Max and the Lamp Ch. 08

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Max continues his adventures.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/24/2020
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For the record: All characters engaging in any sexual activities are at least 18 years of age!

Sorry for the long wait. More stories to follow!

Max and the Lamp Ch 08

No one was home when he arrived. He remembered that Jenny would probably be late. He looked across the street, but saw nothing at Wanda's house.

Inside, he went up to his room. Feeling tired, he laid down on his bed for a short nap.

His phone ringing woke him up. It was his Mom.

"Hi, Mom," he answered.

"Hello, Max. How are things there?" his mom asked.

"They're good, Mom. Are you OK?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Miss you, though. And Jenny, miss both of you."

"Sure, Mom, we miss you, too. When are you coming home?"

"Well, Cathy is feeling much better. Still misses her husband, of course, but is coping. So, I'll be back this evening."

"That's great, Mom. I really look forward to you being back," Max said.

"Me, too, honey. We'll talk when I get home."

"OK, mom. Drive carefully!" Max hung up.

Merdia's hologram appeared. "Hello, Max."

"Hi, again, Merdia. Hey, how are things going around the neighborhood?"

Merdia said, "Hmm. Let me review the data." Her hologram froze, then moved again. "Quite active. Aside from the activity across the street, there has been recent sexual activity in all residences within a three-block area."

"Is that normal?" Max asked.

"Max, the more you engage in sexual activity, the more your desires permeate the area, and thus increase activity."

"Hmmm. You mean, I'm causing people to fuck more?"

"Your activity is amplified by the lamp, so yes. But there doesn't appear to be any real harm by continuing."

He was interrupted by the doorbell ring. He walked downstairs, wondering who that could be. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see Wanda Hennessey standing on his porch. She smiled nervously at him.

"Hi, Mrs. Hennessey."

"Hello, Max. Can you help me? There's a leak under my kitchen sink that won't stop. I've called the plumber but they can't get here for hours. Can you help me turn the water off somehow?"

"Sure, Mrs. Hennessey. Let's go." Max closed the door and they walked across the street. Max noticed that Wanda was wearing shorts and a white cotton blouse. She looked good, he decided.

They entered Wanda's house and went into the kitchen. Max could see water around the sink cabinet.

"The water shut-off is usually in the basement," he said. Wanda pointed to a door.

"If you could do that, I'm going to clean out under the sink.," she said.

Max went down to the basement. Most of the basement was a large family room and three doors leading to other rooms. He went to one room, but the door was locked. Curious, Max thought. Another door was a bathroom. The last door led to a utility room where he found the water cut-off. He closed it and went back to the kitchen.

Upstairs, Max saw that Mrs. Hennessey was crouched under the sink cabinet.

"Ma'am, that should do it," Max said. "Be careful though, there's probably water in the lines."

As soon as he said that, he heard a rush of water. Wanda let out a yell and quickly backed out of the cabinet. Wanda stood up and turned to face him. She was soaked. Her cotton top was almost transparent and Max saw her large tits with dark areoles in her lacy bra. Her shorts clung her hips. Max was instantly hard as he looked at her. There was no way he could keep his erection hidden. Wanda's eyes grew wide as she noticed the bulge in his shorts.

Her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh, my, Max!"

"Umm, I guess I need to go. Sorry, Mrs. Hennessey. Sorry," Max turned. He walked quickly out of the door and jogged across the street.

Back in his home, he gave a deep sigh. That was close, he thought. Wanda Hennessey was a hot MILF, and Max was finding it hard to resist her obvious charms. But, according to Merdia, she was dangerous and uncontrollable. What was he going to do, he wondered?

Before he could think about it more, the door opened and Jenny walked in.

"Hi, Max," she said in a tired voice.

"Hey, Jen, what's the matter? You sound down?"

"Ugh, it's a woman thing. Suffice to say, I feel like hell. I'm going to take a long hot bath and then go to bed." She looked at Max and smiled wanly, "And no, I don't want company."

Max held up his hands and said, "No problem, sis. Hey, Mom will be home later tonight."

"Good. I'm tired of your cooking anyway. Don't cook anything for me tonight, either." She walked away and went up the stairs.

Max walked into the kitchen to fix something to eat. Jenny would be in a bad mood for the next few days so he planned to steer clear. It would cut down on his sex, but he could handle it. He smiled to himself as he figured his mom could fill in for Jenny, as long as they were careful. He looked forward to it.

He finished his meal and then decided to clean up around the house. That took him a couple of hours. He was just finishing when his phone rang. He didn't recognize the number.

"Hello," he answered.

"Hi, Max. This is Lydia Keller. How are you this evening?"

