Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 23


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Deputy Jimmy was completely gone from rational thought jostling a bit atop her until the cuffs came away in his hand. True to her words, April's wrist each bore a deep indentations of crimson that looked horrific. Jimmy examined her right hand finding it looked swollen planting little kisses on her bruised wrist. April hated this show of fealty, despised his affection.

"Keep fucking me Jimmy; I want you to bring it up outta me."


"I like the way you take me Jimmy; you make me feel like a real woman and it hurts so good. Don't stop fucking me until it rises up out of me."

"What rises up out of you April girl?" He was already unconsciously calling her a pet name.

"You'll know when you see it Jimmy."


"Yeah." April's black painted nails were digging trenches in his hairy buttocks prodding him onward. Her ankles locked tightly in the small of his back mustering all the strength she had as he mistook it for encouragement.

His crotch was sore, inner thighs pulsing with life in a way they hadn't since his early youth as the middle aged man ground his cock deep inside her steaming cunt. April's rolling hips were taking an unprecedented physical toll on the man. Deputy Jimmy figured she was doing her best to sway him into letting her go despite the fact that he knew she would walk free by his hand. There was no way he could give her up after a lifetime of looking. If she wanted, he'd be more than happy keeping her whether she was imprisoned or not. This was the girl Jimmy Hennepecker had been looking for all his life beneath him, truly wanting him.

"Fuck Jimmy; it's starting to come out." At this point, April was directing his actions more than he was, essentially fucking herself using his body.

"Yeah, its coming out?"

"YEAH FUCK ME HARDER JIMMY, IT'S A COMING!!" April screamed euphorically prompting him to huff as he went harder due to the encouragement.

"YEAH, IT'S COMING?!!" She was practically wringing him out as he felt himself about to blow an epic load inside of her snapping honey pot. His face dipped into her cleavage, the man almost smothering himself before rearing up for air.

"JIMMY?!!" April was nearly squeezing the life out of him between her thighs, ankles interlocked in the small of his back.


"IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE JIMMY!!" April's eyes rolled creepily up into her head as her mouth hung open making it look as if she were possessed. She suddenly bore down on his shaft hard enough that it felt as if it would snap in two triggering his own orgasm.

The flip knife suddenly popped up out of her immense cleavage from its hiding place as April reached up snatching a handful of the hair on his scalp. His head was yanked back baring his Adam's apple as she snatched the blade out of her bust flicking the knife open at his throat.

"Can you see it Jimmy?"


"Hey, you gonna eat that?"

"No, you can have it Antoinette." All three of them sat at one of the sparse picnic tables provided by the local Tastee Freez.

They'd driven out to the furthest point of Maplewood at Antoinette's assistance to have lunch and mull over what they'd done. She surprised her cousins by voraciously eating while they found themselves unable to even look at the burgers and fries in front of them.

"Man, I love these chili cheese fries; me and Chel drive out here all the time to get them; maybe we could bring some of them back for her. Carlos you're gonna have to hide them so those shitty nurses won't find out." She was talking glibly while the brothers shared knowing glances.



"Are we gonna talk about it?" Mike asked concerned.

"Talk about what?" She asked spooning the greasy finger food into her mouth with a spork as Carlos leaned in closer.

"What we did, to that guy."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Antoinette hunched over the chili cheese fries spooning more of the food into her mouth before regarding her half empty cup of soda.

"You know exactly what we're talking about, stop fucking around."

"What huh? What do you want me to say about it, eh?" Antoinette stared back at both of her cousins, irritated.

"Just, say something!" Carlos interjected.

"Something." Antoinette replied unwilling to capitulate.

"We're all going to jail for what we did and you just sitting here eating like ain't nothing wrong. We beat the shit out of that man and he was a cop. You know how fucked up that shit is, Antoinette? They're probably looking for us right now and you stuffing your fucking face."

"That's right I'm hungry Carlos; I wanna eat this shit in peace okay? You two can fuck off and turn yourselves into those shady cops if you want, but I'm gonna have a bite before they slap the fucking cuffs on me. Understand me cousin, I don't -GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT WE DID!!"

"I don't believe you." Mike replied.

