Making an Exhibition of Myself Ch. 01-04


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Her eyes roamed my body. I looked at the floor, blushing. She looked for a long time, making me turn, bend over, spread my buttocks and lips, hold up my tits, open my mouth and point my tongue. I felt like an animal at market.

"Come closer." I moved to her, feeling as if I was hobbled with my legs apart. She stood and put her fingers in my mouth, like Mistress did. Let me suckle them. It relaxed me. After a while she began to fuck my mouth with them, very slowly at first then gradually quicker and harder. My hips thrust.

"I wish I could play with you, but I've got to go. Maybe your Mistress will." She laughed and removed her fingers. She moved to the doorway along with Mistress. Mistress.

"Go and collect Miss Elizabeth's coat." I walked off, naked, aware of Miss Elizabeth's eyes on me as I did so and muted conversations behind me. Mistress had me stand in the doorway with her, waving goodbye.

I slid out of bed, picked up Andrew's dressing gown and wrapped it around myself. Standing in the bathroom I saw that he was preparing to shave in one of the twin sinks in front of the long mirror. He was naked. He looked good naked I noted. He had a nice bum and body. His cock hung softly in front of him. I liked his cock, even soft. I sat on the toilet and let myself pee as I looked at him in profile. There was an easiness about being with him even if there wasn't the intensity of being with Mistress. He was good to me, good for me in many ways. I wiped myself and looked at the bath through the archway debating between bath or shower.

"What are you doing today?" I asked him.

"Video conferences mainly." He went on as he began to shave and I half listened to him, bankers in Liechtenstein, fund managers in New York. "You?"

"I am seeing Jane later."

"What a surprise", he laughed. Then, turning to me, still grinning, "Are you two having sex?"

"All the time." He presumed I joked.

"No, seriously, have you even thoughts of sex with her?"

"Oh yes." I nodded as though thoughtful. A slight movement caught my eye. His cock was moving! From pointing straight down it was rising, slowly but surely. "Does the thought excite you?"

"Of course. I cant think of anything sexier." His cock was straight out by now, pointing directly ahead. He half turned trying to hide it, I suspected, as he pulled his skin to slide the razor. I could understand why he found it exciting but he obviously did.

"Wouldn't you mind?"

"What? Oh no. As long as I could watch.' He laughed. "I cant compete with a woman can I?"

"Have you thought about sex with her?"

"No." Far too quickly. His face around the lather looked red. "Well, sometimes." He slowly admitted. "Just thought." I looked at his cock, now rigid and dark in front of him. I thought of Mistress' hand on his thighs. I thought about her teasing him. Quite unemotionally I could imagine her riding him, obviously in control, using his cock, his body. My lack of jealousy surprised me.

"She'd eat you alive!"

"Oh yes! Oh yes! I know." We both laughed.

As he let the water out and rinsed his face I stood and went behind him. I felt his hard body against mine, let my hand move around him and take his cock. It was so hot and hard. It throbbed in my hand. I looked at him in the mirror, bit of soap still in places, his eyes closed. He pressed against my hand, pinning it to the cupboard under the sink as he rubbed against me. I pressed my tits against his back, his butt against my stomach.

"I would share you with her." I whispered. He groaned and I felt his cock shudder and suddenly pulse and spurt. I couldn't believe he had cum so quickly. I felt his semen dribble down from his stomach onto my hands he slowed.

4. Seen as a submissive

I didn't often see Mrs Holdsworth but when I did she rather overawed me. She seemed hard and brusk and I always felt tongue tied and silly. Mistress sometimes sent me to her if she was busy and gave me over as a kind of novice helper. She certainly spoke her mind and was no lover of social niceties, especially when I had displayed yet again my inability to do things correctly. Not only that but I found I had to think quite hard as to the meaning of what she said because of her dialect and manner of speaking.

When Mistress first sent me to make tea for her was a prime example of how she was with me. I had brewed the tea in the kitchen and was about to take it to Mistress when Mrs Holdsworth came over.

"What's that, girl?" I was always referred to as 'girl' by her.

"Tea, Mrs Holdsworth."

"That's na tea, girl. It's cat's pee. It's the colour of your skin. This is Indian tea, make it the colour of an Indian." She stood over me until I had completely remade the tea and only after a brusk nod of her head was I allowed to carry it through to Mistress.

