Magical Bimbo Pt. 04


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She struggled to remain lucid, but it was hard. It felt so good. Everything was so good. The compulsion in her tits, the pleasure pulsing out from them, but also the helplessness. She was tied up, and being handled, and there was nothing for her to do, to think, to anything except go along, follow, and obey...

When the van stopped and Lucy got her out to stand on cracked pavement beside a dirty, slightly derelict building, she blinked and tried to clear her head. Where was she? What was going on? She saw the rest of the squad disembarking from the two vans, donning full assault gear. She glanced at the building, and jerked as she realized what was happening.

"Is he in there?" Sharon demanded, and Therese nodded. He definitely was. Oh yes. Her tits felt like they were being yanked forward by invisible chains. It was so strong. It had gotten stronger as they'd got closer, and now it was - she'd never felt anything like it.

"All right," Sharon said. "She goes first, Lucy after her. Then I, and Mona, Kat, you're rear. Be ready for anything. Our goal is to capture Steve. Nothing else."

"Ready," the squad responded, and Lucy prodded Therese to march in through the doors.

It was a hotel, she realized, and suddenly the noises outside made sense. It was a cheap, dinghy airport hotel. Therese strained forward, with Lucy holding her back with the rope, and went straight to the stairs, and up one floor. She turned right and walked down the corridor like a target-seeking missile. She stopped outside room 14.

"Here?" Sharon said, and Therese moaned. She was so horny, but she couldn't think at all, except about the room on the other side. The room with him. With Steve, the goal and target of her compulsion. She understood, dimly, that Cammi and the henchman had taken him here, probably in some vague hope of escaping, but gotten stuck when they realized they really couldn't wake him up. Only Therese could do that.

"Let's go in," Sharon said, and applied a miniature explosive charge to the lock. A small bang, a puff of smoke, and Therese lunged at the door, and through it.

Cammi screamed as they burst in, and the henchman leapt to his feet from the chair where he'd been sitting. Therese noticed them in the corner of her eye, but in the center of her attention was - Steve. He was lying on the bed, on his back, sleeping quietly.

As Lucy yanked the rope, pulling her to a stop, she stared hungrily at him. He wasn't really beautiful, or impressive. If she'd seen him on the street she wouldn't have give him a second glance, or remembered him. But now... he pulled at her. The compulsion in her tits pulled her to him, and the terrible, delicious urge to be a bimbo pulled her to him. He could make her a bimbo. He already had, twice, so he could do it again.

The squad spread out around the bed, drawing various weapons. The bimbo and henchman were on the floor by the window, hands on their heads. It made Cammi's magnificent bimbo tits jut out in a very nice way, Therese noticed abstractly as she waited for Sharon's command. It finally came.

"Wake him up," Sharon said. Therese leaned forward, hanging on the rope, and said her name, over and over. She hoped it would work - she wasn't in any shape to do any magic if her spell had somehow gotten garbled.

It hadn't. When Steve heard her name, he drew in a deep breath, and he stirred. She watched in delight as his body twitched, and his eyes opened slowly. From the window, Cammi cried out again, sounding as delighted as Therese felt.

Steve blinked a few times, and raised his head. Therese saw his eyes widen as he took in the scene - the squad, the hotel room, Cammi and the henchman on the floor - and then he saw her. "You!" he breathed, and she thought for a moment he would jump at her.

"Don't move!" Sharon's voice was sharp and clear. "Don't move, and don't try to use magic. We can do that too, and we'll hit you hard it you try anything."

Steve worked his jaw before he tried to speak.

"I won't do anything," he said in a mild voice. "I... you seem to have the advantage of me."

Sharon snorted. "I think you know exactly who we are. We're the Magical Justice Squad, and we're here to lock you up, finally. Your fun is over. Now get up from the bed, very slowly, with your hands on your head."

