MF Max Intel Ch. 01-05


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Una turned and handed Sgt.Maj. Addams a master key fob, the grim-faced woman took it without comment, Una nodded her approval. Everyone present knew the Embassy had been assaulted and successfully defended by only a handful of staff, Una herself among them.

She continued the tour around to the west hall.

"The first secretary had her office here, but she will be utilizing the Ambassador's office up on three. Una opened the office door, "It's yours now, let me know if you need anything."


*So, you can still sense us, sweetheart?* Dame Captain Max Anders sat next to her incredible and beloved first wife Jooniper in the TFN shuttle on approach to the TFN Battle Cruiser Skuld still in orbit over Staverka, the capital planet of the Grand Slarmian Dynasty.

Joon insisted on meeting the shuttle pilots, learning their names and shaking their hands. Max only briefly considered including a bodyguard or two, but quickly dismissed the idea... If they couldn't feel safe on a T-Fed Navy warship, they wouldn't feel safe anywhere.

*Yes, Honey... Our connection is extremely strong, in fact, I am sensing things through you.*

Max blinked, sharing a surprised expression with Joon. *Is that because you sacrificed a Hand to restore Max?* Joon inquired.

*I am not certain, but that is quite plausible.* Agatha replied.

They enjoyed the flight up noting the spectacular view of Staverka. The shuttle view ports left much to be desired from Joon's point of view, but Max saw the utilitarian design of a Navy workhorse as acceptable.

They maneuvered smartly into the waiting open maw of a small craft bay within the impressive Terran warship. Again, Joon and Max shared an astonished look as an honor guard reception had been assembled for them in the hanger. Navy and Marine personnel came to attention as the Terran Federation National Anthem played through the hanger's audio system. Max smirked: With Joon's 'Double necked' guitar case carry strap over one shoulder, Max held out her arm for Joon.

With a dozen or so applications of Image still on her, the incredibly beautiful Terran Federation Ambassador threaded her arm into her towering escort's and the pair gracefully approached the cleverly directed focus.

Max had, on a few occasions, been a part of a reception like this, but obviously never on the receiving end. Joon noticed the enamored smile of Captain Menzil, beside him were a couple of women in uniform. Max and Joon walked arm in arm between the double row of TFMC in greys at attention, until they stood before the ship's Captain.

The music faded and Joon received a salute and an offered hand. "Welcome aboard the Skuld, your Excellency." Captain Menzil began, "This is my Executive Officer, Commander Georgia Lucas and Major Elizabeth Tao who is in charge of Skuld's Marine compliment.

Lucas was a bit shorter than Menzil's five-foot nine-inch height, she was a honey blonde verses his salt and pepper. Tao was taller than either of the Navy officers at six foot one, with glossy black hair and broad shoulders.

Joon shook the offered hands of the two officers. She then reciprocated in kind, "This is Dame Captain Max Anders, my wife."

Captain Menzil offered his hand immediately, his subordinates soon followed his enthusiastic example. "It is marvelous to meet you both in person, I hope you brought an appetite because I believe Skuld's galley is going to impress." Menzil proclaimed with a smile. "I see you brought your guitar. I am sure the mess would love to hear you play!"

Thirty minutes later Max had to admit, the Skuld did not disappoint. The captain's table was adjacent to a huge view port so that Staverka was offered as a mealtime display. Joon and Max shared the table with Commander Lucas, Major Tao and Menzil himself.

Unusual among Navy ships, this captain's table was round, with perhaps seating for ten if they got along well. The captain, his present crew, and guests were served by two Petty Officers, one first class and one third.

Set with a fine white linen tablecloth and full array of classical porcelain dinnerware each patterned with TFN and Skuld's iconography. Captain Menzil was a gracious host, as the dinner courses came and went.

Smoked salmon Canapés, Alsatian Cheese Tart, Salade niçoise, Beef Bourguignon, finished with a Vanilla Crème brûlée.

*Ha!* Joon thought as the dessert was served.

*Don't be rude, love.* Max gently scolded.

*It's pretty good... But I get better.* Joon winked at Max.

The conversations were pleasant, but also very bland and safe. Apparently Menzil did not wish to place or fall into any political traps, that was fine with Joon, she had no desire to do so either.

Through Max Agatha was able to sense some interesting emotions from the table.

Commander Lucas felt a great affection for her captain, but it was quite platonic. Similarly Major Tao regarded the captain with immense respect.

