MF Max Intel Ch. 01-05


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The twins nodded and Astrid set them into the dive chair. She had already adapted a second helm so both twins could go into cyber at the same time.

"Remember, passive only. Come back out for lunch in 4 hours time."

When the twins entered the Deidre 's cyber node they both were amazed. Nike and Nemesis appeared in high resolution. Nike was in her Demon form all flames and Hellfire while Nemesis was in her spectral Wraith form. Nike exclaimed, "Wow, someone really knows their programming! This place is amazing! The three-dimensional renderings are flawless!"

The room was comfortably furnished with deep cushioned, wheeled, white leather chairs at desks made of Purpleheart wood in front of multiple holovids of all the video outlets on Staverka. The walls were a light, antique white Ash, showing off the figure of the wood in two-foot-wide vertical tongue and groove slats, and the floor was a solid piece of white marble with deep purple veins that matched the wood desks.

Astrid then appeared and smiled, "Welcome to the Deidre 's cyber node. And thank you for the compliment. Though Agatha and Samira assisted with setting it up."

Nike then noticed a door and asked, "where does that lead?"

Astrid smiled, "That door goes to my cyber workshop where I am currently working on a few things. This is just the foyer. I will show you the rest of it some other time."

"Such a pretty kitten!"


"Oh! Hello Agatha! Thank you for joining us."

"Agatha! You are so cute!"

Each of the girls took a moment to give Agatha some scritches before starting. "Let's get to work, Nikki. We want to have something meaty to present at lunch."

"Initiating Ghost protocol." Emma replied.

Nike nodded, "Initiating translation overlay."


"I found the data stream. Setting up mirror protocols."

"Setting up archive."


Paula and Teffa served everyone lunch which consisted of a Cobb salad with rows of halved Terran grape tomatoes, crumbled Feta cheese, crispy fried smoked bacon sliced into short cross sections, finger sliced rotisserie chicken breasts, half round ribbons of red onion, marinated artichoke hearts, and guacamole on a bed of cut Romaine lettuce leaves. The food was then sprinkled with fresh parsley leaves served with a red wine vinaigrette dressing and Cranberry Juice cocktails.

During lunch the twins gave an account of their exploits in cyber espionage.

"Well, one thing we usually do to help us with our normal fighting in the fantasy games is to scope out all the information on our adversaries. What we did was invent a way to xerographically copy a data stream without having to enter into a secured environment. If it is broadcast, in any form, we can make a digital copy without interrupting the data stream and setting off alarms."

"Basically, we make a copy and then translate it with another program so we can see any video, hear any speech, or read the data in near real time. We are able to do the same with the encryption algorithms as well, so it really opens up any network to us without anyone even knowing we are there."

Astrid smiled, "Tell them what you have."

Nikki winked, "We have all the raw feeds from the BlackDawn trials that are being fed directly to the Slarmian Potentate."

Everyone was stunned. Joon asked, "And there is no way you were seen, or anyone even knew you were intercepting those feeds?"

Emma corrected, "We never intercepted anything. We just watched the data stream as it flowed through the routing process. We used no bandwidth, no energy from any protected network, and had no footprint for anyone to find."

Samira asked, "How did you learn how to do this?"

Emma let out a deep breath, "There is a figure by the name Azure User who roams with impunity through the T-Fed network. We happened to catch her working once and we were able to recreate her methods and develop the fractal algorithms she uses to help us make money gaming."

Max looked at her sisters and Agatha, "Excellent work! Agatha, make sure to include all this with our next upload. The raw data about Slarmian legal proceedings will be invaluable."

Agatha nodded, "Yes Captain-wife. By the way, I am ready for mitosis if the twins would like to watch? I am in the shower now, about to start."

"Can we watch?" The twins asked. "We want to understand the process of how you are going to be able to give us separate bodies."

"Agatha, would you like to sit with them and walk them through that? It is a very emotional experience watching you give birth, and you can best help them through it."

As the family cleaned up from lunch, Agatha and the twins walked hand-in-hand to where Agatha was creating another hand.

