Metallic Ambition


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She jumped onto the side of a nearby building and leapt off it from the side, the facade exploding mere milliseconds after she left as rockets impacted the building.

But as she went high, the missiles targeting her became less numerous, and all were detonating moments after missing her, both trying to inundate her with fragmentation, but also making sure nothing too heavy hit the reinforced dome of the station. Even if their suits were designed for operation in a vacuum, the UOF didn't want to risk any serious decompression event. Not to mention the civilians who couldn't survive such a scenario.

But the longer she stayed in the air, the easier it was for their autonomous turrets to target and predict her movements. They were designed for intercepting smart missiles and drones, after all.

She dropped low, and hit the ground running. Her Machina were just behind her, ready to smack into the line and break it up just enough for the horde trailing just behind to overrun the ranks of the enemy.

It wasn't without risk, as ABYT felt another of her subjects join the main cluster.

Rage fuelled her, as she prepared to descend upon the defenders. Their attention was split, as Assaulters swooped in from above and released M2 anyway they could, and other ranged Machina attacked from the flanks.

It was then ABYT saw the barrel of a tank cannon, aiming right at her, the heavy coil cannon ready to put an armour piercing dart right through her. She sensed its capacitors moments away from discharging, ready to fire.

Everything seemed to slow down, even more than usual for a Machina's enhanced reflexes. Everything seemed quiet, as the turret was now metres away...

And in a split second, she brought one of her legs down right onto the cannon, beating out the tank's strong stabilisers, and forcing the gun to point into the ground between ABYT's feet, just as it fired.

The discharge of static current, the concussive sonic boom, the heat, it was incredible, but it ultimately did nothing but disrupt the entire line as concrete and steel practically exploded beneath ABYT's throne from the sheer force of a close-range impact of such a high-velocity projectile at point blank.

The fragmentation scattered off the underbelly of ABYT's throne, showering nearby troops in painful shards of road, making them flinch and turn away to shield themselves.

It was a brief moment, but one ABYT capitalised on as she all but cut the cannon in half with a leg and stabbed her scythes into the turret and hull, injecting a heavy dose of M2 into the stricken machine, both disabling it and ensuring it'd turn into a corrupting coffin for the crew if they didn't escape swiftly enough.

Gina stormed over the vehicle, flinching as weapons fire hit her from all directions like hail.

She flared her wings, and released a cloud of M2, discharging electricity to provide a brief miasma to disorientate soldiers and their machines alike, as her tentacles extended and began wrenching weapons out of hands, knocking over heavy weapons, stabbing devices and soldiers with needles to inject M2, tearing up fortifications with her scythe arms.

She crushed an auto turret with her throne's abdomen, and knocked soldiers onto their asses with sweeps of her legs as they attempted to gain distance to fire at her with heavier weapons.

But it was then the other Machina breached the shaken forward line, and started pressuring the second line as ABYT made to disrupt the final defensive position.

The first line was suppressed quickly, the Attackers and Assaulters ignoring them for the most part... so the horde of newly transformed Machina could start the orgy, the screams and laughs and slutty moans still drowned out by gunfire as ABYT and her fellows crushed the last of the resistance, the Queen spraying down a pillbox with her throne's cock.

She spied a soldier running for what looked like a large amount of explosives, and stopped him in his tracks by impaling the ground right before him with one of her scythe arms.

He turned around, only to get a face full of claw as one of ABYT's back tentacles latched onto his head, and ripped off his helmet.

Before he could even recover from that, another of her back tentacles latched onto his head and promptly forced its interior tongue down his throat, forcing him to swallow a heavy dose of green M2 as he tried to pry the claws off his face helplessly.

ABYT simply strolled towards the gate leading into the central hub, still feeling the fire of anger in her, even if she was in a calmer state. But, she understood these soldiers, they were just following orders to hold the line at any cost. To them, they were just orders, even if they had to shoot at civilians, because to not do so might cost them far more. They were ignorant and fearful.

And they were paying for their crimes regardless, as she released the soldier in her grasp, his coughing lost in the din of cries and moans as the fighting died down.

ABYT's combat Machina gathered behind her, ready to push into the central hub with their Queen, though their goals were to overrun and defeat the last of the defence.

