Man of God Ch. 02


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"Come here, Bowser." I said, picking him up. "Let me back here, kids." I said, stepping over them as they made way. It did my back no favors to sit down on the floor next to the little girl, but I did so as I said to her: "Hi there, what's your name?"

"Joy." said the little girl, a cap unsuccessfully hiding the fact that she had no hair on her little head.

"I'm Don, and this is my buddy Bowser." I said. Bowser was already right in front of the girl, looking up at her with a desire and expectation to be petted by her. "Would you like to pet Bowser?" I asked.

"Yeah." the girl said, her voice barely above a whisper, but a huge smile appearing on her little face. She began petting Bowser, her emotions matching her name of 'Joy'. Bowser appeared to be happy, as well. His tail was wagging mightily.

After a moment, Teresa helped Bowser to move on to other kids. I stayed where I was for the moment. "Joy," I said "if you want something, you speak up. Don't let others keep you back, okay?"

"Okay." said Joy... and she would not. She would beat cancer, and she would raise her voice... as a future State Senator representing the 1st District, as Katherine Woodburn was presently doing...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dr. Napp and Hospital Administrator Cordell came in. "Okay, kids!" said Dr. Napp, "it's time to show our Police friends our surprises." The kids cheered, very excited about this.

I had noticed that there were cloths on the far wall, hiding something. We now found out what they were. Two kids went to the cloth on the left and tugged on it, revealing the framed, almost ceiling-to-floor photo poster. It showed Teresa and Carole on the day Teresa had been been awarded her Medal of Valor, Carole's little arms hugging Teresa, Teresa looking as happy as I'd ever seen her.

On the lower left of the poster, by Teresa's right leg, she had autographed the photo in Sharpie. It said "Never give up! Teresa Croyle, TCPD". On the right side, in a typical child's writing, it said "Never give up. Carole T."

"Aw, that's so awesome!" Teresa said. "And we never give up, do we kids?"

"NEVER!!" yelled a chorus of kids fighting for their lives against cancer.

"Okay, let's reveal the other one." said Dr. Cordell. Two kids came up and tugged off the sheet covering the poster photo on the right.

When Bowser had made his cameo appearance on the soap opera 'Days of Promise', they'd taken some still shots of him and me. One had been of me in my Tilley Hat, trenchcoat over my black shirt, standing behind what looked like a brick wall with a concrete top. The red crowbar was lying on that wall in front of me, which was actually a prop. Sitting on his haunches on that wall so that his head was next to mine, was the redoubtable Bowser, striking a pose for the camera.

I'd signed that photo 'Hope never dies. D. Troy, Cmdr TCPD'. On the right was a paw print made by Bowser by the soap opera program's staff. Bowser had not appreciated having his paw inked, as the chemicals had irritated his paw and had required a good cleaning by his owner's father at home later than evening. But now, that paw print and the two posters would inspire kids to fight hard, keep hope alive, and never give up against cancer...

Part 13 - Resolution

Tuesday, July 31st. I had worked on the 'Queenie Files', and the FBI's very best people also began working on it to find the key to decode the jump drive file that would reveal the mole. But I wasn't too worried about it. Mittens Willis was dead. The FBI was all over BigAgraFoods like a wet blanket. The Governor was aware of possible moles, and was being more careful. And I'd shared some advice with 'the right people', to further mitigate possible Mole actions.

The Orange Order convened that evening at Ian McGhillie's Golf Course clubhouse. Chief Griswold had caught trout from the River, and I caught steaks from the grocery store. We cooked up a feast. Della Harlow did not attend, but everyone else was there, and they hungrily ate that feast we'd cooked.

After the meal, we were quaffing beer when our spokesperson, Sergeant Morton, got up. "First," he said, "I believe the score is TCPD 3, Independent State Counsel 0." A loud round of applause burst out, and then Morton said "And Robert Mullen is now 0-5 against the TCPD, including his time with the I.G.'s office." More applause.

"Okay," I said, when I was called upon to announce promotions and medals, "tomorrow is the big day of the year for promotions. A lot of pay grade promotions." I named names.

