Martin Luther


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Martin needed to get his life back on track and do what he was supposed to be doing. Martin was supposed to be searching for a validly ordained bishop. That bishop might be very old so there might not be much time left. He had to start searching somehow. He had to get out of there. He was apprehensive but he had to go tell his uncle.

"What are you talking about?" Martin's uncle said angrily. "You're my family. You're supposed to be my help. You don't like the job? Where the hell are you even planning on going?"

Martin knew if he tried to explain it wouldn't be something anyone else could understand. "I have to make more money."

"For what?"

"For college. I'll never be able to afford to go at this rate."

Martin's uncle's expression softened. "Why didn't you say so? I can help you with that."

"I should earn it, not ask for handouts."

"You're not asking for money for something stupid. College is good. Here, let me show you something."

Martin followed his uncle and in his uncle's office the older man showed him a framed diploma. It was for an associates degree from a community college. Martin's uncle seemed really proud of it.

In the end Martin said he still wanted to at least try to go earn his own way, which his uncle respected. They worked it out that Martin would stay another ten or eleven days. His aunt and cousins were coming back home then and Martin would have the chance to meet them once before he headed off.

"She really wants to meet you. She asks me everyday how you're doing." the uncle was explaining as he showed Martin pictures of his aunt and cousins. "And I'm sure she'll be really happy to hear that you want to go to college."

On the day it was supposed to happen, Martin had his money saved up and he had a plan to buy a train ticket. His plan was the next day to get the bus to the train station and then from there get a train to one of the bigger cities where he could find work and get back on track with his search. He was going to meet his aunt and have dinner and maybe breakfast and that would be it.

Martin went with his uncle to the airport to greet his aunt and her daughters. Martin had never been in an airport so he was taking in all the sights while he was there. Finally after a long wait the women came out of the baggage claim area and Martin was suddenly struck with just how beautiful they were with their shiny black hair, inviting eyes, and luscious lips. He looked down to put himself in check. The devil did indeed love to always tempt him with the most vile and disgusting thoughts. Once he had command of himself he looked up.

The woman whom Martin figured must be his aunt rushed over to him and she even passed her own husband to come directly to Martin to put her arms around him. She said something in Spanish but then added in English that Martin looked just like his mother. She kissed Martin on the cheek and held him tight. All Martin could do was just stand there and wonder what the appropriate amount of affection even was for this person he'd never met before was.

After a lot of the aunt hugging her nephew the woman finally got around to introducing Martin to his cousins.

The oldest daughter was Virginia who was recently divorced after only a year and five months of marriage. Martin now knew that divorce was a sin but it was not likely that Virginia was even validly married to begin with so he let it go.

The second was Flora who was engaged and was supposed to be getting married that summer on the 31st. Again, not a valid wedding so really she'd just be having sex outside of wedlock and not even know it. Like her older sister she had long wavy black hair that bounced past her shoulders.

Then there was Violet but Martin quickly gave her the mental nickname of "Violence" since she dressed all in black and instead of hugging him like her sisters or her mother she punched him in the arm and it had actually really hurt. This sister had short hair which seemed to fit the rest of her demeanor.

Lastly there was the youngest, Carla who, though being over 18, had only just graduated from high school for some reason. Her hair was short off the shoulders but longer than Violet's.

Each cousin was stunningly gorgeous, and each was sexy beyond belief, and damn Martin should not be thinking about them that way. What was wrong with him? He felt like he was Mr. Collins meeting the Bennett family from Pride and Prejudice.

The wife of Martin's overweight uncle was a very thin health nut aunt who looked ten or fifteen years younger than her husband though Martin thought they were supposed to be the same age or close to it. He wasn't sure. Martin observed that she had nice breasts and a nice ass and ... and then Martin secretly punched himself in the chest for thinking such things. Damn, what was wrong with him, he asked himself. Go away devil.

Before they could even get home the family in three vehicles all stopped at the mall and the ladies went shopping while the uncle and Martin were forced to wait for them. It was a long boring wait while Martin strolled with his hands in his pockets looking at all the nice things on display that he could not afford.

