MF Max Intel Ch. 01-05


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Steiner's jaw dropped. He looked at Lakita and then at Vika as she began to approach while he slowly backed away with his hands in the air, "My deepest apologies Vika."

Vika was still a bit peeved and challenged him, "So, you think you can handle me?" as she took a few steps towards Steiner.

Lakita then pleaded in Largata, "Moya Vika, please do not hurt my Steiner! Lakita like him."

Vika stopped and looked at Lakita, speaking also in Largata, "He disrespected me."

"No Moya Vika, he meant no disrespect. He asks forgiveness."

Vika looked at Steiner, "You get one pass out of courtesy because Lakita asked."

Steiner was white as a ghost, "Th-thank you Vika. I will never make that mistake again."

Lieutenant Nesbit then approached Agatha and bowed deeply to her, "My deepest apologies for ever doubting you or your family. We will have no problems what-so-ever in following your lead on security, First Secretary.

"Thank you, Sir. I will always value your input so don't be shy."

*Sensei Agatha, care to lead Kata for the Embassy at 0600?* Joon asked.

*I would be honored, my loving wife.*

Max then announced, "Morning Kata is at 0600 hours for any who are interested. Showers and breakfast after."

Lakita then announced, "Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes"

The staff, along with help from Una and Vika (furniture) had converted one of the guest two bedroom and commons room, into a kitchen and dining area for the Navy and Marine detachments. This first night, all the staff and family were present.

Lakita had a bovine creature from Larga slaughtered and brought in the large boneless roasts (50 pounds each) seasoned with salt, pepper, basil pesto, and garlic which she had been slow roasting all day. To that the kitchen staff added twice baked potatoes with bacon, sour cream, green onions, and smoked Gouda cheese which was served along with a hearty soup of local greens, lichens, and mushrooms.

A hearty, non-alcoholic wine of Staverka was served with the meal.

Just before the meal, Lakita spoke to the men and women gathered in the mess hall: "Dearest members of the Terran Embassy at Staverka. The Staff and I have tried our best to create a first meal that our eclectic family can all enjoy. There is more than enough for everyone to have their fill so don't be shy."

The reason Lakita had insisted on the beef from Larga was twofold. First: being a predator species herself, she knew the Terran warriors would be meat eaters. Second, because the bovine on Larga grow so big and so quickly, the meat of the beast is cut with a fork tender. Additionally, the food they eat is heavily supplemented with the Bract Parsley which had quickly grown wild all over Larga. That flavor profile, with the added Terran spices, blended well.

Much to Lakita's delight, the meal was a smashing success. Everyone was moaning over the food and raving about the flavors which soon changed to complaining of having eaten too much: all of which was music to her and the kitchen staff's ears.

Una took a serving cart up to the Deidre. to make sure everyone there had plenty to eat and a plate was set aside for the twins when they woke up. The rest of the leftovers were sent home with the very appreciative local Embassy staff to feed their families.

The kitchen was set up with an industrial sized, three basin, 30 gallon per basin sink. The first basin was three quarters full of soapy dishwater and disinfectant, the middle sink a primary rinse water, and the third sink a secondary rinse water. At the end of the sinks was a tall metal framed set of shelving set up so plates and utensils could air dry.

When each soldier finished his/her meal, they immediately stood with their dirty dishes and proceeded to the kitchen which had been expanded to include one of the bedrooms and washed their plates, glasses and dishes and set them to dry. Max broadcast: *This is their SOP and we need to do the same.*


Members of the family acknowledged her advice with two exceptions. Max took Joon's and Astrid took Vika's because of their height limitations.

Agatha gently joined both Emma and Nikki and pulled them into a small group dream party. "Hey beautifuls!"

"Whoa!" Nikki exclaimed. Vivid dream! Emma responded, "Wait, that didn't feel like it came from me."

Agatha explained, "Well, actually, I have the ability to create what the family calls dream parties. Dinner is ready and I thought this would be the best way to let you two know and decide if you wanted to wake up and eat?"

Nikki raised an eyebrow, "Are these dream parties unrestricted?"

"There are very few restrictions. For example, no violence is acceptable, though sensuous spankings are not an issue." Agatha teased.

Emma then asked, "Does the family have sex together in these dream parties?"

"Oh, absolutely. But we sit around and talk about things as well."

Emma then queried, "What kind of range do you have with dream parties?"

