Meaningful, Meaningless Sex


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I nodded again. "Thank you," I said. My words were so inadequate. I was simply in awe of him.

He crouched down and addressed Paco with a stream of Spanish. The dog whined in agreement and lay down on the ground beside me. His master scratched the top of his head, then disappeared.

I rested my head against the back of the sun lounger and closed my eyes. It felt a little surreal - a guy I'd only just met had brought me to his home and bandaged me up. And not just any guy - a beautiful, handsome young man, with warm, healing hands, and the kindest, wisest look in his eyes. Who was this boy, this enigma?

The painkillers were making me drowsy. I'd only slept for four hours the previous night. I closed my eyes, preparing to doze, listening contentedly to the sound of the waves, safe with the loyal Paco by my side.


I woke with a start. My phone was ringing - the muffled sound was coming from my rucksack. I blinked my eyes open - confused, disoriented - it took a few seconds for me to work out where I was.

I scrabbled in my bag and lifted the phone to my ear. Someone, presumably Nicolás, had covered me with a thin cotton sheet as I slept.

"Hi Ellie," I said, answering the call through my haze of disorientation.

"Oh, thank goodness," my friend replied - she sounded agitated. "We were about to send a search party. Where are you? I've been texting you all morning!"

"W-w-what's the time?" I stammered.

"It's two o-clock," she replied. The frustration was obvious in her voice. "Where are you?" she asked again.

I'd slept for over four hours - nearly five.

"Er, I went for a walk," I muttered apologetically. I glanced down at my ankle, still swathed in Nicolás' bandage. Now wasn't the right time to tell Ellie I'd been injured.

"I'll be back in an hour," I added.

"You sure you're OK? You're not lost? Should I come and meet you?"

"No, it's OK - I just lost track of time. I'm gonna come back now - I'll see you at the hotel."

I ended the call and looked around for Nicolás. Paco had been watching me intently - he'd been there all the time.

"Where is Nicolás?" I asked him.

Paco leant his head back and gave three short barks, then turned and raced off, not into the house, but in the opposite direction, down to the cove. When he reached the beach, he ran onto the jetty, but halfway along he turned, flew up the rocks and disappeared from view.

Thirty seconds later, he was back, panting in front of me - mouth open, tail wagging. For a moment I wondered if he'd misunderstood, thought I was playing a game with him, but as I looked up, I saw a bare-chested Nicolás' climbing over the rocks. He turned to walk up the beach towards me.

Not for the first time did I feel my heart begin to race as I watched him - that dark curly hair that framed his face so beautifully, those broad shoulders and strong forearms, his pecs and abs with just the right amount of definition. My eyes slipped lower - to the bulge in his shorts - what beast did he keep in there?

He smiled and waved as he approached.

"I'm sorry," I said meekly. "I fell asleep."

"That's OK," he replied. "Your ankle? Is it better?"

I nodded. It wasn't really hurting at all now, but I had yet to put any weight on it.

"I should go," I said. "I don't want to take up any more of your time." I placed a hand on my rucksack and started to get up.

"You must be hungry," he said gently. There was such quiet authority in his voice. "Do you want to eat something?"

My gut reaction was to be British and politely decline - tell him I didn't want to impose and to beat a speedy retreat. But I stopped myself. I was starving - I hadn't eaten breakfast and it was past lunchtime. And more importantly, I wasn't going to pass up the chance to stay just a little bit longer with him.

"Thank you," I smiled. "That would be very kind."

"I will bring some food," he said softly. He turned and disappeared into the house.

"Thank you, Paco," I whispered, reaching out to stroke him.

The dog whined in reply and came closer, dipping his head so I could stroke him more easily. There was a knowing look in his eyes - it was as if he could read my innermost thoughts.

I lifted the blanket from my lap and swung myself around, resting both feet on the cool terracotta tiles. There was a round table with four chairs by the back door to the house. I pushed myself upright and tentatively walked towards it. There was a dull ache as I put my weight onto my bad foot, but it wasn't as painful as I'd expected.

I sat down on a chair, waiting for Nicolás to return. He appeared a few minutes later carrying a jug of water and two glasses, which he set down in front of me. There was something tucked under his arm - he handed it to me - it was my sketchpad! I'd been carrying it in my hand when I fell. He must have gone back to find it, while I was asleep!

