Matched Pt. 03


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He stood up and headed towards the bathroom. He didn't care, right now he just had to hold Damien and never let him go. He swiped the shower curtain back revealing Damien's strong back and ass, he had regained his strength quickly thanks to a diet plan from the GP but the reminder of how far he had come felt starkly obvious after watching the videos from before.

He turned slowly, water dropped through his wet black hair, droplets catching on his eyelashes and running down his nose and face. Dripping from his chin onto his smooth warm chest.

Elliot reached for him and kissed him. Feeling all of his pain in the kiss, and Damien returned it, initially surprised but then relaxing into him. The water soaked his clothes but he didn't care. Damien pulled him closer and he stepped over the rim of the bath, pushing Damien against the wall as he kissed him, his hands running up and down his warm wet body possessively.

Damien broke the kiss eventually and looked at him with sadness in his eyes.

"You watched it then?"

Elliot nodded, Damien had a conflicted expression, a pained grimace of sadness, anger, and pain.

"Should I use it do you think? Is it enough to get him put away?"

"Yes, there's definitely enough, but if you want to use it has to be your call Damien."

He hesitated, "but if it was your decision. What would you do?"

"I want him to pay for what he did to you."

Damien smiled grimly.

"Then I will."

He looked at Elliot and to his surprise his sad expression slipped into amusement.

"You're rather wet my love," he teased.

Elliot brushes the water from his eyes, feeling the squelching of his sodden sleeves.

"I don't care," he said, beginning to smile back, the anger and pain beginning to thaw.

Damien grinned, "how about you take those clothes off?"

Elliot didn't need telling twice, he pulled the hoodie up over his head, with some difficulty due to its waterlogged form and threw it to the bathroom floor. Damien pulled his pyjama bottoms down and left them in a puddle at the bottom of the bath. He cupped his hands gently on Elliot's ass and pulled him close, their body's pressing against each other under the hot cascade of the water.

Their lips met again, more forcefully this time. Elliot wrapped his hands around Damien's broad back as he Damien kneaded his butt with his hands.

Elliot grazed Damien's lip with his teeth and he heard him growl in response. Grabbing him roughly and turning so it was now him pressed against the wall. The cold tiles on his bare skin made him gasp in delight as Damien ran his hands over his body hungrily.

His hands reached Elliot's cock and began to rub up and down its length. Elliot moaned and he heard Damien's satisfied chuckle. He pulled away from his kisses and watched Elliot's face as he continued to stroke his cock expertly. Elliot looked back at him, his dark hair matted to his face, his eyes burning with desire.

Elliot let his head fall back against the tiles in satisfaction, his eyes closed. He felt the water pattering on his cheeks and the mounting pleasure coming from Damien's administrations on his cock.

"Please fuck me," he groaned.

Damien didn't need to be asked twice. He stopped his stroking, putting his hands on Elliot's waist and turning him slightly.

"Lean against the wall," he said gesturing to the two end of the bath.

Elliot leaned forward putting his hands up against the damp tiles, bending slightly so his ass pushed up against Damien's hip. He smacked it playfully and Elliot yelped. He stroked where he had just smacked lovingly, moving around behind him with his other hand stroking his cock.

"I haven't got any lube," he muttered.

"Doesn't matter, please god I need your cock now sir," he moaned.

Damien ignored him, inserting a damp finger first, teasing him. Elliot moaned at the intrusion, it felt good but he wanted more.

Damien clearly didn't have as much restraint as he normally exhibited because he made a huffing noise and suddenly Elliot felt something much larger than a finger pressing at his ass.

He pushed his ass backwards towards him as Damien pushed forward. He felt himself stretching to accommodate him and winced, but at the same time felt that fullness that he craved. He pushed deeper and deeper, waiting between thrusts, pulling out slightly before going in further. Before he knew it he was fully inside him.

"Fuck me hard sir," he begged and Damien didn't disappoint.

He began to fuck him harder than he ever had before, pulling almost his entire length out before slamming back in, holding Elliot's hips tightly and pulling them towards him with each thrust inward. Elliot's cheek pressed against the tiles as he jolted forward and backwards, moaning and gasping. He felt every inch of his shaft as it went in and out, his ass stretching and shrinking around him, encasing Damien's cock tightly.

"Fuuuck," Elliot moaned, coming closer and closer to his climax. His own hand drifted to his cock and he stroked it in time with Damien's thrusts. Damien sensed he was getting close and picked up the pace even more, taking him to the highest levels of pleasure, hitting him again and again in the centre of his being until with a shattering ecstasy he cummed, his cock shooting cum against the tiles. Damien grunted and he felt as he came deep inside him. Holding his cock in as it spasmed.