Agatha smiled, "I don't know, really. I have hosted a dream party with an elder on Bract Depot 03, and a Dauzakai Ambassador on Dau as well as family here on Staverka before, though it required a 'hand' at each place."

Emma then realized, "Agatha, you were able to listen in on our shower, weren't you."

"Actually, while the family does share telepathic conversations, I cannot read your minds except when you are dreaming. I did, however, feel your emotions. I literally taste emotions and the ones telegraphed while making love are some of the sweetest and strongest flavors I have experienced. So, to answer your question, yes and no. I could listen to My senior wife's thoughts and emotions, but only emotions from you."

"What is different that allows the wives to communicate telepathically?

Agatha smiled, "Each of the wives has a physical part of me entwined in their physical bodies."

"How is that possible?"

Agatha then related the heroic deeds of Dame Captain Max during the terrorist attack on Slarmians at a diplomatic event on Staverka. She mentioned the heavy price Max paid to save everyone and how Agatha sacrificed one of her hands to rejuvenate Max's lost leg and arm.

She went on to explain how the wives wanted Max to have a male sex organ so they could enjoy it. "Max's cum tastes like Creme Brulee and it contains some of my essence in it. So, when the wives swallow her cum part of me is imbued into them. With that I can make them stronger, faster, more resilient, and give them greater stamina...and fantasy class powers."

Both the twin's mouths dropped, "C-can y-you..." Emma dared to even complete the question, "make separate bodies for us?" Nikki asked with pleading eyes.

"Yes, I can. If that is really what you want. But that is a discussion we need to have as a family. Perhaps tomorrow we can discuss that and if everyone agrees we can do it tomorrow evening."

The twins were in tears, "What can we do or say to help the family agree?"

Agatha smiled, "Just be yourselves. Being authentic with everyone is the foundation and strength of our family."

"I think I need to eat," Nikki said.

Agatha helped bring the sisters out of their sleep and served them dinner in bed.

After dinner, the Family all said their good nights to the staff and retired to the Deidre and their community bed. Max sat on the edge of the bed with her knees slightly open. *Agatha, I would like you to sit on my lap facing me, please.*

Agatha did as she asked, giving out a purr-meow as she did so. *I would like everyone to place a hand upon Agatha and open your hearts and minds to her so she can feel how much we all love her.*

With awes and wet eyes, every wife broadcast to Agatha their warmth, appreciation, and love. When Agatha felt the waves of emotion she broadcast the immense emotional wave back to her wives in a boundless loop. It was then that Max entered Agatha's folds with her engorged penis.

Max made love to Agatha with slow, sensuous, motions as she held her close. The emotional waves of love and lust building upon each other in that continuous loop until it was almost too much for everyone to bear.


Nomissa was having evening tea with Agatha when her First Secretary became very still and very quiet, with tears streaming down her face.

"Are you okay, Agatha?"

Taking a shuddering breath through her tears Agatha was barely able to speak, "My wives are making love to me. All at the same time."

Nomissa sat quietly, thinking it must be a wondrous experience.


Agatha was with the twins as they finished eating and lay back down to sleep and she also began to weep.

"What is wrong Agatha?"

She told the twins what was happening, and Nikki asked, "Can you share that with us for just a moment?"

"Lay down and relax, I will help you sleep and then I can share it with you."

In no time the twins were resting comfortably, and Agatha created a small dream party with them. When she let the twins feel her emotions and the love that was being shared between the wives both twins were overcome with it. After a few moments Agatha withdrew and all three were weeping.

Agatha then explained, "I will leave you to share each other's dreams tonight. I am sure the family will love having you join their party after tomorrow."

When Agatha left, Emma and Nikki looked at each other in their dream. "Oh my gosh Emma! That was so intense!" as she leaned in to kiss her sister.

Emma moaned into her sister's kiss as she reached down to their sex, softly teasing and petting their shared sex the way they had been doing since they went through puberty. Having sex with each other was the only way, being conjoined as they were, and they held no hangups or negative feelings about pleasuring themselves.

"Emma," Nikki breathed.

"Yes Nikki?"

"If we can ever have separate bodies, I want us to go down on each other in a 69 in real life."

"Absolutely sis. And I want the family to watch."

That thought went through their minds as they went into a 69 in their dream and had some of the best sex they had ever experienced.


