Me & Shari Pt. 07 - Putting a Ring on It


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Kurt and I found a rhythm fucking her pussy and ass, Shari thrust into her mouth as we rocked her forward. It took no time for Becky to start having orgasms. It felt like she was having a vaginal orgasm followed by an anal one followed by one from her throat and then repeating over and over. I'm not sure how we kept going for as long as we did. Becky was having orgasm after orgasm but refused to slow down.

I was able to lift my body up and find her swaying tit with my mouth. I locked onto her nipple suckling away while using my tongue and teeth to give her even one more stimulus to enjoy. My little change in position also made a change in the direction my dick was hitting her pussy and rubbing against Kurt in her ass. I heard him grunting and could feel him thrusting harder. I was able to get ahold of her hips and hold her still with my dick buried deep in her, letting Kurt find the right spot to finally unload into her ass.

I could feel his dick throbbing as he pumped his cum into her. I saw Shari's balls draw up and deposit their cream into Becky's waiting throat. I gave in and released my seed deep into her pussy. Poor Becky was shaking and trembling with continuous orgasms even after the three of us stopped fucking her. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close when she collapsed onto me. Kurt rolled off to the side and did the same while Shari moved to the other side and stroked her lovingly until the shaking as sobbing subsided.

Shari was whispering softly in her ear and even being as close as I was, I couldn't make out what she was saying. Still weeping softly, Shari helped her untangle from Kurt and me. She helped her off the lounger and telling us that they would be back in a bit, led her into the villa. She signaled to us that we should stay there.

Kurt and I obeyed, kind of. We did go to the other bathrooms for a quick clean up but returned to the veranda for our recovery. I had heard the shower running so I assumed that the girls were doing a clean-up as well. It gave me and Kurt a chance to talk. He told me that Becky was under a lot of stress at work, and it was looking like she might be jobless in the very near future. I apologized for adding the stress of my plans to that and had I known I never would have imposed going ring shopping with me on her. He assured me that picking the ring and planning this event was about the only bright spot she had in the last few months.

There had been some management decisions made over the last couple years that she wasn't a part of, that left the company in a very precarious situation and, somehow it had now fallen to her to fix it, but management was fighting her on making any changes and she was very close to walking away from it all. We discussed the trials, and tribulations of the post covid workforce and getting the most effort out of them.

It was almost two hours later when Shari and Becky came back out to join us. All showered, dressed, made up and they informed us, very hungry. Becky apologized for her little breakdown. Kurt told her that I had been filled in on her work issues. Shari told us that they had been having some long discussions as well and had decided everything was going to be alright.

Kurt and I went and dressed, and we all headed into town to see if we could find a mid-afternoon meal. We found a café that wasn't busy and sat out on the patio to enjoy the sights and sounds, as well as the food and wine. Becky was taking it a lot slower with the wine today.

We ate off the Tapis menu, so it was more like grazing while we talked. Becky filled us in on the things at her job and we all agreed that if things didn't turn around soon then she should be looking for something else. The big problem was that we were all now of that certain age when finding a new job wasn't all that easy and starting over wasn't a great prospect either. They were comfortable with them both working and would be okay if it took her a while to find something, but it would be a problem if it became long term.

Kurt and Shari could only report that they were both doing fine at work, and everything was going great. I felt bad that I was the one to let them know that it was looking like I was going to be able to step away from full time supervision and move into a part-time consulting and cherry-picking projects to get involved with. We had sat and talked well into the late afternoon and the regular early diners were coming in.

Back at the villa the girls found a cozy corner for more talking, I assumed, girl talk while Kurt wanted to know more about my big project. The staff had returned and were getting everything set up for the evening. The girls found a deck of cards and we ended up playing bridge for a few hours. It was girls against guys, and they beat us five out of seven games.

