Meeting a Woman 02: At College


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He asked Joey what he planned to do with his degree upon graduation. He said that it was still to early to know. Most of the classes are still just gen-eds, but he was looking forward to getting a better understanding of everything. He explained that it just seemed fascinating to him to think of how everything gets moved around on trucks and railcars and finds its place. He went on to say that it was his uncle that had suggested the program at OSU because the company that he worked for recently hired some graduates and they were turning out to be very good employees.

They continued to have a pleasant conversation throughout the rest of their meal and it was an enjoyable time. Joey enjoyed talking with her dad. It had been a while since he had had a conversation with an adult. He was guessing there was some big money in the family but he couldn't tell from the conversation. He seemed like a real person and not a rich snob.

Josephine excused herself to the restroom and it allowed Andrew to speak directly to Joey. He said that he appreciated him very much for the maturity he showed in dealing with the camping disaster and just wanted to meet the young man that had impressed him and tell him "thank you." He reached into his breast pocket and grabbed a business card and gave it to Joey. He said to give him a call later tonight because he had something else to talk to him about.

Joey saw that Josephine was returning to the table and didn't want her to feel awkward so he asked Mr. Monk about naming his daughter after tv show characters. He said is was a rather funny story. He and his late wife grew up in typical middle-class families. After graduation and eventual marriage, they didn't have a lot of extra income to go out and do things. One thing they did decide on was basic cable. Some of their favorite shows were on the USA Network and it was a way they could have a "date night" and not spend any extra money. When they found out the news they were going to be parents they started thinking of names to call the boy or girl. They decided if it was a girl that he would pick out the names and if a boy that she would. Each still had veto power if they didn't like a name but they both made sure the other would approve of it without a veto being necessary.

Joey told him he thought that was so neat. He had been a fan of Burn Notice and had watched several seasons on DVD growing up. He had recently found the show on a streaming service and had started over from the beginning. When he was through with it, he would find La Femme Nikita and watch it. He did watch a few episodes just to get an idea if he would like it. He thought he would enjoy it after seeing those previews.

As Joey looked over at Josephine, she was daydreaming and not paying attention to their conversation. He leaned a little closer to her and whispered in a gentle voice, "Josephine." The way he said it, he was trying to mimic the way Michael's character would activate Nikita by calling her by her codename. Andrew looked at Josephine and back to Joey and burst out laughing when he realized what Joey had done. He liked this young man. Of course, Andrew had to explain why he was laughing at her.

They finished the meal and headed back to the tower. Joey got out and thanked Mr. Monk very much for dinner and the conversation and hoped that he would see him again soon. He said good night to Josephine and he would see her around this week.

She and her dad were sorry for his visit to be over but said he would come back as soon as he could or sooner if she needed him. They gave each other a big hug and kiss and promised to call each other soon.


After Joey had gotten ready for bed he decided to give Mr. Monk that phone call he requested.

He grabbed the card and dialed the number. He answered on the second ring. Mr. Monk, this is Joey Mason, you had requested that I call you later this evening. Joey, thanks for reaching out. He said that he just wanted the two of them to have a quick conversation over breakfast in the morning before he flew home and wondered if he would be available. Joey said he had an 8 am class but would be happy to meet him somewhere to talk. Mr. Monk asked for a suggestion for where they could meet that wouldn't be too far out of Joey's way. He suggested there was a McDonald's on High St. that he thought would work. They agreed to meet at 6:30 am.

So Joey just impressed Andrew again. How many college students would think of getting out of bed on a Monday morning to meet the father of an almost friend?

When Andrew arrived, he found that Joey was already waiting on him and greeted him with a firm handshake. They each ordered something and found a table to use for their conversation. Andrew thanked him again for meeting him on short notice and certainly at this hour on a Monday.

Andrew got right to the point. He wanted to know what Joey's intentions were with his daughter. Joey took a long breath and said that he would be as perfectly honest with him as he could be. He said he thought she was beautiful, smart, funny, and just about everything he would look for in someone to have a long-term relationship. But he felt like he continually received mixed signals from her. He said they could talk or text and be fine and then he would be lucky if they had spoken in three or four days. Everything seemed to be hot or rather luke warm and cold. He hadn't asked her out or anything but until they established at least something he could call a friendship, he didn't want to take that further step of asking for a date.

Andrew told him that he wasn't trying to interfere in whatever their relationship was or would become, but he just wanted to understand Joey's intentions. The only thing I'll say on the topic is that she has told me that she wasn't planning to have any relationships her freshman year to make sure she was on the right track. He hoped that help him understand.

The other thing I wanted to discuss with you is the possibility of you and I staying in contact professionally. There may be a time in the future when you need career advice or have questions about what the real world looks like in the logistics field. I just wanted to extend to you that this is my private number. You can call me anytime and if I'm in a meeting or otherwise occupied, I'll return your call as soon as possible. That sounds fantastic Mr. Monk. I truly appreciate that. Well, Joey, I see the character and maturity that you have even at this point in your life. I'll be honest, there are two parts to this. The first is that I'm always looking for new talent that I can bring into my company. The second is that I don't think my daughter realizes this yet, but I think you two could have a future together. Again, I know it isn't any of my business and I don't mean to encourage or discourage you with that statement. There just isn't much that I wouldn't do for my baby. When you have children of your own someday, you will understand. I think I understand your intention Mr. Monk and I very much appreciate your openness to me on both points.