Agatha did note that the two women were very attracted to each other and the two were enormously pleased with the Ambassador and her wife's presence.

In the Terran Federation It was not permitted to have personal relationships within the chain of command, but Agatha was quite sure those two were in one. Far be it from Joon and Max to out them in any circumstance.

Over coffee Menzil practically begged Joon, "Please, your Excellency, could I trouble you for a song? We can set up a quick holo feed and transmit it through the ship for the crew if you don't mind?"

Joon nodded and a smile lit up her face. "For you, good Captain, yes." She watched the crew quickly set up a holo-recorder in front of a comfortable straight-backed chair. Max held the open armored guitar case across her knee as she had done many times before. Joon lifted her precious double-necked guitar from the case and held it across her lap as she checked it's tuning.

*I know we've discussed it, and I think this is the perfect time to start...* Joon thought to Max and Agatha.

*I can hardly wait, my love, Agatha has given you an angelic voice.* Max encouraged.

*You will be magnificent, Mistress.*

For a few moments reality seemed changed with tiny motes of green energy flowing through her, Joon felt a power just at the edge of her senses available to her at a thought.


She had touched it earlier, but now she felt it was time to use it, so she did.

"I shall sing a rendition of "The Liberty Song" which is a pre-American Revolutionary War song with lyrics by John Dickinson. The song is set to the tunes of "Heart of Oak", the anthem of the ancient Royal Navy of the United Kingdom."

Joon lifted her head and began her voice set in an operatic styled siren call with a hearty Irish accent:

"Come, join hand in hand, brave Mariners all,

And rouse your bold hearts at fair Liberty's call;

No tyrannous acts shall suppress your just claim,

Or stain with dishonor grand Terra's name."


"In Freedom we're born and in Freedom we'll live.

Our purses are ready. Steady, friends, steady;

Not as slaves, but as Free people our money we'll give.

Our worthy forebearers, let's give them a cheer,

To the stars unknown did courageously steer;

Threw' oceans to systems for Freedom they came,

And dying, bequeath'd us their freedom and fame"


"How sweet are the labours that the free endur,

that all shall enjoy the sweet profit secure.

No more sweet labors Mariners know,

If colonies shall reap what the Terrans sow."


"Their generous bosoms all dangers despis'd,

So highly, so wisely, their Birthrights they priz'd;

We'll keep what they gave, we will piously keep,

Nor frustrate their toils on the land and the deep."


"The tree their own hands had to Liberty rear'd;

They lived to behold growing strong and revered;

With transport they cried, "Now our wishes we gain,

For our children shall gather the fruits of our pain."


"Swarms of tradesmen and pensioners soon will appear

Like locusts deforming the charms of the year;

Suns vainly will rise, showers vainly descend,

If we are to drudge for what others shall defend."


"Then join hand in hand, brave Mariners all,

By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall;

In so righteous a cause let us hope to succeed,

For heaven approves of each generous deed."


"All ages shall speak with amaze and applause,

Of the courage we'll show in support of our Laws;

To die we can bear, but to serve we disdain.

For shame is to Freedom more dreadful than pain."


"This bumper I crown for our Sovereign's health,

And this for Terra's glory and wealth;

That wealth and that glory immortal may be,

If She is but Just, and if we are but Free."

Joon finished with a flourish and the captain's table was deathly silent for a long moment before they slowly gathered themselves from the overwhelming spell and shouted their praises on Joon.


Paula set out the large plate of fresh croissants with side of sweet cream butter.

"And you think it's because you gave Max a Hand to restore her arm and leg?" Astrid queried.

Agatha nodded to Astrid, "I am becoming convinced that might be the reason, as I am able to sense the emotions of individuals through Max, but not Joon." The day shift was sitting down to their own dinner aboard Deirdre at the same time Max and Joon were enjoying the offerings of Captain Menzil's table.

Paula had invited Teffa, Zuki and Lakita to enjoy her own efforts. They accepted the invitation, with only a little nervous hesitation. Lakita was worried that she was too large to be dining aboard the Terran corvette. Agatha dismissed the notion and encouraged the Largath, stating that her dimensions were not an issue, she was family and would be welcomed.

So, Paula made three pans of her own Lasagna recipe.

The lasagna was two inches thick with layers of spicy chorizo sausage, tomatoes, spinach, ricotta and mozzarella cheese, baked to perfection. Teffa and Zuki were astonished at the decadent flavors and enjoyed the family atmosphere aboard the Deirdre. Lakita was given her own pan which she carefully but happily devoured.