Martin had been looking at a tablet through the window of the electronics shop when his aunt came up to him to collect him. She had apparently purchased some things for him to wear and wanted him to try them on. Unlike Martin's other clothes that he had scraped together while hitchhiking away from seminary that gave off a very humble and poor vibe these new clothes were all along the lines of rich privileged snob. Martin knew it would be wrong to protest too much or refuse his aunt's kindness but he never imagined he'd ever see himself in slacks and a polo shirt with a preppy sweater draped over his shoulders.

As Martin was standing there just outside the changing room with his aunt tugging here and pinching there to find the right fit, across the store over by the register Martin saw Violet corner the shop girl. The girl looked scared but admittedly Martin didn't have the best view of what was going on. Then Violet kissed the girl directly on the lips. The girl accepted the kiss for a few moment but then pushed Violet away and retreated to the staff only area behind a wall.

In that moment Martin's memory brought him back to that time watching two women kissing in front of him. They had been in the men's restroom in a mall and Martin was standing in the doorway of one of the toilet stalls. The two women were making out in front of him as one of them had their hand on Martin's cock. Then Martin's mind brought him back to the present moment and he realized that he was getting a hard on with his aunt kneeling in front of him checking his waistband. Unlike his more restrictive jeans these slacks were giving his cock a lot of space to grow and Martin was a bit worried it might be noticed.

The aunt stood up and gave Martin yet again a kiss on the cheek.

"These look great on you." she said.

"Thank you."

"Oh, I'm happy to finally meet you. We looked for so long."

Martin thought to himself that really he should have been easy to find, especially for people with so much money, but he wasn't going to make an issue of it.

Once back at the estate Martin went to his room to pack his new clothes into his bag. Tomorrow it would be time for him to leave. He paused to look at his room. Why was he hesitant? Maybe it was too fast to just leave like this. Maybe he should spend at least a couple of days with his aunt at least. He was curious what kind of woman she was that his uncle was cheating on. He was also curious about his cousins and what kind of family dynamic they had. It wasn't wrong to spend time with them as family. It wasn't wrong. Why had he waited until now to have that thought? He did still need to get on with his life and find someone to ordain him but it could wait just a few more days.

Martin could have still left that the next day but when his uncle told him that his aunt wanted to ask him to stay at the house a few more days to get to know him, Martin knew he couldn't refuse and told his uncle he'd postpone leaving.

Usually Martin ate his dinner meals in his room instead of eating with the other servants because he wanted to avoid the various looks the Spanish girl would give him where she had so much hope and expectation in her eyes. Martin could just tell that she liked him and was perhaps waiting for Martin to 'make a move' but Martin wasn't going to allow himself to do that. He offered up his suffering to Christ and begged for forgiveness.

However, on this night when Martin was in his room waiting for the time when he could go get his dinner from the kitchen someone came and informed him that he was expected to go eat dinner with his aunt and cousins. Martin nodded. Yes, that did make sense. He just hoped the menu wasn't that expensive cause he still needed to keep enough money for his train ticket.

The food was very delicious and the wine was flowing with each of the ladies having a glass. When they wanted to pour Martin a glass of wine he declined but Violet really wanted him to take a drink and would not accept him saying no.

"I'm just worried about the cost."

"The bottle is already open."

"But I can't afford it."

When Martin said that his aunt became interested in his answer. Martin explained plainly that he needed to save his money for his train ticket and couldn't afford extras beyond the basic meal.

"This isn't a restaurant." his aunt told him. She then turned her attention to her husband. "You were making him pay to stay here?"

Martin's uncle started to try to explain about building character and being a man but instead of getting any words out the aunt started to lecture her husband.

"No wonder he wants to leave. You suck at being a host. Are you going to start charging me? My daughters?"

"With all the money you spend I should." the uncle said back at her.

