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"How old did you say you were?" Jayne sweetly said, reaching across the table and patting my hand, "You're going to be one of the good ones, and I want you to tell Melissa that I said to hang to you with both hands."

"Come on, now," I uncomfortably squirmed, my face turning bright red.

"I'm a woman, too, Tommy," she said, "You think I don't see what she sees in you? I can tell by the way that Melissa looks at you, that she loves you more than anything, herself included."

"Yeah," I replied, smiling at just the mere thought of her, "She's the best..."

"You love her, too," Jayne grinned, "And don't you dare say that you don't, Mister Blake, or I will have to arrest you, hand cuff you, and then I'll give the key to Melissa."

"You drive a hard bargain, lady," I chuckled, and then softly said, "But yes, I love her so much that I would die for her, as well as die were something to ever happen to her."

"She's a very beautiful young woman," she sweetly replied, "How did the two of you meet?"

I explained to her about how everything came to be, omitting nothing. I made certain that she understood that we had broken no laws, because Melissa and I were not blood related. However, and certainly not meaning to, I a little overzealously reinforced the fact that we were also both eighteen years of age, and that we were now considered to be adults, and we expected to be treated as such.

"Whoa, slow down, Tiger," Jayne softly giggled, holding my hand, "I'm on your side, remember?"

I also remember that it was at that moment when I discovered that there most certainly something very special about Jayne, and in doing so, I looked at her and softly asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, sweetie," she almost sadly replied, "I don't."

"I'm sorry, Jayne," I smiled, "I think that you deserve the best that life has to offer."

"Oh, you do, do you?" Jayne giggled, "If I were fifteen years younger, Melissa would have a fight on her hands."

"Thank you," I yawned, "That was very sweet of you."

"You're welcome, handsome," she gently replied, "But if I were you, I'd go back to's still very early."

"I think you're right," I wearily smiled, "I'll see you later, Jayne, goodnight."

"Goodnight, cutie," she grinned, "Sweet dreams."


"Hi, baby," Melissa softly smiled, as I eased back into bed, "I missed you, where were you?"

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep," I told her, "So, I went upstairs and talked to Jayne for little while."

"You mean, the lady that has the crush on you," Melissa teased, "Hmmm."

"Oh, hush," I grinned, "She's a nice lady."

"And the fact that she's model beautiful doesn't have a thing to do with it," she giggled, "Now, does it?"

"No," I teased, "But she did tell me that if she was fifteen years younger, that you'd have a fight on your hands."

"Mmm," she seductively purred, grinding her pubis against me, "I told you that she had a crush on you...make love to me this morning, Tommy," and I proceeded to do just that.


I awoke the next morning to an empty bed; and as I made my upstairs, I was smiling at the sound of female laughter that I heard stirring in the kitchen.

"Mmm, good morning, handsome," Melissa smiled, hugging me as she handed me a cup of coffee, "Did you sleep well?"

"Of course, I slept well," I grinned, taking a sip of my coffee, "I always sleep well when I'm lying next you."

"Awww, how sweet," both Jayne and Kelly said, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"Come on, you guys," I said, my face turning bright red.

"Ooo, look at him blush," Kelly giggled, "That's so cute."

"I know," Jayne softly replied smiling, "I think he's adorable."


Kelly and Jayne informed us that they had now been assigned to stay in the house with us full time now, since the recent attempt on our lives by the henchmen who'd been posing as cops. Dad and Linda, whom the police had notified and been made aware of the situation, were now on their way home and would be here the next day.

Our two guardians made sure that we, both Melissa and I, were under constant watch, and anything we needed, or wanted would be brought to us. They, Kelly and Jayne, were two of the nicest people that you would ever want to meet, and to tell the truth, seeing them in civilian clothing made them even more beautiful than I originally thought when I first saw them in uniform. They were both damn hot then so; you can only imagine what they looked like in regular clothes.


"It's hot," Melissa complained, that afternoon, "I'm going swimming, you girls want to come?"

"That water looks great," Kelly said, "But we didn't bring our suits,"

"I've got several," Melissa smiled, "Why don't you two come to my room and check it out?"

"I don't know," Kelly hesitantly replied, looking at her partner, "What do you think, Jayne."

"Why not?" Jayne grinned, "As long as we keep our weapons within reach it'll be alright. Besides, that pool looks too good to pass up."

"Then come on," Melissa conspiratorially giggled, "I just a new bikini that I can't wait to show off to Tommy."


I was down in my room playing some music, when I heard Melissa's voice yell to me from upstairs, "HEY TOMMY, CAN YOU COME UP HERE AND HELP FOR A MINUTE, PLEASE?"

"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE," I yelled back, answering her.


"Holy shit," was all I could say when I first laid eyes on the smorgasbord of female flesh on display.

Melissa sauntered up next to where I was standing, and after sweetly kissing my lips, she giggled, "Close your mouth, baby, you're going to catch flies."