"Oh, hello, Mrs. Keller. I'm fine. And you?"

"I'm fine, Max, and please call me Lydia. I wonder if you could come over tomorrow? I've been doing some housecleaning and there are some heavy items I need moved from the house into the garage. And the lawn needs some work, too. If you can come over in the morning, then I'm sure you could be done in time for lunch?"

"Sure, Lydia. I can be there by 9 o'clock, if that's OK.

"Yes, that is excellent. Oh, and Heather says hi, too."

"Say hi back. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Max. Bye, now."

Mrs. Keller seemed much friendlier than usual. Lydia, he corrected himself, was very friendly. He guessed he would find out tomorrow.

Max decided to clean up around the house. Mom would not be happy if it was a mess, Max knew. It took him about an hour. As he was finishing and putting away the vacuum cleaner in the front hall closet, his Mom came in the front door. She was dressed in a short red skirt with a white cotton top patterned in butterflies. Her dark hair was tied back in a pony tail.

"Well, hello, Max," she said cheerily. "Finally decided to straighten up your mess?"

Max laughed, "Have to get rid of the evidence!" He walked up and gave her a hug. She hugged him back.

"Missed you guys. Where's Jenny?"

"It's that time of the month, Mom. I think she's taking it easy in her room."

Ivy shook her head. "I better go say hi. Can you get my stuff out of the car, honey?" She walked to the stairs. Max grabbed her stuff from the car and brought it to her bedroom. His mom walked in while he was putting her suitcase on the bed.

"Any ideas for dinner, Max?" his Mom asked. She stood in the door. Her form was backlit and he could see she was not wearing a bra. A sudden idea came to him.

"Why don't we go out to that new Italian restaurant near the mall? I've heard it's nice."

"Ooh, that's a great idea. Let me freshen up and we can go in a few minutes."

Max changed into some presentable clothes and waited for his mom downstairs. Of course, a few minutes turned into a half hour before she came down. Max saw she had let her hair down. He could also smell her faint perfume.

"I'm ready to go. Jen is not coming, so we're on our own," she laughed. "And I'm hungry!"

"OK, Mom, Let's go," Max said and offered his arm. She took it and they walked to the car.

She giggled and smiled at Max. "Almost like a date with a handsome young man."

"And a stunning, beautiful lady," Max said as he opened the door for her. She giggled again.

Max climbed in and he drove to the restaurant. His mom talked about her sister and her trails. Carol was three years younger than Ivy. Max knew she was a blonde, like his sister, but was curvier with larger breasts.

As they parked at the restaurant, Ivy said, "Carol may come down in a week or so to stay a few days. Take it easy, maybe go to the beach."

"Sure Mom. You guys could hang out."

The restaurant wasn't crowded, so Max chose a table in the back corner. When they sat down, Max decided to sit next to his mom. She gave him a funny look, but moved to let him sit next to her. He smiled as he let his hip touch hers.

Their waitress came to the table. She looked a few years younger than his mom, Max noticed. Her dark hair fell down past her shoulders and framed her pretty face. She wore a dark skirt and a green blouse that was filled out nicely.

"Hi, I'm Sarah. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Hi, Sarah. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm doing pretty good. Hope you're both doing well." Max smiled at her, keeping his eyes on hers.

"Yeah, we're doing fine, thanks. I think I'll have a water with lemon for me. What about you, Ivy?"

"I think I'll have a glass of the house red, please."

"Sure, be right back." Max watched as she walked away. His mom elbowed him.

"Max, stop flirting with our waitress. She's probably got kids older than you!"

"Mom, she's a MILF. Just like you are. And I like MILFs." His mom blushed and looked down at the menu.

"Max, that's, I mean, we shouldn't...we need to talk about some things."

Max dropped his hand under the table and placed it on her bare thigh. "We need to talk about whether or not you have panties on," he said and slid his hand farther up her legs, moving to the inside of her thigh.

"Max!" His mom gasped. "What are you doing? We're in a restaurant." Her hand grabbed his, but he kept it where it was.

"No one is watching us. The lights are low and I'll be careful. But I want to feel your bare pussy." Max caressed her thigh gently.

"Max, no," she said, glancing around the room.

"Yes, Mom. I'm getting up and you're going to go back to the restroom and remove your panties."

Mom looked at him and lowered her eyes. "OK, Max." He moved and she walked to the restrooms. Max was surprised at how quickly his mom caved. He could feel his cock begin to wake up. The waitress arrived as his Mom walked away.

"Here you go, sir," their waitress said. "One water with lemon and a red wine. I brought you some extra lemon," she smiled brightly at him. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"We'll order when the lady gets back," Max said. "How's business tonight?"

