Magic is a Powerful Thing Ch. 09


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Louisa made her way through the crowds towards the school gates. She knew aunt Abigail would feel upset with her for skipping class but once she explained she was sure she could talk her around. As she made her way out of the school she headed north to the nearby sports stadium where the school team played. On the way she met up with Kirsty who had run to a pharmacy to pick up as many sleeping aids as she could.

The Stadium was a full-sized football field surrounded by an oval running track. To the north sat 2 dugouts with the "tunnel" leading to the team dressing rooms. huge seating stands sat around the pitch and track and above was a large retractable roof to keep the pitch dry. Under the stand were multiple small stalls selling food and drinks to the attendees. The team rooms were well appointed with their separate showers and kitchens for half-time refreshments.

It was these that Kirsty and Louisa made their way to. Avoiding the rent-a-cops with ease and kicking open a side door and making their way to a large drink dispenser. Kirsty opened her back and began to hand Louisa boxes of sleeping aids and Louisa hurriedly began to pop each pill into the orange squash. In 15 minutes, they were making sure the tables were all dissolved then began to make their way outside all with a minimum of talk. Only once they were safely out of range did they begin to giggle and talk about the mayhem they had just set in motion.


Jacob made his way towards Stephany home, dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt with his school varsity jacket over his shoulders. His arm was still in a sling, but the throbbing pain was barely noticeable. He hoped Stephany was ok with this as he knocked on her door.

Jacob heard the rapid approach of feet before the door was opened by an overly excited Tina. Jacob said hi to her and walked past her failing to notice the bright red blush that flushed through Tina followed by a giddy smile. Jacob then said hi to Willow before heading upstairs to Stephany's room. He knocked on the door and stepped in without waiting and found Maddilyn and Stephany helping each other dress in rather sexy outfits. Immediately Jacob covered his eyes and apologised as the girls squealed in alarm and moved to cover up.

"I... I will wait for you both downstairs," called Jacob trying his best not to become aroused at seeing both girls with only underwear on. He headed downstairs where Tina was hugging a pillow and trying not to be obvious with her staring. Willow was in the middle of doing dishes and Jacob stepped in. It was then that Willow noticed his arm and asked after it. Jacob sighed and told all to Willow, about the jocks attack and Juda's interest in Stephany and Maddilyn followed by a new attack the day before and Fay healing him. Willow looked mad at Juda's actions. When Jacob told her about his plan for that night she nodded and slowly removed her rose ring and gave it to Jacob.

"What's this?" asked Jacob.

"It's my spell ring," answered Willow. "It's what I use to cast spells in a place with weak magical energy. Take it and use it if you have to protect my daughter."

Jacob held the ring and nodded before slipping it on, feeling it resize itself to fit his larger hand and reform itself into a male version. He nodded to Willow, his face stern and steadfast.

"I promise you; Stephany will not be harmed."


It was half an hour later when Stephany and Maddilyn came downstairs. Maddilyn was in a cheer uniform of hot pants and a tank top in the school team's colours, a pair of black fishnets and a pair of white knee-high cowgirl boots. Her hair was tied into a high ponytail with its frizz making it fan out and she had put in contact lenses for tonight. Stephany meanwhile was wearing what seemed like an extreme version of the school uniform. Her tartan skirt was tiny and barely covered her ass, her blouse was tied under her small tits lifting them. Those combined with knee-high white socks, a pair of 5-inch mary janes and her usual twin braids turned into twin pigtails and her wide-rimmed glasses made her look like a schoolgirl wet dream.

Willow had to bite her tongue to stop herself from demanding a change of clothing from her daughter and Jacob had to slyly readjust himself from the rapid hard-on that grew in his pants. Tina meanwhile covered her mouth but failed to stop the bark of laughter from coming out before she ran upstairs, stifling giggles the whole time. Stephany blushed in anger. She didn't want to dress like this. Especially not for Juda. Now she was dressed like a hooker before Jacob, and she felt herself sink further. She looked to the floor and refused to raise her head and felt hot tears begin to well up in her eyes.

It wasn't until Jacob walked over and slowly cupped her chin making her look up into his eyes. His kind and gentle eyes reflected the love he had for her. She couldn't hold back and hugged him, hearing his voice whisper that she was going to be ok, calming her racing and aching heart. She dried her eyes and asked the question in her mind.