After a little coaxing from the three beauties that were now laid out on chaise loungers around the pool deck, I relented and went back inside to put on a pair of gym shorts, as that was all that I had at the time.


We were lying out in the sun, having a good time, when suddenly, from the side of the house, Sherilyn appeared with an automatic weapon in her hands that was drawn, being held at waist level...and aimed at the four of us.

"Don't move motherfuckers," she growled, moving the firing safety to the "on" position, "It's time for you to pay, Tommy, you son-of-a-bitch."

"Take it easy Sherilyn," I calmly said, "You don't want to hurt anyone. I know you don't."

"Then you don't know dick," she viciously laughed, I want you to disarm the two lady cops, as I'm sure their guns are very near them right now."

"No," I told her, "If you're so fucking brave, then you do it."

"I don't believe you understand me, asshole," she spat, suddenly jamming the muzzle of her weapon under Melissa's chin, "Either you collect their weapons, or this slut dies. Do I make myself clear?"

"Alright, alright, take it easy, "I said, "I'll do as you ask, just please don't hurt her, okay?"

"I'm not going to hurt her," Sherilyn evilly hissed, "I'm going to kill her right after I kill you. Now, give me their guns...right now God dammit," and then I did as I was told, laying the two pistols belonging to Kelly and Jayne at Sherilyn's feet.

Now," Sherilyn viciously growled, "I want the four of you to stand up and put your backs to the wall, facing me."

What that dumb bitch forgot to take into account was that I had to walk near her to get to the where she wanted us to stand. So; as I slowly moved within hands reach of that crazy whore's assault rifle, I quickly grabbed the muzzle, aiming it up and away from everyone while simultaneously punching Sherilyn right between the eyes as hard as I could.

She immediately lost control of her weapon, but was still able to reach down and grab a hold of Kelly's .357 Magnum pistol, that was lying at her feet. However, before she even had a chance to draw it, four single and consecutive shots rang out from somewhere on the other side of me, making Sherilyn's chest seemingly explode right before she dropped dead in front of us.


Once the smoke had cleared, I saw Jenny Rodgers standing there with her Colt .45 still at the ready.

"Whew," Kelly chuckled, "Great shot, Jen. You had us a little worried for a minute there."

"What the hell is going on here?" I demanded, "Do you two know each other?"

"Yes, Tommy, we do," Jenny replied, lowering her weapon and withdrawing a detective's badge and the proper ID, confirming that she, too, was a cop.

"I've been undercover all year long trying to catch Sherilyn Hawkins, "Jenny told me, "I'm really sorry if I did anything that offended you, but I couldn't blow my cover, I hope you understand."

"I guess I do," I smiled, pulling a very shaken up Melissa into my arms. "Come on, sweetie," I told her, "Let's get you in the house and dressed while the police take Sherilyn's body out of here."


After all of the dust had settled and everything was back to normal, Melissa and I returned to school, and was the main topic of everyone's discussion for the next week

I asked Melissa to marry me in front of Dad, Linda, Kelly and Jayne, as well as Daphne, Gabriella, and leave us not forget Johnny Banks. We were all at the house where Dad and Linda threw us a graduation party; and after she finished crying her beautiful eyes out, she giggled and said, "Yes, of course I will, silly."


It's been thirty something years since all of that took place, and we've been married for twenty-five. We had four daughters, all of which are very beautiful like not only their mother, but both of their grandmothers as only regret is that my own mother was not around to meet her grand daughters, but Linda and Dad spoil them rotten, regardless.


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rbloch66rbloch662 months ago

Good story, well written. You imbued your characters with an excessive amount of lovey-dovey goop that made me wanna gag a little. That’s not a criticism. I remember what it was like to be that age and in love. You nailed it.

john1946john1946almost 2 years ago

Even better the 2nd time. Thanks

Big_Tim99Big_Tim99about 2 years ago

I loved the story, but both Tommy and Melissa said they would due to protect each other; I expected one or the other to get shot.

You don't always get what you expect.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Check Amazon, and you'll find a LOT of Literotica authors and stories from this site over there. Many of them are doing quite well!


On the other hand, I suspect that a number of aspiring "writers" are lifting stories from dormant accounts and using them in their own commercial works. I identify stories from this site and two Literotica writers, to whom I reported theft, have emailed me back and told me they've had the stories removed. Many others apparently don't monitor their Literotica account emails or, have not responded to me with the results of their actions.


You find stories from this site particularly in the "compilations" and "bundles" where there is no table of contents or where the TOC entries are simply labelled "Story One", etc. A dead giveaway is many of these stories still contain references to Literotica. Another dead giveaway is when writer XXXXX offers a number of stories written as their own creations, but the some are written in UK English, some in American English. The misspellings, the punctuation/lack of punctuation and other writer's traits vary from story to story.


