Make It Out Alive


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"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"I'll leave Brad here to explain that one," Thomas said sheepishly before backing away.

"What happened?" Clara asked sternly.

"We ran into some rustlers," I started slowly, not wanting to worry her even though we already talked about stuff like this back at the cabin. "We dealt with them, but I guess one of 'em got a lucky shot off is all."

"You were shot?!" She asked, her voice just shy of being a full on yell.

"Clara, I'm fine and I'll explain it all but let's not make a scene ok?" I pleaded.

"Oh," she gasped, looking around to notice people looking our way. "You better get to explaining."

"There really isn't much to explain," I began. "Some rustlers hit the herd, me, Poke, and Thomas went after the bastards, pardon me, and dealt with 'em. I got shot in the shoulder but Cookie patched me up. It's all good now."

"Let me see," she demanded with a doubtful look on her face.

"Not here," I reasoned before ushering her around the corner of the building, but not so far away that anyone would think anything improper of the exchange.

I unbuttoned the shirt enough for me to pull it back to my shoulder so she could see the bandage, which really wasn't anything to look at other than the few speckles of dried blood, but even those were sparse as the wound had all but stopped bleeding, only a few drops if I moved the wrong way remained.

"Brad..." she sighed as she tentatively reached her hand out as if to touch the wound.

"It's ok Clara, really, I've been shot up worse than this," I started before looking around to make sure nobody would over hear. "You've seen how many scars I've got on my body."

"Brad!" She gasped, her eyes darting all around and her face turning a deep shade of crimson.

"It's true," I grinned as I buttoned my shirt back up. "I'll heal up right quick and be back to normal in no time."

"Me and Momma will make sure you don't lift a finger until you're back to a hundred percent," she stated resolutely.

"I'm sure you will," I smiled, knowing it was no use arguing with her once she got her mind set on something. "In the meantime, would you care to dance? I promise it won't hurt my shoulder."


True to her word, Clara and Mrs. Rivers doted on me for the next few weeks, longer than necessary in my opinion. I'd been shot before, multiple times, and I'd never taken this much time off while healing. It just didn't feel right.

I tried to talk to Richard and Poke about getting some form of task assigned so I didn't feel useless but they both just shook their heads and looked at me like I was crazy, stating that if I wanted to risk the wrath of Clara or Mrs. Rivers I could, but they're were having no part in it.

Clara and I spent a lot of time talking in those weeks. We found every day that we had so much in common, despite our vastly different backgrounds. She was even able to work her way into taking me on a few picnics, hiding her true intentions under the desire to get me out of the house so I didn't go stir crazy.

Those few afternoons saw Clara and I loaded up on a wagon with a picnic basket and a few blankets, heading out onto the range to a spot of her choosing. I didn't have any say in where we went because she wouldn't even let me drive, claiming it was too much of a risk towards my shoulder.

She loved to dote on me. Clara definitely got her desire to spoil her man from her mother, as Mrs. Rivers spoiled Richard rotten the same was Clara was doing to me. She brought an amazing lunch to each of those picnics, and once we were fed she made damn sure I was spoiled in every other way as well, mostly by making me cum in some way or another.

"Just lie back and relax baby," she cooed on one such event. "Let me take care of you."

I wasn't exactly sure what she had in mind, but her unbuttoning my pants and pulling my member out wasn't it. If I didn't expect that, I definitely didn't expect her to lower her head to my lap and suck me off. I'd only had that done once before, years ago, and it was like walking on broken glass compared to the sensations Clara gave me that day.

As much as I was loving being pampered by her, and as fast as I was falling for her, I couldn't wait to be allowed back to work. Truth be told, I'd been healthy enough to go back for a week or so, but Clara and Mrs. Rivers were having none of that.

"If the boss lady and Clara won't let me do manual labor, at least let me go into town for this months supplies," I pleaded with Richard. "I've got to do something."

"Take Poke with you," Richard smiled. "I can see how being cooped up and not doing anything can get to a man. Don't rush back either, if you two want to stop in for a drink or whatever else, feel free."

I thanked him for the leeway and made my way over to the bunkhouse to tell Poke the news. There wasn't a cowboy in all of Wyoming, maybe even the country, who wouldn't jump at the chance to go into town for the day, even if it was for nothing more than grabbing supplies and maybe a beer.