"Why are you here?"

"Louisa," answered Jacob.

"Louisa?" said Stephany.

"Yeah. She told me what was going on," Lied Jacob, hoping his falsehood wouldn't be challenged. "And I wasn't going to let you two go to the game alone."

Both girls smiled and hugged Jacob who winced lightly but accepted the hugs. Soon all three were in an Uber and feeling mildly excited about the game. As they approached the stadium the crowds began to grow. Fans wearing the team colours, calling out team songs and chants, the general noise level growing till you could barely hear the person next to you. Jacob asked the girls to stay close and both nodded as they left the car. They made their way through the bustling crowds towards the ticket stands and using their school ID's they got some tickets in the student stands.

As they got to their seats the players began to hit the field, Jacob sat between them both as they watched the game. Around them, crowds cheered and jeered. Jacob couldn't even follow the game, but the roar of the crowds was infectious and soon all three were calling out when the "home" team began to lose.


Juda half growled half-shouted at his team to get it together. Ever since halftime, they had been acting sluggish and Juda had no clue as to why. Even Frank, his faithful bodyguard during these games, had let a few players get past him. Juda looked at Frank's face in the huddle and realisation struck him like a bolt of lightning.

"Drugged?" whispered Juda to himself. He recognised the signs from when he used some during his conquests into the other teams' cheer squads. He felt his hands curl into fists and he ground his teeth in anger and wondered who before the image of Jacob came to mind. His grimace turned into a dangerous smile. He then turned back to his doped-up team and woke a few up with slaps to their helmets. He laid out his plan and once he was sure his team had it fully in their minds, he let them go.

Taking position, Juda prepared to make his move. He called out some numbers of players he wanted to be tackled and called for the ball. The crunch of bodies could be heard as the two teams clashed was extremely loud, Juda watched as two team members pounced on the player's he asked for while one failed. He made a note to speak to Stevens when he sobered up. Juda began his run, Frank ran in front of him using his smaller, wider frame like the bull ram on a train. Soon he ran out of steam and Juda raced past him. A member of the other team tried to block him but with a savage shoulder, Juda sent the player flying to his right and kept running. He could hear the stampede of footfalls from behind as he ran to the n-zone. His lungs burning and his legs pumping he leapt and landed just inside the scoring zone and the air horn was blown.

Juda shouted in happiness as he scored the winning goal, the stadium roared in elation and as they looked up at the scoreboard. They waited for the score to change and when it did, showing the "home" team won, the team and crowd roared and cheered, lifting Juda onto their shoulders and threw him up into the air and caught him. Once he was let down, he made his way to the stands.

Reaching he scanned the crowds and soon found who he was looking for but what he saw sent his mind reeling. Stephany dressed in the raciest school outfit he had ever seen kissing Jacob. He had to admit when Stevens told him that he was at school with his arm in a sling he felt justified in leaving him be but now. He growled as he watched Maddilyn by his side giving Jacob a look of pure adoration. It was almost too much as he felt the muscles in his neck tighten as he fought back against his rage. Soon his team led him away and into the locker room, where on his locker was a post-it note. Juda read it and smiled before throwing the note to the ground.


Jacob smiled as he left the girls at Stephany's house and got into the Uber. The driver looked questioningly when he gave the destination but did not question it much when Jacob gave them a $20 tip. When he arrived at his destination he got out and walked around. Discarded cups, polystyrene containers and candy wrappers were blown around by the nighttime breeze as he strolled around. The feeling of complete emptiness was a feeling Jacob welcomed after the crowds of the game. He eventually arrived at the pitch inside the stadium and walked on the grass field. The floodlights illuminated everything as he took a moment to soak in the atmosphere. He reached out with his senses and felt him before he turned to see him. Juda was sitting on the player benches looking at Jacob. Anger radiated from him in waves and Jacob smiled.

"Got my note then?" said Jacob.

"You have got to be brave or stupid." Juda's voice rumbled as he stood up and walked out onto the pitch. "Either way, I will admit I am impressed."

"I am glad to impress you," Jacob said, still smiling as he took his arm out of the sling and stretched it out. "You have no idea how good it feels to stop pretending."

