Master Yoshi


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After was a slowdown, not a simple stop. I slowed, and jerking with the aftershocks through me, I kept jerking, pushing more and more deeply. The scientific part of my brain loved the fact that there was an actual instinct, built into me as a male, such that during coming my hips would automatically thrust hard without my intention to do it.

I hadn't noticed that biological thing while I was masturbating. But, with sex, it was Absolutely happening - hip motions just Happened.

I rolled off, after, then, when I kind of slipped and I was out, but the covers not being on us meant we were both lying on our backs staring at the ceiling.

One of my favorite authors, Robert Heinlein, wrote a book called, 'To Sail Beyond the Sunset'. In it, the female protagonist gives the advice that sex partners should Always Say Thanks, and offer a second round.

I wasn't female, it wasn't up to me to offer (per Heinlein), but I did say thank you, and snuggle up to Carrie's side, hugging around her ribs as if I could ignore the beautiful breasts that were right there.

She accepted this for a minute, and then started, half sitting up, jerking like she'd forgotten something. "Oh! Right! Almost forgot. Important bit...."

Leaning up and then over me, she kissed my forehead, my chin, the center of my chest over a bit (my heart), and then downwards, she picked up my now shriveled penis and sucked it up, sticky cum-covered bits and all.

Swirling around, she sounded attentive in her murmurs, and ended with a matter of fact, "Yes. Good. Exactly right."

I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I just let that happen and said thank you again. She squeezed my arm and went to the master bathroom and shut the door. I heard the toilet flush, and a long delay, and then it flushed again, water running, etc.

She came out wearing underwear, and had me move so we could get the towel out of the way.

Coming back, I'd gotten the covers right, and she came back to bed.

We cuddled and fell asleep, hugging, feeling, and loving.

== ==

The next morning, we got up and did our normal thing, like any random Thursday.

That night, after spending most of the night on homework, Cassie left and went to the spare room and it was Joanie's turn to spend the night.

Much like with Cassie, we started out slow, kissing and then licking and then trying to get closer to an orgasm, but Joanie wanted me, while I was licking her, to pull up her leg and give her a hard smack on the butt? Could I do that?

Sure, no problem. After about 5 swats, we found out together what she wanted (much harder than I was at first willing to give), and her orgasm came quickly.

Using the same towel (cleaned), we got positioned and did pretty much the same routine as Cassie had wanted - jab, then stop, get her breath, slow and steady, then come while kissing her and definitely inside so she could feel my cum pulses.

Life is good.

I realized as I was going to sleep I'd missed church choir rehearsal. I'd plum forgot.

== ==

Friday was Good Friday and we had off from school, so we spent the day either working on homework or various bits around the house.

Jane came over to help and we let her, and I thought that would be it, but then both Brian and his girlfriend Sue, and then Ken showed up to help also.

We made a big day of it, filling Brian's pickup several times for trips to the thrift store donation 'window' (it was an old feed store, so the loading dock ran the length of the front, but there was a covered outside-view 'service counter' covered by a big overhang.

I hadn't considered it before, but getting there, it just looked totally like pictures of old-south feed stores. I was looking at something I'd seen forever, but with new eyes, and I laughed at myself that it was a theme going through my whole week - seeing things, sort-of the same things, with a Brand New perspective.

My brain was doing metaphor and I was trying to adjust to lots of weirdness. Standing there watching the unloading, I said to myself, "I'll take, 'how is a feed store like Tallia for 800, Alex."

Ken has always been pretty geeky but a genuinely nice guy, though he lacked some basic clues about wearing other colors besides 'concert t-shirt-black' and when to get a haircut.

The reason I mention it is that Jane, who I'd never seen flirting with anyone, spent quite a bit of time talking with Ken, and while at first my overprotective feelings for my sister came up, I realized he was actually a possible thing for her and I figured out I liked that.

I knew I didn't control my sister. It was her business what she did. Still, it was _almost_ a decision I thought I had the right to make, about whether Ken was good enough for her or not. The fact that he _was_ good enough, made it feel like a gift I was giving her, oddly, and him, and I had to sit back with that idea and think about the ethics of it.