I'm sorry to cut our time short Joey, but I need to leave to catch my flight. Thanks again for being the gentleman that you are. After a quick, firm handshake, Andrew headed out. Joey sat back down. He had about an hour before his class started so he took the time to think about their conversation. What a great opportunity that Mr. Monk had just shared with him. Both opportunities actually.


Things got back to normal and Joey was really looking forward to going home for Christmas. It would be so good to see his folks again. He already had his plane tickets and everything.

As the week approached before their break, he and Josephine had one of their all too infrequent meals together. She asked if he had plans for their break and he shared about his trip home, she shared that her dad was going to be out of the country and that she had chosen to just stay around campus. He felt a little sad for her that she didn't have anyone to share Christmas with this year.

They finished their meal and then walked to their next class together. He wanted to increase the frequency of these casual lunches and walks but didn't want to press his luck.


It was two days before Christmas and just before it was time for him to leave for the airport, he received a text that his flight had been canceled due to weather at his home airport. He hadn't thought to look at the forecast there. But after checking it looked like he wouldn't be making it home for Christmas. Whitefish was expecting at least a foot of snow each day for the next 3 days with the last day it was predicted to have blizzard conditions. They are used to a lot of snow where he is from, but even this seemed excessive.

He called his folks and disappointment was shared all around. Maybe they could reschedule something for the next week around New Year. They would have to wait and see. He was sad and jealous. Most everyone else had already left for their parents or to at least meet their parents at some vacation spot.

Then he thought about someone else that was going to be here as well. He would have to see if they could connect maybe on Christmas day so neither would be alone. He would ask if he saw her.

Ohio winter weather seems to be mild compared to what he was used to. But they were predicting some low temperatures over the Holiday. Lows near zero and highs only in the teens. But no snow. He missed his snow.

He woke up Christmas Eve morning and it seemed a little cool in his room but he didn't think a whole lot about it. His roommate had left early for time with his family so he really didn't have anyone to talk or do anything with. He was bored.

He decided to power watch some Burn Notice. He was on season 5 of the 7 seasons. He would make a dent in finishing it watching them today and tomorrow. It was getting close to lunchtime, but he thought he could finish one more episode before leaving for lunch. He was about 10 minutes into the episode when there was a knock at this door. He walked to the door and answered it not knowing who it could be. He laughed when the door finally revealed his visitor. There she was in PJs, bunny slippers, a robe, and a crocheted hat down over her ears. He asked what he could do for her. She asked what he was still doing here. He told her about his canceled flight and the bad weather back at home. She said she was sorry to hear about that.

He asked her why she was dressed like that. She looked at him like he was stupid and said that the heat was out for the entire building. And then asked him why he was in shorts and a t-shirt. He said he could tell it was a little cooler but that he wasn't cold. She asked him what they were going to do. He said he was going to finish up a TV show he was watching and then head out to get some lunch. She called him a goofball and said not about that but about there being no heat. He thought that he would just put on a pair of sweats and maybe an extra blanket on the bed and he would be fine. She couldn't believe how dense he was being. She was cold now. She needed him to do something.

He could tell she was agitated so he suggested she go get dressed and they could go get lunch. Maybe get some hot tea or hot chocolate and they could discuss options. She said ok and was gone. 10 minutes later she was pounding on his door again. She stepped inside without even being invited. She said she thought it was actually warmer in his room than hers. He said maybe it had to do with the morning sun hitting his side of the tower.

He had changed into long pants and a sweater. He grabbed his coat and asked if she was ready. She nodded and off they went.

They ate without a lot of conversation. She had two hot chocolates and two bowls of soup to try and get warm. It helped some but she was already chilled to the bone so at this point it was as much psychological as anything. He told her they should stop and get something for breakfast and lunch and maybe even dinner tomorrow so that they didn't have to go out into the cold. She liked the idea. So they went to the convenience section of the cafeteria and got Little Debbie type snacks for breakfast, some premade sub sandwiches and chips for lunch, and a couple of packages of pizza rolls for dinner along with several different types of drinks. She even got a box of tea bags so that she could make her some hot tea. Their dorm fridges would be pretty full with their purchases but they would manage.

When they got back to the dorm she asked what his plans were and he told her about power-watching Burn Notice. She asked if they could watch La Femme if he was asking her to watch with him. He hadn't realized he had asked but that was ok, he liked spending time with her. She never took off her winter coat the whole time she was there. He kept his long pants and sweater on because it had gotten a little colder in his room.