So, if you leave this site as a writer, disable your account and burn your barns. Otherwise, the intellectual property thieves will take your stuff.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 5 years ago
Great story but I am saddened........

Another up and coming author, MoogPlayer, has disappeared from this site. Too many "Good Ones" have come and gone. These people are REAL authors and have REAL stories. Don't get me wrong, I like a little Spank Story as much as the next Red-Blooded Male, but I do appreciate stories like this even more.

As for Lady Cops...........Mmmmmmmmmm. I love a woman in uniform. I have a neighbor that lives 3 houses down from me that is a few years younger than me and is a Detective in our County's Sheriff Dept. She is not only a total babe but is also a fun and very nice person. She and I have been known to hit the shooting range that is a couple of miles away from us on a regular basis and I am on her team for the Pistol Shooting League we are in.

There are 9 teams of 4 people and I am proudly the only non-LEO in the League. I have also placed 1st in the League for the last 3 years. I am friends with a lot of the local LEO's so you better believe I don't let them live that down. But they take it in stride since I am a Vet of 4 tours in Iraq and I am also a Firearms and Tactical Trainer to most of them including the Sheriffs Dept. SWAT Team.

I do have to say, my neighbor, the Detective is probably 1 of only 5 women I would ever seriously consider POSSIBLY leaving my wife for lol. We are actually all really good friends since my wife is an RN at the local Hospital and I also volunteer as a First Responder/Paramedic/Firefighter. Actually, we are all volunteers up here in Northern Minnesota being my little town I live in only has 500 people most of the year but it does balloon up to about 5,000 in the summer because there are over a 1,000 lakes in a 25 mile diameter with 2 of the largest and premier lakes in my small town.

My hot neighbor Detective is quite the pretty little thing. She is 36 years old, typical Norwegian Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, about 5'8" and probably around 130 lbs. She doesn't have much in the boob dept. but she has a great and tight little ass. She is also recently divorced from her hubby who was a Sheriffs Deputy but since has moved out of the area and has become a State Patrol Officer. She is also a screamer when she has sex (no, I haven't nor would I while being married) but I have heard her screaming in orgasm more than once when she was still married and she and the hubby were out on their pontoon boat on the lake at Dusk. (Sound really carries on the lake at night when there is no wind blowing lol).

She works out and runs quite a bit, I even run with her sometimes but I am getting older and HATE running. Couple that with me being 6'7" 265lbs of heavy muscle which means I don't run more than 3 miles a day to prevent my joints from exploding, it is a fairly slow run. With cool down, it takes me almost half an hour to go those 3 miles and she (Amber), can do damn near 5 miles in that time lol. When she isn't training for a marathon or triathlon, she only runs 8-10 miles a day. When training, she will run 8-10 miles twice a day. UGH. My "old guy" knees and hips are screaming just thinking about that lol.

I will admit, over the years that I have known her, I have gotten a few scorching hot kisses from her for my Birthday, Mistletoe and New Years Eve, but because I love my wife and Amber respects me and my wife, we have never taken it past that although I have "accidentally" brushed against her rock hard nipples from time to time and we do slap each other on the ass. But she slaps lots of people on the ass so it's not a big deal.

One time at New Year's Eve after her giving me a kiss that curled my toes, she did grab my hand and shoved it under her skirt to show me how sopping wet her panties were from kissing me. Yes, my wet fingers did go right to my nose and then my mouth which made her have to walk outside in the middle of a Northern Minnesota Winter Evening lol.

She has said if I ever get divorced or my wife dies, she would be at my door the next day because she wouldn't want to give another woman the first shot at me lol. Hell, my wife has even said if she dies that she wants me to grab Amber up lol. When my wife and Amber get together to discuss "Books they have read" aka Wine Time and they get a bit tipsy they think it is funny to tease me about a Threesome with them and me. Sadly, I know it will NEVER happen because my wife has no interest in women or other men and simply refuses to "Share" me with another woman lol.

But hey, an old guy can dream, right???

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
top shelf story

You don't get better than this! I have always love to read your stories . Please publish more stories . Thanks Moog Player. Love you all! Bye.

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

to live the fullest or wait for the beginning. TK U MLJ LV NV

MoogPlayerMoogPlayerover 8 years agoAuthor
Enough about the timeline

There was a typo issue at the beginning of Chapter One. I wasn't paying attention and meant to write "A few years after my Mom Died" so will those who seem to think they are immortal please forgive me for being human and imperfect?

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 10 years ago
More good people and good writing -

Some continuity issues again but nothing that detracts from the story.

I was waiting for Daphne to hook up with the rookie - but ah well.

Nice story with good ending -

myassisdraginmyassisdraginover 11 years ago

Moogplayer, this is one of the best stories I have read in a while...

You are in the same class as Romantic1, oldhippie1949 and TX Tall Tales...

Keep up the great writing...

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