She had told me to come slightly earlier the next Friday. The day I had my maintenance spankings. Beforehand, I didn't want them to happen, afterwards I was always grateful they had. I didn't understand my feelings. They hurt, they made me wet and horny. I didn't get many spankings. I was a good, obedient submissive. Occasionally I forgot things and the infringement was dealt with as soon as was viable but it was infrequent. These I had once a week so that I didn't forget but they weren't really that bad.

I was naked over her knee on the soft high chair with no arms. I had brought a towel and laid it over her thighs. That was embarrassing as it I knew it was because I became wet and had marked her trousers in the past. My toes and fingers just touched the ground but she held my right wrist in the small of my back to keep me still. I had my thighs apart, I was never to close them.

The spanking started off slowly as usual and had increased to about maximum severity with me desperate to keep still, the pain of my buttocks excruciating and the heat in my loins causing me gasps that weren't to do with the pain.

My cheeks and thighs must have been a luminous pink in my mind when there was a knock at the door and Mrs Holdsworth walked in! I had never come across her or seen her before. I couldn't see her from my position but could eventually see her sensible shoes. I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me. Never in my whole life had shame of this magnitude affected me. I was having problems breathing. It had left me in shock beyond tears.

"Sorry to interrupt, Miss Jane, the man expected from t'Planning Department has arrived." Her voice was like that of her husband, flat voweled and accented, with more suggested than spoken, though this time I had no idea what those things were.

"Thank you Beth. Please could you take him into the kitchen and give him some of your delightful tea. I'll be there in just over 5 minutes." I saw her shoes move off and heard the door open and close.

Finally I was aware that the spanks had begun again though not as hard as before. She was going down now, softer and softer, until she was simply caressing me. I rose stiffly and stood against the wall where she rubbed me with creams. Afterwards I always felt this vague, drowsy, floaty, relaxed feeling, standing with my legs apart and my arms crossed behind me. The throbbing in my buttocks was echoed in my cunt and nipples as it always did but there was that cloak of humiliation there too.

I heard the door close as Mistress went off to see whoever it was and I just stared uncomprehendingly at the wall as my body came to terms with things. Thoughts came and went slowly. I had been seen by somebody else. It was scary and exciting. Would she tell anyone? Would I have to face her again. Someone had seen me being spanked like a child, like a slut. She had seen me with my ass high and red and my legs spread open. What did it mean? Did it matter? Should I care? What could I do? I felt drunk and looking at the questions from afar. Nothing, was the gradual answer to the last thought. Mistress might be able to though. Gradually I was aware my breathing had slowed again and I noticed the dribble of juices down my thighs.

On the sofa after Mistress' return I was in her lap again but this time being cuddled in her arms. I felt safe there. I could feel the towel beneath me, the soft texture against my tender skin, stopping the stains from the cream this time.

"Mistress, Mrs Holdsworth saw me being spanked."

"Yes, I was there."

"Yes of course, sorry Mistress. Will she say anything?"

"Not outside the house. No doubt she will see you again."


"Really what?" She laughed.

"Both." I finally said after I had ordered my thoughts.

"No, she won't say anything, other than to me or her husband. Yes, she will probably see you again." Her right hand slid beneath my thighs and I dutifully opened them for her. "Lets get this straight. Who is in charge of what you wear?

"You are Mistress."

"And you want that?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Who controls whether you are naked or not?"

"You do Mistress."

"Being an exhibitionist slut for me makes you horny, doesn't it?"

"Yes I guess so Mistress."

"Now don't even think about getting prim and proper on me! When I asked you to take your clothes off for me in the beginning you were soaked, weren't you."

"Yes Mistress." I hid my face behind my hair.

"So, you want me to be in charge of what you wear, or if you wear anything at all. You want to be my slut and fuck your husband on my command and we both know that showing your body off makes your cunt drip like a tap. You have already been naked in front of Miss Elizabeth when I agreed. So what is the problem with Mrs Holdsworth?"

"Nothing Mistress."

"And nothing will be a problem whoever I have you flaunt your slutty little body in front of. Am I clear?"

"Yes Mistress."

"And before your tiny little mind comes up with any more questions, nothing will be the problem whatever I have you do in front of anyone, is that correct?"

"Yes Mistress."