He found the show on a different streaming service and they started with season 1 episode 1 called "Nikita." They had watched five episodes when one of their stomachs raised its hand to say something about being hungry. He honestly didn't know which one of them to blame. He suggested they order a pizza or have something else delivered. They decided on pizza and even agreed on the toppings, pepperoni, bacon, and banana peppers. They were told it would be 90 minutes. That was enough time for two more episodes at about 40 minutes each. That was a total of 7 down and 89 episodes to go. He liked the show, but he always snickered when the character Michael said "Josephine." That also got him a slap on his arm. It was worth it every time.

After they finished their pizza, they decided to call it an evening and pick it back up tomorrow morning. He told her he was an early riser so just come on over when she woke up and not to forget her breakfast and tea bags. They each said good night and she headed back to her room.

She could tell immediately that her room had to be 5-10 degrees colder than his. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep warm at this temperature all night. She grabbed her food, warm clothes, and the blanket off her bed and walked back to his room.

She knocked and he knew who it was but couldn't figure out why she would come back. She said Nic, I have a problem. He said, what is it Fi? She went on to explain that her room was dramatically colder than his. Could she stay in his room for tonight? Oh, ahhh sure.

She brought all of her stuff in and went back to where she was sitting before. He told he she could have his bed and he would get out his camping gear and bunk on the floor tonight. He went over to his bed and stripped off the blanket and sheet and put on a clean set and remade the bed for her. She had to admit to herself that that was a sweetheart move.

He said he was going to take care of his nightly routine and then probably go to sleep. She said she wasn't leaving the room until the heat was back on or her bladder was about to burst. He had to laugh at that as he headed to the restroom.

When he got back she was in bed cocooned into however many sets of clothes she was wearing, a sheet, and two blankets. He laughed again and she told him to shut it mister. He told her yes ma'am Fi.

He got settled into his sleeping bag and was just about to sleep when he heard his name. Nic, I'm still cold. What do you want me to do Fi, I can't go fix the heat. Could we do like we did before? He said yes, but we can't have all of those blankets on the bed or he would roast and she couldn't have all of those clothes on or his heat couldn't get to her. He suggested that if she just had her PJs on that should work and it wouldn't be like they would have skin-to-skin contact. He also asked her if she understood what would happen again involuntarily. She blushed and said she did and that he was a gentleman before and she expected as much this time as well.

She jumped out of bed quickly and took off her clothes down to her PJs and he removed one of the blankets leaving just the sheet and one blanket. He told her if that wasn't enough that they would re-add the other blanket.

She hoped back in bed a slid over toward the wall. He got in and then realized he probably needed to be the one closer to the wall. He asked her if he could be on that side because he preferred to sleep on his right side. She didn't care one way or the other she was just cold. So he rolled to his left and threw his leg over her till he got on his hands and knees straddling her. He stopped to regain his balance and in that split second, their eyes locked. He saw it and she saw it. They each knew the other saw it. It was there for just an instant. "It" is so hard to define. It is like trying to describe gravity. In this case, it was a different kind of attraction. Then he kept moving and got the rest of the way over her.

When he got into position on his side, she wiggled back until she snuggled in and he wrapped her in his arms. She immediately felt the same two feelings she had their first night like this. Warmth and protection. Well, there was the third feeling of something poking her in the butt, but she was going to forget about that for now.

She asked him why he was so warm all of the time. He said there were probably two reasons. One, because he was from a colder climate, and two, she probably didn't want to talk about it right now. She giggled and said yep.

After a while, they both relaxes a bit and she could feel herself warming up. They were soon matched in their breathing and drifted off to sleep. Natured called sometime in the night and they each made a very quick trip to the restroom. She made it back first and quickly got under the covers. He didn't even ask this time and just straddle her again on his way over her to the other side. He didn't let himself look at her this time. She felt a little sense of disappointment.

All of their other times of spooning, both of his hands were lower around her waist. This time he had his right arm stretched out over the pillows. She wiggled back against him again and his left arm came around her. This time since his right arm was stretched out he tucked his left hand under her right side. It was just outside her right breast but he was careful not to touch anywhere he shouldn't have been. She felt an even greater sense of closeness somehow with this slight change of position. He held her tighter because it was wrapping around her further.

She woke again before it was light outside and his left hand had slid out from under her sometime during the night and was smack dab on her right boob. He wasn't squeezing or anything, he just had a firm grasp of it. She was sure he wasn't trying anything. It didn't feel bad, not even sexual, maybe more intimate without being sexual. She was almost confusing herself now. She decided to leave it there so she put her left hand over his and fell back asleep.

He woke up at what he guessed was around 8 am. He opened his eyes and flexed his muscles a little bit. It was when he flexed his hand that he realized that his left hand had a hold on something that he should be holding on to. It confused him because one of her hands was on top of his holding his hand in place. He decided not to move anymore and wait until she woke up and maybe he could move it away before she noticed.

She woke up maybe 30 minutes later and he was able to move his hand as she started moving and stretching. He had a moment of temporary weakness and squeezed her around the waist, leaned his head down and kissed the top of her head, and told her Merry Christmas Fi. In reply, she used her left hand to rub the outside of the left leg, took her right hand behind his left elbow and helped him squeeze her tighter, and turned her head to the right and kissed his arm, Merry Christmas Nic.