MF Max Intel Ch. 01-05


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Nikki then began to ask another question, but Max held up her hand, "If you ask, we will answer. But I am thinking you have had enough for one day?"

Emma conceded, "Yeah, you are probably right. Let's make things a bit more organic and let life unfold at its own pace."

With that, Max asked out loud, "Agatha, how much longer is the upload?"

"15 minutes, Captain."

"Emma and Nikki, we will be returning to the Consulate within the hour. There are lots of military personnel on the place, but your safety would be assured. You can stay with a hand of Agatha on the ship, or you can come inside and meet the rest of the family as well as some of the staff if you are feeling up to it. The choice is yours, of course."

Nikki and Emma shared a look, "Sis, we are both feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. We have never, in our entire lives, been around as many people as there are in this room. Perhaps it is best if we stay here for the time being."

Max nodded, "At your own pace."

Both twins then yawned.

"Oh my! Of course, the two of you need time to recover! Let's get you into the guest room and tucked in." The family exited the Mess while Agatha and Joon attended their patient.


"Yes Emma? Bathroom?"

"Yes, please. And I noticed a shower last time?"

"Yes, would you like Agatha or me to help you with the shower?"

Nikki looked at Agatha, wondering if she would be offended if just Joon helped.

Agatha noted her body language and felt her emotions. "Nikki, none of us would be offended with any decision you make. Just let us know what you need or want."

"I would feel more comfortable with the Doctor Agatha if that is okay?" Emma asked.

Agatha felt the emotional attraction as Emma said her ambassador wife's name and smiled. "Absolutely it is okay!"

*She finds you very sensually attractive, but she is very sheltered and unsure.*

Joon sent Agatha a mental smirch, a smooch, and soft hug, *I will remain open for her, thank you Agatha.*


The rest of the day shift walked to the Bridge,

*How is she doing, Agatha?* Max broadcast to the entire crew around her.

*She is doing just fine my Captain-wife. She is a bit excited to be taking a shower with our Exquisite Lady.*

Paula smiled, *I noticed she liked both Jooniper's and my boobs. She had a hard time not staring at them.*

Astrid snickered, *Yeah, I kind of like your tit's, too!* she broadcast as she put her arm around her wife and palmed a hefty breast in her hand.

*Keep it up girl and this Witch will be casting a spell on you!* Paula broadcast as she plopped on the command couch, dragging Astrid to her lap where they began some heavy petting.

Max sat in the center as Samira pulled in Vika on the other side and followed Paula's example. Agatha at coms just sighed in delight as she basked in the loving emotions.

The Coms station beeped. "Upload is complete, Captain."

"Very well, take us back in."

The Hand at navigation deftly pulled in the communications array and set course for the Embassy.


Joon was setting the water temperature as the twins went to the bathroom. She then quickly undressed in front of the twins, keeping her attention elsewhere while she gave them ample opportunity to examine her body.

Nikki gasped, "You have no pubic hair?"

Joon winked her grass green eyes at the girls. "Actually, I did but I had it permanently removed. It is a very liberating experience. Astrid agrees: she had me permanently remove her hair, leaving only a lightening bold over her pubic bone and Vika has a very cute heart on hers."

"Are there any advantages to that?" Emma asked as she stared at Joon's lips.

Joon placed her left foot on the stool, facing the twins in an open stance. She knew her outer labia separated a bit and gave a nice view of her clit and inner lips as she did so. "Well, it is certainly cooler, it is easier to keep clean, and emotionally it is very liberating. I can also say, that when I give oral sex to my wives, it is much nicer not to have to deal with stray hairs."

Joon put the fingers of both hands on her sex and stretched open her skin as she slid her fingers up to her tummy to give the twins a good look. "You both are old enough to decide if you want me to do that for you. I imagine it would be nice to have that out of the way when you pleasure yourself." Joon didn't need Agatha to tell her both of the twins were fantasizing about her.

Neither of the twins would be good poker players. They were both pretty fixated on her sex and boobs.

Joon helped them finish undressing and they jumped into the well-appointed shower. Joon had Emma and Nikki sit on a stool in the corner and made a show of vigorously washing their hair. Of course, this had Joon's breasts bouncing and wiggling all around right in front of each one's face. After washing all the soap out of their Auburn locks Joon Intentionally reached up and behind the ladies to grab the conditioner.