"Mr. Hicks will be the next to become a Corporal in the TCPD..." Applause for Patrolman Hicks. "And we'll have some movement in the Detective Division. Four Officers will be put on the Detective Track and will be put in Vice. And we're adding two people to MCD." I named names.

"And for medals," I said, "there are not too many. Mostly Achievement Medals, mostly for the Triathlon. I can't believe it, but they downgraded the winner's medal to a Public Safety Achievement Medal. But they made up for it with a Public Safety Commendation Medal for Captain Croyle for breaking down one perp and shooting the other at the bank. Captain Perlman is getting a Public Safety Commendation Medal for being first in the women's division of the wheelchair race, but more for organizing that race in the first place." There was much applause for Tanya for that.

"And while I hate having to give these out, there is one well-deserved Purple Order for our Police Chaplain, Father Romano." There was strong applause for that. "And I suspect Father Romano will be getting another medal, but you'll have to show up to find out what it is."

"You're such a tease." retorted Cindy Ross, to great laughter. And she was right.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wednesday, August 1st. The day promised to be beautiful, but on the warm side. The preparations were made; we were having our Medals Ceremony on the Fairgrounds right behind Police Headquarters. The Fire Department was joining us, and it would be a joint ceremony. The Fire Department also had more promotions than medals on this day.

Before I left home for Headquarters, the Troy family began Carole's birthday celebrations. I could not believe that my little girl was FIVE years old today! It seemed like just yesterday that I was holding my newborn daughter in my arms.

Carole got the Wonder Woman doll she wanted, and some books that were mostly pictures. Later that evening she would get a first primer picture book on astronomy from Marie and Marie's mother, Astronomy Professor Stephanie Steele.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Going into work, there was a buzz in MCD. The four big LED monitor screens were in their grid on the wall adjacent to Vice. Vice's big screens were just on the other side of that wall. Joanne and Theo were against the far side long wall, where the television monitor used to be. The two desks against the wall that was adjacent to the hall wall were ready for their two new occupants.

All of the Detectives were in formal Uniforms, medals on their jackets. So when Roy McGhillie and Julia Rodriguez came in, wearing their uniforms, they were properly attired. Roy, Joanne, and Tanya Perlman had their Purple Orders around their necks.

"Okay, McGhillie," I said. "No promotion for you, just a lateral transfer."

"Laterally upwards!" said Tanya. "Glad to have you here."

"Thank you, ma'am, sir." said McGhillie.

I took the first sleeve of plastic out of my box. "Well, this is a promotion. Rodriguez to Detective-2!" As everyone applauded, I handed Julia her new badge and rank insignia. The insignia was the twin stripes of a Corporal, but with two rockers beneath (like a Sergeant with rockers below). It was unique looking, but we liked it.

"All the new Vice guys will be Detective-1s." I said. Their insignia were Corporal stripes with one rocker beneath. "Okay, get settled in. Captain Perlman, come with me." We went into Vice, where Vice Lieutenant Mary Mahoney Milton was assigning desks. I gave out a lot of bling as I got to know the new Vice people. They'd be getting to know me a lot better in the coming months...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Three Public Safety Commendation Medals." Cindy said to me as we looked at the medals in my office. Teresa was with us. "One for Teresa, one for Tanya, and one for you, even though you never announce your own awards at the Orange Order dinner."

My award was for resolving the Tom Kane hostage situation, solving the 'Pact' case, and then Sheriff Allgood had upgraded it to Public Safety level (from Police level) for solving the Wheeler/Feingold murders.

"Nice." I said, then moved to change the subject: "Purple Order on a necklace, I see." Cindy nodded as she showed it to us. I said. "And I am really glad there's no Purple Order with silver and bronze clusters on it."

"Meeeeeee, too." said Teresa, imitating the way Carole would say that at times.

"And here's Father Romano's other medal." Cindy said, showing it to us.

"That is a beautiful medal." I said. Teresa and Cindy nodded vigorously in agreement. Just then my phone buzzed. "Okay, bring him back." I said. Hanging up, I said "The Cardinal is here."

