Lucy's Changing Life Ch. 01

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A Hunter searches for her missing brother.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/01/2020
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Lucy squinted at the hazy afternoon sun, the heat of the day waning as it crept towards the horizon. She adjusted her leathers, hitching her bra straps up to cup her tanned breasts. Despite her womanly curves, her body showed all the signs of a Hunter Warrior Maid, arms and belly toned and athletic, her long, dark brown hair tied back in a ponytail. Some in their town even considered her beautiful, yet there were few men who were prepared to tackle such a formidable woman, with her sharp tongue, lack of grace, and quick temper.

She had tracked her missing brother this far into the Wastelands before but from here on his trail went cold. She opened her palm to reveal the amulet the Witch had enchanted with a strand of her sibling's hair. It glowed faintly with a pale luminescence, suggesting that the owner of the item was at least within the confines of the valley. She had ignored the warnings of her own kinsfolk about going looking in the Wastelands. Every grim fairy tale and story that her people had stemmed from this awful place. She had even refused to listen to the Witch that had sold her the trinket, who had ominously warned that there may be a price to be paid back to the other world for the success of her quest.

She proceeded cautiously, forced to retrace her steps every so often when she made a wrong turn and the dull glow of the amulet lost its intensity. She eventually came to a benighted clearing, a brown stagnant pool sitting in front of the mouth of a cave in a wall of sheer rock. A foaming running stream ran from it, disturbing the mud-laden banks where petrified trees thrust up awkwardly from the sucking silt. She frowned, uncomprehending as to why her sibling would have been drawn to this dead, rotting world.

She stepped into the water, feeling the cloying bottom material between her toes, and began wading up the stream, using her hands to stabilise herself on the rock. The amulet, hung round her neck now, glowed with a fiercer light as she moved into the stifling close air within the cave, making her way deeper inside, passing the odd bubbling hot pool on either side, some containing steaming water, still others bubbling mud.

She called her brother's name into the darkness beyond, but only heard her own voice echoing back at her as she moved deeper inside. For maybe half an hour she continued onwards, deeper and further into the mountain. The going was difficult, wading through the brown water. She felt a bead of sweat roll between her breasts as she hauled herself up a sudden step upwards, where the stream cascaded over the top of the worn rock. At the top, she found herself in a large cavern. Stalactites and stalagmites grew upwards and downwards from the walls and ceiling. A large mud pool covered almost half of the space, its content thick and turgid, occasionally releasing a bubble of gas that rose to its surface. She looked at the amulet which was now shining with a bright light.

She spoke his name again, and was startled by a low growl that came from the shadows at one end of the cavern. She trembled a little and then cried out as a huge bulky form stepped forward. It was horrific to behold. It had the body of a man, though twice the size of any normal human. It was muscle-bound, with thick veins creasing its leathery hide. The creature's head was that of a ravenous bull, with broad shoulders that left no neck at all, just a silvery hairy back that crested up onto its head. Two horns crested from its forehead and she saw with shock the demon's enormous phallus sat between its legs, protruding from a wet dripping sheath. It stared at her with blood red eyes and opened its jaws, bellowing a fierce cry at the top of its voice.

She tried to run but lost her footing and fell heavily. She was scrabbling to try and get to her feet, and her eyes suddenly met a pair of shapely polished black cloven hooves. "Well, how sweet" came a purring feminine voice. "Little sister comes to rescue her wayward sibling. As you can see, he is quite pleased to see you again."

A red skinned clawed hand reached down and grabbed her wrist, yanking her to her feet, confronting her with the face and form of her captor. She was the classic evocation of a demoness from literature, blood red skinned, shapely and beautiful in her unnatural hellish fashion, large round breasts with enormous puffy nipples, and a flicking serpentine tail that sprouted from the top of her buttocks, tipped with a spaded end. Her large barbed wings flexed, the leathery membranes translucent in the light of torches planted around the edge of the mud pool. With a sinking feeling, she realised that the face and voice of the Succubus was the same as the Witch who had sold her the enchanted amulet. Her journey here had been stage-managed from the very beginning.