Agatha on Freeport, helped Soumii contact the Terran Federation Naval headquarters.

"I am nervouss, what sshall I tell them?"

"The truth."

Almost immediately the sigil for the TFN dissolved into the face of a Naval Communications Sergeant, "Hello, you have reached the switchboard of the Terran Navy High Command. How may I help you?"

"Hello, my name is Ssoumii and I am the Oversseer of Golamar. A Terran Conglomerate has cleanssed the piratess from Golamar and hass, in the process, acquired a Terran Federation Sscimitar-Class Cruisser Boethius once commanded by the Pirate Commodore Kent Ssandwell. We wissh to arrange a transsfer back to the Terran Navy."

The Sergeant's eyes widened, "One moment please while I connect you!"

After a moment's pause:

"Hello! I am Admiral Charles Harris of High Command in charge of Olympus Shipyard. I understand you have a T-Fed Cruiser you have acquired?"

"Yess Admiral. I am Ssoumii, the Mayor of Golamar. The Conglomerate I repressent wisshess to return your property to you."

"Wonderful! I assume the standard 10% finder's fee will suffice for your troubles?"

Agatha, off screen shook her head no. That it was free as a gift of good will. "Well, Admiral Harriss, we undersstand the Terran Federation is under a great deal of stresss lately and we would prefer to give the Cruisser back to you free of charge if you will but pick it up and, perhapss offer Golamar preferred trade statuss with the Terran Federation?"

"Can you give me a moment to confer with the Fleet Admiral on that? It will just take a moment."

Soumii nodded her head, and the screen went back to the T-Fed sigil.



"Yes, Lynette, there is a Conglomerate that has freed Freeport, Golamar, from pirates and have captured Sandwell's Scimitar-Class Cruiser. They are willing to give it back free of charge if we go get it and offer them preferred trade status."

"Oh, that is wonderful! Please tell them we accept. Send a crew to wherever they are to pick it up. Love you. See you when we get back."

Lynette blew him a kiss as she ended the interstellar call.


"Mayor Soumii! We agree to Golamar's Favored Trade Status with the Terran Federation. Where might we pick up the Cruiser?"

"We will be in the Xi Pisscium ssysstem in approximately 6 days for a refit. You can pick it up there at your leissure."

"Well, thank you for the ship and the Terran Federation looks forward to a long and rewarding relationship with you, Mayor Soumii."


"Nomissa? I wish to have some Dauzakai Caretakers set up a few layers of cyber security around the Daurazu and Dauchazi cyber nodes to protect them from individuals who may wish to sabotage our efforts to integrate their species into Dau cyberspace." Agatha mentioned as the two were enjoying their morning tea.

Nomissa smiled broadly, "I have had several very gifted individuals doing just that, Agatha. I anticipated you would wish to protect them, and they are new to this technology and are very vulnerable without such protections."

Agatha smiled, "Favorite Major-domo. Please keep everyone and my hands who are assisting the Razu and Chazi appraised with protocols and pass codes so their integration remains seamless."

"To that end, Agatha, would you be so kind as to introduce the assigned Caretakers to both the Chazi Queen and the Razu Elder? They can more easily protect them if the two dignitaries are working with them in cyber."

Agatha nodded, "We can set that up immediately. I will inform both we need to have a sleep cycle so I can introduce everyone in a dream party. I would like you and Ambassador Zess to be there as well if her and your schedules permit."


Agatha and Misu were enjoying their beverages around the Merchant's after-hours watering hole when Misu handed Agatha a napkin for her cup.

"Misu preffa mien brages bean wamed prisley ah feder's 80.154 Celsus. Mien tissa tectin Agata hans?" Misu spoke in trade speech.

Agatha thanked Misu for her thoughtfulness and kept the tissue when their evening meeting was finished. Upon returning to the metal shop, Agatha heated the tissue up to exactly 80.154 degrees Celsius and a message appeared in the paper.

"A Federation agent for the group 24K has bribed one of the workers that will be working on Golamar to plant multiple listening, position sensing, and transmission devices during the retrofit. The Organization is also planning on having multiple agents working as merchants who will attempt to subvert the workers of Golamar into uprising and taking over the platform soon after it is operational."

