Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 29

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Pippa and john show dave a special home video...
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Part 29 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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Fate intervened that following week, turning an already uncomfortable 3 days of worrying about what dave would think of our past....into 6.

His daughter adele had taken ill.

Nothing serious, a bad cold. But enough to keep her off school for the rest of that week.

Dave, a doting father not wanting to leave her alone, had to cancel wednesdays planned evening meeting.

We were disappointed but what can you do?....poor lass can't help being poorly.

So that was that.

We kept in touch by phone calls and texting, and by midweek it seemed that adele was getting better, saturdays meet up at ours was on.

I made sure dave hadn't forgotten what I'd told him on the sunday touching it it all up for me.

I used the sweetest, softest voice i could, thinking of him there at the other end of the phone..... listening.

I told him that he was a good boy for not touching himself and that i would be extra good for him on saturday, i also mentioned a new special outfit i was getting ready....just for him.

Not telling what it was of course, keeping the anticipation going.....i can be wicked at times.

Anyway, i think it's fair to say that by the time saturday morning came around....poor dave was practically foaming at the mouth.

I had been teasing him all week....oh dear....was i going to get it....poor me.

When i spoke to him that morning, the excitement could be heard in his voice, the eagerness in his tone... tangible.

I informed my boyfriend that the outfit was ready for the evening, and so was i.

Still not revealing anything about it despite daves eager guesses.

I gave nothing away

"you'll just have to wait and see won't you sweetheart....see you tonight", was my final reply before hanging up the call.

Later that day....

Everything was set. Steve was already at his grans from that morning and as we said bye to chris, watching him walk down the path and off to his friends house for the night....a great sense of mischievous excitement hung in the air between myself and john.

This was the prelude to a very long week, filled with excitement yes, but tainted somewhat by the knowledge of what we must do.

Tell dave the truth about our past.

We had decided to be bold and jump straight in at the deep end in our method of 'revealing all' to him.

The idea being to show him rather than tell him....our secret.

The recordings.

John had our very first video of me with neil in the bathroom, ready on our laptop.

As we waited for our friend to arrive... the nervous excitement...oh wow! could have reached out and touched it.

At 7.30 daves car could be heard pulling up outside our house, the deep guttural sound of its engine humming for a brief moment before going silent.

A moment later, and despite knowing it was coming, i still jumped at the knock on our front door.

We had been sat in the living room quietly chatting about the evening ahead when silenced by daves car arriving.

Now, at the knock, john raised his eyebrows at me and with a 'here we go' look, got up off the sofa and went to let our friend in.

I hadn't felt this nervous in a long time. The tension was killing me.

I began to get up as i heard their voices first at the door, then slowly coming down the hallway.

Daves cheery, "ey up" followed by a similar greeting from john.

My hubby then says something odd, "aww thank you sugar.... they're beautiful....just like you"

Dave chuckles but ignores his remark asking instead how i am?

With the front door now shut both mens voices sound loud and hollow in the tunnel of our hallway.

"She's feeling fine...if you know what i mean", both of them laugh

"She's missed you", john tells him sincerely

"Oh god....not as much as I've missed her", daves reply.

John is now coming into the room holding a large bunch of red roses, now johns odd comment is explained.

They are beautiful, i love roses.

"These are for you love", johns eyes convey the excitement he's feeling at handing me this special gift from not just our friend....but also now my lover.

Even this small gesture is electric to both of us.

My husbands meaningful look is interrupted by the appearance of dave at the living room door.

Averting my eyes from hubby to boyfriend as i take the flowers from his hand....

Smiling warmly and with a hint of the lust I'm feeling towards him, all too present in my eyes.

"Hi", my words accompanied by a flush of heat to my cheeks, suddenly and surprisingly, I'm feeling shy.

Dave smiles back, genuine affection showing in his eyes, "hi to you look gorgeous"

My blushing increases with his compliment, especially as I'm wearing just a jumper and the house clothes nothing fancy.....yet.

There is a brief but not awkward pause before he steps forward past john and puts his arms around me, we embrace and i hold him tight, our mouths finding each other.

I have my eyes closed soaking up all of the sensation.....mmmm.....oh god.....this is the best.

And although i can't see him, i know he is watching us.

John is soaking up what he is seeing.

The thought intensifies all that is already....

Taking a deep breath through my nose before breaking off, opening my eyes and looking into daves, "ooh.....I've missed that"

He gives out a little laugh, not without a nervous undertone.. just detectable.

"Oh too...i can tell you", dave says rather meaningfully.

Aiming a quick glance at my hubby before looking back up at dave, feeling naughty i ask, "'ve been a good boy this week?"

