Marion's Story Ch. 15


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I set up the stage and Gloria was on the money the stage was set up for a band and there was a sound engineer unlike usual on my Sunday gigs where I was left to do my own. The moment I walked in Neville the sound guy started running around after me like I was a star, most unusual. Normally for these shows I played only my acoustic guitar, going for a casual low tech vibe. That's the way I started but I did have my tele sitting at the back plugged into my favorite vox.

So, like normal I sat on a tall stool at the front and played. When I started the crowd was small and the room filled with idle chatter, nobody was really listening but as I played the place quickly filled up with a very lively crowd. I got the impression the owner had told them something special was going down.

Halfway through my first set I saw Gloria, Molly and the girls walk in. They sat at the back and ordered their lunch and I tried to ignore them which was hard. At the end of a song Jas came running up and jumped into my arms and we hugged it out for what seemed an age.

She smiled, "Wow babes I've missed you so much and oh my sound great."

I gave her a kiss, "Thanks Jas that means a lot, what are you guys doing here?"

She shrugged, "Gloria decided to buy us lunch, I wasn't expecting to see you here."

I laughed, "Well while you're here jump in and help out, I could use a hand."

She smiled, "whose is the gear? Do you think they'd mind?"

"Who cares, if they say anything, I'll smooth the waters."

She frowned, "I better not...Gloria might get mad." She gave me a final kiss and headed off back to eat her lunch which had been delivered. I played two more songs and took an early break. Standing there tuning my guitar Cindy came up and gave me a hug, "Hey chick, how's it hanging?"

I laughed, "All good, how about you?"

She hugged me, "Well we miss you like shit that's for real but Jas and me are good."

We talked for a few minutes before she disappeared. I was about to walk away when Mel walked up slowly, she looked nervous and uncomfortable, like she didn't know what to say but we fell into a huge hug and she squeezed so tight I thought she might crush a rib, "How have you been?" She asked after a quick kiss.

"I've been good, wow it's so good to see you, damn it I've missed you guys."

Her hand rested loosely on my shoulder, "Yeah well not as much as we missed you, fuck it's good to see you again. Damnation you sound good though."

Seeing the opportunity, I threw it out there, "I would sound better if you played with me."

"Sorry but I don't know any of your songs."

"You would if we played some lips songs?"

She sighed deeply and glanced nervously around the room, "Fuck I would love that but Gloria might freak out."

I sniggered, "Fuck Gloria, what harm could there be in playing a few songs?"

She shrugged looking around uncomfortably, "Maybe in your next set we could do a couple?" We hugged and she slipped back to the table. I had a quick beer and then got back on stage. The crowd had grown way past a Sunday crowd. As I glanced around the room I realized they were well past their attendance limits. And as I stood there I shivered, Jesus this was all going to be on me, if I invited them up and they didn't come I was going to look like a damn fool.

I played one song and the crowd seemed on edge, as if they were waiting. I had reached that moment and I felt it, god my whole body trembled, I was shit scared. As I stood there anxiously I reached for the mic and spoke loudly, "Folks, in a former life I was a member of a great band, you may have heard of them, My Dirty Kissable Lips." Before I got the name out the crowd started cheering and stamping their feet.

"Well folks, what you may not know is that the other members of that band are sitting up the back." There was more cheering and people turning and staring as I continued, "Now folks, we haven't played together for a long time because I can be a real bitch and a damn fool to boot. I would love to play with them again but I made a mistake and let my ego get in the way and I destroyed the best friendships I ever had."

There was some gentle applause at my admission. Sucking in a deep breath I added, "I am standing here hoping that we can fix it...I want them to come up here with me but they're scared just like me, but I think if you made some noise, you could help me get them up here to play a few songs."

There was a small group in the front who clapped a little louder and stood up. Soon the whole place was standing and the applause got louder. I got another shock because standing there at the front was Kim and she was bouncing up and down clapping as hard as she could, her hands must have been red.

I took a deep breath and stared up the back at their table and said as sincerely as I could, "Girls if you can forgive me, and you're up for it, I would love you to come up here and help me out." With forlorn hope I added a desperate, "Please..."

The cheering turned into screaming and it got louder and louder until the girls couldn't hide any longer. I could see the heated conversation at their table and it took a few anxious restless moments before they slowly wandered down the front. That in itself took an age as they were set upon by a huge group of fans all wanting hugs and kisses.

Cindy arrived first, we hugged and she disappeared behind the kit where she set about getting everything right and doing a sound check with the engineer.