"Your brother told me you would come, and I hoped it would be so" she cooed, running a long black claw gently over Lucy's cheek. Her mind reeled. Did she really mean to say that the grotesque bull-man had once been her beloved brother? "What...what did you do to him?" she stammered. This was greeted by a snicker from the bestial woman who promptly dropped her hard on her heels, making Lucy roll on the floor in pain. "Nothing that he did not wish to happen" she stated matter of factly, as the human woman crawled back to her feet slowly.

"You're mad. My brother never wanted to become a monster!" she growled, still wincing, with a glance at his hulking, snarling form. His massive genitalia had thickened and stiffened since he had revealed himself, a string of greasy precum leaking from the snub-nosed tip of his bovine penis. "Oh but he did. He had desires and lustings that you do not guess". She passed around Lucy's back, leaning close to her to whisper. "Just as you kept yours from him."

She wheeled round. "I have no such desires" she shot back at the hellgirl. "Do you not?" came the reply. "I can see into your mind and see the craving you have had for his touch since the day you first knew what it was to be a woman." Lucy blushed deeply as she was read like a book, the secret love she had held- inside her for her brother being made suddenly and shockingly public. The demoness snapped her fingers and her monstrously changed brother lumbered forwards to grip her by the arms, his unbreakable grasp leaving her at their mercy.

The demoness pulled at Lucy's bra strings slowly, her claws plucking them apart, the flimsy hunter's cotton coverings peeled back to reveal her round bosom with their wide, dark pink nipples, quickly followed by her loincloth skirt, leaving her naked body exposed for them to leer and ogle at. "I am going to make it possible for you to fulfil your desires, just as I have done for your beloved brother" the Succubus purred, and Lucy shivered despite the heat of the cave. "He requires a mate. And who better than his own, dear sister, that has loved him, so close, yet from afar."

The human girl whimpered a little as she was guided slowly to the edge of the mud pool by the grasping hands of the demon, the creature that had once been her brother taking a few heavy steps forward also, his penis ramrod erect, occasionally obscenely batting her naked skin. He grunted, rolling his huge arms and shoulders, moist steaming breath jetting from his snout. To her shame and confusion, she felt the arousal between her legs at the sight, her nipples budding stiff and pert.

"The natives of this land say that the earth here is cursed, that it contains an ancient evil. Evil or not, it is true that it contains an ancient power, to shape and reshape. As it has claimed your sibling, so now it claims you."

Lucy threw her body left and right in her Brother's monstrous grasp. "UGNNHHH!! NO!!!!" she cried fiercely, trying to dig her heels into the dirt but to little avail as she was hauled towards the edge of the beige pit of bubbling clay. She felt the body heat of the demonic minotaur close to her back and began to panic, realising with horror that if she went into that pool of filth that she was doomed to share his fate, in fact she had been since she had visited the "wise woman" to charm her amulet. The Demon Witch had given her what she considered a fair choice, to let him go, or to search for him and suffer the consequences, yet she had scarcely listened.

"Enter now, and be reborn" the demoness instructed her, motioning to the lake of gasping thick mud with an outstretched palm "Soon you will know the joy of being one of us". She almost screamed her words as she reached the edge, addressing the Succubus once more. "I...I will him?"" she shrieked, "Maybe, you are blood after all, but whatever you become, I promise you, it will be beautiful...and powerful.". Then, with a turn of her horned head she simply told the Bull Man; "Put her in."

Lucy gave one final, valiant struggle against his grip. "NOOOO!! JASON, NO, STOP!!" she wailed, but to no avail, for he lifted her bodily and threw her into the pool. She landed with a thick liquid sound, and a yelp from her, immediately sunk up to the tops of her thighs. The sides of the pit were drier than the middle, and she desperately clawed for them, only to find the top crust broken by her fingers and for her hands and forearms to be immediately sunken and slathered by more pale brown filth.

