Mess Made on the Baroness' Bed, The


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"'Spose settin' fire t' th' sheets is outta th' question then?" She turned to me with an impish grin on her face that made it difficult to determine whether what she said was simply a joke or not, but also implied she would not be leaving the bedding be. "Never mind that. Whaddya say t' lightin' a different sorta flame instead~?" I asked her what exactly she meant by that remark, although I really should have probably concluded the answer by her removing her cloak from her person before clambering onto the mattress to sit herself down in its centre, leaning slightly back on her hands with legs stretched out and partially parted in front. "I'm bettin' it's been a good bit since th' springs in this have las' seen a proper shake like. Whaddya say to helpin' me stain th' sheets some~?" If her hinting was not obvious to me before, it certainly was now!

"You cannot be serious." I responded with a scoff following a brief pause, hardly able to believe she was being sincere in her petition. After all, I had only just met the woman just the other day, and the invite would have come across as precipitous even if it were not in the current context she had made it. I was ignorant at the time of just how customarily transparent the majority of goblins were when it came to venereal subjects and interactions, with transient dalliances being as habitual of a social activity amongst their kind as a round of darts down at the pub would have been for me and my friends, so you can understand my astonishment when Min responded to my statement by yanking her top up and away from her chest to allow her green boobs to flop bare before my eyes with a slight bounce, and distinctly recalling that to have been the moment when I finally realised she had foregone wearing a bra that night.

"Are these serious enough for ya~?" She then asked after proving she was not joking, although her tone remained playful. I was flabbergasted by her gesture, though at the same time, a lady I already felt attraction towards being so unabashedly candid towards somebody like me who never considered himself to be especially handsome provided quite the uplift to my self-esteem, even though thinking back on it now, I cannot help but be uncertain whether she truly felt attraction for me in turn or whether I was simply a component conveniently at hand to make use of in her stunt, and just about any other male who might have accompanied her would have done equally as well in my stead. However, in that moment, such a consideration had not even crossed my mind, and even if it had, I was not going to let the opportunity of having a tussle on the sheets with such a fine female specimen - goblin or otherwise - pass me up regardless against what common sense would have dictated was better saved for when we were back in the seclusion and safety of my own flat.

I wasted no time verbalising an answer and chose to show my response with my actions as - despite my initial misgivings - I practically leapt from where I stood with excitement and landed on my knees upon the mattress just in front of where Min sat, which caused her to be rebound slightly in place from the recoil and making her tits jiggle all the more enticingly. I then rapidly fumbled with my belt before dropping my trews and boxer shorts halfway down my thighs once it was unfastened, although in all my haste, it had escaped even my own awareness until it was plain to us both that although my spirit was more than willing for what was in store, my body was far less bold as I had nothing impressive to unveil to the goblin girl in turn; only an utterly flaccid, uncircumcised dick of average size dangling ineffectually from my crotch, much to my embarrassment, and I was only made all the more self-conscious by Min's reaction.

"Looks like yer soldier didn' get th' order t' salute!" The goblin giggled at my impotence likely induced from a subconscious agitation in the current surroundings. "Ah, nothin' to it. I'll have him standin' t' attention soon 'nuff~" She added as she nonchalantly took my limp penis in her hold, gently so, but still enough to startle me from how unceremonious she put her fingers to its flesh, although I was hardly about to complain. Delicately, Min peeled the foreskin from the head before leaning her face forwards and granting the tip a few rapid flicks from her tongue, starting at least some stirring in my gonads, although it was not until she secured her soft lips around my entire bellend and started giving strokes to the shaft that my blood truly started pumping where it was required. I made some pleased hums while my member steadily swelled in response to the slow handjob in addition to Min's wet and warm mouth sucking strongly straight upon its sensitive extremity while her tongue within rapidly circled around its circumference. I watched her work at my pecker for the first while, though soon found my eyes closing to better focus on the feelings her efforts provided.