To our surprise, the Roman Catholic Church had informed us that Claude Cardinal O'Leery from the City would attend our ceremonies today. Cindy bolted for her office, and Teresa followed her. I made sure my office desk was clean, and everything else looked good, then I peeked into the hallway.

Chief Moynahan was escorting Cardinal O'Leery down the hallway. O'Leery was not particularly tall, shorter than the Chief and therefore a good bit shorter than me. He was stocky but not fat at all. His hair was gray, very thin, and combed to the sides of his largish head. He was wearing a black cassock with scarlet fascia (sash belt) and the traditional red skull cap. His rosary and cross were exquisite.

I went back into my office, and a moment later the Cardinal was brought into it. The Chief introduced us.

"I'm honored to meet you, Your Eminence." I said, shaking his hand firmly. No, no ring kissing from me, but I did feel the aura of the man, a power I'd felt in only a few people, such as the Deputy Director of the FBI, the Marine General who'd given me Guernica's Marine insignia, Dr. P. Harvey Eckhart, and Pastor Westboro. To my surprise, this man's aura had a tinge of malignancy, totally unexpected...

"And I you, Commander Troy." Cardinal O'Leery said, his eyes peering at me, his aura trying to reach into my soul, which I mentally resisted.

"And such a humble office for a man of your accomplishments." he said, his eyes glancing around, noticing everything. He continued: "Chaplain Romano has said great things about you. I can see why he resists promotion, and better assignments, to continue working for you."

I smiled, the kind of smile to hide anger at the perhaps unintended insult that there were 'better assignments' than being the TCPD Chaplain. "We're honored and lucky to have Captain Romano as our Catholic Chaplain." I said. "His service to us has been honorable and indispensable. And he seems happy to serve his Police Department in his capacity as a man of the Lord."

Cardinal O'Leery smiled a pursed smile. "Yes, he was a Police Officer before he became one of our Shepherds of our Flock. I'm sure he's happy where he is, but I would be remiss if we did not give him the opportunities he deserves." I understood the message.

"Yes, Your Eminence." I said, keeping my smile fixed. "I consider myself to be very fortunate, to have found where I am supposed to be as well as where I want to be, resisting offers to promote me out of my bliss. My observation is that Chaplain Romano is the same way: where he wants to be, as well as where he is meant to be. But he can make his own statement about that."

He understood the message. "Yes." he said. We shook hands again as he said "If you'll excuse me, I shall make my way to the ceremony site. Again, a pleasure to meet the great Iron Crowbar."

"An honor to meet you, Your Eminence." I said politely. The Cardinal left, his entourage in tow, and Chief Moynahan guided him to Cindy's office. I had the feeling... that I'd be meeting him again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the ceremonies began, with Chief Moynahan and Chief Quinlin jointly presiding, I sat in my seat to the side, next to the lovely Fire Marshal, Zoe Singer. I surveyed the temporary stands, full of Firefighters and Police Officers and families and others, and a Catholic Cardinal in front, flanked by Council Members and almost every candidate for political office in the County... including our Sheriff that was running for Mayor. Zoe and I shared a few impolite jokes about all that.

The ceremonies got started. I pinned Corporal stripes onto Hicks's collar. He knew that I always remembered Pete Feeley at moments like this, and he said he would live up to this rank in Pete's name as I shook his hand. I also pinned Julia Rodriguez's new rank on her collar as the Chief read her promotion citation.

I also was asked and tasked to pin most of the medals from the Triathlon, as well as hand out the Certificates of Achievement, while the Chief read the proclamations. I pinned Tanya's Public Safety Commendation Medal on her jacket, and the Mayor came up and gave her a framed proclamation for having organized the Wheelchair Races. It was actually the same one he'd given her on Race Day, but hey! that's what politicians do. Then I pinned Teresa's Public Safety Commendation Medal on her jacket. And then Teresa pinned mine on my jacket. For her, it was practice.

