Mable's Breasts Pt. 07

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Mable and Leslie come together.
8.5k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/13/2019
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Mable busied herself in her kitchen, pacing anxiously as she moved from one little task to another, all the while glancing at the clock on the wall. She was more than a little nervous about accepting Leslie's invitation for a social get-together and couldn't help but wonder might have precipitated such an invitation.

More than anything, she longed to have a positive relationship with Jimmy's mother but feared that, once Leslie discovered the depth of her relationship with her son, that positive relationship might very well suffer the consequences.

She had felt good about their first encounter however. She had genuinely liked Leslie and had even sensed that Leslie liked her as well. She was pleased that Jimmy had given her the complete freedom to deal with his mother in whatever manner she thought best, but that responsibility weighed heavily on her.

She took extra care to dress in what she perceived to be the most appropriate manner, wearing dress denim jeans and a loose-fitting, short-sleeved pullover. She applied a minimum of makeup and did her best to style her hair, finally throwing up her arms and laughing at her reflection in her mirror. What on earth was she thinking? Compared to the blonde bombshell that was Leslie, any and all superficial efforts on her part to attain that level of pulchritude was almost laughable. She opted instead for business casual.

She arrived at the appointed time, rolling her eyes as she noted she was nothing if not punctual to a fault.

"Hi," beamed Leslie as she opened the door. "Thank you for coming. Please, come in."

Mable smiled and thanked her, her mind eased by Leslie's welcoming demeanor. "Thank you," smiled Mable as she entered. "You know...I don't believe I mentioned it the first time I was here, but you certainly have a lovely home."

"And, now it's my turn to thank you," smiled Leslie. "Come and sit down," she said, leading her to the sofa. "Please make yourself at home. I was just about to make some tea; would you like a cup?"

Mable nodded and smiled, "Tea sounds nice," she said as she took a seat on the sofa.

"Excellent, I'll just pop out and put the kettle on," she said, "I'll just be a second."

Mable looked around and smiled. It was no empty compliment she had given Leslie; her house was very tastefully decorated and spotlessly clean. Certainly, more of a feminine look to the decor than masculine, but as a single woman, that was certainly her prerogative. She smiled to herself. So far so good, she thought to herself. Leslie had certainly seemed to reveal a warmth and friendliness toward her when she arrived which managed to dispel a little bit of her anxiety. But was still very curious as to the reason for the invitation.

Leslie entered and sat down beside her on the sofa, crossing her legs and reclining casually. She was certainly a lovely woman, Mable could certainly see the resemblance between mother and son. Leslie was dressed casually as well, also in denim jeans but with a sleeveless pullover and barefoot.

"Thank you for agreeing to this visit," smiled Leslie. "I'm sure you're probably curious as to why I initiated a meeting with you like this."

"It did cross my mind," smiled Mable in return.

"First of all," said Leslie reaching over to pat Mable's hand, "I wanted to personally thank you for all of your efforts to help James get into this fledgling computer repair business. He's always seemed rather rudderless whenever the subject arose as to what he would do after graduation. I suppose I always hoped he might opt for UNLV or, at the very least, some sort of career college. But he always seemed more interested in his damn computer game than thinking about his future. I was ever so happy to see how enthusiastic he's been for doing computer work."

Mable nodded. "Well, I for one can personally attest as to his talents with computers. He saved me weeks, if not months, of work by retrieving and backing up all the work files I thought I had lost. And, knowing that a great many of the people I work with every day have the same issues with their computers, it seemed to be a perfect fit for someone with his knowledge and enthusiasm. I couldn't help but suggest such a thing to him and how he might turn his knowledge into something much more lucrative than one of those minimum-wage summer jobs that students usually fall into."

Leslie nodded, "I couldn't agree more," she said, "Nothing has made me happier than to see him focused on something other than computer games. In all honesty, Mable, I have to tell you that I definitely see a lot more maturity in him these days as well. Since the two of you have put your heads together to come up with the idea of this computer business, he..." She shrugged, "I don't know, he just seems so much more down to earth and level-headed now, if that makes any sense to you."