My cock was brought to half-mast before long, which was when Min popped her lips off the tip, much to my disappointment and confusion as to why she would abruptly leave the errand unfinished when she seemed so keen on carrying it out, only for my dick to next be met with a glob of spit hawked onto its surface direct from the goblin's gob just at the exact moment when I reopened my peepers to determine the cause of the lull, and in time to see her applying her hand to coat the rest of my shaft in this saliva, listening to the wet noises made neath the pressure of her palm. Once my length was suitably slicked up, Min slapped it down squarely in the centre of her uncovered bust, engulfing almost my entire semi-erection into the cleft between those pillowy green globes, which was a pleasant enough sensation on its own, but elevated to pure bliss when she pressed her boobs together and massaged them around my cock within.

My dick fully stiffened like a shot from her utilising her breasts in such a way, but even after this initial aim was accomplished, Min prolonged the tit-wanking for a short while longer yet, seemingly for no other reason other than simply for the sake of my own delight, ensuring that I would not be going soft again for the duration of what she had in mind. The redhead even kept her smiling mouth open to stretch her tongue downwards to tickle at the tip of my cock while continuously letting drool run along it and into her cleavage, sending some flecks of saliva flying to the sides, all the while looking me straight in the eyes with a devilish glint present in her own gaze that would have made even a courtesan blush. I have no idea what I had done to deserve it, but praise the gods for ever sending a woman like Min my way, brief though our acquaintance may have been.

I thought it only fair that the goblin's generous gesture should be repaid in kind, so once I had been abundantly riled up, I pulled my crotch away from her chest (having to first pluck up the willpower to do so by my own volition), likely leaving the non-human rather confused by my willing withdrawal made without warning, and possibly subsequently surprising even her when my fingers nimbly unbuckled her own belt before grabbing her shorts at the waist to give a tug eager and hefty enough to pull them clean off her hips all the way down to her knees despite still sitting (as short of a distance thought it might have been), and with another pull - this time with Min's cooperation as she caught on to what I was doing and lifted her legs to an easier angle - I removed the article entirely off her person without needing to take her boots off first! As with her upper body, Min was without undergarments on her lower half as well, allowing for me to perceive how she seemed to keep every spot of emerald skin on her person below the belt smoothly shaved save for her nether regions, meaning I was immediately greeted with a shaggy bush of red pubic hairs hiding her sex that only appeared all the more unkempt in comparison to her glabrous legs, though I was mostly indifferent as to whether ladies had a preference to keep things natural downstairs or otherwise, and cared doubly less during my ardour.

I flopped flat on my front upon the bed remarkably a lot softer compared to the stiff mattress I suffered at home, scooped my hands underneath Min's haunches to lift and part her legs before diving face first into her furry muff without hesitation, pressing my tongue straight to her folds, which were already detectably warm and slightly sticky to lingual muscle, telling me she was already turned on from anticipation of the imminent intercourse and/or possibly from inciting my erection. My nose was buried in her crimson carpet and huffed the erotic scent of her arousal that had been heretofore trapped in her shorts. I parted her pussy flaps using only my tasting organ to lap at the lining within that was a shade of green one degree darker than the rest of her body, and tasted of a sticky saltiness similar to the human females I had eaten out before, although I am not sure why I would have expected it taste any drastically different, but perhaps its pigmentation led me to subconsciously believe it would have the flavour of pears or limes.

My tongue rolled vigorously around her pussy to have it generate as much of its liquid secretions in as short amount of time as was possible, foregoing any semblance of sophistication as I ravenously guzzled at her cunt like I was a starving man (which I suppose I was not too far from being) and it was the only source of nourishment for miles around, sloppily slurping against her labia and her clitoris which the goblin seemed to especially enjoy judging by the squeals she made and the surprisingly firm push of her hand at the back of my head encouraging me to keep up the rate, even though I knew my own oral skills paled in comparison to her own. That being said, I did pleasantly surprise myself at how apparently proficient I was to get enough of non-human's juices flowing that those I was unable to sup left a notable stain where she was sitting on the sheets by the time I was done, although compared to what else we ended up doing to that bed, it seemed so inconsequential a detail not worth mentioning, but I digress.