Jas arrived just after and we hugged and kissed before she grabbed the mic, "She ain't a bitch, just stupid."

Mel finally broke free and climbed up beside me, again the hug and as we hugged, she whispered, "This is a set up isn't it?"

I chuckled, "I don't know you tell walked into my gig?"

She snarled, "Well light it up then guitar girl, let's fucking rock."

She did a quick sound check and tune up as Cindy started the into Cherry Red lips, her thundering rolling drum intro thumped out through the PA and the crowd swelled instantly to their feet and suddenly the little dance floor was swamped with people all swaying in time with Cindy and when Jas fell into that sweet tight fat assed juicy bass line it got serious, Mel came in and I followed. She started the vocal line and I fell in with her to rapturous applause, foot stomping and the crowd sung along with us.

Mel had her own mic but she reached over and we shared mine our faces inches apart as we sang our collective hearts out.

When I stared down into the front of the stage, Kim was dancing her elfin heart out, her arms way up high swaying and bouncing around without a care in the world. She smiled up at me and blew me a kiss.

Mel gave me a sneaky look as she stared down at her and we went into the bridge to close it out. The crowd screamed the roof off and we sailed into all the old songs and the place kept getting louder and fuller, there wasn't even standing room, the security struggled to keep people from surging on stage. It was getting so raucous I got concerned for Kim so I reached down and offered my hand and pulled her up on stage. She hugged me and she gave me a big kiss before dancing over to Jas and the two of them like twins danced crazily as we broke into Home Town.

When we got to my love Mel and I were so close sharing the one mic that our lips touched. Jas danced over swaying her ass in front of us and for once she joined in and the three of us shared the mic.

The crowd went banana's singing so loud we didn't have too. It turned into a really late night and at the end Mel said, "Do you want to try something new?"

I nodded, "Yeah go for it, I'll try to follow."

She waved for the crowd to be quiet, "Alright guys, this is going to be hard, cut Mi some slack because she hasn't heard the next song and it's going to be a bit of a jam. This is new, off our new hasn't even been released yet, so here we go, I hope you like it."

She started in on one of their new songs, she didn't know that I already knew it and was shocked when I easily fell into the song. My melody was tight as I followed her lead. When it came to the solo, I blasted into something she wasn't expecting and at the end she jumped into my arms, "How the fuck did you do that, you're good but you ain't that fucking good."

I laughed, "That is just a classic riff and I do know you better than you think."

She shook her head, "You amaze me bitch, god damn it that was friggin good." She glanced at me, "We have another couple if you want to have a go?"

I nodded, "Do your worst, I'm ready."

We pumped out another half a dozen and by then it was late and the owner gave us the signal that we were done."

Kim ran up and jumped into my arms screaming, "OH my god!" Over and over, she screamed until she was hoarse. She wasn't the only one either we were swamped by eager fans or new fans and it took a lot of talking before we could clear the stage.

As the crowd thinned out and the bar manager brought over a tray of drinks Molly and Gloria joined us on stage. Gloria jumped right in, "My god...that was amazing. I cannot believe how good that was."

Molly who had a huge grin followed her with, "Guys that was beyond awesome, damn I have missed that sound."

Mel nodded, "Yeah I have to say that is the most fun I've had in a long time. I forgot what a great band we were."

Jas cried out, "Tell me again why we stopped?"

Cindy laughed, "Because Mi was a bitch, she said so herself."

I laughed along with her, "Yeah you're right I was a bitch, a snotty bitch, but you didn't have to agree quite so readily."

Molly interjected, "It wasn't her fault, but I think we should stop talking about the past and concentrate on how we make this happen. I don't care what anybody says, this has to happen."

Kim joined in from out of nowhere and almost screamed. "You guys were so good, better than when you won battle of the bands, please tell me you're gonna kiss and make up."

Mel laughed at her, "It's not that easy honey, we have another guitar player, and we have a contract."

Gloria cleared her throat with a loud cough, "OK, Mi was brave enough to admit she over-reacted and I guess it's my turn. Guys I fucked up bringing in Wayne, I should have fought harder to keep Mimi in the band, I just didn't understand, and I should have listened to you Mel because you were right. If I can get rid of Wayne and I tear up your contracts, can we start again?"

Kim bellowed, "Yes please."

Molly gave her a look as if to say, 'Who the hell are you?'

Jas exclaimed, "I'm in, I forgot how much fun this was, I never wanted it to stop, and lately it's been terrible Wayne doesn't fit. Mi if you want to, I think we have to do this."

Cindy nodded, "Yep I'm with her, we should never have split to start with."

