcor and grabbed him by the lapels. "You said he would not fail!"

"He is the best in this area at what he does. How was he to know that Karas' man would do a double cross and that the Beast Prince himself would be there aiding in the fight?"

"You have seen Aries in action you should know he is not as stupid as some think." He dropped Falcor and turned away, growling, "If he has failed then tell me how this managed to occur."

"The bounty hunter convinced one of Karas' soldiers, a young man by the name of Zanthiel, to capture the girl. The young man was greedy for the money offered. At some point between the agreement and today, the young man turned on my bounty hunter and set a trap. Our soldiers might have been enough but the beast made the difference. And there was something else."

"Your tone is dark Falcor, what is it you speak of that brings such concern?"

"The Prince's right hand man, Lynn, was injured and dying. However, he was saved." Falcor hesitated, not sure if he should say the rest. He had seen it but still not believed it.

"Saved? By what? A wise woman? I thought the last had been killed by that monster."

Falcor's head came up then and he looked his commander in the eye. "It was the girl who saved Lynn. She, she healed him by laying hands on him."

Discious frowned and paused, his eyes widening for a moment before he began to smile. "So, she has discovered her abilities? She truly is "her" daughter then. We must move soon Falcor. If we wait too long she will unlock powers that could turn the tide of this war. We will muster our forces and attack in the summer."

"Yes, my lord. Over half of this village's men are eager to wage war on the Beast for over the last seven years many of their daughters have been sacrificed to him."

"Excellent. Begin their training, when the time comes the battle we wage will be one for the ages!"

Falcor thumped his fist over his heart, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

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Nightstar1Nightstar1over 14 years ago
BUMP in advance

oh no! only one more chapter left! please Bring Us More Posts soon!! i know its a pain trying to find time to write, and even harder to try and keep a story going and finish it but dont forget that your adoring fans need to feed their addiction!

breakingdawnbreakingdawnabout 15 years ago

Your story is brilliant! I can’t wait for the rest please write more and soon!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
when is the next chapter coming

i wish that there was more to this story

caribbeanislandcaribbeanislandover 15 years ago
When's the next chapter coming?


caribbeanislandcaribbeanislandover 15 years ago
Fantastic chapter!

Hey K&C!

Thanks for the latest chapter but I hope it won't be too long before the next one is available. Not sure what I noticed in the previous chapter but thanks for the acknowledgement.

I eagerly await!!!

jlly16jlly16over 15 years ago
The anticipation of it all

I've been following this story for 3 years, you guys really know how to drag out a good thing. Waiting anxiously for the next chapter, whenever that is. Keep up the great writing:)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
wonderful addition

i am enjoying this story.. only wish you could add more chapters faster.. but other than that there is nothing to complain about.. i cannot wait to find out what happens next.i hope you get to add more soon..

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