Making Janis Perfect Again

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She was so much like her mother.
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Donald Packer sometimes thought his daughter, Janis, wasn't very bright. For years the family had employed webcams and motion detectors as part of their home security system. They even had those CCTV doorbell things, and most of the devices ran off of Wi-Fi and internet feeds to family cellphones. Don could even tell, though he almost never cared, at what time specific doors and windows had opened and closed.

He had accidentally busted Janis dozens of times fibbing, sneaking, or flat-out lying. Cameras in the living room or den had recorded her side of some of her private phone calls as she wandered around the house while chatting on her mobile. When she turned 13, he was pretty sure that the bathroom window upstairs was being opened a lot to vent cigarette smoke. The hallway camera showed her entering and leaving the bath, but there was rarely any sound of a toilet being flushed.

Once Janis was in high school, she would slip in quietly long after her curfew and then be surprised the next day when Don reminded her that the DoorCam had recorded her actual arrival an hour or more late. He didn't tell her, though she should have known, that it also recorded the goodnight kisses and clumsy groping by her dates when they brought her home!

Now that his daughter was 19 years old she didn't have a curfew anymore, but there were still rules to be followed. "No damned cigarettes" was one of them, and it seemed she spoke the truth when she promised she no longer thought it made her cool to smoke or vape.

So when Janis snuck her latest boyfriend in one night while Don and her mom had a date night out, Don knew the score and yet marveled at her audacity. Janis had arranged for Brice to enter and leave through the screen door on the back deck to avoid the two main DoorCams, but there was no way she could have shut off or disabled the motion detectors or the "NannyCam" in the main rooms.

Of course, there were no cameras in bedrooms or bathrooms, so when Janis and Brice entered her room they did have complete privacy. But when the hall camera showed her escorting him out two hours later, she was now wearing pajamas and a robe. Don figured they had enjoyed themselves.

And, to his shame and discomfort, he very briefly wished there *was* a camera in there. His discomfort manifested itself in another way - he decided not to chide her for sneaking her boyfriend in. He figured that since he didn't want to open a discussion of what she had done in her bedroom, it was best to let this sleeping dog lie.

Don and his wife Tracy worked downtown, and their suburban home was fairly distant. So Wednesday nights became their date nights. It was easy to meet after work at a nice restaurant without trekking home and then back downtown.

Wednesday night became party night for Janis and Brice, too. Janis wondered why her parents never said anything to her because she knew (finally!) from experience that her Dad's security system filmed them walking around in the house. It was Brice, not usually the sharpest knife, who explained it to her.

"Jan, no girl's Dad wants to talk to her about her fucking her boyfriend. I'll bet he's pretending you're a virgin. My Dad talked to Chad and me about sex, and dates, and boobs and stuff. But he never talked to our sisters about any of that. Dads can't talk to daughters about sexual stuff."

And so the seed was planted in Janis' mind: her sex made her Dad uncomfortable - and passive. The overbearing macho man who nagged her about grades, and her clothes, and even what she ate? He didn't have the balls to speak to her about sex. He didn't dare reproach her for anything raunchy she did. She had a free pass.


She became bolder and more sexually empowered every week. She would walk Brice out in her pajamas but without a robe, and then in her lingerie without pajamas. Her Dad said nothing. He began to watch the videos in his home office with the door closed and locked. He never mentioned any of what was happening, or how he felt about it, to his wife.

Then Brice was getting "welcome" and "goodbye" kisses and caresses in the living room. Don was tongue-tied and indecisive. He hated himself for playing with his penis while watching Janis. And yet he said nothing to her. What could he possibly say? Janis was a woman now, and this was her house, too. How could he explain watching her all the time?

He did begin vaguely to wonder if she was taunting him on purpose, showing him more teenage skin each week. When she finally walked Brice out of her room and down the hall topless, Don had to assume Janis knew what she was doing.

He wracked his brain for a way to tell her to stop what she was doing - and said nothing. He watched her breasts sway as she walked, then rewound and watched again. His pants were at his ankles and he masturbated vigorously. He was so ashamed of himself. He knew his baby girl was playing him for a chump, but God, what tits the girl had. Her mother paled in comparison.