"A little slow, but that's OK. Not being as rushed is good, you know?" she smiled again.

Max smiled back. "You like working here?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Pretty much. I work most nights and you meet some nice people. And deal with the others, of course." She laughed.

"Well, I'll try to be one of the nice ones," Max said.

"Oh, I'm sure you're a nice one." She looked at him and smiled.

Max nodded. "I'm always nice."

Just then his mom walked up. "Hey, Ivy. We can order when you're ready," he said as he let her slide into the bench.

"Well, I'm starved, so I'll take a house salad with oil and vinegar. And the pasta Bolognese, please."

"The chicken Alfredo for me and a house salad with ranch for me."

"Right. I'll put that in right now."

"Thanks, Sarah."

"You're welcome," she smiled again as she walked away.

He turned back to his mom. "So, mom," he said in a low voice, "no panties?"

His mom blushed. "Max, I, I no, I took them off for you."

Max nodded. "Of course, mom, but I have to check to make sure." He placed his hand under the table on her thigh again. He caressed her thigh as he slid his hand under her dress. He glanced around. The restaurant was quiet, and no one was watching them. He moved his hand higher. Her felt his mom open her legs slightly. His fingers contacted her moist cunt lips and rubbed them lightly.

"Ohhh," his mom shivered slightly and moaned softly.

"You're wet already." He pushed and penetrated her cunt with a finger. "Really wet," he said and began to massage her cunt.

Ivy moaned again, "Max, please. It feels so good. But we can't do this in here. Oh!"

Max had flicked her clitoris lightly. "Okay, mom, I'll stop. But we're going to finish this soon." He pulled his hand from under her dress.

Ivy sighed and looked at Max. "God, Max, you are so bad. What am I going to do with you?"

Max laughed. "Oh, I think we know, don't we?"

She laughed, too. Just then their meals arrived. The food was good and they ate, sharing quick glances and smiling.

"Dessert now or later, mom?" Max asked.

"Oh, I think later, son," she chuckled.

Their waitress approached. "Everything OK, folks? Can I get you anything else?" She looked at Max as she said this. Max smiled at her.

"Well, no, I guess not, Sarah. Maybe some other time."

"OK, here's your check, then. You can pay at the register whenever you're done."

As she walked away, his mom huffed, "Well, I'd say she was letting you know she was available, the little hussy!"

"Down, Mom. Maybe I should invite her home for a little threesome?"

"Max, no way. I've never done anything like that!"

He leaned close. "And you'd never fucked your son before either, did you? "

His mom blushed red. Max smiled at her reaction.

"Let's go, mom."

"OK, Max. Let me go to the restroom and I'll meet you up front."

Max walked to the register. Susan smiled at him as he approached.

"Hope everything was fine."

"It was great, thanks. I appreciate the service, too." He looked into her eyes and smiled.

"Well, thank you. I hope you come back soon."

"Oh, I definitely will. And I hope you can wait on me, too."

She laughed, "For dinner?"

He joined her laugh. "Or maybe something more?"

She looked at him with a slight smile and handed him the check to sign. He did, turned over the check and wrote his phone number on the back, and handed it back to her.

She looked at the phone number and smiled again. At that point, his Mom walked up.

"Ready to go, Max?" his mom asked.

"Yep, all done here."

Outside, they walked to the car. Max opened the door for his mom, then got in his seat. He looked over at her. She smiled at him.

"Thanks for the dinner, Max."

Max started the car and began to drive home. His mom leaned over and kissed his cheek

"Max, when we get home, I'm going to check on Jenny. Then I'm going to take a hot shower. Then I want you to fuck me hard. I'm so wet and horny tight now!" Her eyes were still closed. Max noticed one of her hands was under her dress, massaging her cunt. He drove faster.

Once home, his Mom went upstairs. After a moment, she called down to him, "Jenny's asleep." Then she went into her bedroom. Max waited for a few minutes, then walked into her bedroom. He closed and locked the door.

The shower was running. He stripped and went into the bathroom. His mom was in the shower, her naked body glistening through the glass as she washed her hair. He opened the door quietly and stepped inside. His mom gasped when he circled her body with his hands and hugged her into him.

"Oh, Max! What are you doing? Oh, ummm," she sighed as he massaged her tits. He kissed her neck.

"Ever been fucked in the shower?" he asked.

"No, oh, god. Fuck me, Max," she moaned now.

"Lean forward slightly," he ordered. She did, bracing herself on the shower wall. He grasped her hips and pushed his cock up and into her cunt. It slid in easily. She inhaled a deep breath and pushed back at him. He began to fuck her, sliding his cock in and out of her cunt as the warm water ran over their bodies. He massaged her tits, tweaking at her hard nipples.