We worked steadily carting boxes up from the basement, out from the front room, furniture from both places, and generally getting the place cleaned out enough we could have floor space.

The last stuff to exit, wouldn't you know, was detritus from the garage - old planters and concrete lawn ornaments, ancient hoses, a non-running garden tractor, a snowblower (when we got like 2 inches a year), etc. Brian said that his grandparents (the former owners of the house) had lived up in the mountains for a while before they moved to town, supposedly, though his dad said he grew up in that house so he was confused, too.

Sometimes you never know about people until you look at their junk.

The house and yard Joanie and Carrie had lived in had LOTS of junk. There was no lack of it, there was no cleaning effort, obviously, that wasn't the point of the place.

Our houses had been clean but not that tidy, just being too small. The yard was always clean, the lawn mowed, the implements put away. I supposed the barn could have used paint, but it was in good repair and I'd had to do some of those repairs.

That day, I made a decision that I wasn't going to let things ever get bad, dirty-wise, no matter what. It would tell me something about myself if I ever did look around and see that.

Near the end, we got the house looking really good. Brian ordered some pizza and Ken and Jane went to get it.

I saw the girls watching this and nodding in approval, and I felt kind of good about it, too.

Brian took me aside at one point later in the day and asked me about Tallia, finished with the question, "So, why is she hanging on you so much? She knows you're like double-reverse-plus-extra-married, right?"

I laughed and threatened to quote him on that, but then said Tallia and I had history, and that the girls were cool with us hanging around, it was complicated enough what they'd done to my life, so we were just playing it by ear.

He was fine, but he was worried about me, and I got a good feeling about that.

== ==

With both Carrie and Joanie 'out of commission' for being sore (hymen breaking will do that, they said), once we sent our friends home, we (the wives, Tallia, and I) 'retired' to the 'draw-rrring room' (front room, now cleared of crap and with usable sofas and easy chairs).

Having a ton of homework we could do, we got to it, and I switched between subjects at the dining room table to churn through it without getting too stuck on one subject and burn out.

The result was that I pulled together a rough draft for an English paper I had an entire week before I needed to write. Tallia had her own novel to read and I saw her smiling at it, or glancing up at me and smiling, too.

As I said to them, summarizing my night to them and getting them to laugh, "It's like now that I'm married, I'm turning into some kind of responsible person or something!"

They assured me that sadly, growing up happens to the best of people.

Thinking on it later, I realized they had to have grown up far faster than I had, to confront the ugly realities of life in the middle of a malevolent emotional maelstrom. The more I thought about it, the more respect I had for their survival abilities, and the better context I had for (even losing my parents and the constant bullying) how lucky Jane and I had been.

== ==

Saturday we got up and took the old sedan out to the farm to see what was up. Tallia was going to drive past the girls' farm, but they ultra-fast said, NO!

They explained that the entire set of roads anywhere near their farm was completely covered by trail-cams and uplinks to pull videos in of everyone driving near. Carrie said she told the police this right away, including the various ways they were hidden.

Those cams had probably been how they knew where we were, which farm, because they could see which road we went down and knew who lived over there.

This level of paranoia on her family's part kind of made sense, but it was still startling to hear.

The girls had a plan-A of running away from a track meet (failed, one of their moms was watching and she probably had a backup if the girls disappeared), a plan-B of running cross-country literally to a nearby farm (failed when asking around found that farm had been abandoned), a plan-C that was just riding bikes away (failed because they literally couldn't hide anywhere, they'd had someone else put the bikes against that tree), and a plan-D that involved me (success).

Other plans included just shooting Duke and probably Pa in the head, and then maybe their mothers in the legs. They didn't want to do that because the men were tough and fast and they might miss.

Tallia hadn't heard these stories, and I'd gotten the digested version, so we just kind of shut up and were glad we'd lived through it.

The mobile home was greatly cleaned up when we visited. Marta and Jane had been working on it, moving Jane's stuff to the main house's basement or just giving it away since she (like me) had a lot of toy old stuff that she didn't need.

Tallia's alterations business stuff was boxed in one of the sheds, ready to be dropped off at our place, and the mobile home was mostly just sitting empty but with lights on and curtains drawn to make it look occupied - a honey-pot ready target, Mack said.