"Bullshit Jacob." called out Juda, pointing an accusing finger. "I know I broke that arm yesterday so don't you dare say it got better already."

"Oh, did you break it?" said Jacob, riling up the jock. Goading him into action without thinking. "I suppose you didn't do a very good job?"

Juda stopped 6 feet away from Jacob and both men stared each other down.

"I am surprised," said Jacob. "I would have thought you, being a coward that you are, would have kept your goon squad around."

"I don't need them for you," answered Juda with a sick smile.

"I wouldn't be so sure," said Jacob.

Both began to edge closer, moving in a circle, both eyes never leaving one another, sizing each other up for weaknesses.

"You know am going to rape those pretty girls of yours," said Juda with a sinister smile. "I am going to screw them and beat them both till I am fully satisfied then am going to throw the rest to the team. By the time they are done, I doubt either of them will be sane."

Jacob bit back the urge to rush Juda and cracked a smile.

"You are kidding me, right? You can barely beat me in an unfair fight. What makes you think you can take on a real woman?"

Juda roared and lashed out with a left arm, Jacob stepped back and drawing on the almost limitless power trapped inside the ring, he punched Juda in the gut, making Juda double over. Jacob then drove his knee into Juda's nose, bursting it like a grape and making blood pour across his lip. Juda shook his head and grinned before punching Jacob straight into his previously broken rib. Jacob rolled with it and landed on his back. Both climbed back to their feet and Jacob decided he had had enough.

Unbeknown to both in the shadows of the team tunnel, a figure watched with his camera phone videoing the whole event. His broom and shovel discarded beside his cart as he watched the two men slugging at one another.

"ENOUGH!" called out Jacob and began to draw from the ring fully. First, he held Juda still and caught his breath. Growling he stared into Juda's mismatched eyes and began his work. Jacob watched as Juda shrank in size, muscles vanished, and the fat melted away, Juda midnight black skin turned to a deep milk chocolate colour. Jacob nodded in satisfaction as his mind pushed his will onto Juda form.

Juda watched Jacob as he felt himself changing, he felt so weak, his arms looked like some of the bitches he liked to fuck, and his skin had grown lighter. He looked down as much as he could in his frozen state and saw his chest expand into two very large and very fake f cup breasts, brown locks of hair covered his eyes for a brief second before it braided itself into multiple long tracks of braids close to his scalp. He felt his eyes grow larger, his lashes longer and felt the hair on his face fall out. Juda felt the sting as his ears suddenly became pierced twice in each ear and felt his cheeks and jaw remould. The next thing he knew he was wearing makeup and could taste his lipstick and feel the heavy mascara on his eyes. Juda began to panic as he felt something appear on his wrist and could feel his clothing shift and squirm. Then he felt pain in his groin as his male member was drawn inside and replaced with a highly sensitive dripping cunt. He felt his feet rise and become trapped in high heels before his body was released and he fell to the ground.

Jacob couldn't help but grin as he watched Juda the king jock transform into the ghetto whore. Everything from the gold lipstick and eyeshadow to the stripper gold heels and mini dress screamed hooker. Even her braided dreadlocks and earrings gave a look of "for hire". As he watched Juda get to "her" feet she turned to him trying to look scary but all she looked like she was doing was pouting. Which made Jacob feel like laughing.

"What did you do to Jubilee?" said the newly transformed girl before him in a voice so breathless and sultry it belonged on a sex hotline. "Jubilee" brought her hands up to her neck in shock at her new voice before examining the gold-painted 2-inch nails she now sported on each hand.

"You treat women like sex toys," said Jacob with a voice that demanded to be listened to. Jubilee felt her whole body vibrate with a need to listen as her old life became trapped in a mind covered in makeup, boys, and fashion. "So, I thought it made sense to turn you into what you see women as. From now on all you care about is sex, fashion and pleasing your latest boyfriend. In that order. Your sex drive is insatiable so you will always make your man cum first."

Juda felt fear grip him for the first time in his life before "Jubilee" took over completely and looked at Jacob.

"Like honey," she asked. "You want some of this chocolate, you got to pay first."