Mable smiled, reasonably sure that much of the change Leslie saw in Jimmy might likely have something to do with releasing all of the sexual tension and frustrations he had accumulated over the years. "Well, I don't have the same perspective that you have, I've only known Jimmy for the past few weeks. But to me, he's always seemed to be mature and level-headed."

Leslie's eyes widened in mild surprise and she smiled curiously. "You call him Jimmy?"

Mable realized her slip of the tongue too late and mentally smacked her forehead. "He mentioned to me one day that he had always been called Jimmy until the two of you moved to Las Vegas. And, I remember thinking at the time how the name Jimmy just seemed to suit him a lot better. He just seems more like a Jimmy than a James."

Leslie smiled, "I totally agree," she said, "to me, of course, he's always been Jimmy. I think you are probably the only other person to call him that now though." After a poignant pause, she continued. "And you know, having just said that, I can't help but feel that a lot of the new maturity I see in him is because of you, and the mature influence I think you have on him."

"Thank you, but...I'm not so sure I have all that much influence on him."

Leslie smiled. "I wouldn't be too sure of that," she said. "You are older and much more mature than the group of friends he's forever hanging out with. And, now that I think about it, I suppose I probably even have you to thank for his newfound love of jazz music," said Leslie, pursing her lips thoughtfully. "Who was it again? I know he told me. Gerry Mulligan and...Coleman Hawkins, and Paul Desmond. He's even been listening to Dan Fogelberg too, go figure."

Mable smiled, "I'm afraid I'm guilty as charged. Those are the kinds of artists and music that I usually have playing in the background around the apartment. He's commented on them several times and asked me who it was that he was hearing."

"Well, I for one am supremely happy to hear that kind of music emanating from his room instead of all that death metal he and his friends have been into."

Mable grimaced, "Ouch, in that're VERY welcome," she said with a laugh.

"It's easy for me to see that the two of you have become rather close in the short time you've known one another."

Mable swallowed, keeping her expression neutral. It was asked innocently enough, but boy, was it a loaded question.

"What can I say?" Shrugged Mable with a smile. "Jimmy is a very personable young man, and I'm very fond of him," she responded, choosing each of her words judiciously.

Leslie nodded and smiled. "And, forgive me, but it's also abundantly clear to me, by the look in his eyes whenever you're around, that he is also very fond of you as well."

Mable took a deep breath and let it out slowly as Leslie kept her face without expression and looked meaningfully into her eyes. "I think it's fair to say that with the two of us being involved in this computer business together, it's brought the two of us closer together," she said. "I'm not all that sure I'd want to characterize it as anything more than that by a look in his eyes, if that's what you're implying."

Leslie laughed aloud and reached over to place her hand affectionately on Mable's. "You'll have to forgive me, I can't help myself from prying when it comes to my son."

Mable smiled and tried to maintain her neutral expression, "I think that's perfectly understandable."

"It's actually kind of funny though," said Leslie. You and Jimmy might express it differently, but his reaction to that particular observation of mine is almost the very same as yours."

As she spoke the kettle in the kitchen began to whistle lightly. "Believe me, Mable, I didn't invite you over for some kind of inquisition, forgive me if it's beginning to sound that way, it's certainly not my intention."

Mable nodded and smiled, the kettle's whistle becoming more insistent. Shit, she thought, this was definitely more than just a friendly get together. "It's perfectly all right, Leslie. I think that, if I were in your shoes, I would be equally as inquisitive."

Leslie pursed her lips thoughtfully as the kettle's strident whistle became even louder. "May I ask you a very personal question?"

Mable nodded, taking another fortifying swallow of whiskey and the sound of the kettle seemed to fill the room, "Of course," she said, knowing full well the nature of Leslie's question.

Leslie leaned back onto the sofa cushions and folded her hands in her lap, seemingly completely unmindful of the screeching whistle from the kettle in the kitchen. "Okay," she said, pursing her lips thoughtfully. "I'd like you to be very honest with me right now and tell me if your relationship with Jimmy is purely platonic. Or, if there's something more to it?"

Oh, fuck, thought Mable, her mind racing. "I would think that's probably something Jimmy might be better at answering than I am," she responded, hoping she might deflect a direct answer.