Max Intel: Jooniper

Chapter 5 - Asking

That morning, the T-Fed Marines and Naval personnel were all in the gym, ready for the Kata. It was just Agatha there with them and she bowed to the attendees before going through some stretching exercises with everyone which led to doing some calisthenics. Agatha then gave a full rendition as everyone watched. She gave instruction on the first two moves to everyone there, correcting balance along with arm and foot placement as well as what that foundational move would eventually grow into so they had some perspective of its purpose.

After that, she had the group follow her through three renditions of the Kata, noting the two moves she had taught them were much improved over the rest of the Kata. With the meeting concluded there were bows and showers and breakfast. The quiche was well received.

After breakfast was out of the way Lieutenant Hill requested Sergeant Major Addams, Lieutenant Cynthia Nesbit, and Senior Chief Jason Ferguson to her office for a debrief.

Hill began, "We have some things we need to discuss for our first report, and I want everyone on board with what we will or will not discuss with T-Fed Naval Intelligence."

Addams replied, "You mean about the First Secretary being a telepath? I saw no evidence of wetware when she had coffee and cakes ordered at our meeting with the Ambassador. Also, the Ambassador thought nothing of it. Which leads me to suspect she also has that ability. At the very least, she is aware and comfortable with it."

Ferguson added, "Which begs the question as to why she intentionally let us know of her ability. Is this a test of our fidelity to supporting their mission or are we being slowly groomed to exposure to other family secrets?"

"Most likely both," Cynthia responded.

"So, the question becomes, do we report it or let it slide for now and see where this rabbit hole goes?"

Addams replied, "We let it ride. To our knowledge it does not affect their work. It might explain how they are so good at gathering intelligence. But we are here to support that effort, not out them. I am also privy to the fact that Command Sergeant Major Boggs is related to the Ambassador and that Captain Dame Max Anders is an ex black operator with Ghost protocol."

"Ghost? You mean that shit is for real?" Hill asked.

Cynthia nodded, "That explains that demonstration yesterday. Anders had superhuman reflexes against her security chief's cybernetics. No normal human has that level of quickness."


"Definitely. But how is the question. If she is cybernetic it is the best damn work I have ever seen."

Hill asked, "If the First Secretary is able to read our thoughts, how do we proceed?"

Addams responded, "Let me feel her out. They obviously wanted us to know so some discrete questions would be expected. I will report back with my findings. CmSgtMjr Boggs also hinted that the family is suspected of wiping out a major crime ring of tens of thousands of pirates headquartered in a large mobile space station called Freeport that has been operating in and around the M.E.."

"Well, it would seem the Ambassador substantiated that when she said the First Secretary planned hostilities against 1,000 to 1 odds." Ferguson added, "And given there were no friendly casualties, it means there are other abilities the family has that we are not yet privy to."

"When you talk to them, Sar-Major, let them know we feel their staying on the Deirdra while at the Embassy is a security risk that should be avoided."

The Sar-Major sat at his desk and sent out a query to the First Secretary. It was just moments before her smiling face answered. "Yes, Sergeant Major. What can I do for you?"

"Madam Secretary, I would appreciate a meeting with you, the Ambassador, and Captain Anders as soon as it can be arranged?"

There was a brief pause. "Actually, this request was expected. Please come to the Ambassador's Office for a meeting at 1400 hours."

"I will be there, Madam Secretary, thank you."

With the meeting set, Addams put the finishing touches on his initial report to TFNI which he intended to give to the Ambassador for her perusal and approval.


Wubox was the receptionist on duty when Ambassador Crinx walked into the Embassy. Wubox was very professional, if a bit flustered with what was obviously an unannounced official visit. She bowed deeply and asked, "It is a pleasure to see you Ambassador, may I inquire as to the purpose of your unexpected visit?"

Ambassador Crinx was very apologetic, "Yes, I am sure it seems somewhat inappropriate, and I do apologize, but it is very necessary that I speak with The Exquisite Lady. Is she available?"

Wubox nodded and respectfully rejoined, "Ambassador, I will see if she can meet with you immediately. She has an appointment with staff at 2 so let me get things moving for you."

Wubox immediately found the Office manager, Nanzi, and apprised her of the unexpected visitor. Nanzi immediately contacted the Major-domo who in turn spoke to Joon. "Ssomething iss up, Jooniper. Ambasssador Crinx is in the foyer assking to meet with you. Sshe ssayss it iss important."