We ate breakfast there, decided about some things they thought I might want but didn't, and went back to our new old clean needs-fixups Victorian, very much not 'mobile', home.

== ==

Both Carrie and Joanie were just about to start their periods Saturday, so there wasn't much hanky panky (though there was a blowjob for me). I called Jergins and found they did need me for Sunday.

Plus it was Easter, so we all planned to attend.

We were concerned. The idea was that the people who could have been angry with us as normal people, over the bigamy thing, would have time to have considered things and gotten up the nerve to tell it to our faces.

Thus I was fully prepared for a bad reception there.

This didn't happen.

A bunch of people came up to me after the service (coffee hour with kick-ass-yummy bundt cake) and told me with some feeling they'd seen my video from the classroom defending the girl's honor, and how classy it was of me to just out-and-out forgive Rob like that.

I just felt lucky I'd managed to put two words together. It had been a stressful day.

By contrast, this was a much more relaxing Sunday than the previous one!

Getting home, we changed and I practiced piano, I'd missed that for a few days. I had two new chorus pieces to practice, and worked more on the C-Jam. I knew it was going to take me a while to get it all down, at speed, and not make it sound like I was messing up even when I wasn't.

Importantly, Peterson's music does that: It looks wrong on paper, it plays oddly under the fingertips, and boom, it sounds perfect when someone else does it. I had to trust that it was right, get used to it, lean into the oddity, and then it would come off as genuine.

Maybe that's the trick.

Maybe that's a HUGE trick of life.

I was having an epiphany right there.

If you know you're right, you've got the logic on your side... If you commit to doing something that's oddball, that chord after that chord instead of the "normal' of either Dave Brubeck or Brahms... If, taking that commitment to a level that says, YES, this IS unusual, and it's also Beautiful, because it lets this and this beautiful thing happen and sound accidental though it's not?

Then, YES, that commitment comes off as PERFECT and right and exactly what someone should do.

I married two women. They saved themselves and used me to do it. I stepped up. I committed to this vastly unusual thing. Yes, it was almost normal, but it had so much odd to it that it could have been a disaster. If the people listening didn't understand, didn't have the listening intuition, to Run with it, accept it, make it be a thing that could stand the test of time? That listening, it was part of the tune.

The audience has to trust you're going to do good things, when you're playing the same 32nd note four bars in a row.

Peterson did that, just rattling notes out, phrases that started oddly but diverged to heaven as his intuitive genius drove him.

Our trio, Joanie, Carrie, and myself, we did that.

The congregation had heard part of my C-Jam music that previous Sunday, and they clapped, literally and metaphorically. At the coffee hour a week later, they mentioned it again. That's a kind of wonder that helps lift a soul.

== ==

Tallia suggested on Sunday late afternoon we go over to the box store and see what things had been 'received' for us.

Suffice to say, Joanie and Carrie got cellphones. Plain vanilla but functional, they were such a treat since they had never had them before.

The "family plan" set off warm fuzzy happy feelings for all of us, even if it was just a name.

The girls also got some gift cards, two inexpensive laptops, underwear and shoes, etc., and we felt pretty good about the well-wishings in the cards attached to our account.

The girls also picked up their birth control pills at the pharmacy, and Tallia refilled hers at the same time. Good for us! Safety achieved.

== ==

All during that week, what with the schoolwork load we were suddenly under (just in case, mind you), I actually started enjoying burying myself in my class load. The girls were working diligently, too, so spending most of the evenings in a group-study thing just felt pretty natural.

Interspersed with this were visits from Jane and Ken, who liked to hang out at our new place, too, and we talked about starting an RPG (not dungeons and dragons but close) after we graduated.

Joanie and Carrie spent some effort to make sure I got alone time with Tallia, even if it was just hanging out in the same guest room studying different things.

I liked Tallia, but she was very quiet and we just _had_ to spend time kissing to make up for less conversation than with the other two.

I figured out as time passed she was opening up more and more, but she had been hurt by Brenda's predatory ways also, and we talked about that, too.

A full week passed, and life started to settle down.