Her mother was also getting better sex, although she didn't know why. If Wednesdays were date nights, Thursdays had become fuck nights. Tracy would wear her naughtiest nightgowns to bed and wait for Don to finish his "work" in their home office. It was obvious to Tracy that whatever real work Don did, it ended with some internet porn because he came to bed with his cock as hard as a rock. She used to hate the thought of her husband watching webcam whores or whatever, but he wasn't as young as he used to be, and if it got her railed once in a while, maybe she could look the other way.

Don eventually realized that Janis was keeping their naughty relationship, if that is what it was, from Brice. One night Janis enticed him to a torrid make-out session on the sofa, ending with more than a touch of oral sex. She flat-out lied to Brice that she had switched off the security system. The next day Don repeatedly watched his daughter suck her boyfriend's cock right in front of the camera on the mantelpiece. She stared right at the camera lens and smiled. Don never mentioned it to her. He was disgusted with himself for whimpering her name as he ejaculated.

Several months after this all began Janis was riding on top of Brice's cock on the living room sofa. She had lit a fire in the fireplace, and the gas flames beautifully illuminated her naked sweaty body as she rose and plunged back down on her boyfriend's rigid cock. Brice was, Don now knew, quite a powerhouse when it came to sex, and could fuck Janis for an hour while she orgasmed two or three times.

This night she dangled her breasts in his face and told him that she wanted to experience a "threesome". Brice seemed unconcerned about sharing his girl with a friend. He suggested two or three different guys "who tell me all the time how fucking hot you are, Baby."

"Surprise me," she said. "I'll fuck anyone you want."

In his den the next day, watching this for the fourth time, Don squirted the biggest load of his life when he heard his daughter offer herself to a random guy. He used to be able to close his eyes and remember her selling Girl Scout cookies. When he closed his eyes now he saw Janis getting spit-roasted. By him and Brice. He was so ashamed of himself. And hard.


Don hosted a poker game on the second Saturday of every month. Of the four regulars, Victor and Jerome were coworkers and Nelson and Andy were neighbors. On the fourth Saturday of each month, they played at the house of one of the other guys. Guests brought all the snacks and beer.

Bill and Marisa Sanchez lived next door and were the Packers' best friends. Bill didn't play cards and welcomed Tracy to join them the one night a month she "fled" her house. Bill, Marisa, and Tracy watched Netflix or HBO.

Next door from her own house, Tracy could easily look out the window and tell when the poker game ended by looking at the porch and living room lights. If a game went to midnight, she had a standing invitation to sleep overnight in one of the Sanchez' guest rooms. Three or four times a year a game would run late, and Tracy wouldn't go home until breakfast. Marisa was Tracy's best friend, and the once-in-a-blue-moon sleepovers were treats, not inconveniences.

Don was fine with Tracy fleeing the scene on poker night. He could relax, talk dirty, and just be "one of the guys." One of the players would bring a dirty DVD and they'd play it in the background. The "oohhs" and "aahhs" of the performers were a great background for all the poker talk. And, without Tracy there to nag him, Don could pound back the beers until he was wasted. King in his castle. Porn and beer, no ball and chain, heaven!

Janis and Brice showed up early in the evening and went to her room "to study for exams". Don was happy they had not yet turned on the DVD - that would have been embarrassing! In the months Janis dated Brice, this was the first time he was at Janis' house on one of her dad's poker nights. The old geezers looked like they were enjoying themselves downstairs and Brice hoped he'd have some fun tonight, too, with his girlfriend.

As the evening went on it was normal for two or three of the players to drink too much. If it was the host, and that happened once in a while, driving wasn't an issue. If it was any of the other guys, the drunk would either get a ride home with one of the less-pickled players or crash overnight on the sofa. Tonight it looked like Don was going to overindulge first.

And it looked like Don was going to go broke first, too. He just couldn't concentrate enough on the cards. His mind kept wandering upstairs, to Janis' bedroom, where Don knew damned well the only studying going on was sex education. He had watched enough cam videos to know very well what Janis and Brice looked like in action, and his feverish imaginings were distracting him from the game. Lewd images of Janis and Brice flashed through her dad's brain, but he couldn't tell the others, who teased him mercilessly for making bad bets and getting hammered. Don drank more, and faster.