I watched him disappear back into the kitchen, disappointed that he'd put a shirt on, although his shorts revealed enough of his muscular thighs to compensate - at least temporarily. A few moments later, he re-emerged with a platter of food with a few slices of Spanish omelette, some chorizo, olives and salad. I smiled to myself. At home it was always me who did the fetch-and-carry as the male members of my family sat around, but here I was Nicolás' honoured guest.

"Do you live here on your own?" I asked as he cut a slice of homemade bread for me.

Nicolás shook his head. "No, my parents live here," he replied a little sadly. "But my mother - she is ill, she is in the mountains - it is cooler there."

"I'm sorry," I said, looking down and breaking eye contact.

"My father is with her," he added quietly. "I look after the farm until he returns."

I nodded. He'd been entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

"And after that?" I asked cautiously, "are you studying, or will you work?"

Nicolás beamed at me. "I will go to Barcelona to university," he said proudly. "I will study medicine. I will be a doctor."

That explained a lot. Nicolás was no simple farm boy. Sitting in front of me was one of the brightest young men of his age group. My heart beat a little faster.

"And you?" he asked.

"I am starting at university in September," I replied. "I will study English literature at Durham. It is in the north of England."

"So we are the same age," he said, smiling. "And you are on holiday here in Spain?"

I nodded. "Yes, with Ellie - she is my friend from school. We are staying until Saturday."

I realised I was speaking a little slower than usual, matching the pace of his words, enunciating a little more, talking in shorter sentences, not skipping words. Even though Nicolás' English was very good, I didn't want to overwhelm him. But I wondered if I was sounding a little patronising. It was so hard to get the balance right without appearing rude.

We chatted a little more as we ate together. Nicolás told me about his work on the farm and how he was looking forward to starting his course in Barcelona. He'd never been to England, but wanted to visit soon. Silently I prayed would he would - hoped he might visit me.

I was a little concerned when I saw his motorbike. That had always been one of Dad's unbreakable rules - I was not to ride under any circumstances. But he was far away - he'd never know. And after all Nicolás had done, it seemed so churlish to refuse his offer.

Instinctively he reassured me - he'd drive slowly, it wasn't far to the hotel. He handed me a helmet and I climbed behind him - clinging tightly, crushing my breasts against his back, hoping this wouldn't be the last time I saw him.

He pulled up at the entrance to the lobby and switched off the engine.

Reluctantly I released my grip on him, swinging my bad leg over the back of the bike to stand on my own two feet. I pulled off my helmet and handed it back to him, shaking my hair free as nonchalantly as I could.

"Thank you," I said simply, stepping forwards and throwing my arms around him as he sat on the bike. I wanted to kiss him, but he was still wearing his helmet.

"No worries," he smiled.

I made my way up the steps and pushed open the door. I turned and looked back at him for one last time. He waved, then started his engine. I watched as he drove off and disappeared from view.


"Lucy, is that you?" Ellie called as I closed the door behind me. The air hung heavy with the stench of stale sex.

"Yeah, it's me! I'm back," I called.

"I'm in here," she called from the bedroom.

I stuck my head through the doorway, half expecting her to still be wrapped around Jordan, but she was on her own, just lying on her bed, fiddling with her phone.

I hobbled across to 'my' side of the room and plonked myself down on the mattress.

"How was your walk?" Ellie asked distractedly.

"Yeah, it was really nice," I replied. "I went all up over the cliffs and down the other side of the headland."

"That sounds nice," she replied insincerely. "You'll have to take me up there."

No chance of that happening.

"And what about you?" I asked. "How was your morning?"

Ellie blushed and turned to look at me for the first time

"It was amazing - better than last night - even better! Jordan is such a stud - he made me cum so many times! His tongue is phenomenal - no one's eaten me out like that before. And his cock - fuck me, just wow! Honestly, I'd let you have a turn, but I want him all to myself."

I wasn't entirely sure how to react to Ellie's 'non offer' of sex with Jordan, but before I had time to feel insulted, she added, "Anyway you've got Dave."

Dave? Desperate Dave? I hadn't given him the slightest thought. Nicolás' bright star had outshone him completely.

"D-D-Dave?" I stuttered.

"Yeah. I said we'd go out for dinner with them tonight. Before we go on the Strip. The guys are gonna pay."

My stomach lurched - there was no such thing as a free meal - even in this world of endless partying. Dave would expect something in return - I had a good idea what he'd have in mind.

"W-w-who are we going with?" I asked, bewildered, hoping I'd misheard.

"Jordan and Dave," Ellie replied. "It's a double date and they're paying. Then we're all gonna go clubbing together."

