Megan's Rules Pt. 01


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I did as she said, trying to take in everything that she said. "You will clean the whole house, and you will do the laundry. Though, I suppose that will have to be supervised until you earn my trust. No more sniffing at my panties." She leaned down and looked at me in the eyes, one foot in my mouth, one on my nose, and said "But it was nice to see how much you enjoyed smelling my dirty panties. Smelling my pussy turned you on so much, hon, I thought you might finish jerking yourself off before you even noticed me standing there!" She laughed and leaned back into the sofa.

"The last rule, for tonight, dear, is that you must always accept my punishment when you deserve it. And you must accept that you deserve it whenever I say you do. Any complaining, resisting, or whining about it and the deal is done and I'm on the phone with your father. Now, stand up." I stood up, folding my hands in front of myself to hide by obvious hard-on. "No, dear, hands behind your back. No more hiding." I did as she said, very embarrassed. "Oh yes, you did enjoy that, didn't you!" Her laugh now was not warm and friendly, but felt cruel and mocking. "Well, do you accept everything I've laid out?"

"Yes, Megan."

Her expression changed to anger and she jumped up and in a flash slapped me across my face. "You will address me as Miss Megan from now on!"

I was shocked, cheek stinging, my hands started to tremble. I couldn't believe she hit me like that, and I was almost shocked to hear myself say "Yes, Miss Megan. I accept."

"I knew you would. Now, let's get to your punishment for using my panties as your little toy. This will be your last and only reminder, do not hesitate, do not question, and do not resist or it's all over."

"Yes, Miss Megan." Her slap had sent me into a deeply obedient place, I felt weak and wanted only to do as she said.

"Take your pants down to your ankles." I did. She laughed and whispered in my ears "Was it my sweaty feet or my slapping your face that made that little wet spot in your underwear, dear?" I looked down to see that I had leaked precum. My hard cock pointing at it, sticking it out. I couldn't answer, but I felt like she didn't need me to.

"Now, your underwear. Pull those down to your knees." So I did. I stood there, in the living room, hands folded behind my back, cock exposed, hard, red and ready to drip again. My pants at my ankles and my underwear pulled down to my knees. "Come here and put your hands on the arm of the sofa. Bend over. I'm going to teach you what happens when you disobey me. I did as she said, bending over, hands on the sofa arm. Megan grabbed me by the hips and pulled me back. "No! Bend more at the hips, legs straight, push that bottom out for me!" I tried to do everything she said, I felt humiliated, vulnerable. Then came her first SMACK and my head was cleared.




These weren't playful little spanks. She was hitting me hard and it stung terribly. Building with each smack, I had to concentrate on resisting the urge to move, to put my hands back to protect myself, to yell stop. But I knew I had to take it. I had just agreed to it. "Just breath and let her do what she wants" I was saying to myself when





Alternating the cheeks she was hitting with no pattern. I couldn't brace myself or prepare. My butt was stinging, burning now. I felt it was on fire and the smacks kept coming, harder and harder. I'd wince when she went lower and hit my inner thighs, but knew I couldn't move. I felt tears well up in my eyes, my face flushed as they kept coming




She walked to the other side of me and started a new with a fresh hand. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Even harder this time. I heard her breathing, she was almost panting, her exersion apparent as she breathed deeply. SMACK SMACK

I began whimpering. She hit me harder "Shut up! If I wanted to hear your pathetic little noises I'd tell you!" And she hit me again and again, harder and harder. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. SMACK



And then, she stopped. The air felt cool on my skin, my butt and thighs absolutely on fire. My legs shaky. She traced her fingers under my shirt, up my chest. Paused at my nipple and TWISTED, PINCHED, PULLED. She squeezed hard as she rolled it between her thumb and forefinger. She dug her nails in as she pulled it, stretched it. My mouth hung open but I kept from making a sound. She stopped, smiling at me, just to reach over and torment my other nipple. Alternating nipples, her squeezes and twists becoming more painful each time she returned to the previous one. One hand tormenting my nipples, she raked the nails of her other hand across my red, stinging ass.