Steve obeyed, moving very slowly and carefully, until he stood two paces from Therese, facing her. She stared at him, her attention locked on him. The compulsion in her tits had finally settled, and wasn't tugging at her. But now it was locking her. She was here, he was here, and she couldn't leave, she knew. She was frozen at the spot as if her feet had been cast into the floor. She was frozen, and her mind was frozen.

She didn't try to resist, or fight it. There was no point. Sharon would take care of everything, and then take care of Therese. All she had to do was... obey. Which wasn't hard, with two overwhelming compulsions keeping her staring fixedly at Steve.

"Uh," he said, and his eyes darted between the squad members. "You said something about... locking me up?"

"That's right," Sharon said. She held a taser in both hands, trained right at him. "Kat," she said. "tie him up."

"Sure thing," Kat said.

"Wait," Steve said. "I will make you a counter-offer!"

Sharon barked a laugh, and Therese heard Lucy mutter some swear words behind her. "I don't think so," Sharon said, her voice sarcastic.

"No, listen," he said, watching Kat as she came around the bed with a magical net at the ready. "If you don't lock me up, I can make you all bimbos. Like Therese. See how happy and horny she is!"

There was a moment of stunned silence, as the squad took that in. Then Sharon laughed, a loud, raucous laugh. Therese saw her hands droop, the taser drift off aim.

"Isn't that right," Steve said, and took a quick step up to Therese. And put his hands on her tits.

Therese didn't have time to react. She came, instantly. Harder than she'd ever cum before, so hard she saw stars. It was the most powerful orgasm she'd ever had - too powerful, she was bursting at the seams! She was bursting apart!

No, she realized, as she staggered back and felt her knees give way, she wasn't bursting. The orgasm was bursting - out of her. Through her magic. She came so hard she nearly fainted, as her magic shot out uncontrollably in all directions, splashing her orgasm over everyone in the room.

Therese wasn't very clear what happened, then. She felt herself sink slowly to the floor and topple over, and heard people moaning around her. Women, moaning as if they were cumming, hard.

When she came to, surfacing out of the orgasmic haze, she was lying on her side on the floor. Her body shuddered, in long, slow waves of pleasure. Fuck, she thought, fuck. She rolled over on her back, and winced as she remembered her arms were tied behind her back. Her arms were tied, because... they were collecting Steve. But where was he?

Therese raised her head and glanced around. Steve was gone. He was gone - and the realization shot into her mind like a blast of ice. Together with the sudden realization that the compulsion was back, and pulling at her tits so strongly it almost hurt, it made her scramble frantically to her feet.

Steve was gone, and so was Cammi and the henchman. And... Kat? She looked around. She didn't see Kat anywhere. She saw Sharon, slumped on the floor, her legs spread, shuddering and moaning, and Mona, sprawled on the bed, her hands on her breasts. And behind her - Lucy, who had staggered back against the wall and then sunk to her knees, and who was also moaning, and rubbing furiously between her legs. She'd dropped the rope, Therese saw.

She didn't think. The compulsion made thought almost impossible anyway, and it made her spin around and run out the door, with the rope trailing behind her.

She had to go to Steve, she knew, and she had to save Kat. The - by now very weak - crime fighter inside her insisted on it. She had to save Kat. She could not let Steve take her.

For the moment, all her urges and intentions combined, and so she let herself give in completely to the compulsion, as she rushed down the stairs, through the lobby and out the door. She had a fleeting burst of guilt at leaving the others in the hotel room, still swimming in the orgasm she'd blasted them with, but it floated away as quickly as it appeared.

She turned to the left as she exited, guided by the compulsion. There was a car, just turning the corner with screeching tires. Steve was in it, she knew, and without thinking, she ran after it. It was hard to run with her hands tied, but she drew on her magic, again without thinking.

Therese let her magic flow into her legs and her balance, and let the compulsion fill her mind. She felt herself become a Steve-seeking robot, as she ran as fast as she could after the speeding car.

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