They stayed like that for a moment, both panting. Damien stroked Elliot's back and then slowly pulled out of him. Damien reaches over him and switched the shower off, it was suddenly so quiet, the drips of the water from their bodies and their heavy breathing the only sounds. Cold air curled around him and he felt goosebumps rise on his arms. Elliot lifted himself up and turned, laughing slightly as he wiped his face.

Damien took his hands from his face and put his own in their place, wiping the droplets from his forehead and looking at him with an expression that made Elliot feel weak at the knees.

"What did I do to deserve you in my life?"

"I could ask you the same question," Elliot smiled. "Did you feel okay? No nausea?"

"No nausea, I feel better than okay."

Damien frowned as he saw the goosebumps now rising noticeably on his exposed skin.

"You're cold, come on, let's get out."

They sat a while later in comfy clothes watching an episode of The Office, Elliot's favourite tv show. Elliot lay with his head in Damien's lap as he stroked his hair absentmindedly. Damien always said how much he enjoyed this, he said his hair reminded him of gold. He glanced up and could tell that Damien wasn't really watching the tv, he was frowning at the screen, deep in thought.

Elliot rolled so he was lying face up at him, the movement starting Damien out of his thoughts. He looked down at him and smiled a small smile.

"What are you thinking?" Elliot asked and Damien sighed.

"What do you think. What we are going to do next."

"About whether you turn in the evidence about your dad?"

"No," he scowled. "No I've made my decision on that. No I was thinking... If they decide the agreements are invalid and I get all my investments, houses, money back... then what?"

"And what did you decide?" Elliot asked. He didn't care about the money. He loved Damien just as much whether he was penniless or whether he was rich. As long as he was happy.

"Well I don't want the estate, I would sell it. Officially too many bad memories. I thought maybe we could put an offer in on this place? Stay here and make this our home. It's cosy, and its all I need."

Elliot grinned, "I'd like that," he said.

"And we can renovate it if we want, make it just how we want it. Then we could offer your sister the Camden apartment for when she graduates next year. Then we could sell the rest to get your mum somewhere comfortable too, a place she deserves. I wouldn't want all my fathers investments back so I would sell those too and keep all my focus then at Matched."

"I love it," Elliot said sincerely. "They'll be so touched Damien."

He shrugged, "I've come to realise family is more important than money. And they'll be my family soon after all. Oh of course, we will need to make sure to put aside a decent chunk for the wedding. I want to blow you away."

"You know I don't need a fuss," Elliot laughed but Damien scowled.

"You will not try that again, I want it to be perfect for you, don't be all modest and polite."

"It's not it's true! As long as you turn up and we do the thing that's all I care about."

"Hmmm," Damien said but decided to leave the topic for the time being. "That still leaves a sizeable amount of cash. Perhaps we put it in savings... you never know we might want to-" he hesitated looking awkward and Elliot narrowed his eyes. Damien never looked awkward.

"Want to what?" He asked, watching as Damien seemed to be suddenly

Very interested in the tv. "Damien!" He insisted and Damien sighed.

"Well... one day, I thought we might want to... adopt. Not anytime soon," he added hastily. "But... one day. It would be good to have some money saved for then."

Elliot smiled, imagining Damien holding a little baby, his eyes brimming with happiness as he looked up at him. Imagining that that little baby was theirs. His chest tightened.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Not now, but... definitely one day."

Damien's dark eyes sparkled as Elliot looked up at him, his face full of contented happiness, his black hair still slightly damp from their shower. He thought back to when he had first matched with Damien. It felt like another life. Straight Elliot who had been horrified at the thought of being matched with a man had no idea. He had no idea how much his life would be turned upside down, but that at the end of it all he would feel a happiness beyond that words could describe. He wished that he could live in this moment forever, but then he remembered that he would always have Damien by his side, his partner, friend and lover. And there were plenty more memories that he had to look forward to.



"I'm so happy that I can officially call you my son!" Elliot's mum sobbed, practically tackling him with a hug.

He laughed but hugged her back, beaming.

"I'm happy too, Marcie."

"Oh it has to be Mum!" She insisted and Elliot rolled his eyes.

"Mum, Damien is not going to want to call you that. You know how long it took for him to call you Marcie."

Damien shrugged, "I could warm to the idea."

"Don't encourage her!" Elliot mouthed over her shoulder as she hugged him tightly and moved away.