At this personal question in front of john he goes into bashful mode, nodding then glancing at my hubby before looking back at me....turning red.

I tell him 'well done' and with a special look ask him to sit down on the sofa, joining him while john gets our drinks and finds a vase for my gift.

The atmosphere changes, the heat temporarily turned down while we chat about what's been going on during the week.

Intitially just myself and dave but we are soon joined by john with two cans of fosters and a large glass of chilled white.

Dave tells us about adele and how much better she is, work too, seeing tina and new 'friend' by awkward chance while out on an assessment for work....etc.

Everyday normal things, we tell him about our week too. Just three friends catching up on the weeks events.... nothing could be more normal.

But what we have to discuss with dave looms....and that is far from normal.

With the drink flowing, me on my second glass and the two boys their third tin.....the right time materialises with a lull in conversation.

John is sat in the sofa chair opposite and i receive a knowing glance, returning his look with a tiny nod for confirmation, john begins to stand up.

During the last week john had mentioned to dave through texting that we had something important to tell him, not revealing what it was but that we would tell him tonight.

And now he reminds our friend, "erm...dave? know when i said... last week... we had something to tell you?"

Dave nods, setting down his tin on the coffee table, "oh yes....that's couldn't tell me what it was on the phone....sounds serious"

After those latter words dave turns to look at me, there is a broad playful grin and raising of eyebrows in jest.

John continues, he reaches for the laptop on the dresser unit next to his chair while speaking.

He tells our friend what we've already agreed, that it's probably easier to show him what we mean, adding that we know dave is partial to amateur porn we are.

Dave is now more intrigued....and excited. A shift in atmosphere is detected, things are heating up once more.

"I see...., "he says looking expectantly from john to me and back to john, who is joining us on the sofa, asking us to budge up, " got something for us to watch?....sounds good....what is it?"

We are all sat closely together, with myself on one end, dave in the middle, i rest my hand on his bare leg, yep he's wearing shorts again, and squeeze gently while saying, "you'll see...just watch it"

As I'm saying this john is passing our friend the open laptop with the video paused....ready to play.

Our bathroom can be seen, as can a short plump looking guy stood over our toilet....frozen in time.

"you ready?", John says, leaning forward in his seat and addressing me more than dave, i nod with a thin smile.

Johns finger which was hovering over enter, drops onto it and the video comes to life.

It starts at the point just before i burst in and surprise our sneaky painter, catching him in the act of wanking over my knickers.

My gaze is mainly on dave but i do occasionally glance down at this exciting memory.

As i watch he immediately frowns then grins, looking confused. All he can initially see is what appears to be a middle aged guy having a pee, while holding a small garment under his nose....

He goes to take in a breath as to speak, opening his mouth and forming a word, which was probably going to be what's, as in, 'what's this?'

Then he's suddenly frozen by what happens next. The man stood over our toilet jumps out his skin at the sudden entry into the bathroom of a blonde haired woman...mid thirties...dressed in tight joggers...

It's fascinating to watch daves reaction to what he is seeing.

His frown grows bigger as he stares intently down at the laptop screen....I'm not yet fully back to camera.

Neil is babbling, saying he's sorry in that broken stutter he had....then my soothing words and the shifting of my position to the camera reveal to dave who the blonde haired woman is.

If i could bottle that powerful feeling i got as dave realised....oh my...

I could feel myself shaking with nervous excitement.

Yes this could go wrong, he could think i was a cheap dirty slut and leave right then...but the feeling i got from someone new watching our video....oh god....

Dave looks sharply at me, almost in a jumping motion, reminiscent of when i first touched him at the cinema. I quickly glance down at the screen, ignoring his reaction.

He continues staring at me for a brief moment, looks back at the soft voice can be heard comforting a panicking neil....'i can't help it...'

Then quickly back at me, this time i look up from the video and we make eye contact...

His mouth is partially open, dropped.

Eyes wide, 'surprised expression' is not adequate enough a description....

Slowly a grin spreads across my face, dave reacts by looking back down at the laptop and asking for the video to be paused.

John pauses it and dave looks back at me, his finger pointing at my still image, "that's.....that's you"

He jabs excitedly with his finger towards the laptop, repeating the words, "that's you isn't it"

It's more of a statement than a question.

The grin remains as i begin to nod slowly.

"Oh my is isn't it....what?....i mean what are you?....who?..."

Dave is incredulous, beside himself with surprise and full of questions. It's at this point john takes control.

"Yes that's our pip....but it's best if you watch all of it first then we'll answer your questions....ok?"