I knew that I got some sort of wicked pleasure from being forced into sexually embarrassing and vulnerable situations. I became more and more turned on by having to do things any normal person would consider humiliating and Mistress seemed to get pleasure from it too. I didn't understand it properly. I had become wet doing these things with Mistress right from the beginning though I wasn't certain why and it was so irresistible to submit to her. I realised then that Mistress was pushing my boundaries with Mrs Holdsworth like she had with Miss Elizabeth and Andrew.

She cradled me and slid a finger, tasting of my juices, into my mouth and rocked me.

My mind wandered. I felt quite proud when Mistress had opened me up to do more for her, though the embarrassment was always there. She had trained me as though I was one of her dogs, I guessed, by constantly making me do as I was told, the repetition became soothing. I had fully accepted her control over large parts of my life now, such as my orgasms and my sex with Andrew even.

I never had an orgasm without her permission now. Away from her I was only allowed to fuck myself if she watched me on FaceTime, or sometimes she would accept it over the phone. I had become accustomed to stopping what I was doing and getting into whatever position it was she demanded of me and fingering myself for her, making sure she could see me, making sure I did as I was expected, cumming or having to stop. Sometimes she finished me off. I loved those times. She would now usually let me lick her now, lick her pussy. Not always, but often. I fully accepted lots of things now.

Before being with Mistress I had rarely masturbated, not needed to orgasm often. Now I felt like an insatiable slut. I was worse than ever I had been as a teenager. I became so horny that I could easily cope with the humiliation of begging to be allowed to cum.

Mistress' voice brought me from my reverie.

"I want you to know that I want to lick your cunt more often soon." I looked up at her not able to keep the excitement from my face and my clit began letting me know it was interested too. "The problem is, and has been, that you cannot fully appreciate being given pleasure and knowing you are still under my control. You need to be far more aware that you have no choice, the pleasure I give you is simply determined by me."

"But, Mistress, if I may, isn't it like that now? I cant cum unless you allow me to."

"Yes, to some extent, but you need to be more aware."

"How Mistress?"

"You will be in bondage, tied up, helpless. So you will know more obviously that you have no say in me giving you pleasure or not, or if I was to continue or not. You will know you have no choice."

It seemed to me to be a waste of time, if she wanted me to be still, hold a position, not move, all she had to do was tell me and I would do it. However it wasn't my decision and I looked forward to the treat of her licking me. It was too big a prize to lose by quibbling over the need to be bound.

"Because you are getting more and more pleasure it seems fitting that you shall give over more and more control, doesn't it?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Yes. Instead of using the toilet from now on you will go outside, or use a bowl in the house. You'll find one to use at your house and you will ask Mrs Holdsworth for one to use here. She's not always here, as you know, so you will find a place to keep it."

My mind was spinning and my breathing was fast again. "What ask Mrs Holdsworth for a bowl to pee in?"

"Yes. That's what I said."


"No buts! There are a few exceptions that I will allow. If Andrew is with you, you may use the toilet. If you are socialising somewhere with anyone who is not a Mistress, you may use the toilet. However, if you are alone, or with me, or in this house you will do as I say. If you are at the mall or supermarket, for instance, you will not use a public toilet you will drive home or do it outdoors somewhere that you find."

I had never had to pee outside before. I knew some of my friends had when caught short especially after being drinking but I had never done that. That would be so embarrassing, so submissive acquiescing to these controls too. I would never be able to forget for a moment that Mistress was in control, it would be a constant reminder to me that I was hers and had to do as I was told.

"It may take some practice." Mistress continued. "If you are not careful there will be times that you pee all over your knickers or over the back of your skirts. Now that might be rather embarrassing might it?"

"Yes Mistress."

"And not just peeing, you will need to keep tissues with you always if you don't already in case you need to go when out."

Mistress drove me back to the house. Andrew's car was in the drive. Mistress leant over and undid two buttons on my blouse. I was wearing a bra but it was one that I had bought with Mistress, and it was a demi bra. At least it wasn't one of the quarter bras she had made me buy but it was still quite risqué. I ran my hand over the front surreptitiously. I knew my buttons were undone below my breasts sufficiently for my cleavage to be seen fully from the side. Andrew would see. I was not normally so provocative in front of him.

Mistress came into the house and we went to the kitchen. I made tea, Mistress sat at the table. It didn't take long before Andrew appeared and joined us. He sat opposite, next to her. I was very aware of my blouse as I handed large cups out and sat down. I saw Andrew noticed and his eyes kept coming back to my cleavage.