"I don't care what you believe. Fuck you Mike, besides me and Carlos here did most of the heavy lifting back there so you're in the clear. Tell you guys what; I'll take the bullet for this shit, that fucker was the father of the bitch who put Chelsea in the hospital."


"Well, now you do; it's part your fault for wanting that stupid football back anyway!"

"Hey vete a la mierda Antoinette; ¡Nos metiste en tu mierda! Gracias primo!!"

"Bueno, tienes un puto juguete de fútbol, así que, ¿de qué te quejas, perra?" Carlos edged over snatching a handful of her jacket only for her to respond in kind slapping his hand away. Both of the cousins glared at one another while Mike glanced about noticing a few patrons watching.

"That's enough Carlos; you too Antoinette." His sibling and cousin immediately ceased hostilities.

"Uh sorry Carlos, I didn't mean it."

"Yeah me too, it's cool."

Both of them shared a quick hug squashing the disagreement as Mike watched the other patrons turning back to their meals and individual conversation. He could see that his brother was worried but Antoinette spoke up.

"Hey, it was my fault; I'll take the credit with the cops; you guys don't gotta worry about a thing."

"No, we're just gonna tell our parents. I'm tired of this crazy town and I'm not buying into this shit, obviously Chelsea wasn't and we need to follow that example and do the right thing. I don't care what you guys do, but I'm telling our parents, aunties, and uncles everything. We're not doing this shady stuff, we're better than that."

Antoinette and Carlos sat there processing what was said before her head dipped to tabletop. Carlos patted and rubbed her back while Mike gathered up their trash dumping it in the can. The ride back to the hospital was somber with none of the trio speaking, just listening to music. Antoinette got antsy sitting in the backseat beside Carlos as the hospital appeared through the front windshield.

He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before all three got out of the car, Mike retrieving a box of food from the trunk. Carlos followed suite grabbing the second cardboard box walking towards the visitor's area where a few of their family members were congregating. The trio were lightly dressed down, but otherwise the family appeared jovial for some reason.

Antoinette bolted into the hospital just as her cousins started to confess what happened out on the interstate. She just wanted to see her sister one last time thinking that she would be carted off to the sheriff's station before long. There was this fire in her chest, but not born of anger like before. In her mind, Antoinette exacted a measure of revenge for her sister's injuries and current hospitalization.

She told herself that she wouldn't have any regrets no matter what happened. Everything she'd done was for her sister, so there was nothing further to reflect on morally or otherwise. The elevator door opened on her sister's floor and despite her stoning up, Antoinette found herself beginning to sob suddenly filled with the need to confess everything.

A surprise was waiting for her.

Brad Tucker was sitting at Chelsea's bedside which was surrounded by a shrine of flowers.

He was facing away from her holding her hand with both of his, both of them in their own little bubble. Chelsea looked happy that her longtime crush showed up to her bedside. Antoinette couldn't see his face but noticed her sister whispering something to him lightly nodding her head. There was even a potted plant on the floor next to the hospital bed. It was a powerful visual for the sixteen year old standing in the doorway of Chelsea's hospital room.

Antoinette slunk away from the door unwilling to interrupt if nothing else, to make herself feel better.

Their mother met her midway in the hospital corridor followed by her father and cousins. Her cheeks were cupped, a kiss planted on her forehead as she was told everybody stood with her no matter what. All of them went into a group embrace, hugging tightly as she cried tears of joy.




"Hey, cut it out." His head felt like several cinderblocks had been dropped on it. His barrel chest rough and raw, the shirt covering it partially torn away revealing a visibly bruised scratched up discolored surface.

His right eye was partially shut with a weighted feeling like a lump of clay had been pressed into it. The ribs at his sides were aflame while his stomach felt like he'd ingested broken glass. The numbness in his crotch was welcome despite the sharp stabbing pain in his left knee. The tall swaying switch grass was intermingle with pussy willows framing his prone figure.

A hound dog with big floppy ears was lapping away at his face.

"Alright, you stop it boy; I'm waking up, thankfully." He tried to move initially finding it activated other pockets of agonizing pain across his body.