Our cruise was early in the morning, so we called it an early night. Becky hugged Shari and I and thanked us for being such good friends and all that other stuff. We said good-nights and went to our rooms. Once Shari and I were snuggled warm in bed, she filled me in on Becky. Apparently, a couple weeks before the island trip, the CFO of the company quit suddenly and left without any notice. The board, who had given him unlimited power with little supervision and oversight, had complete trust in him and thought that everything he did was a great money-making idea.

They had offered her the CFO position the week before our trip and she had barely had a chance to get moved into the office. When we got back, and she started reviewing the books for the last 5 years she found out that he had been cooking the books and had skimmed millions off into personal accounts. The CEO and the board made the cover-your-ass decision to cover it up rather than report it and go after him. Becky had figured that the shit was going to hit the fan when their "true" semi-annual report came out the next month.

As CFO now, it was all going to land on her. It was either take it and watch the company she really cared about die a very quick and painful death or leave and make a public statement about the condition of the company and let the board take it. It was obvious to me which one was the best option, but Becky thought that with the right moves, it could be saved.

Shari told me that her little breakdown this morning was partly from the stress she was under. They had spent a long time talking after and Shari had finally gotten that out of her but there was something else that she refused to talk about that was eating at her. She had sworn that it wasn't anything to do with Kurt or the kids, so Shari had let it go.

We were all at the pier for our lake/river cruise to see and hear all about the old castles and villas along the shores of Lake Lucerne. Breakfast and Lunch were being served on the cruise and we would be back at the pier around 3. Disembarking and driving to the villa the long way would get us back around 4:15. Everyone should have safely arrived and hidden away.

We docked five minutes late. I found myself worrying that something, somewhere, was going to go wrong. All the careful planning and misdirection we had been pulling off the last few weeks was going to be all a waste. Kurt held me back and told me to get my stuff together or Shari was going to figure out something was up. I nodded and took a deep, deep breath and let all my tension go. He laughed at my sudden change and slipped a small velvet box into my pocket.

Back at the villa, Becky rushed ahead declaring that she needed to pee. Kurt took two steps at a time following her. I held Shari close as we climbed the stairs together. Instead of heading inside, I directed her over to the stone wall overlooking the valley. We stood looking out at some of the castles we had seen on the cruise. Shari was commenting that she could see that spooky looking one that they told us was cursed and didn't notice that I had gotten on one knee beside her. When I didn't comment she turned, saw me and gasped.

Holding the box in my hand, I started the speech I had been preparing for a month. I told her that from when we first met, even before I knew who she was, I felt a connection to her that I had only ever felt once before in my life. I loved that from the moment we first started seeing each other I was always so comfortable and relaxed around her. I didn't have to watch every word that I said in fear that it would be taken the wrong way. She had softened my belief that I would never get married again and changed it into the desire to never be alone again.

I decided weeks ago on the island that I was going to ask her to marry me and when Becky and Kurt had asked us to go on this trip with them, I couldn't have contrived any better opportunity. Shari had never stopped looking at me and that small box in my hand, so she hadn't noticed that the veranda was filling with people.

Shari, I finally asked, will you complete me and agree to marry me as soon as we can? I opened the box; the afternoon sun caught it just right and the ring sparkled with all its faceted glory. She gasped at the sight of the beautiful ring and started shaking with her yes, yes, yes. I stood, took the ring from the box and slid it perfectly on her finger. She just stared at it for several seconds then wrapped her arms around my neck. The crowd around us erupted in applause. Shari jumped with surprise. She had not even noticed the fact that there were about a dozen people surrounding us.

We got hugs and kisses from everyone. Shari knew all but four of them and I knew all but one. I got to introduce her to my daughter, Molly and her former college friend and now longtime girlfriend, Megan, then to my son, John Jr, who introduced us to his girlfriend, Miko, a dark-skinned Japanese beauty.