"Yea I'll ride with ya, been hankering to get a cold beer myself anyhow," Poke said when I told him.


"You ain't gotta talk if you don't want to," Poke began. "But I'm just a might curious I'll admit. I respect you as a man and respect your privacy though. You're family now. What did you do before coming here? Obviously you can handle a gun, didn't flinch at getting shot, and don't seem to have any backup in you at all."

I debated for a long moment on what I would say. On one hand, I didn't want my past to follow me here. What was done was done, and that was that. I wasn't that man anymore so I felt reliving it was useless, but on the other hand, Poke was a good friend and a good man. He also threw off the Marshal with his story to keep me out of the spotlight so I was sure he had my back. Could telling him some really hurt all that much?

"This stays between the two of us?" I asked.

"You got my word."

I knew his word was his bond. Men like him lived and died by their word. If they gave it, it was as good as gold.

"No judgement?" I added.

"My word on that too."

"Ever heard of the Ten Gun's Gang?" I asked.

"I think everyone has," Poke chuckled. "They done robbed and killed halfway across the nation by this point, though don't nobody know who they are, and ain't nobody heard from them in a while."

"I know what happened to them," I stated.

"How do you know that?" He asked, slight realization forming on his face.

"I was one of the original few members many years ago. Was with 'em until a bank job got botched and most of 'em got kilt. Hell, I'm the only one who I know for sure is still alive."

"I figured you had some sort of shady past, no offense, I just didn't think it was Ten Gun's kind of shady," he smiled, attempting to disarm his words. "Like I said, no judgement from me. I know you as who you are now and you're a hell of a man."

"I know you ain't judging Poke," I laughed. "And for your information, we didn't do any real killing, just shooting the guys who were already shooting at us, however just their reasoning may have been."

"If you're a famous outlaw, how come I ain't never heard the name before?" He wondered.

"Brad ain't my real monicker," I laughed. "Dropped my given name when the heat got too hot after that last job."

"I don't suppose you'd tell me your real name?" Poke asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Well, there ain't any real money on my head, so I guess it can't hurt. But you can't never repeat it. Clara is the only one who actually knows who I am as of now."

"I won't breathe a word of this. I'm just curious is all. I don't give a damn about your past. Won't change what I think of you."

"Jack Margrave," I said plainly.

"The gunslinger?" He gasped in surprise.

"That was me."

"How comes you ain't got any money on your head then?" He asked before an expression of recognition flew over his face. "Wait! That's where I've seen you before. I was in Kansas a few years back and saw you go up against some kid who called you out. Fastest gun I'd ever seen. Heard folks talkin' bout it. That's where I remember the name."

"That sounds about right. I've done a lot of shooting people when they try to shoot at me," I sighed. "When it was with the gang, we were real careful to not get exposed. When it was by myself, well, let's just say I'm good at getting someone I intend to kill to draw first so it's self defense on my end."

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," he grinned. "I hear you're the fastest there is."

"I ain't found nobody faster yet," I smiled. "Though that's all behind me now. The only time this iron leaves my side is if I'm defending myself, the ranch, or any of you folks."

"I sure as hell am glad you're on our side." Poke said with a single chuckle.

"I am too."


We stopped by the general store and placed our order when we got into town. We were told it would be ready whenever we wanted to come back for it, so Poke and I decided we'd head over to the saloon for a beer and maybe sit in on a game of poker for a minute to enjoy the day.

We were sitting at a table, bullshitting and sipping on our beers when the batwing doors flipped open, and out of habit I looked up to assess who was entering the establishment. I froze in place when I saw who it was, too shocked to do anything else.

The man saw me instantly as well, and with a big smile on his face made his way straight to our table and plopped down in the seat across from me.

"I never thought I'd see you again Jack. Thought you was dead somewhere," he said with a grin.

"It's Brad now," I said quietly. "But no, I'm not dead, at least not yet anyways. Hello Johnny."

"Brad eh? I can see that. Who's this feller?" He asked, nodding towards Poke. "New partner?"

"He's my foreman. When shit went wrong I went straight." I said, still in a near whisper.