She whined, half-sobbing as she felt herself sag a few inches further, the slimy silt consuming her pelvis. If it were not so terrifying, the sensation of the stuff between her thighs might almost be pleasurable, like a hundred tongues licking there at once. She panted heavily as she stopped moving for a moment, knowing, instinctively that the more you struggled in quicksand, the quicker you would sink. Yet she could not feel the bottom of the sludge with her feet, and without help, she could not fight the slow, dragging down of the pit.

She tried to raise one knee, slowly, to tread, rather than swim, but when she stepped downwards, it was into nothing that allowed her to raise the other leg and she found herself sinking up to the bottom of her breasts, the curve of her tits suddenly carrying the stain of the mud. To her horror, she saw not only the smirking black lips of the Succubus, but the grunting form of her Brother, masturbating to the sight of her struggle against what seemed to be the inevitable.

"Oh no, oh God, oh no..." she babbled, tears streaming her eyes as she realised hope was lost and she was nearly up to her neck. She tilted her head back, her brown hair sticking to the surface of the mire, trying to spread her weight out with her arms, a groan of despair escaping her, her breathing shallow as the back of her head inexorably began to descend, the glutinous mass of cursed mud bulging round until her face was perfectly encircled. "No....I'm going to go under! Oh shit No!!" she sobbed as she felt the roll of wet, warmth against her forehead and cheeks. With a final "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" it rushed in to cover her eyes, nose and mouth.

Her scream was cut off abruptly as the muck finally took her, turning her vision to darkness as her face was consumed. The cloying liquid clay made an audible gasp as she writhed deeper and deeper, coiling herself like a serpent. Her captor and corruptor clasped her claws together as she watched the obscene ritual. "Excellent!" she exclaimed as the human girl vanished from sight and the Demonic form of her brother roared as his penis erupted, spewing his hot semen into the churning filth his sister was beginning her journey towards Demonhood within.

She held her breath longer than she ever had before, hoping beyond all hope that Jason would come to his senses, that an arm would plunge down and haul her free, but no miraculous escape was to come. Her lungs burned as she tried not to let her breath go, but at last she had no choice, her mouth and lungs filling with the evil sludge, and the world went dark. How long she spent below ground, she later could not tell, though it seemed like days, stuck between existences, in a strange dreamlike state, full of horrific images -- of lakes and rivers of fire, humans and beasts copulating, mortal skulls being crushed beneath demonic hooves.

Dawn broke on a new day; the sun came up blood red over the stagnant lake. Daylight was yellowy and steam laden as the silted banks were disturbed by the movement of a shape under the surface. Air bubbles pockmarked it as the shape grew into a mound on the brown shores. From the beige muck a set of long clawed fingers burst through the surface, three times the size of a human hand, the skin thick, brown and ridged like bark. It slammed into the firmer ground and the thing Lucy had become began to emerge, the filth almost screaming as it gave up the new birth, her breasts grotesquely swollen, leathery brown and thick-teated, despite their globular shape, they sagged pendulously from her chest as she began to drag herself from the poisoned ground that had changed her so.

She crouched on the bank, her huge body heaving, mud sloughing off her as she planted a trunklike leg on the floor, and pushed upwards, Her monstrous shape reared up on feet devoid of any human characteristics, now more akin to elephantine stumps, her toes reformed into thick boned claws.

She reached her full height, balling her fists she bellowed her awakening cry, protrusions on either side of her head making for makeshift horns. Her skin was entirely covered with the same bark-like skin, and between her legs lay a set of animalistic hermaphrodite's genitals, a pair of enormous gonads and a sheathed penis which began to ooze from her crotch a long cylinder of rubbery cock flesh, which she reached down to stroke in a lewd fashion. It responded immediately, quivering, the domed flared head and a medial ring coming into tight definition.

Tucked in behind, her mutated, horn-ringed cunt dripped a thick slime, no longer a pretty pink, human wrinkle, but a round, demonic fuckhole, thick lips guarding her cavernous vagina. Twin sets of curved bony spines broke the skin on her back with an audible crack, shooting skywards. She stretched as they reached their full potential, tapering to sharp points before a thick fleshy tail exploded from the base of her spine, the end sporting three horned spikes on a heavy club-shaped lump of muscle, providing her with balance and a powerful, prehensile weapon. Her eyes glowed a dull red as they surveyed the world with a new perspective, that of an immortal beast.