The girls all oohed and aahed over the ring that I had picked out. I gave credit where due and admitted that Becky and Kurt had helped. The staff had put out food trays and assorted bottles of wine and local beers and quietly disappeared. I introduced my kids to my circle of friends. John had heard of Jim, both being in the tech field and Molly and Meg both had gone to the same college as Jan and knew of her athletic legacy there.

We all got food and split into groups to eat. The group let Shari and I have the big table with the kids. I noticed that Miko had made a point of sitting next to Shari but thought nothing of it. They asked about my new group of friends. John apologized but said that he had to ask if Billie was of age. I laughed and told him her real age and that she loved playing the Lolita role and was really good at it. He looked to Shari for confirmation, and she told him how old her kids were. They asked how I met them, and I was honest about it. Months after their mother had passed and life had become a new normal, I started looking for something to fill the emotional and sexual needs of a healthy male.

I had a friend who was on the fringe of this group and kept asking if I would go as their plus one. I had finally relented and went with them to a party. I hit it off with most of the people in the group and while my friend drifted away, I kept coming to the parties, sometimes with a date and sometimes not.

Shari had come to a party as a guest and we had developed a friendship, then dating, and now, here we are. Molly commented that she wasn't a bit surprised that I fell for Shari, kidding that I did have a type, then adding to Shari that is she was 20 years older that she would fall for her too, which earned her an elbow from Meg. John admitted the same thing, but he added for a different reason which made us all look at Miko who shyly nodded to the affirmative.

We asked if they would share their story. John told us that they had only been dating a few months, but things were getting serious. He said that he hadn't been happy with his dating life in Japan, the women all seemed so giggly and demur and, in his mind, a woman should be strong and confident like mom was. After I had told him about Shari, he got curious and started looking into trans relationships. He matched with Miko on a dating app, and they started talking.

When they agreed to meet to have drinks, the address she gave him to meet her at was his office. Turns out that she is one of the few female managers in the company managing the accounting department. Their date had gone exceedingly well as did the second and the third and lunches at work and dinners after. We asked Miko her side of the story.

She started with her grandfather; a black American soldier stationed in Japan during the Vietnam war. He did stay in country with her grandmother once he was discharged which made it a little easier for her mixed-race mother, but she still had it hard growing up. Her mother was lucky enough to get a job with an American company with the help of her dual citizenship, where she met another Japanese American with a similar story and they fell in love.

Miko was born after a very short pregnancy and just months after a rushed wedding. She said that she knew from a very young age that she wasn't the boy they tried to make her be. Trying to be an obedient Japanese son, she tried to do all the things the other boys did but never did them very well and in the privacy of her room, she did what the girls her age did. Her father discovered her 'stash' of girly things when she was twelve and just starting puberty. His reaction to that discovery caused a lot of pain, confusion and doubt in the mind of an already confused pre-teen.

Against her father's wishes, her mother took her to a counselor who at first thought the issue was the darkness of her skin compared to her peers, like her mother had experienced. Different times, different problems he finally realized. There were enough mixed-race people in Tokyo now that her dark skin barely stood out. What did stand out was the fact that Miko had acquired a breast pump from the neighbor's trash to try to make her breasts bigger and regularly bound her ever-growing dick to try to stop it.

Once she was getting the counseling she really needed the rest started coming easier too. Her father was still not totally on board with her decision to transition but at the same time was proud of her accomplishments in her job. They had a strained relationship. He loved her but struggled to understand why she wanted to live her life as a lie. He still can't grasp that living the other way was the actual lie in her mind.

Shari had been holding her hand the entire time and gave her a loving hug when she finished. Molly and Meg got up and did the same. John broke the spell choking out that he guessed that if he and Miko didn't work out that he would be the one everyone would be mad at. Molly punched his arm and said that he always was an easy target for that.

Jim broke up our little family reunion asking us to come and join the rest of the party inside. We gathered our plates and moved inside just as raindrops started to fall. I told Jim that, as always, his timing was excellent. We refilled drinks, took the food to the kitchen and resettled in the great room in front of a crackling fire. I smiled at Shari staring at the ring on her finger catching light from the fire. Molly noticed too and gave me a pat on the back and told me that I had done a good job.