That motion put her nipples right at Nikki and Emma's lips. Both girls latched on immediately, sending shivers through Joon's body.

"Oh, you are such good girls." Joon moaned as she cupped their heads to her breasts with a low, sultry moan. "Nikki, why don't you explore my sex with your hand while Emma explores your sex? You can trade out back and forth so you can feel the difference between hardwood floors and full carpet?"

The twins licked, kissed, and softly nibbled on Joon's sensitive nipples as one after another of the two girls ran their well lubed fingers over her clit and lower lips. Joon soon found out the twins were very sensual and had hair triggers when it came to climaxing. By the time Joon had cum once the girls had cum 8 times, moaning deliciously against her nipples with each one.

After a few moments to recover, Emma and Nikki both gave out long yawns. Joon quickly finished the shower with them and dried everyone off before tucking the two into bed, giving each a long kiss, "What did you think about hardwood floors?"

"Oh! That was wonderful! Can you do that for us, please?"

Joon's eyes sparkled as she nodded, "We will do it after breakfast tomorrow, but there is a fee."

"We have credits!" Nikki implored.

Joon softly laughed and looked lasciviously into their eyes, "No my darlings, the fee is I get to eat at the Y afterwards."

Both sets of cheeks blushed and Emma smirked, "I think we have an agreement on price."

"Well, I have some diplomatic stuff to attend so I will leave you to a good night's rest. Agatha will be on board the ship all night and if she senses stress from you, she will come to check on you."

Emma's eyes got big.

Joon giggled, "Yes, Emma. Agatha felt everything. There are few secrets, if any, with her. Don't worry, you can trust her."

After Joon turned down the light and left, Emma turned to Nikki and gave her a deep kiss, "We are either in all the way or out all the way."

Nikki smiled, "I'm in."

Emma returned the smile, "Yeah, me, too."

They both slept like the dead.


*We have just landed back at the Embassy Exquisite Lady Jooniper.*

Joon quickly dressed in a mid-thigh, dark gold, silken dress that hugged her figure. She did not wear a bra or panties as the garment was not see through and though it did not have padding it did have contoured nipple pads that prevented others from reading braille on her nips.

However, it definitely followed the delightful contours of her body. The outfit had garnet piping covering the seams as well as a silver filigree chain around her upper hem line that ran down between her breasts to a Terran Federation Foreign Office medallion which was deftly sewn in place into the silk just above her belly button. The medallion also smartly served as a buckle for a garnet belt around her waist.

Joon did several Glamour swipes through her dirty blond hair as she walked down the ramp to the cargo bay to meet her other wives waiting to depart. The sharp intakes of breath, wide eyes, and gaping mouths had her beaming.

Dazzling green eyes met sparkling brown as Joon pulled down Dame Max for a quick smooch. "Shall we?"

Nobody moved.

Joon giggled, rolled her eyes, walked over to the panel, and opened the cargo bay door. The family shook off their bedazzlement and walked past two stupefied Marine guards to the elevator to go down to the meeting Astrid had set up in her office with the Lieutenants.

After they left one of the Marines looked at the other and said just one word that expressed everything...."DAMN!"


Astrid called both the Lieutenants and their NCO's to the Ambassador's office stating the Ambassador would be arriving in 5 minutes. She knew they were wanting to speak with her Lady-wife as soon as possible.

Lieutenant Cynthia Nesbit, Lieutenant Walter Hill, Sergeant Major Zoe Addams and Senior Chief Jason Ferguson stood when Joon entered the room, the four of them already invited in by the First Secretary. Upon entering, Joon was beside herself.

Living pictures of her recent holo-vids adorned her walls.

The desk was a massive affair made of a very hard cherry stained wood with rivulets of grain across the top like a crimson waterfall and black edging that looked like it was old Teak wood from Terra. The short, oval coffee table to the side matched the desk and an ornate china cabinet displayed the very special gifts they had received from the Grand Potentate of the Slarmian Dynasty. The floor was a rich, thick, woven tapestry of the planet clearly showing the major places of importance in its intricate detail. *Agatha! This room is absolutely gorgeous!*

*Thank you, my Lady. I will let the staff and vendors know of your approval.*

After shaking hands with all four service members, Joon softly smiled to herself as she saw the guarded reactions in the room and sat down on a plush, high-backed chair that was a perfect height for her which was set at the head of a coffee table along one side of the opulent office.