ABYT's goal was to decapitate the UOF command, punishing the real perpetrators behind the merciless defence. The ones who gave the orders.

She stabbed her claws into the gate, right into the seam, straining as she injected M2 to weaken it further, the Machina with her that had ranged attacks prepping to open fire and suppress any defensive line on the other side, as the horde of newly transformed Machina dragged their hapless mates away to safer locations.

More would be ready to flood into the central hub anyway.

Then, the doors creaked, and then suddenly slid open, squealing on their tracks as ABYT forced them open with all her strength.

Just as suspected, there was a defensive line behind the gate, including another mech.

She leapt through and into the air, trying to both divert fire and give her Machina all the room they needed to open fire with whatever weapons they needed.

ABYT pounced on the mech, knocking it over and driving her scythe arms into its shoulders, disabling its arms and its shoulder missile pods, before pulling out to stab into the front face of the mech's body, slicing it open along the sides, allowing her back tentacles to pull the armoured front off and expose the pilot, who was desperately trying to regain control and fight back.

But it was too late, as tentacles from ABYT's thrones shot forth and wrapped around his arms and legs.

"No, help me! Help me!" he screamed, before he was wrenched out of his mech, an injector needle piercing his suit and pumping a heavy dose of M2 right into his neck.

She dropped him down to the ground, and proceeded to focus on other forces.

She heard commotion all throughout the central hub, the tightly clustered buildings surrounding the central spire providing both ample choke points for UOF defenders... and many tight quarters where Machina excelled, as the other gates were breached. And without any spoke-like dividing walls within the central hub, ABYT's machina were free to disseminate anywhere they chose.

The Assaulters quickly rushed in, leveraging their impressive mobility to harass rooftop defenders, plucking them into the sky for quick corrupting fucks.

There were a handful of civilians sheltering in the surrounding buildings, but most of those that managed to get inside would be in the central shelters. They could be left for last, once the last of the UOF defence had been crushed.

So ABYT went on a rampage to support her subjects, hitting anything heavily armed and armoured and disrupting any concentrated defences, breaking up positions and tearing open doors to buildings. They only had a few larvae available at this point, but more would be on their way soon enough. As long as the few they had got some humans, that'd be perfect for ABYT's aims.

By now, the UOF defence had all but splintered, so with a wistful sigh, ABYT deactivated Gyno Mode, the dark colouration of her body fading and the fierce mask-like visage receding until her normal face was back.

It wasn't like she needed to keep it on; with so much ECM and so many Machina flooding into the narrow streets between the buildings and the tight confines of the high rises themselves, coordination had broken down, with many isolated UOF units calling for orders or for help, and getting no reply as they were picked off one by one.

However, ABYT managed to pick on one particular transmission, with the help of a Growler sticking to the back lines to avoid danger.

"The VIPs have fucking disappeared and our defences are shattered! We don't have any choice!"

"But, sir--"

"Make your peace, son, and don't question orders! The station is lost! We're not getting reinforcements any time soon, or evac! We can't allow the Machina to gain any foothold, no matter how small! Consider it mercy for the civilians and a noble sacrifice for you and your fellow soldiers! We'll at least all go down human."

"Understood. We'll find whatever we can to break the dome."

A new sense of urgency and anger filled ABYT; every other fail safe had failed, so instead of accepting defeat, they were going to sacrifice every last human on the station?

It wouldn't even kill the Machina already here or transformed, just those still halfway through ascension and those hiding.

It was a desperate, stupid move. But it gave ABYT a location for her wanted decapitation strike; high up in the central spire.

She found an open space, and took flight, halfway leaping, halfway running, up the side of the tower, shattering windows and cracking steel and concrete on her way up, until she came to a level with larger windows than most; it wasn't a control room, it was a lavish penthouse suite with all the trappings a rich corporate slave driver could want; bright, hard-edged minimalist architecture and décor, a fancy kitchen-slash-bar combination, a deep lounge pit with a fake firepit, what looked like an infinity pool abutting the edge of one of the window walls, and open doors leading into a large bedroom and bathroom... and probably more.