"He's my sister's child. My DEAD sister. Is there not a decent bone in your entire body?" Martin's aunt yelled. "Did you at least put sheets on his bed or can he not afford that either?"

The aunt had assumed that Martin was staying in the main home and when she found out that he'd been placed in the servants quarters Martin's aunt was even more furious. She insisted that the servants take all of Martin's things from the servants quarters and move them into the house. Martin tried to object since he was perfectly happy to stay over there but he wasn't about to battle his aunt with the mood she was in.

Martin and his cousin Flora went with two servants to help pack Martin's thing's and then move them into the house. Luckily Martin had already packed for his train ride so there wasn't anything more to carry and Martin could take the bag himself. The servants stayed behind and Martin followed Flora to the huge room in the house that he was going to use from then on.

The bed actually had no sheets on it just then but it was ok. Martin put his bag down and wondered what he should do with the key to his old room.

Back down at dinner they really pressed on Martin to go ahead and enjoy all the parts of the meal that everyone else was enjoying. His aunt and uncle weren't around anymore as they were off arguing in another part of the house that Martin hadn't seen yet so that left Martin with his cousins. They presented him with wine and ice cream and encouraged him to indulge with them.

"You have to drink or it's not a party." Violet said to him.

"I agree." Flora told him as she poured him a glass and as she leaned forward in front of him Martin could see down her cleavage. As she was pouring Carla came and forced her way to sit on Martin's lap. The younger girl giggled and took the wine glass from the table to present it to Martin's lips. Martin now associated his old memories of drinking with so many instances of him sleeping with women but to be polite he took a taste of it. To show her appreciation Carla hugged him but did not get up. Martin became her chair as the party continued.

Having Carla sit on him was actually very uncomfortable for Martin. He wondered if the girl would notice that she was sitting on his hard on. He tried to adjust himself to avoid that but in the end it was poking right into her.

Martin stood up and tried to think quickly for a reason why because he wasn't going to tell them it was to get Carla off of his lap.

"Uh ... Does anyone play the piano?" Martin asked because he could see the instrument sitting over in the other room.

All the sisters looked excited and they dragged him over to it so each one of them could in turn start to play. At one point it seemed that Flora and Carla were almost fighting over it. While Carla was playing Flora got out her phone and started to get on a video call with her fiance the allegedly famous rapper that Martin had never heard of before. Martin didn't pay attention when the name was said and missed it. The fiance started to do some kind of rap to the same rhythm that Carla was playing the piano and Carla got upset and stopped playing. Then Virginia sat down to play while Violet handed Martin another glass of wine and wouldn't stop staring at him in the eyes until he at least took his first sip of it.

"Do you know how to play?" Carla asked him.

"No, not really. I'm just so impressed that you have a piano at all."

"Do you know how to play any instruments?" Virginia asked him and Martin was amazed to see that she could speak and play at the same time because the few times that Martin had done scales on a piano in high school that had not been possible for him.

"No, not really." Martin answered.

"Come on. You must be able to do something?" Violet said as she surprised him by coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around him. In the moment when Violet made contact with him he remembered what Violet had done in the shop and if there was any chance his hard on would go she'd killed it. Something about Violet was interesting to Martin. Well, he admitted to himself that it wasn't just any old something and he knew exactly what that something was. The truth was, he liked girls like Violet. They turned him on. He wasn't attracted to girls who pretended to act like good girls. He liked bad girls, damaged girls. Somehow they were more approachable. They were more attainable. He was less likely to be rejected simply for being a poor orphan with no family. Where he would immediately assume that women as beautiful as his other cousins would never give Martin a look, he could imagine that a girl like Violet might at least tell him why she was turning him down.

Plus there was a sort of sense of kindred spirit. Martin could already see in Violet her displaying symptoms of problems though Martin did not yet know what those problems were. Violet was aggressive towards that girl in the shop. Why? The other sisters avoided physical contact with Violet but were find hugging each other or holding hands with each other. Something was wrong on a deeper level than just Violet being the odd girl out or the black sheep. Maybe the other sisters knew of Violet's homosexuality and were subtly shunning her for it. Of course 'normal' people could never say anything against homosexuals these days but maybe the sisters were secret 'bigots'. Maybe he could be the one to tell Violet that he knew she was that way but that he would still care about her and never push her away. Maybe ...