On the following Wednesday, late afternoon, we got a visit from one of the Sheriff's deputies that had interviewed us 11 days before, asking some follow up questions, but Joanie and Carrie didn't know the answers to any of his questions and I think he was frustrated.

Jane looked at me during this meeting and used a body-language visual cue and word combo that we'd set up a long time before in dealing with Zeke.

Jane and I were mostly adversaries, but sometimes with Zeke you just had to beware of simple things.

I didn't need to understand the why, I just had to invisibly go on high alert.

Not ten minutes after he left, things got very interesting, and not in a good way.

So, Jane went upstairs with Carrie and they came down in changed clothes, cold weather ones, and Jane told Ken (sitting near me at the dinner table, working on his AP calculus test-prep) to pack up his stuff, but that first we were going to take a walk to the 'dinosaur park' (the playground equipment had a theme). They wanted to get some exercise, but Jane was going to show us a star chart website on her laptop.

That sounded fun, like we did with my laptop, "that time". After all, she said, that park was only about 4 blocks away, and it "had funny dinosaur playground equipment."

That was also code for 'something odd is happening, get ready'.

Grumbling, Tallia (who we'd not told about the warning code) said she didn't really want to but, fine, okay, give her a minute.

That minute stretched into almost five as she went upstairs, but to be fair Carrie went to the bathroom and then so did Joanie, and it took Ken a while to get packed up.

I declared my homework 'lame' and went to change into a heavier sweatshirt (black hoodie, really a second one on top of my first, and palmed a quick thing from my sock drawer, then deciding what the heck, I grabbed my backpack, too.

Trooping outside, Jane and Carrie declared that if we didn't get out of the stuffy house, especially after having been reminded of our wedding day trauma by that deputy, well, let's just take in the evening air.

Walking down the sidewalk, we were a big group.

On the way, about a block over, Jane bumped into a girl she knew, at least they greeted each other easily, and invited her along.

The girl got to talking and said, no, no park, she was just heading home after seeing her boyfriend, and her mom had just made a yummy kuken (some kind of apple-turnover-desert). She added that if we stopped by, we could probably have a little piece if we wanted.

No one is going to turn down fresh baked goods!

Jane's, "Huh. Sure, sounds good!" told us that was where we were going.

The girl started talking with Jane about the new Android phone update, and then explained it was only visible after you cycled power on your phone, but left it off for like 15 minutes or so, so it would be assigned a new frequency 'or something'.

I knew this was total bullshit, but she was earnest. I said, "I'm dubious about this, but ... if I get to prove you wrong, Jane, I get one of your ice cream gift cards."

We were doing code all over the place.

The girl held up her phone, turned off power, and dropped it ... into a big anti-static bag?

We all did the same thing, grumbling but hopeful we'd see the new version of android, until everyone's phone was in the bag.

Just about then we turned the corner, walked fast (really a fast jog) down an alley, and down another block and into ... some random house's garage side-door?

The inside was well lit, and I saw Mack and Marta standing there with an older lady, maybe in her 60's, jet-black-and-gray straight braided hair in a way that looked seriously Native American.

She had a frightened-concerned expression, but it shifted towards being slightly hopeful on seeing us. "Come in, come in quickly, shut the door. Breet, did you see anyone on the streets? Jane, anyone, see any other person out walking, or looking out windows?"

We all said no.

"This is ... not enough time. Not enough." She sighed. "Gather around, I want to see you. I may end up dead over this, I want to look first." Surveying our faces, she held out her hand and we shook, each of us.

To each, she said her name, "Spring Horse".

"So, about 35 years ago, I started as assistant to an assistant tribal elder, Cherokee Nation. I met lots of people from everywhere, and worked my way up, kind of quickly actually, to be an actual Elder. We all had different areas, and my job was to talk with BIA, FBI, ATF, whatever and whoever, about illegal stuff happening on our land or with our people."

"So, over the last ten years or so, we've been seeing a string of Horrible and seemingly random killings of entire families, both on our land and through northern Mexico. The Federales investigated, but they were notoriously corrupt so we couldn't depend on that and had to embed our own people to dig up info and copy crime scene data."