Mel who had been a little silent spoke softly but with conviction, "While we are all confessing and apologizing, I have to add mine, "Mi we let you down and we shouldn't have. I admit I thought you were being silly but hey that was your call. We should have stood beside you, all I could think of was that fucking recording del, it was selfish. Gloria if you're serious I'm in."

All eyes turned to me and I couldn't hold back the tears, "I love you guys, I never wanted to leave I just had a meltdown. If I had my time all over again I would do it differently. If you'll have me, I want back in."

The tears flowed and I couldn't hold them back, the dam had burst and it was Kim who threw her arms around me and cradled my head, "It's going to be alright babe, it's the right thing to do." With that we kissed and I watched as Molly flinched watching.

Addressing them all I announced, "Guys this is my friend Kim, well we're more than friends, everyone say hello."

Jas and Kim had been dancing and seeing them stand side by side it was like looking at twins, Kim was a slightly perkier darker haired version. Cindy who had been ogling her lecherously couldn't wait to give her a hug and kiss.

Gloria interrupted, "Alright, it's a deal. I will talk to Wayne and then we can talk terms and put together a new contract to include Mi." Then she yelled, "Party at my hotel, this needs to be celebrated."

Kim drifted back into my arms and as the others cheered, but I hesitantly moaned, "Kim and I might leave you guys to it."

Mel shoved me hard, "Like hell girl, Kim can come as well, it'll be OK won't it Gloria?"

Gloria smiled, "Of course, the more the merrier."

Up in Gloria's hotel room she took control, she ordered in drinks and food and the party started. As everybody started talking and chattering, she dragged me out onto the balcony, "Thank you Mi, your honesty was the key. That's what opened the door, you were wonderfully brave to reach out like that, it doesn't happen very often but I admit I cried seeing you expose yourself like that, it was beyond brave."

She hugged me tight, "Are you sure you're into backing out?"

I chuckled, "No Gloria, I was a fool, I handled the whole thing badly. I shouldn't have let my insecurities; jealousy and especially my ego take off like that."

She nodded hesitantly, "Mi what about Molly? Please be gentle with her, believe it or not...she loves you so much."

I grimaced, "Gloria I can't answer that at the moment. I have never hidden from the fact I love Molly, it's just whether we can live together."

She sighed, "Well why couldn't you?"

"Because I'm not sure that we want the same thing, I know what I want, I just don't know whether Molly wants the same thing."

She gave me a hug, "Just keep an open mind, I know she will do whatever you ask of her."

"Yeah, well I'm not so sure, because I still want a monogamous relationship."

She frowned, her face a mixture of confusion and uncertainty, "Surely you enjoyed our little rendezvous the other night?"

I chuckled, "Yes I did, no sense in trying to hide from that but, it's not the way I see my life going. I see that as a wonderful memory which we should cherish not necessarily repeat."

She sighed even deeper a grimace taking over, "Oh I see...that's a shame because I enjoyed it as well and I was hoping for another get-together."

When I didn't answer she grabbed my arm, "Come on, let's go back inside."

When we walked inside Molly and Kim were deep in conversation, Mel, Jas and Cindy were in a tight group and when Gloria and I walked in their group opened and we joined. Mel wanted to know what we could do about the album...could we just cut Wayne and add me dubbed over the top.

Gloria shook her head, "No, sorry Mel, it will take longer but the difference in your vocals singing with Mi was so much better than before and I want to capture that."

Jas agreed, "Oh hell yeah, shit you girls rocked today, it was amazing we definitely need to seize that."

"So, when do we start?" Mel snapped.

Gloria laughed, "As soon as this week, I will talk to Wayne and get that finished."

Molly walked over and barged into the group and there were huge hugs and cuddles. Kim snuck up behind me and her arms curled around my waist her sharp pointy nipples digging into my back.

Gloria brought over a round of drinks and we toasted the new start.

As the night dragged on, we all had way too much to drink. We all danced together, watching Kim and Jas dancing raised the temperature, god what a pair of hotties.

When Molly and I danced she whispered conspiratorially, "Kim is amazing, you're lucky."

"Yeah, I know, and I feel damned lucky and a little grateful, she brought some light into my life when I really needed it."

She sighed wistfully, "I think she's awesome."

"Molly we are just friends, I told you it's casual, nothing more than that."

"Casual...fuck off you can't do casual. I saw the way you watched her, you like her."

"Yes, I do, I like her but I don't love her, she knows that."

"What's happening tonight?" She asked, as she glanced over at Kim talking intimately with Gloria.