She brought her face close to mine. I felt her hot breath on my neck. Giving my nipples one last hard TWIST, Megan took her hand out from under my shirt. And

SMACK SMACK SMACK, after her short rest her spanks were even more painful on my tender ass. Keeping her face close to mine, she took her free hand and pushed three fingers into my mouth. "There you go, you can suck on my fingers for the end of your spanking" pushing them into my throat, I tried not to gag, but did, eliciting a laugh from her as she started up again








I lost count. I nearly fell over. I felt dizzy. And like that, she took her fingers out of my mouth, slapped my face with her wet hand. Stood up and said "That will do," pausing "for now." She took a moment to catch her breath and walk around me to admire how red she had made my bottom. "You may now walk upstairs with your pants just like that. And seeing as how much you enjoyed that we will have to take precautions to make sure you don't take any measures to, shall we say soothe yourself. You have lost the privilege of having your own room. From now until I decide differently, your new bed will be in my room. I don't think you'd dare do anything foolish with me right there in the room, would you, dear? No, you wouldn't. Your old room is off limits. Understand?"

The urge to protest that arrangement was strong, but knowing what that meant, and fear of breaking our deal, was stronger. I just said "Yes, Miss Megan" and followed her upstairs, hobbling with my pants around my ankles, my underwear at my knees, my ass burning as bruises started to settle in, my nipples stinging and throbbing, with the taste of her feet still in my mouth.

Megan unlocked her bedroom door, walked in and called me to follow. I was still in shock at how fast things had happened. I made a mistake, yes. Should I have taken her worn panties into my room and sniff them while masturbating? Of course not. She had every right to be mad when she caught me, but how far would she take this? When would be enough? She'd humiliated me, had me kiss and suck on her feet before spanking me raw and torturing my nipples. Now I was standing with my pants down, ass still pulsing painfully with each beat of my heart, waiting for her to get me a coushin to sleep on? I could hardly believe it. But every time I got close to saying something, I pulled myself back. I heard her voice threatening to tell my father what I'd done. I needed a place to stay and couldn't risk that. But that wasn't what stopped me as much as it was how I also heard her whispering "Obey" as I took deep breaths, and how I felt myself relax thinking that it was actually relieving my stress to just let Megan make all of the decisions. "She is in charge," I'd think to myself, "so all I have to do is do as she says and I won't have to worry about doing anything wrong. If this is too much, let that be her decision." I'd talk myself out of any resistance, and just relax into obedience. Even when that meant painful or humiliating punishments. For some reason, I was willing to suffer all of that, as long as it meant I could just keep doing as she told me.

"That is your bed in the corner," Megan said, indicating toward a square cushion against the wall by her bed. It was about four feet long on each side, just big enough for me to sleep on if I curled myself up. It almost looked like a large dog bed, but they didn't have a dog. It was an odd bit of decor, but I guess I was glad she had it so I wouldn't be on the floor. "Take off your clothes. I'll get you something to sleep in" she said as she sat on the edge of her bed, watching me, waiting for me to comply. Which I did, of course. Once I had my shirt and pants off, I slid out of my underwear, piling it all up on the floor beside me. Megan smiled looking at me. "Come here, I want to show you something first, hon." And I went to her, naked.

Megan stood behind me and guided me by my shoulders to turn around and face her full length mirror. I was ashamed to see myself like this, and looked down. She picked my chin up and instructed "Look at how nice and red your nipples still are, hon. See how pretty they look like this?" I watched in the mirror as she slid her hands around me and pinched again at my sore nipples, rolling them between her fingers. I watched as she scratched her nails over my red chest, watched as she slapped my body, adding a pink blush on the deep red marks her twisting from earlier had left.