The dog was all over him, tail wagging profusely. Former sheriff Wyatt Reed found that he was still alive after being brutally taken to task by three kids, one of them looking for payback due to his deceased daughter.

The hound dog was sniffing away at his swollen left ear along with three claw marks left by his initial sixteen year old opponent. There was a prominent breeze sweeping through the wooded area that he was thankful for just letting the curious animal shower him with affection. He thought about everything that happened that morning wondering if he shouldn't stay put and let the almighty tender his judgement.

Another hound dog appeared out of the tall grass joining in on the mutual affection with his contemporary. Neither animal reacted as he managed to rub and scratch a little behind their big floppy ears thanking them. The sound of brush being crushed underfoot yielded an elderly codger, the kind of citizen that had seen many generations in the small one horse town of Maplewood.

Two more dogs remained at his side as Reed noticed the hunting rifle in his possession. He made this sucking sound out the corner of his mouth getting an instant reaction from the trained hunting dogs who returned to his side leaving Reed.

"Hey mister, you need you some help with uh, an ambulance or something?"

"Uhm, I'm okay; I'm gonna make it." Reed answered without thinking getting no reaction from the codger at all.

"Alright, well I'd really appreciate it if you could get up off my land and be gone before I get back." He disappeared into the tall grass without regarding Reed further.

It was pure unadulterated hell getting to his feet but Reed managed to stand upright after a few tries. He stood there looking down the road that led to his home with some emotion lingering. There was a stinging feeling at the corner of his good eye as he snatched up a handful of the tall grass examining it, enjoying nature. It was hard going but he finally continued on his way homeward bound, arms outstretched at his sides.

His fingertips brushed the tops of the long grass and brush as he went, serenely.


The cool soothing feeling of the water engulfed her whole. She swam along just under the surface doing a few laps luxuriating in the feel of it on her nude figure. An added bonus was the weightlessness making it seem as if she were flying. Her mind was clear and free of the intrusive, grating static that plagued it for hours after discovering she was now alone in the world.

April swam about in the little stream after initially entering it to wash away her sin.

It was deep enough that she could submerge in it, but not drown. She recalled a moment in her childhood where at the age of twelve she'd been forcibly removed from a local pool at this youth center by her mother who frantically wrapped several towels around her torso trying to hide the 38 DD's she was already sporting at that young age.

The tongue lashing and forced scripture reading that followed, caused this epic fight between her mother and stepfather. He promised afterwards to take her to swim without her mother around, but never did. In those days, she just wanted to have a normal family like anybody else.

Now, at age nineteen, she knew the truth of her place in the world and that she would have to forge a happiness out of this cruel environment. Her mother spent so much time hounding and policing her body only to have the applecart upended by the arrival of her "true mother" Melissa Reed. April dived again under the surface of the water coming up again just floating there looking off in the distance.

The patrol car was there, the back door still hanging open as testament of the last divine test which she considered completed in her own way. Now, there was no going back to that life of oppression and boredom. From her point of view in the last couple of weeks, it felt as if she and all the people of Maplewood were slowly, painstakingly decomposing.

She craved exodus before she even knew it and it took an evil redhead to show her where the exit was. April would be eternally grateful for the rest of her days, not caring how much time she had left. Nothing else mattered because it was going to be her time now.

She swam over to the bank making sure to land at the side covered in grass so that her calves and feet wouldn't be covered in mud. Her dual backpacks and one doubled up plastic bag containing her "soiled" clothing waited as she stood upright letting the sun caress her ridiculous top heavy figure. She splashed happily in the water for a few seconds just frolicking before pulling at a lock of her recently dyed hair noticing a few errant blonde strands missed.

The flip knife in her other hand now cleaned, was used to shear herself free of those reminders of a life past.

April quickly dressed squeezing into an old favorite pink t-shirt with the slogan "GIRL POWER" written across the chest. There was a long stem rose in place of the letter "I" giving the item a juvenile slant. April decided to forgo a brassiere this time knowing it would help her chances of successfully hitchhiking across the state. A pair of matching 1980's vintage gym shorts completed her look with just the right of rear cleavage to compliment her enormous bust up front.