Except, the extravagance was diminished by crates and crates of military equipment strewn about, computer consoles, monitoring systems, cameras and rangefinders, screens and plotting boards, gun racks and more, all of it connected via numerous cables running across the ground; everything needed to convert a fancy top-level penthouse into a military command centre.

But there were only three individuals inside... all bearing high-rank insignia, one in particular bearing the rank of general. The other two were colonels, like Markha was. The two colonels were a man and a woman, the man wearing full armour like regular UOF troops, the woman wearing no helmet, revealing her tanned skin, her short-cut hair and her conflicted brown eyes.

The general was older, a bit older than Markha was as a UOF colonel, his hair more white and his face etched with more lines.

ABYT was confident it was him who gave the heinous order to open fire on the dome with heavy weapons.

The trio quickly became aware of ABYT's presence, the general's eyes widening as he drew his service pistol.

The woman dove to grab a grenade launcher, as the other colonel opened fire with a rifle.

ABYT shattered the window and crawled into the penthouse, glad that corporate power meant they could build such a spacious room back even during the early days of Jupiter's colonisation.

"Dammit, it's the Queen!" the general shouted.

"I told you we should've vacated the penthouse!" the female colonel - Meloni Cartright, based on her patch - rebuked.

"Just shoot the fucking thing!" the other colonel said, opening fire with a coil-assisted rifle.

"That's not very nice~" ABYT said darkly and deviously, using one of her scythes to knock the gun out of hands, using the other to throw a spray of M2 at the other two, Meloni in particular, to keep them from using their guns, whilst ABYT did what she intended with the armoured officer - Caleb Sticks from his patch - without interruption.

Tentacles from her throne's underbelly emerged, and wrapped around Caleb's legs, dragging him closer to her as she lifted herself high on her legs, forcing her to press her humanoid half's back to the ceiling as she curled her throne's abdomen around beneath its main body.

There, the maw at the end opened up, and that's when Caleb started kicking and screaming.

"No! Please, no, let me go, goddammit, help me! Fucking shoot me!" he pleaded.

"Absolutely not," ABYT asserted, throwing another lateral spray of M2 from her blades to keep the other two from even attempting to 'mercy kill' their comrade.

Soon, ABYT could let Caleb go with her throne's tentacles, because the thick, slimy tongues of her throne's maw caught him, wrapping him up lewdly, groping his body, sliding between his thighs, rubbing his crotch through his suit, though it would've blunted the stimulation compared to less armoured suits. Either way, he'd soon be out of it as ABYT pulled him nearer to the mouth of her abdomen.

"There are a few others who'd love to have a fourth join them~ And you'll be making me full, so thank you for that too~"

Her only answer was screaming as his feet were caught by the tight orifice between the 'jaws' and tongues of her abdomen, the rippling contractions drawing him deeper until his screams were muffled, her tongues letting go now that the contractions of her abdomen's passage had him, feeding him along as she straightened out her abdomen, soon to join the three others within her in exquisite orgy.

That just left the other two officers, who looked terribly shocked over what they just witnessed.

"You fucking monster!" Meloni growled, aiming her grenade launcher. She fired several grenades from it, detonating around ABYT's body, the high velocity shrapnel just barely sticking into her synthetic skin, her nanomachines working overtime to provide for sufficient armour, after expending quite a bit of energy in Gyno Mode.

The general was firing his pistol at ABYT too, trying to aim for her face, searching for a more effective weapon.

But soon, Meloni was out of ammo, and was about to load another large box mag into the grenade launcher, when ABYT lunged, shooting out every tentacle she had along the underside of her throne in order to overwhelm the UOF officer.

She screamed as tendrils swarmed her, snaking around every limb and every extremity, tugging at her suit in order to tear it apart, her struggles bringing ABYT a perverse sense of delight.

But it was the general who ABYT focused on, slowly approaching as Meloni writhed in the nest of tentacles holding her aloft beneath ABYT's throne.

A quick scan revealed his name on his tag: Arnold Dubois.

"So, General Dubois... that an old family name? You don't have an accent to match," ABYT said drily, eyes narrowed at the general.

"Tch. You can go to hell," he shot back.

ABYT rolled her eyes.

"I've heard that so many times I don't feel like being witty anymore," she muttered. "Least of all towards someone like you."