Agatha immediately destroyed the missive by fire and then Hydrofluoric Acid, leaving no trace. Agatha decided it was time to go dream walking through Depot 03's merchants to find the 24k operatives on the depot. When she had gathered the information she needed, she would report any infractions of the Bract trading practices to Bob.


Morning came early at the Embassy. Much to Agatha's delight, all of the staff and military personnel not on duty were in the gym, along with the family, at 0600 for morning Kata. Each family member had several others right behind them mimicking the movements of the Kata. After the requisite three renditions, everyone hit the showers and dressed for breakfast.

Breakfast was a spinach, bacon, and cheese quiche, fresh milk, and juiced vegetables. Astrid took enough to the Deidre for everyone there and afterwards Astrid grabbed the twins and sated she wanted to begin their instruction into cyber espionage.

"Actually," Joon interrupted, the Twins are due for a medical procedure. You can have them in about an hour."

Agatha then interjected, "Speaking of procedures, the twins have asked me to separate them into two distinct bodies. It will require I make another hand to do so. But I don't need to use that particular hand to do it so it can rest and be ready to join the rotation in the morning. What does the family say?"

The twins held their breath as they waited for the verdict, making imploring eye contact with each family member. When no one spoke, the twins began to tear up and Agatha quickly calmed them down. "You two can relax. It is unanimous for yes. Everyone is just very emotional for you is why they are silent. It is difficult for them to talk."

The twins looked around again and there was not a dry eye in the room. Both Emma and Nikki were crying as well. "This means so much to us! Thank you all for your support."

Big, snuffling hugs were all around and the family circled the twins and inundated them.

With that, Joon grabbed the twins and walked with them to the infirmary, Paula began getting some high caloric foods together for Agatha, and the rest of the family practiced with their abilities, working as a team to support one another in combat.


Joon had a sensual smirk on her lips, "Girls, would you prefer your doctor be dressed or undressed for your procedure?"

In unison they both gasped, "Undressed! Please!"

"Undressed it is, then. One thing, though. As sensual as you are, the procedure can elicit a very wet climax and some gushing is not uncommon. So, if that happens, just go with the flow. Trust me when I say I will enjoy your climax as well."

Both twins had the good grace to furiously blush.

Joon continued, "Would either of you like a special design?"

Nikki smiled, "We discussed this last night and we both want to be clean shaven."

Joon nodded, "Bare floors it is. Please undress completely and lay on the table with your feet in the stirrups and your knees as wide apart as is comfortable."

Joon undressed herself, letting the twins see all they wanted, and sat on her stool between the twin's thighs as she went to work. It took about 50 minutes for the dilapidation process. Ten of those minutes were time outs so the girls could have very wet climaxes.

Joon was almost beside herself with the sensual nature of the twins. She made sure to 'inadvertently' slide her gloved fingers over their spasming clit as she continued the procedure. Several times she had to grab a clean cloth towel to place over their sex so they didn't hose down the medical bay.

"There! All done! Would you like to see?" Joon asked as she handed them a mirror.

The twins saw their engorged lips and still spasming clit as Joon sat back down to enjoy her payment. The twins watched as she lightly kissed their outer lips and ran her tongue over the edges of her inner ones.

Then Joon just could not hold back. The twins gasped their pleasure as Joon began to slide her tongue into them and lick a soft trail up her clit that was hard as a nail. The girls shuddered, whined, pleaded, and ground their way through multiple orgasms as they tried to watch in the mirror. All the while, Joon was pressing her wet sex against the slick steel of the stool she was using as she also came hard after the twin's fifth orgasm from her cunnilingus.

After the twins were able to walk again, the three of them took a quick shower and Joon cleaned up the medical bay and the girls went to find Astrid.


"Nikki and Emma, I have seen your work on the holonet and I must say, you are both very accomplished at killing. However, our work here is more sublime with a great deal of subterfuge. We want to gather information but not at the expense of ruffling any feathers. To that end, we focus on public broadcasts, but we have done some dives into protected networks when it was necessary. Do you have any experience with that?"

The twins smiled, "Being unobtrusive and doing surprise attacks are our specialty." Then Nikki asked, "Is there something specific you want us to look for?"

Astrid smiled, "Actually, yes. There is an ongoing trial of BlackDawn, a group who tried to storm the Embassy and kill us all for our interference of their plot to kill some political leaders of Staverka. Anything you can glean on that topic would be useful. But it must be passive only and you absolutely cannot trip any alarms."