Dave looks around at john and nods, "ok"

His voice sounds shaky with excitement.

John resumes play on the video and together we observe, dave the footage, myself and john.....daves reaction to it.

The video continues and as i get to work on neils little fat cock dave gasps, "oh yeah"

His tone quiet but full of enthusiasm. I make neil come a short time later, we hear his distinctive high pitched moan, then dave gasps again when i look up at the hidden face full of mischief.

"oh god yeah....", he glances at me, eyes full of excitement, "....look at you"

We continue watching, hearing me talk calmly to neil.....neil, in a tiny voice, thanking me. John stops the video just after i walk out the room, giving the secret camera a meaningful look as i go.

Dave stares for a brief moment at the frozen image of neil busily cleaning his spunk off our toilet basin.

Then he slowly brings both hands up to either side of his face, fingers on cheeks, blows out a breath and says in a quiet voice, "holy shit"

He stays like that for another brief moment, appearing deep in thought, then lowers his hands away from his face.

He looks at me while pointing at the screen looking excited and serious at the same time, "this...this is real isn't it?....i mean...this is for haven't staged this"

Again mainly a statement, not a question.

I nod, "it's real"

Dave looks around at john who is leaning forward watching us both, he nods at dave but doesn't say anything.

Looking back at me, "that guy.... he's....i mean you can see....he's really scared at first when you burst in but then....oh really did this didn't you"

Nodding again, my grin broadening at daves obvious enthusiasm, it's clear he's enjoyed what he's just seen and i start to relax, feeling more confident.

He seems to be ok with what we've revealed so far....

Dave again, "so this guy?.... he's the one you told me about?....the painter that was stealing your underwear?"

Nodding once more i reply, "yes...neil...he did some painting for us a while back"

John now takes over, "look..dave...we have lots to tell you...but first...last week when you asked if we'd done anything like this before?....and we said no?....well.... technically we were right in that we haven't gone as far as we have with you.....but....we have done other things"

My husband begins telling dave our story. He's joined by me in parts and together we both reveal the sordid details of our secret life over the past few years.

Even skipping bits it still takes a long time, dave sits patiently listening, asking questions but mainly soaking up all we have to say.

Eventually we get up to the part of our journey where we met him.

It takes our friend only a brief moment to reveal what he thinks of us, although i kind of already knew, as i suspect, john did too.

Throughout our 'story' dave showed nothing but fascination and excitement, curiosity...even a little awe at some of the things we had done.

There was no hint of shock, disgust or offense at anything we had to tell him, even the secret recordings....which were our biggest worry.

His excitement and admiration of our lifestyle showed in what he said next.

"Oh my two....", looks from john to me, then down at the frozen image of neil on the laptop, " two are fucking wild!....i can't believe what's happening....stuff like this doesn't happen to just doesn't happen"

Dave pauses for a second and we don't try and interrupt, he continues, "so..I'm the first guy you told this to? kept this secret from everyone...for all this time?"

John this time, "yes...nobody knows but the men involved and"

My turn, and i must have confirmation of what i already know.

Shifting in my seat so that I'm angled toward our friend, "so your ok with this?...what we...i...have done?"

Dave does not hesitate, "absolutely...why wouldn't i be? two are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time....i just can't believe this is happening"

And there it is, all i needed to know.

So much worry and expectation of another disappointment...for nothing.

Daves position firmly within our relationship was now confirmed.

Then, as if to reinforce his enthusiasm dave asked about our other 'footage' and if he could see anymore?

With that i glance briefly past him at john who is still leant forward watching us both closely, we make eye contact and in that brief second so much is much anticipation of what is to come.....the night after still young.

Shifting my gaze back to an expectant looking dave i reply, "yes....of can see anything you want"

And with that, john took the laptop and made ready another one of our special home videos....

To be continued....

End of chapter 29.

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Gazza6969Gazza6969over 1 year ago

I love you both, you are so bad In a good way

MetalRabbit51MetalRabbit51about 2 years ago

Apparently the sexy new outfit wasn't even needed to start heating things up. There's so much attraction between the three of you that events are just racing down the tracks. Even Dave's astonishment that you made videos doesn't change the attraction he feels for you. A delicious secret is revealed, to the happy delight of all involved. I look forward to the lustful plans Dave and John have for you to open, like a fiery flower. Such a hot story!

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsabout 2 years ago

Aargh! What is your special outfit? Well, I don't care after reading this installment. It's one thing to make your own private porn videos (and more power to you!) but then to show them to your new lover. Well, that's special. Good for you and John. Well written and still a tease, five stars from me, JB

PS: Great birthday present, too!

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