"Oh," I said. She'd told me twice that I wouldn't have to dip my hand in my pocket; I suspected the price was unzipping Dave's jeans.

She'd heard the uncertainty in my voice.

"Come on, it'll be fine. You said you wanted to get laid this holiday. Dave's nice enough - he's keen, he's gonna splash his cash - just go for it!"

Inside I was horrified and indignant. This was banter from the boys' locker room, not the girl talk I was used to. I might have come to Spain to lose my virginity, but that didn't mean opening my legs to the first dick offered. True, Dave was a nice guy, but there was no chemistry there - none whatsoever. Surely there were others I could try to get to know?

I was about to object strongly, to tell Ellie to butt out of organising my sex life, when she caught sight of the bandage on my ankle.

"Ohmigod - what's that?" she asked, alarmed. "Did you hurt yourself?" She pointed to my foot.

"Oh, I slipped," I explained. "But it's OK, they put some ice on it and bandaged me up. It doesn't hurt that much."

I hoped that Ellie wouldn't ask me who 'they' were - I wanted Nicolás to be my secret for a little longer.

"Can you walk OK?" she asked, going back to her phone.

"I can do short distances," I replied. "But I'm on ibuprofen - I won't be able to drink tonight."

Ellie looked distinctly unimpressed. "But you are gonna come out, aren't you - at least for a meal?"

I nodded. "I'll try," I promised. "I'll see how I feel after that."


"What is this piss?" Jordan demanded, waving his half-drunk bottle of beer at the waiter.

I was mortified.

"S-s-so-sorry sir," stammered the terrified man. "We have not the other one."

The thug curled his lip in disgust and dismissed the poor guy with a wave of his hand. All eyes were on us now - every diner in the restaurant was staring. I sank lower in my chair, hoping the ground would swallow me up, but the paving stones beneath me remained defiantly solid.

"Fucking shit this place," Ellie's man went on, his voice booming around the restaurant terrace. "Dunno why we come 'ere."

If I hadn't been certain before, there was now no doubting that Jordan was a monumental prick. Well over six feet tall, he cut an intimidating figure - and he knew it. He'd seemed alright the previous day, when he was turning on the charm by the pool, but now he was showing his true colours - utterly insufferable.

We'd gone to a restaurant serving British food - he didn't want to eat 'that foreign crap' as he put it. Actually 'restaurant' was far too generous a description, it was the worst greasy diner I think I'd ever seen - the sort that gives our nation's cuisine its bad reputation. Our plates were piled high with oily carbs and cremated meat - not a fresh vegetable in sight.

Despite his vociferous complaints, Jordan appeared to be a regular - although quite why the owners hadn't banned him was a mystery.

"You're coming out on my boat - all of you," he waved his hand round the table - his voice loud enough for every customer to hear. "There's a beach up the coast, we'll go for the day. Take a barbecue and shit."

"Oooohhhh, you've got a boat!" squealed Ellie, clasping her hands together in delight.

She was drunk. She'd downed two large glasses of white wine as soon as we'd arrived, and now she hung on Jordan's every word, laughing exaggeratedly at her man's boorishness.

What had got into her? Those ear-splitting cackles as he insulted everyone in the restaurant - staff and diners alike. She lavished sycophantic attention on him, massaging his ego, encouraging him to be ruder still. Was it just the hot weather and the cheap alcohol? Or was this the true Ellie coming through? Surely his cock wasn't that good?

And as if that wasn't enough to ruin my evening, Dave's concern was suffocating - you'd have thought I'd had my leg amputated with the amount of fuss he made of my ankle. He was trying so hard to prove his caring credentials, he virtually offered to cut up the food up on my plate. He tried very hard to make me accept a drink and when that failed, he slipped his hand onto my thigh. I had to push him away, while trying to kick Ellie under the table, hoping in vain that she'd intervene.

There was one other couple - Mike had brought his girl from the previous evening - was Bethany her name? She fancied herself as a 'social media influencer', whatever the fuck that was. She grinned inanely the whole way through, flashing her brilliant white teeth and flicking her hair, barely saying a word. Her man spent the entirety of the meal staring down her cleavage. The two of them truly deserved each other.

I politely declined all invitations to join the five for a night on the Strip, blaming my ankle, (which was no longer hurting) and fled back to our apartment. I settled down on the sofa in the living room, leaving the bedroom free for Ellie and her beau, hoping they wouldn't wake me when they crashed back in the early hours.