"Straight?" He laughed, "I can't ever see you going straight. Should we even be talking about this around him?"

"He's fine," I said sternly. "I actually just told him my past on the ride into town so he already knows."

"The hell you tell him for?" Johnny questioned. "He's gonna know who robbed him then."

"I ain't robbing him, or anyone, anymore," I said. "I done told you, I went straight."

"You're straighter than dinner plate. I know you're working something," he said resolutely.

"I ain't working shit," I said, starting to get annoyed.

"Holy shit," Johnny gasped. "There's a woman ain't there?"

"Hell makes you think there's a woman?" I asked, maybe a little too quickly. "I just got tired of living on the run and getting shot at."

"Nah, there's a woman. I've known you a lot of years Jack, I mean Brad, and nothing could make you give up the life, other than a woman maybe."

"The hell are you doing up here anyways?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I ain't saying shit around this guy," Johnny said, once again nodding at Poke.

"I'll give you guys a minute," Poke said, speaking for the first time as he got up from the table.

"Don't leave the building," Johnny said. "I don't exactly trust you to not run for the sheriff or the marshal."

Poke got up and made his way over to the bar. Johnny looked around for a second, and satisfied we wouldn't be overheard, started to talk.

"There's a lot of big ranches up this way. A lot of cattle to rustle, and a lot of payroll to rob. I figure if I can work the area for a little, I'll have enough to get somewhere and get a new gang together."

"Can't do a job elsewhere?" I asked him, "this is my home now."

"You mean to say you ain't gonna ride with me if I get something started?"

"That's what I mean Johnny," I sighed. "You done good by me pretty much my whole life. You know I ain't gonna say anything to anyone. These are good people here. Can't you pull up and go somewhere else to work?"

"This is the biggest gold pot around Ja, I mean Brad. I don't plan to stick around. I just need some operating funds."

"Ain't no talking you out of it is there?"

"Ain't no talking you into riding with me is there?" He grinned, answering my question with a question.

"Promise me something Johnny?"

"I'll do what I can son, you know that," he said sincerely.

"Stay out of town, and once you're done, get gone," I said solemnly. "Stay away from the Three Rivers too, they're good people. You know you're like a father and a brother to me, all rolled into one. I love ya Johnny, but I've got a life here now. One that I like. We had a lot of good years, and I'll never forget them, or any of you guys for that matter, but I'm done. I'm out."

"That really how you feel?" He questioned.

"It is."

"Then wish you nothing but the best Brad. Like you said, we had a lot of good years. No matter what happens, we're family. I'll stay out of town and away from three rivers, but I can't promise I won't hit someone else. I trust you'll still honor the code? Keeping your mouth shut about it all?"

"You know I will. I just wish you'd hit some other town," I sighed again.

"No promises Jack," he smiled, sticking his hand out.

"Take care Johnny," I said, shaking the man's offered hand.

"Take care Jack," he nodded before turning to leave.


It had been three weeks since my run in with Johnny, and nobody was robbed or had any cattle rustled, so I started to think he actually did honor my wish and move on. If he was going to strike, he'd have done it by now.

Even though I assumed he was gone, I didn't get careless. I know he said he'd leave us alone, but a guy could never be so sure, so when it came time for payroll, I rode into town with Mr. Rivers, Poke, and Thomas just to lend a hand if something were to happen on the way back.

The fact that I wore both of my revolvers didn't go unnoticed, though it did go unquestioned. I guess everyone just figured it's better to be safe than sorry when dealing with money.

Something made the hairs on my neck stand up, and before I could say anything three masked men stepped onto the road. All were holding revolvers, and it appeared all of them knew how to use them.

"Listen here mister. I know you just picked up the payroll, and I'm sure you know I want it," the owlhoot began.

From where I was at the back of the group, I couldn't really see the man, but I knew the voice instantly. Damnit Johnny... he said he'd stay away from the Three Rivers. I figured he actually meant that, but I also figured he had no idea what ranch we came from, just that a bunch of cowboys and a boss man rode into town and got a bunch of money.

I didn't say anything, but I edged my horse off to one side in order to put the three men into view and get the rest of the hands out of my way. All the hands knew I had a shady past, but I didn't know how to diffuse this situation without essentially blatantly telling them I was a highway man of sorts. I hoped if I spoke up, Johnny would see me, remember his promise, and leave us alone. The two others with him could be a problem though.