"Oh, shit, Max. So good. Your cock is so deep in me. Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god!" Cumming!" Her body trembled. Max felt her cunt spasm around his cock. She lowered her head as he continued to fuck his cock in and out. As she came off her orgasm, he slowed his pace.

He pulled his cock out of her slick pussy and said, "Turn around, mom." She turned. He reached down around her and lifted her body. Bracing himself against the wall, he let her drop onto his cock as he held her.

"Ahhh, "she said as her cunt swallowed him. "Jesus, I can feel you all the way in. So deep! So hard! Ummmm." She leaned her head on his shoulder as he fucked her.

"Do you like this?" he asked.

"Yes," she whimpered. "I like it. I like your hard cock in my cunt."

"Mom, you are my slut, aren't you?"

"Oh, Max. Fuck me."

"Tell me you're a slut," he ordered.

"She moaned. "Ummm, yes, I'm your slut!"

"Yes, you are. Bounce on my cock, mom!" He held her tight as she pistoned up and down on his cock. She moaned and gasped each time he went deep in her. They continued to fuck as the water poured over their slick bodies.

"You're a good fuck, mom. Maybe I'll have my friends take a turn in your cunt. Would you like that, slut?" She looked up at him, her mouth wide.

"What? Oh, Max. Oh, what are you saying?" She gasped as he slammed his cock into her cunt. God, she was wet, he thought.

"Maybe I'll get Leroy to fuck you while you suck me cock?

"Oh, god, Max! Is that what a slut does?" She was panting now, her breath hot on his neck as she clung to him.

"Yes, my slut fucks whoever I say. As many as I say. Maybe a cock for every hole, mom. Think about that."

Suddenly she arched her back and cried out. She came again on his cock. He slammed into her and came, too, his cum blasting into her wet cunt. After a minute, he pulled out slowly and let her stand.

"Mom, that was so good. You are a great fuck!"

She hugged him close. "Max, that was so intense. I don't think I've ever come so hard."

"I love fucking you, mom."

She hugged him again. "Me, too. But we have to be careful. Jenny can't find out."

That's an understatement, he thought. He said, "I understand, Mom. I'll be careful, but it's going to be hard."

"We'll manage. Now get out of here, before Jenny comes in. Maybe we can do it again when we can fall asleep after. But not tonight." She kissed him and pushed him away.

He dressed quickly and went to his room. At his desk, he picked up the lamp. He turned it over in his hands.


Merdia's hologram appeared next to him. "Good evening, Max."

"Everything OK?"

"Yes, there are no issues. All of my systems are functional. And you appear happy."

"Yes, I am." He yawned. "And I'm sleepy now."

"Rest then, Max. Tomorrow is another day."


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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very nice! More please. I was hoping he would hook up with Heather.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

5 stars and could have more chapters. One thing I hate is calling a woman a slut. Just because a woman likes sex doesn't make her a slut. So what do we call a man who likes sex. A stud?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

yes please continue the story it is getting interesting

nermienermieabout 1 year ago

more chapters please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a great story. Hope you can continue it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


YesterdaysChildYesterdaysChildover 2 years ago

Dang, I read through all the parts, only to find there's no ending. What's up with that? And this part was written almost a year ago? Not good! You need to finish this story, pal! I found the entire series strangely compelling. Okay, it's never going to be a Hollywood blockbuster, but so what? It's entertaining, it has an interesting premise, and most importantly of all, readers have become invested in the characters; Enough so, that I'm sure many of us have ideas on what we'd LIKE to see happen. What more could any storyteller hope for? So, please... FINISH THE DAMN STORY!!!

JennydemarkoJennydemarkoover 2 years ago

What a great series!!!! Outstanding development, wish it would never end

jcus0511jcus0511over 2 years ago

Great story. Hot and uncomplicated. Terrific fantasy material. Cheers

Randomviewer09Randomviewer09almost 3 years ago

Will there be another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Sharing doesn't work.

I see "END". Is it the last chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Sharing works with Leroy.

Anonymous91Anonymous91about 3 years ago

Sharing is not a thing for alpha. He only takes what he wants, and he keeps it. If someone tries to take, alpha always take action. Please continue the story. Great so far. But you hint in some places about sharing, but don't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Dear Author

Though, I agree all of the comments below.

The story is really great and facinating so far.

Yet, don't do sharing, I mean he had unlimited stamina.

Why would he do share for other folks when he just can doing all of them every ten minutes recovery?

Please, consider it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

don't do sharing it break the story damn you

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