Joon smiled and looked directly into Lieutenant Hill's eyes, I understand you wanted to have a meeting with me as soon as possible?" Agatha had already given her a full report on their emotional state.

"Yes, Ambassador. There are things that need to be brought out into the open."

Before we begin, anyone like tea or coffee? After everyone voted coffee, Joon looked to Agatha, "Would you let the kitchen know I would appreciate a small bite to eat as well? I am feeling a bit peckish." *Don't move or say anything other than acknowledge my request and please have someone bring it up.*

"Yes Ambassador. It is on its way."

When the First Secretary didn't move eyebrows went up, but no one said anything.

"Please pardon my interruption. You were about to say?"

"Ah, yes Ambassador. I want you to understand that the TFN contingent here is a group of some of the best intelligence operatives in the Navy. Our delineated mission is to support the extraordinary work you and your group have been providing the Intelligence community. To that end, we have brought with us a full suite of Intelligence gathering gear and are in the process of setting it up in a central location here on the Embassy grounds.

Joon thought about that for a moment. Thankfully the tea and some delightful Danish teacakes were brought in. "Thank you so much Lakita! Just set it on the table and we will serve ourselves. Those teacakes look so good! Did you make them?"

Lakita smiled, showing her large incisors, and she slowly said, "Yes, M'Lady Jooniper. Lakita is hoping you like them."

"Ah, Lakita, your language skills are improving by the hour! Thank you for your service."

Lakita left the cups, insulated coffee dispenser, small plates, and napkins on the coffee table and left the room.

"I am of two minds on your mission, Lieutenant. I take it you are also going to be spying on my wives? I suspect our appearances have rattled the Sar-Major here. Yes? That would be a normal thing considering our elfin ears, a full cyborg, an unknown alien species, and the like."

Their body language gave them away.

*They just got very nervous* Agatha related.

As for your spying on the Slarmians and others here on Staverka, I will not tolerate any diplomatic incidences where the Slarmian political offices or officers are impositioned by your operations. I wish you to clear all your activities with the First Secretary prior to initiation."

"Her word is final, it comes directly from me, and is not to be marginalized or worked around in any way. My wife, Dame Max Anders, has been honored by the Grand Potentate at some political expense to his reign. Indeed, she and her retinue are some of the very few, and the only foreigners, who are allowed to bear arms in the Palace and in the presence of the Grand Potentate."

Joon giggled, "And no, none of your offices are bugged. My statement was just an educated guess that, judging from your body language, was spot on."

Sergeant Major Zoe Addams then cleared her throat, "Ambassador, may I speak freely?"

"It is my desire we all do that when in a meeting together, consider that a fundamental expectation, Sar-Major."

"Thank you, Ambassador."

"Joon when we are alone, please."

"Thank you, Joon. And I mean no disrespect, but I have been in the military so long I prefer just to be called Sergeant Major, please. While the aspects of your bodies are a bit outside the norm, that really does not concern us. Our mission is to support you. We are focused on that mission and the personnel under us are highly trained professionals. That will not be an issue."

Lieutenant Hill interjected, "Yes, and as far as spying on your family, might I say, that is a yes and no answer. We have reports we have to send and our observations of you and your staff are a legitimate part of those reports. However, whatever is not germane to the working of this Embassy is none of our business."

"I believe we have an understanding," Joon smiled as she poured for everyone and placed a teacake on her plate. "Please everyone, dig in."

The cakes were muffin sized and tasted of lemon, vanilla, and apple. *Please tell Lakita these cakes are to die for!*

Lieutenant Cynthia Nesbit then voiced her concern. "Joon, I also mean no disrespect, but I am not convinced of the wisdom of a civilian being in overall charge of Embassy security."

Joon smiled softly, "I assure you, my wife is the most capable person here for that position. She has planned, lead, and successfully completed several military campaigns, one of which was against 1,000 to 1 odds, without a single loss of life on her side. Her intelligence is light years beyond what any human is even remotely capable of, and she never forgets even the most mundane details."

"Agatha, along with Samira Bahjat and the rest of my family, will have the final say in all things concerning the safety of this Embassy and staff."

"Understood, Joon. What if we have conflicting directives?"

"You are to follow the last directives given to you without question. The one giving you those orders will advise the rest of the family of their decision. You will never be held accountable for following the immediate directive of any family member."

Senior Chief Jason Ferguson then asked, "Joon, would it be possible for some of us to spar with the First Secretary or Samira? Having some experience on the mats will go a long way to garnering respect among the troops."