Then she turned me around to put my back facing the mirror. As she spun me, she laughed and jumped backward, "Wow, hon! I'm not sure if I can count that as punishment seeing how much you're still enjoying it," as my cock, still fully erect, stuck out at her. I was mortified. I didn't even understand why I was still hard. She had hurt me, and continued to humiliate me. I felt almost like crying, and tears welled up in my eyes. "Awww, hon. It's OK to like this. Better than OK, even. Believe me, I've met lots of people who just love being treated like this. I bet you have too, they just didn't admit it." She smiled at me, a comforting, if somewhat mocking, smile. "Now, look at your backside in the mirror. See how pretty you look from your punishment."

Hearing all of this was reassuring, but also a bit confusing. I mean, did I like this? Who does she think I know who likes this? Why did she keep calling me pretty? She turned my head to look back over my shoulder. I nearly gasped when I saw how red her spanking had made me. Deep red with some purple coming in, as bruises started to appear on my bare cheeks and my thighs. There were dark red marks where her ring left its indentation in me, and at least three places where the outline of her hand was still visible as a lingering red shadow. Seeing it almost made the pain worse, like I could feel each and every mark. Knowing how bad it looked, the pain was drawn in sharper relief, I felt the burning and stinging work its way through my backside, turning to tingling stimulation in my cock. Megan, seeing how I stared at myself, smiled as she dragged her fingers across me ass cheeks. "Let's see which ones feel the best, shall we?" and she started tracing individual bruises. "How is this one?" and she pinched a bright red mark well on its way to turning black and blue. I yelped as the pain shot through me. Megan laughed, "I guess that one feels nice. Let's look for others." Her fingers traced cruel paths across my beaten butt. I stared at her fingers, she stared at my facial expressions as they went from fear and anticipation, to cringing in pain, to my new found strange ecstacy as the pain washed through me, turning to pleasure. She whispered in my ears "That's it, good boy" as she pinched another tender spot, harder this time, squeezing it with her whole hand. I saw her face tense with exersion as I winced and took in a sharp breath. As she released, I let out a slow moan, my eyes nearly rolling back into my head.

"Keep watching me hurt you, hon. Watch my hands," as she dug her nails in and gripped my ass cheek, squeezed it into her fist, and twisted, holding my flesh as I winced and shuddered. She twisted it further and my knees went weak, stumbling, I fell into her, putting my weight on her shoulder as the pain burned through me. She stood me up as she released her grip slowly. I whimpered, not knowing if it was from pain or the pleasure, not knowing if I could even tell the difference. "Take a deep breath, hon." I did as she commanded, as I saw expression in the mirror change from a cruel smile to concentrated grimace, I saw her arm tense and flex as she took hold of my pulsing and burning ass cheek into her tight claw, squeezing it as if it were dough, pinching, twisting, squeezing harder. The more I winced and tensed my suffering body, the more strength she seemed to draw, gripping tighter. Megan stepped to the side, leaving me to catch myself to keep from falling. I still watched in the mirror as she kept ahold of my ass, catching my eye in the mirror, she smiled at me and said "Now watch. This is what you deserve. This is how I want you to feel." With her hand held sideways in a C shape, she grabbed a fistfull of my ass cheek with one hand, raised her free hand up and brought it down in a furious swing to land on the flesh she was gripping. Her slap hit the squeezed part of my ass, held tight and swollen by her unforgiving grip.


I nearly fell over until she yelled "Stay standing! Take your punishment!" and wailed on my ass, the same spot, held tight in her fist, burning as if it were on fire.





I was dizzy. The pain radiated through me, my thighs shook, my stomach tensed, my cock throbbed.




Tears rolled down my cheeks, I concentrated on my breathing as my whole world contracted to the shot of pain from her hands. I felt nothing else, just Megan's hands holding my ass tight and slapping it harder.



My legs trembled, my knees buckled. I stumbled and caught myself on the floor with my hands. "STAND UP STRAIGHT!" came her command as she hit me with a new found fury. The tears fell in a steady stream down my face. I felt myself sweating, my face flushed, my cock so hard it hurt. My head spinning, my eyes out of focus.



I needed it to stop and needed it to never stop. I couldn't think, I could only feel. Feel her hands on me and the room spun.