About an hour after Janis and Brice went upstairs Don had to excuse himself to take a piss. There were two toilets on the ground floor, but he went upstairs to use the en suite in his bedroom. Here, but not downstairs, he could hear Janis and Brice having sex in her room next to his. It quickly made him hard in his pants. He wanted badly to jerk off but was sober enough - barely - to know he had to go back to the poker table. On a whim, he knocked on her bedroom door and shouted "keep the noise down, kids. I have company." He was mostly joking. The noise was inaudible downstairs.

Nevertheless, having Mr. Packer knock on the door and shout knocked Brice off his stride and the young man quickly dressed and left. Don chuckled to himself as he saw Brice dash out the front door without saying good night.

Upstairs, Janis fumed. Brice had gotten off, so he could run. Her orgasm hadn't arrived yet and she was frustrated and horny. She resolved to make Brice pay for this, somehow, next week, and burrowed under her bedcovers. She'd wait a few minutes to cool off and then reach for one of her vibrators.

Downstairs, Don retook his seat at the table and chugged another beer. The sounds he'd heard upstairs were replaying in his brain. His cameras had given him dozens of views of his daughter naked and fucking. He didn't focus on the cards, but drank more. He was beginning to be overpowered by the beer and was fading fast.

Soon Don was visibly nodding off at the card table, and two of his friends helped him upstairs and onto his bed. He looked comfortable enough on top of the covers, dressed, so they just pulled a light cover over him and turned out the lights.

You can have a sort of a poker game with only four players, but it isn't much fun and the guys soon just lounged around in the living room swilling beer. They laughed about their "light-weight" host and swapped a few bawdy "poor Tracy" jokes at his expense. Victor turned on the DVD player and the four men soon forgot all about poker and began to talk about sex.

"Tracy," Victor joked, "probably has a boyfriend on poker nights." Lewd remarks soon were shared about Tracy's figure and which of the men would like to do what with her if she came in now when Don was out of commission. Nelson admitted that he had more than once rubbed up against Tracy in the hot tub. "Lady's got buns of steel, that one."

Sitting quietly at the top of the dark stairs, Janis listened to the sexual remarks flying fast and loose just a few feet away. She was horny, and unsatisfied, and aroused by listening to men dad thought were his friends discussing the merits of her mother's tits and which hole they wanted to start in. The neighbor she had always known as "Uncle" Andy told the others that Tracy shaved her pubes, a fact he knew from summers spent poolside in the back yard. His wife didn't, he complained, "and I always wanted to eat a beardless clam."

Janis shivered. Like all girls her age, she removed all her pubic hair regularly. She hadn't known until now that her mom did, too. Maybe Mom was hotter than she seemed to her daughter! Janis unbuttoned the top of her pajamas and gently tickled her nipples as she listened to the four old men talking dirty to each other. Tracy's ass this, Tracy's tits that. She'd never before been "a fly on the wall" when grown men talked dirty to each other, and it was as exciting as hell. They kept their voices down, so Janis couldn't always tell who said what.

Janis was jolted with a perverse thrill when Jerome mentioned her. "How old is that daughter of theirs? She's even hotter than his wife. She legal yet?"

"More than legal; she's 19. Probably not a virgin, either. Taking her boyfriend to her bedroom like that, right in front of her daddy. Pretty bold broad for a teenager."

"I wonder if Don knows what goes on under his roof."

"Christ, I wish Tracy was here. With Don out cold I could really get behind the idea of fucking his wife while he slept a few feet away." There was general agreement on that one. Then they had a lengthy discussion of the merits of experienced versus inexperienced pussy, and hot teens compared to desperate MILFs. Janis had never thought of her mom as a sexual being at all, let alone a MILF driving men mad.

It was the man she'd always called "Uncle" Andy who said "No need to choose. Seen them both at the pool, and I'd fuck 'em both. Man, side-by-side? That would be so hot. Don drunk, us taking turns on his wife and daughter. Oh fuck, I gotta rip one off. Pay no attention to this..." And then the sound of a zipper.

Nelson spoke next, saying that Don's bathing suits never seemed very full, and he probably had a small cock. Then he said he was going to masturbate, too.

With two cocks out, there were a few jokes about which one of the four of them packed what equipment. Janis didn't know men teased each other about something as personal as their cock sizes. She often joked with her girlfriends about who had the perkiest, or the saggiest, boobs, but dicks seemed sort of personal.