No, Martin realized. Of course Martin had to see his own problem with just thinking along these lines. Even as much as a good 'normal' girl was still in no way fit for valid marriage to a truly Christian husband, so much less would a girl like Violet accept Martin the way he was now. She was very clearly the militant kind of homosexual on the lookout to punish anyone who did not fully support her deviance from God's laws. He might have had a shot back when he himself were 'normal' but not now. If she ever found out about the real Martin and his religion she'd come at him with weapons while wearing antifa gear. Then Martin realized that not only should he not be thinking romantic or sexual thoughts for any woman, much less a lesbian or bisexual woman, and super much less about his own cousin to whom he was related by blood. Go away devil!

Violet's fingers interlocked with Martins and he looked down at them. He swallowed. "Well. I, uh, I can sing." Martin said as he adjusted his stance and was able to get away from Violet's embrace.

"Sing for us!" Carla said excitedly.

"Yes, I can't wait to hear this." Virginia agreed.

"Oh, uh, ok. No piano though. A cappella for me."

Virginia stopped playing and then all the girls became an audience and Flora turned her phone so her fiance could see Martin.

He was a bit nervous but there was one song he knew well. Yes, there was one song he knew very well though he'd had to teach it to himself. He raised his mind up to God in order to get away from all his thoughts of lust. He began to sing the "Ave Maria" but not the style that most people might have heard on the radio as sung by opera singers but rather the style sung by benedictine monks. The room they were in was not normally one that carried sound well but once it was quiet and Martin started to sing his voice seemed to have just the right resonance to completely fill the room and for just a moment Martin was worried that his voice would spill out and fill the whole house. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine the day when he'd be able to sing this song for God after being fully ordained as a real religious person. The bitter sweet mixture of sadness and hope filled his lungs and spilled out into the lyrics of the prayer. A sense of mystery and mysticism hung in the air when he sang the words "Sancta Maria, mater Dei". The world seemed to transform into a higher plane of existence around him and when he finally got to the "Amen" his cousins were all looking at him with genuine surprise and awe.

Carla was the first to move. She started clapping and then Violet and Virginia joined in. Though Flora didn't clap she was all smiles. Carla moved over to Martin and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek as she did so.

"Where did you learn to sing like that?" Virginia asked him.

"Well ..." Martin began, not sure if he should tell them or not.

But then the happy moment was spoiled by the voice of the fiance on the phone. "Man, who the fuck is this bitch ass (racist expletive deleted)."

Flora turned her attention to her phone and started to argue with her fiance while the other girls all rolled their eyes seemingly amazed that their sister was even still dating a guy like that.

Martin bowed humbly and then suggested that perhaps someone else could take a turn singing.

"He's just my cousin. What the hell are you afraid of?" Flora yelled into her phone.

"I think you sang beautifully." Carla said.

"I agree." Virginia added and then kissed Martin on the cheek.

"Me too." Violet agreed and then kissed his other side.

"No, you're just being an overly jealous asshole. I fucking hate you." Flora yelled into her phone. She threw the device down and then found the nearest chair and threw herself down onto it. The other sisters left Martin to his relief and they went over to their sister to comfort her. Flora did not like being pitied so she sprung back to her feet. She went to the stereo over by the piano, selected a song, and then turned up the volume. "He's not ruining my fun." she announced. Then she grabbed Martin and insisted that he dance with her.

"No, fair." Carla said. "I want to dance with our cousin."

"Wait your turn." Flora barked.

Violet danced with Carla while Martin was held in a dance with Flora. She pressed her body close to his as she swayed in the music and she even reached around him and grabbed his butt. Martin was a bit startled and even more so when he saw that Virginia had spotted what Flora had done but didn't say anything.