Jim asked for our attention. Telling me that I would have to fill in my kids later, he told us that he had been shopping the game we played on the island around to some select companies that specialized in marketing that specific type of product. He had made a couple of changes. He had broken it into two separate games. One for 2 to 6 players, dubbed The TaskMaster I, and the original for up to 20 players, called The TaskMaster Plus. His logic was that the one could come in at a lower price point and would be a better option for those not nearly as adventurous as the bunch of us were.

He nodded to Jan who got up and took envelopes from Jim, passing them to us. Jim told us that this was our share of the advance on the game and royalties would be following once the games hit the market. Kurt showed Becky the check and she jumped up, ran to Jim and gave him the biggest hug she could muster while sobbing. My poor kids and their partners were just looking at us having no clue what was going on.

I told them that I would explain later, while Kurt told everyone that Becky was having issues at work and that was now not going to be a problem when they got home. Jim fielded questions from all of us about The TaskMaster, his improvement, how long before it might hit the market. John kept asking questions about what exactly the game was and how it was played which Jim artfully sidestepped and gave vague answers and it was driving John crazy and Molly was starting in as well. I finally asked the group if they minded if I revealed the purpose of the game to my kids. They all kind of looked at each other and said that it was my kids I was revealing my secrets to and if they promised that it stayed in the family, go ahead.

I told the kids the real purpose that we all met once a month. We didn't just eat and drink, we spent most of the time having sex with each other. Some of the parties were as many as 30 couples but most were 10 to 15 couples. The 8 of us were, along with 4 or 6 others were pretty much the core of the group and the others came and went. The kids tried to look shocked and surprised that their dear old dad was a sexual pervert that attended monthly orgies, but I think somehow, they knew more that they let on.

Anyway, I went on, last month when Shari and I went to the island with Jim, Jan and the others, Jim used us as beta testers on this new invention of his, and after it wore us all to a frazzle, we gave our approval to the concept and the results. Jim had promised us all a cut if it ever went to market and you, pointing to John, know how good he is at doing that. I showed him the check that Jan had just given me, and he gave a long low whistle.

With that revelation out in the open, our friends could act more in the way that they normally did. Business off the table, we mingled and visited. The guys finally got to get a look and Shari's ring and approved.

The evening wore on and some were starting to feel the effects of jet lag and yawns started making their way around the room. Becky made her way over to Molly and John to inform them that even though they had said that they had wanted to have a room together, there was going to be a room available if they wanted it. They thanked her but said that they had a lot to catch up on and would be up all night.

Billie had been staying near Kurt most of the night and Becky had been all over Jim and Jan since the checks had been distributed. I had already been told that Shari and I would be alone tonight, so all the sleeping or any other activity room arrangements were set.

The kids and their partners bid us all goodnight and headed off to their slumber party, Kurt and Becky told each other good night and headed off with their respective partners for the night leaving Shari and I to head to bed for the first time as an engaged couple.

As our custom, Shari got the bathroom first for her bedtime rituals, I followed when she emerged, all moisturized, de-wrinkled, and exfoliated. I found her just as beautiful without make-up as when she made herself up to the nines. Of course, without make-up I could see her freckled nose and cheeks. I also noticed quite happily that tonight was a sleeping naked night. I hurried through my night prep and joined my fiancée in bed where she was again looking at her ring.

I told her that I wasn't planning to become second for her attentions to a silly little piece of rock, to which she responded that I shouldn't have picked out such a pretty one then because girls are always bedazzled by pretty, glittering things and proceeded to climb on top of me. She began running her nails across my skin raising goose bumps all over my body. She started focusing on my nipples which made one particular goose bump get very aroused. Shari moved slowly down my torso until that bump found its warm home waiting for it. I slid easily inside her readied ass.