Damien glanced down the huddle of well wishers forming across the Reception floor. All smiling and waving at them, eager to express their congratulations to the new couple. He put his arm around Elliot's waist and he pecked his cheek.

Harvey and Ella were the next to them, Harvey with two glasses of whiskey in his hands. He pressed one into Damien's palm and he gave him a grateful look.

"Congratulations Damien Green," he teased. "Got a good ring to it huh?"

"I think so," he smiled "new me, new name. Plus I was never that attached to the old one."

"Oh I definitely approve. Don't want our head investor associated with criminals after all," he winked and Damien chuckled.

"Always invested in the company image," he said. "Thanks for the drink I don't think we'll ever get to the bar."

"What's a best man for? And speaking from experience, you won't. Thankfully you and Elliot kept me going but Ella didn't drink a thing on our wedding day, and not by choice, she was just constantly surrounded by people!" Harvey glanced over his shoulder. "Yep, you've got a long queue here, I'll get out of your way!"

After Harvey and Ella was Hector. He grinned at them both and said how happy he was to see this day. He told them about his new job, and Elliot said he was to visit them when they came back from the Honeymoon. Then Damien's mother appeared, smiling sheepishly on the arm of her handsome Match from Brazil. She wished them well, and gave Damien a hug that felt more genuine than any she had given him before.

They had been working on their relationship for some time. And although they were not close, they were civil enough.

"Thank you, for everything." She said, tears forming in her eyes. "I never thought..."

"It's okay," Damien said. "I know."

The evening went on, and it was a whirlwind of faces. He barely had a minute to talk to his new husband without being watched by family and friends. It was towards the end of the night, long after he had been forced into doing a First Dance, that Elliot pulled him away from the crowds up a small flight of stairs and onto a deserted balcony.

"Hey, good find." Damien smiled, leaning on the door frame as Elliot walked out onto the balcony, leaning over first looking down at the grassy lawn below, and then looking up at the amass of stars shining above them. The music was muffled up here, and the cool night air rustled the leaves in the nearby trees.

Damien watched, looking at Elliot's face, illuminated by the lights of the party as he gazed up at the night sky. He looked perfect. Almost like an angel. He turned to look at him, and smiled.

"Are you going to join me?" he said.

"I was just admiring the view," he grinned. But walked over to him, standing behind him and wrapping his arms around him, he kissed his neck softly.

"I was wondering. Do you think, if Matched didn't exist, that we ever would have found each other?" Elliot asked. Damien considered this thoughtfully.

"Perhaps we would have, I can sense you in a room, even from the first tube we met. If we crossed paths then that may have drawn us together. But then again maybe not. You may never have been able to admit your sexuality even if we did meet somehow. Hell, if Matched didn't exist I wouldn't have even been going to London. But thankfully, we live in this world where Matched does exist and we are married."

He reached for Elliot's hand, lacing them together so that he could see the ring. The ring that told the world that this beautiful human being was his.

"We have the rest of our lives," he said, feeling Elliot's warm body, his soft sweet scent, the sound of his heart beating against him.

"Together," Elliot whispered, turning and kissing him softly under the starry nights sky.

The End.

Authors Note:

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Conversion Therapy is still legal in the UK. Please make your opinion on this barbaric practice known on petition sites or if you live in the UK by emailing your local MP.

All my love - Daisy x

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Bluepoohstar08Bluepoohstar08about 2 years ago

Absolutely wonderful.

Daisy_xDaisy_xover 2 years agoAuthor

Hello!! If you enjoy this story please check out the sequel “Striking the match” on my profile! 🥰

JdGvDJdGvDover 2 years ago

This was such a great story. I enjoyed every word of it. I am really happy that they get their happy ending. Although i hoped for more chapters, because it was so great. 🙂

OzeminotaurOzeminotauralmost 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this love is love

And I know this won’t come out right

But love seens are great you’ve got the male feels right

Keep up the great work

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
More Please :)

This was a great read. Loved the story and these two characters. I just wish it was longer. More bedroom activities :) That scene with Elliot's wrists tied to the bed frame hanging with this leg rapped about Damien as they made love was one of the hottest scenes that I've read here!

Daisy_xDaisy_xover 3 years agoAuthor
Hi Anonymous

If it helps - he goes to prison! ;) but I wanted the end to focus on Elliot and Damien and not his dad so just left the mums comment about being with someone else and thanking him as a hint! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment xxx

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
One Question

It would have been nice to find out what happened to his Dad, and how he got his.

BlowPopJBlowPopJover 3 years ago

This whole story was spectacular. Even though this was a dark segment, the love between the two characters overshadowed the bad.

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