In the midst of my lewd licks, a flash of recognition relating to how much time was currently of the essence for us cropped up again in my consciousness. Just as suddenly as I had put my mouth to Min's pussy, I pulled it away quick enough for several strands of her sap still to be clinging to my lips very briefly before breaking off, her pressing palm proving very little resistance as I positioned myself upright on my knees once again. Without a verbal exchange, I grabbed the redhead by the heels and pulled her towards me so that her still-splayed legs were on either side of my waist. I leaned forwards until I was nearly on top of my fellow thief, keeping myself propped on one hand positioned just behind her shoulder while my other mitt grabbed my wet hard-on by its base and directed its expanded glans to her spongy sex. Once my length was aligned with the goblin's seeping orifice, I took my hand away from the former and made a forward thrust with my hips that was forceful enough to sheathe my whole shaft into her lime pussy with just that singular motion, resulting in both me and her making a groan each in concert as I felt her pliant yet tight interior hug around all my inches penetrated as deep as they could reach.

I was (and still am) decently hung, though my manhood was nothing special (unlike many of those models in the pages of Studs who Min was a fan of and worked wonders in making the average bloke feel inadequate), but I can at least claim to having satisfied a fair number of ladies in my time with my standard equipment, with Min soon to be counted amongst them. This was my first and only time getting with a goblin in such a way however, and for those of you reading who have never experienced fucking somebody over two feet shorter than your own height, just know it is a very peculiar practice and somewhat difficult to accordingly adjust, though once a feel for it had been gained, being the giver of such a pairing had the effect of making my modest manhood feel absolutely massive while within the confines of her tiny cunt; far narrower than any other I had known prior.

Honestly, looking back on it, I probably should have been concerned about any hurt I might cause for the little woman in that moment with the rapid rhythm I had set my hips to almost straight away after putting my human penis inside her, but having never received the explicit instruction to cease the bucks that made Min moan with every one made, I can only conclude she had no problems withstanding - and very much enjoying - the discrepancy in our proportions. However, I later learned that goblinkind apparently possessed an inherent resilience that prevented any major complications that would otherwise come from coupling with those larger than they, and it certainly seemed true enough from my fling with Min, so it seemed that no harm had been done in the end anyway!

Even still, I must have put that resilience to the test from how frantically I fucked the green-skinned female, exhilirated as much as I was anxious shagging her in surroundings where it seemed so unsafe to carry out the act, and whether it was the thrill from the risk that fueled my pace or simply a desire to finish things as fast as was possible, even I cannot clearly recall. I have to confess, before that night, it had been a while since I last had sex, and the mounting frustrations from some personal tribulations of late had left me without motivation to even masturbate my aggravation away for what seemed like a fortnight at least. However, Min had rekindled that dormant libido, and it had returned with a fierce vengeance, using this fuck not only as part of getting back at the woman who was the ultimate source of my stresses, but also as a mode to vent said stress with Min's cunt as the relief, at one point even fancying the Baroness' being in the goblin's place during this time accompanied by the outlandish logic that it was she who should be taking personal responsibility for assuaging my accumulated lustfulness, which certainly contributed to my rough conduct in the moment. I very nearly hurled some verbal abuse for good measure as a consequence of this concept, though bit my tongue before the words could escape lest I risked taking my comportment too far, though for all I knew, Min could very well be into the degradation and I honestly would not have put it past her if she was.

My pelvis made audible claps whenever it collided with Min's bare thighs, and the antique posts of the bed loudly creaked as we made them shake with our bumps and grinds as though they were threatening to cave and cause the canopy to collapse on top of us had I maintained my tempo and might for much longer, although even that likely would not have been enough to stop me in my zest. I am genuinely amazed that the noises made from our absence of restraint did not attract the attention of a stray servant. In any case, the supports held out by the time I was nearing my final thrust, although before I was able to make that decisive lunge, Min must have detected that I was close to cumming either by the higher pitch my moans had taken as I raced to a resolution, from distinguishing my dick starting to tremble against her constrictive vaginal lining, or a combination of the two thereof, as she shifted her whole self backwards whilst in her prone placement in a way that pulled her pussy off and away from my penis.