She saw her brother approach, and her prick twitched at the sight of him, a desperate need to mate with him filling the very core of her being. He reached her still mud-splattered body and let out a snarl of appreciation at her new form. She reciprocated, showing how pleased she was with her new body and its capabilities. "This feels...wonderful!" she grunted, lifting up a clawed hand to touch his snout. "Now I understand, and we can finally be together" she told him, dropping onto all fours, her stiff penis swinging heavily between her muscular thighs. She liked that feeling. She also liked the feeling of his weight on her back as he made to mount her, pressing his virile cock against her sticky cavernous sex, the large mound covered in the same bark like skin as the rest of her.

As he entered her, the pair of them roared their mating cries, the slimy labia hissing hot discharge that rolled down his throbbing girth. His thrusts were violent and purposeful, her demonic vagina massaging his meat as they performed their obscene, incestuous and infernal union. His knot inflated inside her, forcing precum out of her own penile cumhole. He climaxed quickly, with a loud grunt he splashed his hot bovine seed into her, gushing her cunt full of his potent demonic cream.

She squatted on her hands and knees as he stayed buried inside her, her innermost desires fulfilled, though not as had been in her dreams, as his wife and the bearer of human children, but now, as his mate and the carrier of his bestial young. She passed a thick-skinned arm over her belly, imagining how it would swell over the coming weeks and months, roaming the land, heavy breasted, her stomach distended, and her shaft and scrotum below it. He surprised her by speaking at last as he slipped out of her, taking her penis in his hot clawed hand. "Now my sister. The hunt begins for your prey, it is time you used your gift".

They wandered out of the wastelands as the sun rose to its zenith to hunt in the flat open grass plains that dominated this end of the realm, and she immediately felt herself attuned to the scent of the myriad of different life that sought sanctuary here. One musky smell in particular threatened to overpower her senses and she instinctively began to hunt, following the trail with her nose until she saw them, two female centaurs standing in a glade, their smooth flanks dappled brown against their creamy coats. They whinnied and tried to bolt as they moved into the clearing, moving in on them in a pincer movement. Though the equine women knew what was in store, they seemed almost resigned to it as once caught and stabilised, they offered little resistance.

Her mutant phallus increased in size as she became angrily erect, spreading the delicious tension through her loins. The sight of her prey's vaginal slit beneath her tail was joyous as it twitched anxiously, sweaty and thick lipped. "Take her" her brother urged. "She is your creature, to do with as you will" She positioned herself and mounted the horse girl, sheathing herself eagerly in one smooth motion. The warm wetness against her cock was a sensation against which no previous pleasure could possibly compare and she began to mate with her quickly, sliding her ribbed prick in and out of the puffy horse sex, taking great delight in seeing inches of her member glistening with the female centaur's wetness on the upstroke and the sight of it sinking back inside the warm glove.

She grunted loudly, lost in the heady rush of her first experience of penile penetration. It did not take her long to reach her peak, her brother mating with his animal alongside preceding her by only a few seconds. She exploded inside the creature, spewing a thick muck of demonic semen into the foal bed of the girl, who whinnied and tossed her head in her own throes of pleasure and pain at the size of Lucy's hugeness.

The catastrophic pleasure seemed to be unending as she gushed her spunk into her breeding partner, litres of the stuff being delivered by her grapefruit-sized bollocks until it pulsed from between her buried cock and the centaurs swollen mound. She slid out of her first conquest and bellowed her satisfaction, her cock dripping the remnants of her sperm as her mate eventually joined her, touching her thick tongue with his own, mucusy bovine equivalent and nestling his bloated shaft against hers. "My love, my sister, my mate" he rumbled, as she rested her horned head against him, nuzzling, panting, and growling in her newly won demonhood.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

just more cannon fodder for my dnd group

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 4 years ago

hopefully lucy gets to tear the witch apart.

MandylionMandylionabout 4 years ago

Wow, there's a second chapter?

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