Joon raised an eyebrow and nodded she would receive the Slarmian Ambassador. "Teffa, I would like you in attendance as well."

*Paula, I need you in my office as quickly as you can come. Ambassador Crinx is here unannounced.*

*On my way! Two minutes!*

Teffa went to bring Ambassador Crinx to Joon's office and when she returned Joon had done some glamour swipes and Paula was standing next to her desk. "Ambasssador Ssmith, Ambasssador Crinx as requessted. I took the liberty to have ssome Moon Tea brought up from the kitchen."

"Oh thank you Teffa! Please stay for our meeting, I think your insights might prove useful. Ambassador Crinx! This is an unexpected pleasure! May I introduce my wife, Paula. She is my diplomacy expert."

Crinx was very unnerved and Joon sensed he really didn't want to be at the Embassy. "Let's have a seat and get to the heart of why you are here. Please, just be frank as you are among friends here."

They all sat around the coffee table and Crinx began, "Exquissite Lady, I am sso ssorry to have dissturbed your day with an unannounced vissit, but I have been compelled to come sspeak with you perssonally. Thank you from the bottom of my heartss for receiving me on this insstant notice."

After a deep breath she continued:

"The Dynasstic Court wanted to isssue you a ssummonss to offer tesstimony concerning the asssault upon your Embasssy. However, it was decided, given the delicate nature of the politicss involved, that I would come and politely assk if you would conssider sstopping by the Court tomorrow at 10:00 to give your tesstimony?"

Paula informed Joon, "Ambassador, you have diplomatic immunity and cannot be compelled to attend. However, the 'optics' of having the Embassy respond positively to such a request cannot be overstated from a diplomatic point of view. The opposing viewpoint is this might send an improper message about the perceived balance and scope of power between the Embassy and the Courts."

Teffa then spoke, "My Lady, it is understood that, if you wished to answer such a request, you could simply direct me as your Major-domo to testify on behalf of the Embassy. After all, it was I who transmitted the formal report on the assault, in a timely and correct manner, in accordance with Concordat procedure. And I was actually inside the Embassy when the attack occurred."

Joon thought for a moment and smiled, "I can see why you were sent, and I now understand why you are so uncomfortable. While I do not want to appear weak or give away any rights or authority my office holds, I also want to be receptive to the needs and requests of our gracious Slarmian hosts. I hold the Grand Potentate, your Government, your Courts, and your people in the highest regard."

"However, I was not present during the attack on our soil so any information I gave would be second hand and incomplete. As such, it would be open to question by the defense. Would the powers that be accept my Major-domo in my stead since she can fully cooperate with the Courts and give firsthand knowledge of the events that took place?"

"I believe this would strike a fine balance where the Consulate retains its authority while showing its willingness to meet the intended outcome of the Court. My only request would be that my head of security be allowed to be with Teffa as, given the nature of the proceedings, I would have concerns for her safety. Would that be acceptable?"

Crinx let out the breath she was holding. "You are ass wisse as you are beautiful, Exquissite Lady. The day you vissited uss was a bright day indeed. Major-domo Teffa coming to tesstify on your behalf sstrikess the perfect balance for all involved. Thank you ever sso much for your wisse decission."

At that very moment there was a polite knock on the door and Lakita entered when Joon responded bringing a tea service with Wunai Moon Tea. Ambassador Crinx was astonished at the grace with which Lakita served the tea, being such a large and powerful species.

"Would the Ambassador prefer some type of sweetener with her tea?" Lakita politely asked Crinx in near perfect Slarmit.

"A small amount of Terran sugar would be nice, thank you." Crinx responded in her native tongue.

"Thank you so much for your kind service, Lakita." Joon smiled.

"It is Lakita's great pleasure, My Lady Jooniper." Lakita responded as she made her way to the door.

Everyone took a deep breath and relaxed as they sipped their tea. "This tea is truly a rare and most delightful beverage My Exquisite Lady!"

"Please, just Joon, our official business is over. Teffa, please be sure Ambassador Crinx has a large pouch of tea when she leaves us today?"

"Jusst Crinx....ass you ssay, bussinesss iss over."