Soon Mistress began talking of teenagers and what they seemed to be up to. She had Andrew's full attention as always when she spoke. His face looked flushed. I held the edges of my seat, not knowing what to do with my hands when in social situations with Mistress where control wasn't confirmed.

"When I was younger we used to practice, other girls and me, practice kissing each other so we were used to it with boys. I'm sure all girls did that at some time. I guess you didn't do things like that though, did you?" Her hair shone as she spoke.

"No. Not at all." He laughed. I suddenly had an idea where this was going, my face warmed.

"Did you do that Jennifer?"

"Yes. Sometimes." My voice came out a little too high.

"We used to practice and practice, all different types of kissing." She grinned at him. "We wanted to make sure we knew, had experienced it all so we didn't look silly when we did it on a date. It was quite exciting watching, too. Watching the girls kissing, it was quite titillating. Would it have excited you, watching the girls kissing?"

"Yes... Yes, of course."

"Have you ever thought of me kissing your wife? Would you like to see that?' I could see his throat tighten and he was silent. "You don't need to do anything do you, you don't need to move, you can be part of it all by watching."

Then to me." Come and kneel between my knees Jennifer. Come close." Andrew sat silently. Not moving.

Automatically I moved to her legs, kneeling on the floor in between her knees as she opened her trousered legs. Andrew watched me, his eyes wide. Mistress leant forward and kissed me lightly. My lips remain closed but it was difficult to concentrate and not give in as normal. Her lips just brushed against mine initially but then the kiss became insistent and lingered. I felt her tits pressing into mine as she slid forward on the chair and her arms went around me me, holding my head with one. I felt her teeth as we both opened our mouths at the same time. Andrew is there, I tried to remember. I couldn't help but relax into the kiss. Her smell, the feel of her, her taste. She bit my lower lip and then her tongue was in my mouth.

We parted a moment and as I opened my eyes I saw Andrew's trousers. His cock looked enormous in his trousers. Mistress was enjoying this I could tell. She leant deeper against me and her hand slid down to caress the swell of my breast over my blouse. I was aware of my audacity in letting it happen in front of Andrew. Her fingernails on my nipples. I could smell arousal, not knowing whether it was mine or hers? I heard myself moan into her mouth. It occurred to me that Andrew has been fantasising about this. I wondered for how long.

Thinking about him makes me fall back a moment but I am a good girl, hers, so I become aroused quickly again kissing her. Her tongue feels like a cock in me.

He's hypnotised by what he sees. I see him surreptitiously rubbing his cock through his trousers. I find myself kissing back with new enthusiasm, wanting to please them both.

Her mouth moves away again from me and I push forward to reclaim her lips but she is talking.

"Did that excite you? See your wife kissing another woman? Is that what you have thought of? I can see you're hard."

"Yes." He whispered. "Yes."

She looked down at me, gently slaps my face, knowing it is like a finger in my mouth. I thought of her slapping my tits. I wanted her to. To show her I would, to feel the submission, though Andrew would see. Would it matter now? I was breathing quickly.

"Take out his cock." Her voice thick. "Use your mouth. That's what he wants. I want to watch."

Unquestioning her demand, I leant forward to him, did as I was told. It was difficult as Andrew's cock was hard, big, making the undoing of his trousers difficult, but I did it, releasing it. He groaned. His boxers were difficult too before he lifted up and helped me. I pushed them out of the way. His cock was hot and throbbing in my hand. It felt strange doing this, strange with an audience but somehow normal. I was her slut. I was a whore. He was my husband. I had done this before for her. Andrew lay back in the seat giving me freedom over his sex. I was breathing quickly through my nose. I was so aroused. It had developed so quickly.

I could smell the maleness of him. His cock was hot as I put it to my lips and very hard in my hand. I couldn't see either of them as I licked him but I knew their eyes were on what I was doing. Nobody had ever seen me involved in anything like this. I sank down on his length, then further, thankful of the lessons Mistress had made me do on the dildo she had me buy. It was good having him in me. I wanted to show Mistress I could do it. My throat relaxed as it had on the dildo and I took him further. Saliva dribbled but I ignored it. I pulled back for air and licked him again all the way up from his balls, his cock reacting strongly to each touch now. Again and I again I let him fuck my mouth, my throat. Quite quickly I felt the tell tale jerking and I knew he was going to come. I squeezed him with my hand and just in time slid back so I would catch him in my mouth.