When I glanced over and saw them in a very intimate embrace Moll's whispered, "You better be quick or you might lose her."

We finished dancing and I moved over to stand beside Kim, when she saw me she hugged me, "Hey babe."

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

She smiled at me, "Sure am." She kissed me as she whispered, "Babe I'm feeling as horny as hell."

I kissed her quickly and replied softly, "Well I think I can fix that."

As we were getting ready to go Molly came over, "What are you doing?"

"We're going home, Kim's feeling a little tired." As the words fell out of my mouth Kim giggled slyly.

Molly looked disappointed, "You know you could both stay here...there's plenty of room."

I sneered, "No thanks Moll's, another time maybe."

She and Gloria walked us to the door. At the door there were kisses all around. Gloria made sure I would be available tomorrow to look over contracts and Moll's asked, "Are you sure you don't want to stay, it could be fun?"

I laughed before repeating my earlier refusal.

As Kim and I walked out into the night air she whispered wetly in my ear, "You could have stayed you know."

"What and miss a night with the sexiest girl hell!"

She sighed, "Babe I know you have feelings for Molly and I know she has them for you."

That night we made love ferociously, she wasn't lying when she said she was feeling horny, wow I must have weighed ten pounds less by the time daybreak greeted us.

That night we started the next phase of the Lips. Gloria true to her word produced new contracts and the money was too good to turn down. We all signed on the dotted line. Wayne accepted a pretty good golden handshake.

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NoLongerAnonNoLongerAnonover 1 year ago

So Gloria promises to keep her hands off Molly. Then the two of them get Mimi drunk and get her into a threesome. Not to be trusted.

ajax99ajax99about 2 years ago

Hot! Damn hot!!! Hot and juicy....

And a great story turn to get our girls back together again.

I'm loving reading this all over again, because it is so damn HOT!

liz33ndliz33ndover 3 years ago

this was a four star chapter, got me going...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Simply the best...

While I would like more sex, this is definitely Cagivagurl’s best story yet (and I thought the others were great). Real characters, real music, real story. Keep up the amazing work and looking forward to much more & to read about the Lips conquering the world.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Is this the end?

Are you going to leave this here or is there another chapter?

I really love your stories,but I was a little disappointed that Mi was the one who had to give in to make the band work. Just like Mel said, the other girls should have stood by Mi. Now I know you need to create some drama for a good story, but Mi like many of your lead characters had to do all the giving, what did Gloria have to give? she was seducing molly, Mi made a stand, said she would never play for Gloria, yet here you have Mi playing for Gloria again, without Gloria giving any concessions or any real heart felt apologies. I’m not a fan of BTB every story, which you don’t do, but I wish you would have a few of your characters, grow a set, and not cave in every time. Try mixing it up a little.

Please don’t take my comments in the wrong way I like to read your stories, and I have loved this story especially, maybe I’m to invested in Mi, and want to see her come out on top.

Hope this story gets another chapter or two. thanks for you effort. KS

krusstyy911krusstyy911over 3 years ago

Amazing! Just amazing! Please keep it coming, I need to know if Mi and Molly end up together, they belong together! Congrats, I love it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
One of my favorite writers

Kudos Cagivagurl. I really enjoy your long form style of story telling because mixed in with your great pacing and character driven narrative, it gives you time to setup relationships, and us time to appreciate them and the stakes. This ensures that the drama is all the more engaging since I've become invested in these character's and their future. And since I'm a sucker for drama, I enjoy the constant back and forth between Mimi and Molly, even if I don't always agree with every character's viewpoint.

Another aspect I appreciate is that your protagonist is always proactive. There are many instances of character's being doormats, particularly within this genre, and I'm glad to say that this isn't one of them, because it would be so hard to empathize with them otherwise. In fact, your character writing in general is fantastic. They each have their own flaws and goals, and these flaws remain consistent throughout the story, sometimes even becoming key development plot points.

Keep up the lovely work. As always, I look forwards to reading more from you.

darthnader19darthnader19over 3 years ago

Wish i could give it a 10 rating. Amazing story from an amazing author, fuck the haters keep on rocking

coyote62coyote62over 3 years ago

Cavigurl I hope there is plenty more coming?? I so love your work and this series. Its way hot... I even want to bang the band. Mi hasn't gotten a happy ending yet...... Neither have I! Love it!!

Caiomhe4454Caiomhe4454over 3 years ago
Hey loving the story

There is no way you can even think of ending this story yet there is so much left to read about

american tour

European tour

The bands success

So many more possibilities that this story could go with

Really living your writing and remember its your story and be true to what you want xx

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