In that same manoeuvre, the goblin raised her entire body off the duvet save for the flats of her feet and her left hand like she was about to perform a crab walk, while her right paw stretched over, unhesitatingly and firmly grasping my dick coated in her own cunt's adhesive juices, angling it slightly downwards as she began making frantic, underhand tugs which brought me to my belated climax, having very nearly forgotten the feeling of how overwhelmingly pleasurable a solid shag can overwash oneself, providing almost a liberating sense as my entire body shivered and I made a deep groan while streaks of my seed discharged across the space directly beneath where the redhead kept the bulk of her diminutive body aloft. Good thing Min intervened when she did, otherwise I would have probably pressed my entire mass tight against her frame to rashly inject all that mess directly into her womb rather than on the bed as was our design and make our whole effort for having sex then and there in the first place for naught.

I raised my eyelids probably for the first time since sticking my length inside Min when the last of my shots had ejaculated, although the goblin was still squeezing vice-like on my shaft while slowly pulling her grip towards herself to express as much cum still lingering in the tube, making me wince once or twice when she did so from how sensitive my stick was post-orgasm. I impressed even myself when I saw my white output currently soaking into the linen, both in regards to the amount I had produced, as well as the range each emission had streaked across the sheets, being no scant amount in either regard, though I suppose that is what happens when your testicles are as backed-up as mine were before alleviating their contents through the funnest fuck you had in recent memory.

"Gaw, ya musta been well overdue for a shag there, mate!" Min correctly conjectured in an impressed - if slightly breathless - tone as she likewise appraised my release once she had extracted all the residual semen that she could from my softening meatstick, flicking off those last few adhesive droplets exuding from my urethra to add to the pile of pale slime underneath her before unhanding my manhood and acrobatically tumbling to one side to avoid making contact with my cum stains as if she was taking care to preserve a priceless masterpiece, and I could not help but lightly chuckle at her dedication to the misdemeanour, although I then felt a tinge of guilt shortly thereafter, even though the goblin seemed amused enough by the outcome of our messing around, I realised I had been unable to bring her to an orgasm of her own during it.

For that reason, without another word, I scuttled closer towards the non-human, and quicker than she knew it, outreached my hands towards her nether regions and straight away jammed my right middle and ring finger into her cooter that had now been significantly loosened following our fresh fuck, although still felt as though were sucking down on my digits, while the fingers on my other mitt instead went to her clitoris peeking out from her pubic underbrush and starting rubbing against that nub with a rapid, upside-down waving motion. Min squealed as my paws serviced her sex, half from surprise, and half from delight, and maintained the pitch in correspondence to the frantic jiggling of my wrist with my digits still sunk in her womanhood to whisk up her interior, causing it to make raunchy damp noises as fluids were sprinkling over my knuckles. The goblin's cunt only became all the more deluged when she violently threw her head back and groaned loud enough that anybody who might have been inside an above, below or adjacent room above could have heard the moment she hit her climax. The redhead gripped fistfuls of the sheet she had thrust her hips up from on her little trembling legs and against my hand as if trying to drive my digits deeper within her while they detected her pussy walls quivering from what seemed like her floodgates being unlatched, for a gush of juices outpoured not only onto my fingering hand, but also onto the quilt, and adding yet another mark of our vulgar deeds on the Baroness' sleeping space.

I did not stop stirring Min's snatch until it had ceased spurting - which lasted some seconds longer than what I expected - while her vocalisations steeply reduced in volume to a series of closed-mouth whimpers as I steadily slid my fingers from out her orifice, and greatly tempted to lick them clean, although instead opted to simply wipe the sticky sap onto a section of bedsheet beside where the goblin had just came. Once our breathes had been regained following our orgasms and some clarity had been regained where concupiscence had taken hold, we both faced one another and imagined myself probably wearing a nonplussed gawp as the gravity over what we had just perpetrated finally started to register in my rationale, but Min had only cracked a smile as if seeing my expression brought her some mirth, which in turn caused me to then similarly smirk before we both broke out into guffaws.