"Damn." April found some flecks of blood on her canvas sneakers after slipping into some ankle socks.

She tried to meticulously clean them but it remained noticeable regardless. She shrugged it off gathering up her things for the short hike up the wooded glen and back onto the interstate where she resolved to get in the first car or truck heading out of Maplewood. April whistled checking the battery on a burner phone, one of two which had been hidden in the second backpack. The stout buxom psychopath managed the steep hill with some effort due to her weight making it back to the interstate twenty-five minutes later.

Ten minutes after that she was sitting beside a morbidly obese neckbeard heading straight out of Maplewood. The price of admission to the semi was a simple flash of her huge breasts amidst a cacophony of honking horns. "KEEP on TRUCKING" by Eddie Kendricks serenaded her as she rode shotgun in the front of that red semi. April managed to pop her shoulders in time with the funky beat nodding at her incidental chauffeur, some guy named Eddie.

"Bye bitches." April saluted the "YOU ARE NOW LEAVING MAPLEWOOD SIGN" with one finger.


Betty Joe sat on the curb with a plastic bag at her feet. She was looking at her phone waiting there as she noticed a few neighbors still watching Humbert's home. She still had a whole thirty minutes before she was to return home. Her authoritarian mother wanted her in the house before the street lights came on, so she would be cutting it close. Humbert texted her unexpectedly as she was walking off thanking her for the cookies.

She texted back in what became a short conversation eventually running to Happy's to buy him a burger. Now, she was sitting on the curb just outside his home waiting for him to come outside and pick it up. Betty Joe thought to put the white paper bag in front of his door but remembered his angry father yelling at the sheriff.

She sat on the curb knees drawn up into her chest texting her brother to "borrow" the family car and pick her up. It was a precaution as she glanced up noticing some peculiar behavior across the street. A few guys, two neighborhood boys were reclining on a patch of lawn adjacent to her across the street.

They were lying there each head facing the other's feet. Betty Joe realized in short order that the seat of her panties was visible cocking her legs pulling her dress down between her thighs. Her suspicions were validated when the boys got up slowly heading back towards their home. One scruffy looking kid turned giving her a middle finger.

"You get on up outta here before I come over there and tell your mom!" She yelled thick country accent and all.

"I got a Pitbull; I'll sic him on you if you try that shit!"

"Nasty tail little punk!"

"Bucktooth bitch, you look like Sideshow Bob!" His assumed sibling ran up half yanking the kid back towards the house. His insult cut deep because she was sensitive about her pronounced overbite.

"Hey, don't sweat that kid, his dad is always leaving him behind and stuff." Humbert appeared wearing an oversized hoodie and baggy sweats that looked two sizes too big. It appeared the lanky nerd was trying to hide in his own clothing. Betty Joe wondered if he appeared outside because it was getting dark out as she handed him the bag.

"It should still be hot and I got all of them condiments for you too."

"How much I owe you Betty Joe?" He pulled a wad of cash out of his hoodie, left over money given to him by Leslie Kennedy.

"A talk."

"I don't think I can do that Betty Joe."

"Alright, then just sit here with me for a minute or two until my ride comes." Humbert took a seat beside her on the curb looking across the street at the house the boys disappeared into. Betty Joe stared at his profile examining his face.

"You're staring."

"Sorry, about everything Humbert. I uhm, just keep thinking you deserve better. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get you to talk about it, just saying how I feel if that's okay with you. Maybe me saying it, just saying it, is the right thing to do. You've been living a crazy life."

"Yeah, I'm toast around here and I'm never going back to Maplewood High."

"No one's blaming you; it's not your fault."

"Shit." He buried his face in the tops of his knees sitting beside her mimicking Betty Joe's posture. She raised a hand to pat his back but relented not knowing how he'd take it.

"Sorry Humbert."

"You didn't do anything, except save me from being raped again. Matter of fact, you're my hero Betty Joe."

"I can't take that compliment."


"Because I thought I was helping Leslie out; thought maybe you two were kinda working it out. She seemed genuinely worried like more than anything, it looked like she was in love with you. Humbert I swear I didn't know anything about what they did to you; a lot of the cheerleading squad are catching it on social media.