Leslie laughed softly and shook her head, "Oh, don't think I haven't already asked him," she said. "And frankly, his response has always been equally as vague as yours is right now." She paused and looked into Mable's eyes. "I had been hoping that you and I could sit down together, woman to woman, and cut through all of the bullshit and the cat-and-mouse mind games. Can we do that? You and me?"

Mable looked into Leslie's eyes and saw only a mother's love and concern for her son and his wellbeing. She sighed and smiled, knowing in her heart that being honest with Leslie was going to be the right course of action. "Of course we can," she said with a smile and hoped Jimmy would see the wisdom in what she was about to do. "And, in the interest of complete honesty with you, my relationship with Jimmy is not completely truth, Leslie, it's not platonic at all."

Leslie nodded and her face softened as she smiled. "Thank you," she said, reaching over to lay her hand on Mable's affectionately. "I appreciate your honesty more than I can ever say." The two women looked into one another's eyes for a moment, the warmth of the mood broken by the now bellowing tea kettle.

"Would I be correct in assuming then," said Leslie with a smile, "that you and Jimmy have also become intimate?"

"Yes," answered Mable truthfully, the kettle's insistent whistle putting her completely on edge as she gritted her teeth.

"Physically intimate?"

Mable nodded once more, "Yes," she said.

Leslie looked into her eyes, the corners of her mouth forming a hint of as smile as the whistle from the kettle filled the entire room with its unrelenting howl.

"I better get that," said Leslie with a smile, rising quickly and making her way into the kitchen.

Well, thought Mable with a heavy sigh as she watched Leslie leave the room. There it was, the proverbial cat was now completely out of the bag. It now only remained to be seen how Leslie was going to respond.

Leslie returned a moment later carrying two glasses and a bottle of Jameson's Irish Whiskey. She set both on the coffee table and resumed her seat on the sofa. Turning to Mable she smiled. "Given the sincere and honest nature of our conversation," she said. "I'm thinking something a little stronger than tea might be in order."

Mable laughed and nodded, "Oh, God, Leslie, I couldn't agree more," she said as she watched Leslie pour two rather generous portions of whiskey into each glass and handed one to Mable. She raised her glass to Mable and Mable clinked her glass against Leslie's. They each took a large swallow of whiskey.

Leslie nodded thoughtfully and raised her glass to Mable once more. After once again clinking their glasses together she said, "Would it surprise you to know how happy it makes me to know that you and Jimmy are together this way?"

Mable laughed, her shoulders sagging with relief. "Actually, it would," she said, biting her lip to keep her eyes from welling with emotion.

Leslie smiled and sipped her drink, "I think I've always had this inherent fear that one day, Jimmy would bring home some bubbly, air-headed young thing to meet me. And I would, of course, hate her with every fiber of my being."

"Eeew," murmured Mable with a grimace as she too shared Leslie's sentiment.

"I know, RIGHT?" Laughed Leslie. "But, with you I don't have any of those negative feelings at all. It honestly warms my heart to know that Jimmy has someone like you in his life."

Mable felt her cheeks warming with pleasure and she smiled. "My God, Leslie, it means so much to me to hear you say that. Thank you."

Leslie smiled and the women touched glasses once more.

"I'm sure," said Mable, sipping her drink, "that the age difference must have at least been of some concern for you. It was a concern for me as well in the beginning. I'm not exactly sure where our relationship might go...or even for how long. We're both just kind of taking each day as it comes."

Leslie nodded, "I understand, and I think that kind of pragmatic approach to your relationship is probably the best way to look at it. But I'll be honest with you," she continued. "When I see so many positive changes in Jimmy, I believe the difference in your ages has been a positive influence in his demeanor. Do you mind if I ask you your age?"

"Not at all, I'll be thirty-nine this year."

"Twenty years," said Leslie, nodding her head thoughtfully. "We are almost the same age. I just turned forty last month."

"Forty?" Exclaimed Mable, "My God, girl, I would have guessed mid-thirties at the oldest."

"Thank you, and I have to say that you have a very youthful appearance as well, you don't look your age at all."

Leslie emptied her glass and refilled both glasses. "I hope I'm not sticking my nose where it doesn't belong," said Leslie. "But...given the physical intimacies you two have been sharing, I assume you've also been taking precautions."