"Sorry I was just admiring the goods," said Jacob with a smile. Jubilee huffed and strode off the field, her hair bouncing along with her ass and tits as she shook her hips for all to see. She needed to find a sugar daddy and soon before her dress went out of style and her pussy got too drippy.


Jacob watched "Jubilee" leave the stadium and wished her good luck. He hoped she found someone who could keep up with her and could also be nice to her. Slipping his hands into his pockets he walked towards the player tunnels when he saw a discarded Janitors trolley. He frowned until he heard Jubilee's voice.

"Like honey, you want some of this chocolate, you got to pay first."

Jacob turned to look and found a young man in janitor overalls looking down at his phone which illuminated his face casting it into deep shadows. The long angular nose and deep sunken eyes with beady little irises. His crooked yellowing teeth surrounded by cracked dry thin lips.

"Got to say I love your work," said the janitor in a thin, reedy voice. "Now unless you want this on the internet, you're going to do exactly what I say." The smile of triumph was all over his face and Jacob felt the blood drain from his face. Deep down he knew he had no way out.

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PrincessKariPrincessKari10 months ago

For those asking, I don't know if this story will continue. I'm friends with the author and was the one handling the editing. They hit writer's block shortly after this chapter was released and still hasn't been able to write the next chapter.

titon12titon1211 months ago

Here's hoping you finish this series someday. It has some ups and downs but I really want to know where it ends up.

rjb426874rjb426874almost 2 years ago

I hope that you are going to write more of this story.

Please let me know.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Juda was a very unfortunate writing choice overall. One dimentional and entirely made of bad racially charged stereotypes up to and including the transformation.

Doesnt help that the stakes have been feeling artificial for the last couple chapters.

KnighthawkbjkKnighthawkbjkover 2 years ago

Bad ending. Magic could have completely wiped the phone. Not sure what I think about the Jude transformation yet although I get the reasoning.

DaddydonthurtmeDaddydonthurtmealmost 3 years ago

Avidreader's comment about summed up my feelings for this chapter. Dude can change men into women but freaks over a cell phone video. Last couple chapters have been falling off slightly. You set Jacob up as this uber powerful wizard and now he can't bother to use his power to save his woman from being sexually assualted. What a hero. I really do hope this author turns this story around i haven't given up on it yet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Are you kidding me Talon? If anyone deserved to know what it feels like to be used like a cheap whore then it is Juda. He treated everyone like a disposable piece of garbage and of course the rape and almost murder of Jacob and you think not necessary? While I think at times Jacob has gone too far in his idea of justice but if someone tried to rape my friend or girlfriend and then tried to kill me after acting like the coward Jude is, I would have gone further than Jacob. Juda was a sociopathic nightmare but not anymore. I fell in love with this story for the get go and it just keeps rocketing forward with incredible chapters. This goes so far beyond five stars from me and I vibrate with excitement waiting for each and every chapter. Screw Harry Potter, all hail Jacob! Too much? Too far? 🤬 I still think it is awesome?

TalonDCTalonDCalmost 3 years ago

I was enjoying the story, but Juda was your worst character, stereotypically "blacker-than-black" and with no redeeming value. The girl bullies immediately learned their lessons when they were transformed, but you just turned Juda "ghetto". Ugly and unnecessary.

1thaiguy1thaiguyalmost 3 years ago

Really enjoyed it until the end changing Juda and the no way out lost me. Not as interested in the story going forward. Would have been better Jacob kicking Juda ass in a fight and putting him saying quit on video. Your fetish with boy to girl transformation is a little too much.

Scots_RavenScots_Ravenalmost 3 years agoAuthor

i understand your point of view but the reasons for his reluctance will be revealed in the next chapter. but i thank you for the criques and will use them to improve on the story overall.

avidreader9869avidreader9869almost 3 years ago

This story has a lot of potential but is being derailed by arbitrary constraints you have put on the main character. Why wouldn’t Jacob have used magic in either of his fights? He has had no hesitation to use it in the past even in front of witnesses. In the face of grievous bodily harm and the threat of rape should he fail, he flails against his attacker with no plan or hope of success.

Your supposed cliffhanger at the end of this chapter reminds me of The Dark Knight quote “Let me get this straight, you think that your client, one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante, who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands, and your plan is to blackmail this person?”

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"no way out" ...really?

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