As I drifted off, I heard a quiet knocking on the door. I had a good idea who it was - and no, I certainly wasn't answering the door in my pyjamas. Dave would have to take the hint and give up - nothing was going to happen between us. Nothing at all. I closed my eyes and fell quickly asleep.


That night I dreamt - dreamt of him, dreamt of Nicolás - his kind eyes, his gentle hands, his sexy deep voice - his tender lips as he kissed me - sweeping me up in his arms and carrying me to his bed. He'd lay beside me as we'd stare into each other's eyes. Lovingly he'd stroke my hair and whisper my name as our hearts beat in time.

My fingers would slide under his top, exploring his abs and his pecs. He'd reach down and peel the garment from his torso, revealing his body-to-die-for. I'd bury my head in his muscular chest - giddy with lust, intoxicated with desire.

I'd move across his body to settle between his legs. I'd feel his hardness as I brushed my breasts over his crotch; his eyes would beg me to release him from his imprisonment. Delicately I'd kiss my way, following his treasure trail to the waistband of his shorts.

I'd nuzzle against him, feeling the steel against my cheek through the fabric. He'd be hard - so hard -- and smell so good -- he'd drive me wet with anticipation! He'd watch me slip the fastening to reveal his glory. Would he be straight or curved? Circumcised or uncut? I knew he'd be long - long and thick! My pussy would spasm as I held him for the first time.

Hesitantly I'd bend my neck to kiss his shaft. I'd worship him with the soft brush of my lips. Then I'd be bolder - I'd lick from base to tip, not once but three times. Meekly I'd look up again craving his approval and he'd stroke my cheek in gratitude as he whispered sweet nothings to me.

I'd want him in my mouth - there'd be no delay. I'd pull his erection up, so I could slide my lips over his glans. And then slowly I'd start to bob my head as he urged me on.

I'd watch his eyes glaze over and the tide of pleasure rise within him. He'd grip my hair, throw back his head, cry out my name. And I'd feel his explosion in my mouth - let that glorious, thick cream slide down my throat as my own, all-consuming climax broke over me.


The bright sun was streaming through the balcony doors. Ellie and Jordan had crashed back in the early hours - it wasn't a surprise I'd woken. Fortunately, their amorous activities had been somewhat shorter than the previous evening, but I'd taken a long time to fall asleep again.

Blindly my fingers felt for my phone beneath the couch. I lifted the screen to see the time.

'09:37' it read.

Shit! I'd been planning to go back to the clifftop where I'd first met Nicolás. I'd wanted to be there at least an hour ago, if not more - hoping he'd see me - that he'd want to talk to me again. I beat my fist against the pillow in frustration.

My ankle was throbbing; I needed to take more painkillers. I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the sofa. Tentatively I began to stand, taking my weight on my bad foot. Actually, that wasn't too bad, but walking would be more difficult.

I hobbled over to the sink and turned on the tap. I filled a glass, took a tablet from my bag and washed it down quickly. My thirst quenched, I limped out to the balcony, waiting for the ibuprofen to work its magic.

I gazed down at the pool area below me. It was getting busy - there were some children splashing around in the water and a few parents watching from the side. Life was so easy for an eight-year-old, I mused.

I took some deep breaths. I could still go up to the cliff top - maybe Nicolás would come by anyway. Perhaps Paco would hear me - come and investigate, bring his master with him.

Deep down I doubted myself. If Nicolás did appear, I'd just wave at him across the field - I wouldn't have the courage to talk to him. That was the problem - I didn't know how to talk to guys - I was so shy. Nicolás would be added to my ever-growing list of nearly boyfriends - nothing would happen - I was too scared of rejection to make a move. At least I knew Dave was keen.

I shuddered. Dave would be coming round any minute - I was sure of it. I'd hear his gentle tap on the door. If I stayed here, there'd be no escape. I had to get out.

I dug my fingernails into the palm of my hand and pinched myself. I had to conquer my fears. What did I have to lose? I'd made up my mind - I was going round to the farmhouse - to say 'thank you' to Nicolás. I'd take him a present - he couldn't turn me away. He'd invite me in, give me a drink, maybe we'd spend some time together.

What was the worst that could happen? If he said 'no', or 'sorry I'm busy' or 'thank you and goodbye', I'd just come back here - no one would know, no one would see, no one would mock me. But if he said 'yes', well... there was a world of possibilities - a world of possibilities.