Mable nodded, "If by that you're referring to birth control, let me ease your mind. Because of a childhood illness, I am unable to conceive, so you have no worries in that department."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," said Leslie, frowning sadly.

"It is what it is," said Mable with a shrug.

"I'm curious," said Leslie, taking another swallow of whiskey. "And, by all means...if you think this question is out of line, please feel free to tell me to go fuck myself."

Mable laughed aloud. "Honestly, Leslie, right now I don't think there's anything I wouldn't tell you if you asked."

Leslie smiled. "Knowing my son as well as I do, and his complete lack of experience and social graces with females in general, I'm having a fair amount of difficulty imagining him somehow finding enough courage and intestinal fortitude to actually come on to an older woman in a sexual way. So, would I be correct in assuming that you must have had to seduce him."

Mable shook her head, swallowing a large gulp of whiskey before responding. "Surprisingly enough, no. That's not how it happened with us at all. Neither of us actually set out to seduce the other."

Leslie laughed aloud, "Well, that's certainly vague enough," she said. "And now that you've managed to REALLY pique my curiosity, do you mind if I ask how it actually happened? I mean, how does it even occur if neither of you attempted to seduce the other?"

"Again, in the spirit of complete honesty, I have to admit that I DID have a strong physical attraction for him. But, physically acting on that attraction was nothing more than a fantasy I enjoyed having whenever he was around. What I DID do, though, was open myself to the romantic fantasy of possibly allowing something to happen...if that opportunity ever presented itself. Does that make sense?"

"Indeed, it does," nodded Leslie thoughtfully. "Please, go on."

"I think the intimacy between us was actually precipitated by one of the prospective computer clients I had introduced him to," she continued. "I felt I needed to warn him about a woman named Eleanor who, for all intents and purposes, is well known as the office slut in the company I work for. I introduced them to one another at my apartment and could tell by the vibes Eleanor was giving off that she might likely do her best to seduce Jimmy. I...well...I guess it just irritated the hell out of me to imagine that Jimmy's first sexual encounter might be with someone like that."

"His first? Did he actually come right out and admit to you that he was a virgin?" Asked Leslie, raising a brow.

"Oh, God, Leslie, he didn't have to," said Mable with a rueful smile. "It didn't take a Sherlock Holmes to understand that being a computer geek gaming nerd and meeting girls both seemed to be pretty mutually exclusive. And just his general demeanor around me also pretty much told me he definitely lacked a certain experience with the opposite sex."

Leslie nodded, thinking Mable's deduction made pretty good sense.

"Well...after I gave him the lowdown on Eleanor, and because I had actually become quite fond of him, I told him how I sincerely hoped his first experience with a woman would be with someone he felt was special, and not some tawdry quickie with a slut like Eleanor."

"And?" Probed Leslie as Mable paused to take a large swallow of whiskey.

"And...he just looked at me with those big brown eyes of his and said...he wished that his first time could be with me." As she spoke those words, her eyes welled uncontrollably, and a tear slid down her cheek.

Leslie quickly grabbed a box of tissues from the end table and held them out to Mable, who took several and wiped her eyes. "I can see that it must have been a very emotional moment for you," said Leslie.

Mable nodded. "It still is...every time I even think of it. I was completely shocked," she said. "In hindsight, I suppose I probably should have been more aware of the depth of his feelings. I mean, I had known right from the first time I met him that he was very attracted to me in a physical way. And, I have to confess, I found it immensely flattering to be admired by such an attractive younger man. I further confess that I did absolutely nothing, in any way, to discourage his physical admiration.

"Believe me, Leslie, I felt such...such an overwhelming sense of pride and honor that he would choose me. I knew from the very instant he said those words, that I would be there willingly for him. And, because I was so very fond of him, I somehow felt this...crushing responsibility to make it happen for him in the most perfect way possible. I didn't want to just lie down with him right then and there on the sofa, I felt he deserved so much better than some sort of quickie. Am I still making sense?"

"Oh, completely," responded Leslie, her eyes wide. "Although, to me, it almost feels as if you were more than just fond of him, even then."

Mable nodded, "You're probably right," she said. "I think that...given the difference in our ages...I just never willingly admitted it to myself."

"So, how did it finally happen then?" Asked Leslie, returning to her original question.