"Do NOT look away!"


I watched, captivated by the strength of her grip, seeing her nails digging into my tender, abused flesh. Seeing the power of her arm as she hit me again and again and again in the same spot. My body shook with each slap, I was throbbing, feeling waves of stinging heat radiate from my beaten ass, down through my legs, up into my stomach and torso. It made my head swim and I was sure my cock would explode in a mind-shattering orgasm if anything even barely touched it. Her nails dug deeper into me, her hand grasped me tighter, and her arm flew down faster than ever.


And then, release. Her hand letting go. I remembered not to look away. I saw her heaving, out of breath, smiling at me in the mirror, brushing her red hair away from her face. I saw the deep marks her nails left in my soft flesh. I saw the purple bruises already darkening. I saw her press on her work, pushing the spots she new were the most sensitive. I gasped and then breathed deeply. The relief washing through me like a cool wave, pushing through my body, from my ass to my cock, both throbbing with each beat of my heart. I felt like I had cum a thousand times, but also desperate as if I hadn't cum in a year. My cock ached. Megan stood up and straightened out her dress, smoothing it down across her tight body.

"What do you say, hon?"

I didn't hesitate at all. I knew what I wanted to say. "Thank you, Miss Megan. Thank you so much."

"You are very welcome. This is just the beginning, isn't it?" She smiled and wiped a tear off my cheek with the tip of her finger. Licking her finger she said "Your tears are delicious." She walked past me as I finally gave in and doubled over, catching myself on my knees, panting, crying. I couldn't help but look back and stare at the state of my butt. The bruises, the red marks, somehow I liked looking at it. I felt almost proud.

Megan saw me and let out a giggle "Admiring my work, dear?" Not waiting for a response, she went to a dresser I had assumed was my father's but guessed wrong. I knew it wasn't Megan's either, since I'd seen her put her clothes away in the larger wardrobe on the other side of the room. I figured it was some extra clothes of hers as she pulled out a pair of white panties from the top drawer. Simple, cotton, with just a little lace around the waist and a small bow in front. She threw them at me. "Here, you will sleep in these. Put them on and get on your bed." Her tone was authoritative, but not angry. My hands still shook as I slipped them on. Even the soft panties stung a bit as I pulled them over my punished ass cheeks. Megan smiled as I winced. "How cute you look," as she watched me slowly cross the room and fold myself onto the large pillow she had me sleep on. "If you need to get up, ask permission. Otherwise, I will wake you in the morning when it's time to start your chores."

My body was buzzing from the treatment. My head spinning, but also I was fully and totally exhausted. Megan walked into her bathroom and emerged in a black satin teddy. She turned off the light and sighed as she relaxed in her big soft bed. I tried to find a comfortable way to curl up on my cushion and finally drifted off to sleep, too, lulled by the pulsating rhythm of my bruises, throbbing in sync to Megan's soft breaths.

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MeanOralSexToy4womenMeanOralSexToy4women7 months ago

It is a start to your submission to her rough treatment.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too much beatings The kid should call his dad and tell him what she did and admit to getting caught jerking off.

SylviecSylviec9 months ago

Amazing story. Looking forward to rhe next one!


Wow! What a fantastic start to hopefully one of the best stories ever! Right no father to ruin all of this!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I really liked this story; an excellent start. I'm sure all my fellow fetish story lovers have their lists of requests and of course so do I, but I'll keep mine general. Please keep Megan mean and add more humiliation as you can, but keep telling a story too. You are doing great in this first part/chapter.

Five stars so far. Please, please continue this.

sososubbysososubby9 months agoAuthor

thanks for the feedback, glad you like the first part. the second one should be posted soon.

i've been unsure if the father will be involved or not, so your comments are helpful in deciding that.

SissywithabeardSissywithabeard9 months ago

Great start for sure, and I look forward to the next part, but as Failedscout said, please don't involve the father.

FailedscoutFailedscout9 months ago

Great start. Please don't involve the father.

Thank you for writing and posting here.

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