Without warning, her back tentacles shot forth, grabbing every limb the man had, ABYT striding forward until she could roughly pin him against the wall, the yelps and cries of the captive Meloni filling the room.

"Ack!" Arnold grunted, struggling in ABYT's grasp.

"General! I can't... help me!" Meloni cried out below.

"I can't help you! Looks like we're dying for humanity. Better than becoming some soulless slut monster!"

"Quiet," ABYT rebuked lowly. She pressed a fingertip to the bottom of Arnold's chin, digging in uncomfortably.

"You ordered the dome destroyed. You had the reactor rigged to explode, destroying the station. You ordered your troops to kill innocent humans just seeking refuge. Unforgivable."

"Unforgivable?! Hah! Since when do Machina care about innocence or humans? At least I have the stomach to do what must be done for the good of humanity! If you care about their lives so much, then accept that their deaths are on you. You and all of your damned, wretched robot scum!"

ABYT's fingertip press quickly changed to a firm grip onto Arnold's lower jaw and cheeks, making him grunt and huff in discomfort.

"I knew someone like you. They too 'knew what had to be done'. But unlike you, they accepted responsibility for their actions."

He glared at her, trying to fight her hand.

"At least I'm man enough to die for my species," he growled.

At that, ABYT raised a brow.

"Value your manhood, do you? Your masculinity? Well... I suppose I can show you what it means to be a human man~"

She suddenly brought her hands down to his armoured suit, and with only modest effort, tore it off his body, along with his undersuit, stripping him naked bit by bit. He was mildly hairy, but everything seemed neatly trimmed. Fastidious adherence to grooming standards it seemed.

His cock hung limply, but not for long, as ABYT gently grasped it, and bounced it up and down in her palm, sliding down to fondle his balls, and make a not-so-subtle circular rub to his anus, all as she leaned in close to run her tongue across his nipples, carefully wiggling the tip to the small nubs, making him shiver and grunt as he tried to resist.

It was futile, of course; he was already starting to get hard.

And hearing Meloni's moans couldn't have helped either, her suit straining with slithering bulges as ABYT's tentacles found ways beneath and began coiling and squirming all around her imprisoned body, groping and rubbing her everywhere.

She bucked when one tendril found her pussy, starting to make slow, circular rubbing motions against it. She whined, her breasts coiled as her armoured suit proved resilient enough to resist tearing.

Arnold grunted, trying to shy away from ABYT's touches.

"You... cruel... rapist... bitch..." he cursed.

"Masculinity is an interesting thing to cling to after so many generations of social progress, especially after the nuclear war on Earth so thoroughly skewed gender ratios in favour of women, that it's lingered genetically and has yet to equalise," ABYT ignored, pausing to kiss and draw her lips together against Arnold's nipples. "And about 'masculinity'... did you know that the nipples of males are typically more sensitive than a woman's? Among humans at least. It's because they have the same number of nerve endings... but naturally, men's nipples have much smaller surface areas, so they're more concentrated."

She kissed and slurped on Arnold's nipples, switching between them and pressing her tongue firmly to each bud, whilst her fingers played with his junk, now steely and already leaking.

"I'll send you to the scrapyard for this!" Meloni cried, making ABYT peer downward.

"That's enough out of you," ABYT remarked, silencing the UOF colonel with a phallic-tipped tentacle, pushing into her mouth. As far as ABYT was concerned, Meloni was just as complicit; the Queen heard no objections from her, only the soldiers lower down on the rung... who were being punished anyways.

"Now, where were we... ah, yes, masculinity~ It often manifests in intercourse too, the man expecting to take the dominant role... to be the giver, not the taker... and yet, anatomy and evolution is a curious thing~"

"The hell are you babbling abou—aaah!"

Arnold's yelp of surprise was the two tentacles that held his arms rolling him over until he was facing the wall. From there, ABYT further repositioned the man, pulling his hips away from the wall until his rear was near her face. She used the back tentacles that held his arms to hold his legs, forming kinks to hook his shins and keep them aloft.

This freed up ABYT's hands to start toying with his glutes, groping them, splaying them apart and pushing them together. She sighed softly, enjoying the feeling of dominance over this man. As for her other back tentacles... they moved low, and started licking his nipples with their inner tongues, making him moan helplessly.