Last came Police Chaplain Alberto Romano, who also served the Fire Department when needed. As the Chief read the proclamation, I draped the Purple Order around his neck. The applause was mighty and righteous as I shook his hand with congratulatory words. Then things quietened down as the Chief gave way for me to take the podium. I didn't understand why I was being asked to read this proclamation, and would find out later that Chaplain Romano himself had asked for me to.

So I did read it, and I recited the words as Teresa took medal out of its box that Cindy was holding, and pinned it onto Father Romano's uniform. It was the Distinguished Police Cross.

The applause was thunderous as their handshake turned into a hug, an embrace shared by Officers that had gone through a few moments of Hell together. And it was only right that Teresa Croyle, the only other living recipient of the TCPD Police Cross, pin it onto Chaplain Romano's uniform... not to mention that she was the person for whom Father Romano had intercepted bullets with his body. It wasn't the Medal of Valor, as I thought it should be, but it was good to see this Man of God receive his Police Force's second-highest award for his exceptional valor...

Part 14 - Epilogue

2:00pm, Wednesday, August 1st.

"Come in!" said Father Romano. He was in his office, which was in a room full of cubicles next to the Pastor's Room, and he was responding to the knock on the door.

His visitor was Teresa Croyle. "Hello, Father." she said. "Am I disturbing you?"

"Not at all, not at all." Father Romano said. "How are you today?"

"Good." said Teresa. "Welcome to the Purple Order club. And the very exclusive Police Cross club. Like Commander Troy says, let's hope you never have to get another one." She saw the silvery-white rectangle on his shirt, and the purple one next to it both framed in silver. "Those rectangles: the colors are just right for a Man of God."

Romano chuckled. "I am honored and humbled to be wearing them. I feel like what I did was not worthy of a Police Cross."

"Take my very experienced word for it... your actions were very worthy." replied Teresa, the most decorated Police Officer on the Town & County Police Force.

"Thank you." said Romano. "So, what can I do for you?"

The moment was here. Teresa could no longer put it off, and she struggled to find the words.

"Father...." she said haltingly, "how... how do I become a Christian? A Catholic? How do I... join the Church?..."


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chytownchytown8 months ago

*****That was a good read. Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

A great story again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is one of the best you have written. Great close.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Next story

Hi WW,since it's been ten days that you mentioned the next story was being written, just wondered if you'd got any further news.Cheers,Malcolm

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 5 years agoAuthor
Next story submitted.

The first chapter of the next story, 'Fathers and Sons', is submitted. Hopefully it'll be published soon...

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 5 years agoAuthor
Safe returns

Safe returns whenever you get back, Ol' Man. Hopefully a few stories will be out there for you. I'm making progress on my next story, hopefully will be out soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Going Dark

Will be "off the gird" until 1st November at the earliest. Nothing "wrong" and only posting here so when there is "NO COMMENT" on eminent or other stories that may be released don't want anyone to think this old man's addiction to "Tales of IC" as written by our dear WW had been cured!

Looking forward to HOURS of reading as soon after return as possible. Grateful and confident there will be something to which to look forward.

C Ya!

One Day at a Time,

The Ol' Man

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I guess some more child abuse and other corrupt acts with the Cardinal coming down the road as the Iron Crowbar will be in the future separating the wheat from the chaff?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
New Villain

Looks like IC will have his hands full one way or the other with the Cardinal

666iceman666icemanover 5 years ago
Play on words

Most people hate to build Ikea flat packs, IC enjoys taking Ikea's apart and making them flat packs. TC is the 'Top Cat' of the three angels but not the number 2 crowbar, yet the IC's flavorite bud to go kick some ass. Served with a cool head and delivered with a cold heart, something Cindy IC2 is not able to do.

WW you are one hell of an auther, the way you have worked this 'Tale of Troy' or 'Clan Troy' I have been reading your posts from the very first you placed and sometimes when there is a long pause between post I will go back to a previous one just random pick and when reading it. I notice small signposts where there are even smaller trails that were left there that we never questioned you on. Then two or more years later you use them, and hay ho another twist of the tail another very interesting life-like story eveolves.

Another 5+, you must now have more stars than any General could have my friend. Iceman

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