At 13:45 Sergeant Major Addams knocked on the Ambassador's office door and without much wait Max opened the door to invite him in. "Sar-Major, we are all here as requested" she intoned as she guided Addams to the comfortable chairs around the couch table where she, Joon, and Agatha were seated.

"So, what's on your mind? And please, speak plainly and freely."

"Well, the military here has some questions they would like answered. But before I get into that, I would like to give you a full and unredacted copy of our initial report. Basically, it just documents the hierarchy we have discussed and that we are set up for operations. You will note nothing about the family is included, as agreed."

Joon took the memory fob, "Thank you for the courtesy, Sar-Major."

"Before I begin, I just want to be sure, it is okay to voice concerns and questions we have, yes?"

Joon nodded, "Whatever is said in this Embassy stays in this Embassy. You are all professionals, and you are entrusted with the safety of this Embassy and my family. Also, all of you hold security clearances so you can be trusted to keep things confidential. So, ask away. If we cannot answer fully, we will let you know."

Addams took a deep breath and began. "First, it has been mentioned that you are all easy targets when sleeping out in the open in the Deirdra. For security reasons, we would like all of you to consider sleeping in the Embassy at night."

Max nodded, "We will take that under advisement, Sar-Major. You have a valid point. Our intelligence equipment is on that ship, and we do our best work at night, so there will always be a small contingent on the Deirdra. But we can work to limit the risk."

Addams nodded approval, "Thank you. The second item is a bit more personal. Joon, you intentionally showed us that Agatha is either a cyborg or telepathic. We were wanting to know which and if telepathic, what are her limitations and under what rules does she read minds?"

Agatha smiled, "I am not augmented with electronics, which I would guess you surmised by noting there was no evidence of a medical procedure."

*What should I tell her?*

Joon looked at Addams, "How much can we trust you?"

"Well, your Uncle has already let me know of your relationship to him as well as the fact Max was spec-ops Ghost protocol. So, he obviously trusts me implicitly. To answer your question, my first allegiance is to the Terran Federation and its people and my second is to this Embassy and staff. If what you are going to tell me does not endanger or compromise T-Fed, which I seriously doubt given your history, then you can trust me completely."

After the shock of what Uncle Goat had revealed, Joon asked Agatha,

*Is he being honest?*

*I detect only earnestness, he is not hiding anything that I can tell.*

Max then said, "Sar-Major, if you know about my black bag ops then you have above top-secret clearance. What is about to be told to you in this room cannot be spoken of outside this room. It is for your eyes and ears only. You can assuage the fears of your comrades, but you cannot go into details. Is that understood?"

"Understood, Captain."

Agatha then began, "To answer your question fully, I am in constant telepathic contact with the immediate family. However I cannot read the minds of other individuals when they are awake. I can 'taste' emotions of anyone in my proximity and I scan individual emotions for security or operational reasons. I say I cannot read minds of awake individuals because I can walk one's dreams when they are asleep. Again, I do so for security or operational reasons only, except with family. I can also push emotions."

"Do you control the family?"

"I do not. I have no desire to control them. They are my family and I love them dearly. I do things to protect them from harm, though."

"What things?"

"I have made them more resilient and given them what you would call magical abilities."

"That explains the reaction times Max displayed during the demonstration."

Max smiled, "That was just scratching the surface." Max then pulled up her Haste ability and, in a blur, moved to the side of Addams before the Sar-Major could blink and released her Haste after she had placed her hand on Addams' shoulder.

To her credit, the Sergeant-Major only mildly jumped and then exclaimed, "Holy Shit!" Taking a moment to resettle while Max returned to her seat in real time, she asked, "Can all of you do that?"

Joon answered, "Each of us have unique abilities and we have trained them, so we mesh as a unit."

Sergeant-Major Zoe Addams just shook her head, you really didn't need us to guard you or your family, did you." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Not really, but the optics are necessary." Joon stated.

"How much does Boggs know?"

"He is in the dark. My Uncle has his own agenda and while some of us do work for Naval Intelligence, the nature of that game means secrets abound."

"How many pirates did the family take out on Golamar?"

Joon smiled, "Good conjecture. I like your perception. Your answer is around 25,000 and we rescued about 1,000 individuals of varying species. All without losing a single person or captive."

Addams chuckled, "Remind me not to piss your family off."