*You up for a little fun, Agatha?*

*Do you want me to truly embarrass them or just put them at ease?*

*Don't hurt them. But give them hell. Shock and Awe.*

Agatha giggled out loud. "Tell you what, Senior Chief. Have three of your best people geared up in sparring outfits and on the mats in the gym in 7 minutes."

Joon couldn't help herself, "Agatha?"

"Yes M'Lady?"

"No permanent injuries."

Agatha smiled, "Yes, M'Lady."

Senior Chief laughed, "Smack talking already! Okay, let's see what you got! Gym in 7."

Joon broadcast, *I need all the family dressed for sparring in your Ghi suits and in the Gym in 7 minutes, please. Agatha, would you bring the pieces of conduit from the Deirdre? Seems our Marine contingent needs some assurances we civilians can fight.*


*No power that they can recognize...we don't want to kill them. But, a little embarrassment won't hurt them.*

In seven minutes, all the military personnel not on guard duty and all of the family, along with all of the staff still present, lined up along the walls of the gym. All of the family were wearing their Solomoriah Ghi.

Upon entering, Senior Chief looked perturbed. He walked up to Agatha, "where did you get your Ghi"

"From Solomoriah. He is my Sensei's Sensei."

Ferguson backed up and bowed, "Please, show me your Kata?"

Agatha bowed deeply in return and went through one rotation of the Kata. After completion, Ferguson turned to his Marines and said, she will kick anyone's ass who dares spar with her." and he went to the edge of the mat and sat his happy ass down.

Sergeant Wolf Steiner, standing at a very fit 6 foot 10 inches, stepprf up and challenged Agatha. "You do realize I am a highly trained Special Forces operative, right? Want me to go easy on you?" Ferguson just shook his head, kept his mouth shut, and waited for the inevitable.

Agatha smiled softly, "Full contact and if you hold back, it will piss me off."

Steiner raised an eyebrow and sneered; thinking to himself: 'this is going to be over quick. Woman has no clue.' After the bow, Max asked them if they are ready. "Begin!"

Steiner was on his ass with Agatha holding a killing blow in less than 5 seconds. The family erupted but the Marines and Navy were speechless. Ferguson just laughed, "I tried to tell you. Just from her Kata I knew she was beyond any of us."

Agatha helped Steiner up. "Again?"

"Oh hell no!"

"Even with two of your buddies?"

Steiner thought for a second, called over two of his buds, and Max began the bout after the bows and readies given.

This time it took Agatha a total of 15 seconds to have all three on their asses with none of them even coming close to making contact with her. Ferguson then asked Agatha, "Who is your Sensei?"

Agatha looked at Max, "Dame Max is my Sensei. She is the adopted daughter of Solomoriah, and the Ambassador is his biological daughter."

"Fuck me!"

Steiner asked, "Who is this Solomoriah, Senior Chief?"

Ferguson laughed his ass off, "Only the most highly decorated, most deadly martial artist in recent history. He has never lost in hand-to-hand...ever."

"No shit?"

Agatha, Joon, Max, and Samira all answered in unison, "No shit."

Max then looked to Samira and said out loud, "Samira, you up for a demonstration?"

Samira grabbed six conduit, four long and two short; tossing two long ones to Max as they took positions.

Agatha was now the referee.

*No powers?* 

Max looks at Samira, *Just Maneuver okay?*

Samira smiled, *Just no Haste.*


Whop, whop, thap, thap, thap. Samira and Max sparred with the conduits. Max was able to hold her own against Samira, but just barely. Sam was in her battle set with four arms and it was near impossible for Max to land a hit.

After fifteen solid minutes of all out nuclear war, Agatha called, "Halt!"

The gym erupted. Now it wasn't just family, but the staff, Navy, and Marines were all on their feet giving their very vocal admiration. Lakita put the exclamation point on the accolades with a great Largathian roar that scared the shit out of everyone there.

"Lakita so proud of her family!" She exclaimed in the now deafening quiet of the Gym. Steiner then looked to Vika, "Perhaps we can spar sometime. I might have a chance!"

Vika's look would have melted steel.

Max then said, "Dude, you just fucked up big time. You really should not go there. I have personally seen Vika go against five fully kitted Drakkar in melee combat at one time, in a single fight, and kill them all without receiving even a scratch. Each one of them almost as big as our Lakita."