"Card game's fucked, so let's bet on something else," Andy said. "Twenty bucks each in the pot, biggest cock wins."

Victor quickly added, "Make it like a high-low split. Biggest and littlest dicks split the pot."

Everyone laughed, and Jerome said, "Guess now we know which one of us thinks he has the smallest dick," and they all laughed at Victor.

Janis was steaming now, sitting just a few feet away from four middle-age cocks coming out for the contest. Her left hand snaked down into her pajama bottoms and she lightly stroked her dripping vulva. She crept forward to peek around the wall and see the men pulling their cocks out.

"That's a sure winner," one man said, but Janis wasn't sure who spoke, or whose cock was being complimented. She leaned farther forward, and the creaking noise gave her away.

"Don, you up? Not too late to get into our contest," Jerome joked and went to the bottom of the stairs.

"Don's here?" Andy said, and then, "Sorry, Victor. Don's gonna give you real competition for littlest cock." Both men laughed.

Jerome was surprised to find Don's daughter sitting on the lowest stair, with her top wide open and her pajama pants down at her knees. "Hey guys, guess who wants to see our cocks? He tugged Janis by her other arm and she stood in front of the others, humiliated and excited.

"Janis, you come down here to judge our contest?" Nelson asked, to more laughter.

Her head spinning, Janis gaped at the men's penises in various stages of erection. She lunged for the nearest chair so as not to fall down, her bottoms now around her ankles.

Jerome joked, "Whoa, who was it wanted a beardless clam? Andy? Look at this beauty."

Andy did. Slowly, he approached Janis in her chair, still silent. Of all the four men, he knew her best, and for the longest time; since she was a little girl, new on the block. When he was directly in front of her, his cock now hard and throbbing inches in front of her, she spoke softly "Uncle Andy?" She wanted to ask a question, but she didn't know what it was.

It didn't matter. Whatever she asked, the answer was going to be "cocks".

Jerome was behind her now and slowly reached around her to cup her young breasts. His embrace from behind also straightened her in the chair, and Andy shuffled an inch or two closer. He asked her, just loud enough for the others to hear, "You going to be a nice girl for Uncle Andy tonight, baby girl? You're a legal grown-up woman now. You're old enough to do whatever you want. Maybe you're tired of that boyfriend of yours and you'd like to play with some grown-up cocks?"

Nelson was close on her left, and she turned her head in his direction, still not yet committed, in her dizzy brain, to letting her father's friends have sex with her. Jerome still hugged her from behind and continued tweaking and pinching her nipples. She looked up to Nelson, wide-eyed and uncertain. He wordlessly leaned forwards and kissed her, holding her head in his hands. Janis had never been kissed quite like this - he held her head firmly between his hands, but his lips just barely touched hers, floating and teasing hers. His tongue touched her lips skittishly, touching and backing away, then touching again. It was the best kiss Janis had ever experienced.

Tight in Jerome's embrace, her head held by Nelson, trying to French kiss her, she raised her hands in front of her. It might have been a gesture of resistance, or of surrender. None of these men would have forced Janis to do anything if she told them to stop.

Andy knew that she had chosen surrender when she pulled his hard-on and began to stroke him. Nelson learned second when she relaxed her lips and sucked his persistent tongue into her mewling mouth. Her moans were unintelligible, but the meaning was clear. The pleasure she'd been denied when Brice ran away was being offered to her again.

"Let's go to the couch, baby girl," Jerome said to her. These men weren't *that* old, but she loved being called "baby girl." They all moved a little to rearrange themselves, and she saw three of the four cocks clearly in front of her.

She reached out slowly for Victor's and pulled him into an embrace. "Can I please start with the smallest?" she asked sweetly, and Victor gleefully fell to his knees between hers and began lapping away at the sweet hairless teen cunt of his coworker's daughter.


Don awakened at 1:15 and struggled to get up and go to the bathroom. He noticed that he was still dressed at about the same moment that he realized his wife had never come home.

He staggered into the en suite bathroom, pissed, and splashed some water on his face. Then he undressed, tossed his smelly outfit into the hamper, and pulled on the loose boxer shorts he usually slept in.