"You fellas are messing with the Three Rivers Ranch," Mr. Rivers spoke up, which worked out because he'd let Johnny know who we were without me having to speak up. "You best lower them hog legs and ride off. We won't be messed with."

"I don't give a damn who you are," Johnny laughed. Apparently he didn't care about the promise he made me, and apparently he hadn't spotted me yet. "I want the damn money."

None of our boys had pulled iron, which was lucky for us, as it likely kept the outlaws from throwing lead just out of principle. I knew none of the hands were really all that quick on the draw, so if it came to gunplay we'd be outnumbered three to two. The outlaws against my right and left hand guns...

"Best you gentlemen ride along," I spoke up.

Johnny showed a quick moment of surprise on his face at seeing me and the two guys with him shifted their gaze over at me, but left their guns on Richard. That worked out in my favor at least. I'd have only a heartbeat to clear leather and fire, but a heartbeat was better than nothing.

"Holster them irons and leave," I said again, louder this time.

While their attention was on me, Poke must have slipped his pistol from his holster, because before any of them could say anything in response, his gun bucked in his hand, drilling the outlaw closest to him in the chest, leaving him dead before he even hit the ground.

Almost in the same instant, my left hand gun all but leapt into my hand, my finger touching off a round before the first man had even started to fall, the bullet finding the other man's chest, exploding his heart like a shattering bottle.

"Don't!" I yelled at Johnny as I swung my right hand gun to cover him. In the quick chaos, Johnny's brain must have been trying to decide who was the most immediate threat, leaving him standing with his gun aimed harmlessly between Poke and myself. He should have known I was the bigger threat. "The last thing on this earth I want to do is pull this trigger."

"Holy shit," Poke said under his breath as he realized who the masked man was. The other men had drawn their guns as well but didn't do anything before Poke spoke. "Let Brad handle this guys."

"No harms been done Johnny," I said easily, taking a chance by using his name. "Pouch the iron and go get your horse. Ride out of the territory."

To my surprise, he actually holstered his weapon and started to walk backwards with his hands up. I pouched my revolver as well and swung down off my horse to face him.

"Better get gone. Being as we're so close to town, someone's bound to have heard them shots," I said gently, but still in a commanding tone.

"You just gonna let me go?" He asked.

"If you let me," I assured him.

"You really did go straight didn't you?"

"Git gone Johnny," I said quietly. "We're done here."

I didn't wait for a reply. Hating to see it all end like this I turned and walked back towards my mount, hoping he'd be gone by the time I got there. The look of fear that suddenly flashed across Richards face was warning enough. Before he could even yell out I spun, my hand flashing towards my right hand gun, and saw Johnny clearing leather, intending to bring the gun to bear on either me or one of the men.

Before he could get his gun leveled I fanned off two quick shots, causing Johnny to jerk and squeeze his trigger. The bullet shot harmlessly into the ground between me and him, his gun clattering to the ground by his side.

He sunk to his knees then, looking down at the two spots of red rapidly growing on his chest. He looked up at me and chuckled painfully.

"I always forgot how fast you were Jack," he grinned through the pain.

"Why'd you have to go and find out?" I asked stoically.

"Even though I didn't know them, I couldn't just let my guys get kilt without doing anything about it. You know how it works."

"Have fun in Hell Johnny. Save me a seat and we'll have a beer when I get there," I laughed grimly.

"I hate that it came to this. Just know I don't blame you for it son. You did what you had to do," he smiled. "I'll buy the first round and you can tell me all about what an honest man does for fun."

"I look forward to it old friend. I'm looking forward to it," I grinned.

"Damn you're fast," he chuckled again before pitching over in death.

"You two knew each other?" Mr. Rivers asked after I turned to walk back to my horse.

"He was our leader," I said simply. "Pretty much raised me from the time I was a boy. Never really knew no family other than him and the others."

"Want help burying him?" Poke asked.

"Gotta take 'em into town to let the marshal know what happened," I reasoned.

"We'll take them two," Mr. Rivers said, gesturing to the two unnamed outlaws. "It was only two guys that jumped us, right boys?"