Paula sat down and sipped her tea, "I wonder if I can Scry them from here?"

Samira nodded enthusiastically, "Good idea, you should try it."

Teffa blinked, "Scry?"

Paula giggled, "Just more 'Witchy' stuff Teffa... Let me show you."

The Lieutenant moved closer to the blinking Major-domo pulling out a small ornate oval mirror. Zuki looked to Samira with a confused expression.

Samira smirked at Zuki, who didn't know it was Teffa who first called Paula a Witch, so she related the story she knew to the Pilot. Soon, Paula had a bird's eye view of Joon and Max in her mirror, much to the surprise of Teffa.

Vika and Lakita chatted quietly in the deep guttural tongue of Largatta, reminiscing about their old lives and how things had changed.

Agatha smiled softly as she enjoyed the familial gathering...

She was improving her relations simultaneously in a number of places. 'Una' was in the second-floor habitation kitchen leading efforts to feed the new Terran staff of the Staverka Embassy as well as learning new personalities.

She was also enjoying a quiet celebratory dinner with Nomissa at a very fancy restaurant on Dau. And finally, she was having a long discussion with Minsu about M.E.S.I.N. an initiative she had been planning with Max and Joon to further the overall security of the Minor Empires.

Hopefully any enthusiasm from the Sharik-Sah and other M.E. intelligence services would contribute to the initiative, preventing something so destructive as the Rum Peu pirate regime in the future.


After Teffa, Zuki and Lakita had returned to the Embassy proper, Agatha noticed the Diplomatic marked crate sitting in Deirdre's cargo bay. It was very plain other than the diplomatic markings. Its construction was drab and somewhat rough, befitting a container filled with manufactured product stored in warehouse somewhere.

She immediately inquired about it. *It came down with the Terran personnel earlier.* Samira replied.

Paula informed everyone on the network that a diplomatic pouch is any properly identified and sealed package, pouch, envelope, bag, or other container that is used to transport official correspondence, documents, and other articles intended for official use, between: Embassies, legations, consular posts, and the foreign office of any government; the headquarters or any other office of a public interstellar organization and its regional offices in the Terran Federation or in a foreign nation.

Agatha was curious why a standard cargo unit was used in this way, so she studied the crate. It was curious... it seemed the crate was a void to her empathic sense, as if it were shielded from scans. Agatha asked why a diplomatic pouch would be shielded from scans.

*It shouldn't be. A diplomatic pouch is not subject to scans; to do so would violate T-Fed statutes.* Paula elaborated... *Properly designated diplomatic pouches 'shall not be opened or detained.' Although inspection of a pouch by scan would not physically break the external seal of the shipment, such an action constitutes the modern-day electronic equivalent of 'opening' a pouch. As a result, the Terran Federation does not search properly designated and handled diplomatic pouches, either physically or electronically (e.g., by Scan) and considers it a serious breach of the clear obligations by Interstellar agreement for another nation to do so.*

*This one appears to be shielded.* Agatha dutifully reported.

That fact suddenly set the entire family on edge. *We're returning to the Embassy ASAP.* Max informed, *Don't do anything until we get there.*

Agatha countered, *Perhaps we should remove ourselves to a more remote location, if this 'pouch' is dangerous, opening it in the middle of a population center might be ill advised.*

*I agree.* Joon thought. *Let's have Deirdre pick us up from the Skuld... We can find a convenient excuse to leave the system.*


The Ixooli system had changed very little since Deirdre had been there last, it was the final resting place of the ill-fated ColdTracks and its crew. Samira felt a little melancholy but did not let unpleasant memories affect the current dilemma.

Deirdre was holding position 3k km from the anemic asteroid belt Ixooli boasted. Two of Astrid's Security drones and a fully armored Samira now visually examined the diplomatic crate in the cargo hold, Astrid stood by at the ramp as the cargo bay door was opened with its atmospheric shielding on.

Astrid's Drones had some of the best scanners the Dauzakai had ever developed, and they couldn't penetrate the crate. Everyone was monitoring Astrid's feeds. Samira was at a loss. *Boss, this is a little outside my wheelhouse.*

Max frowned at the situation, *If there is an explosive device in there, we'd never know it.*

Joon pouted, *Max, why would anyone send us something like that?*

*My mom would.* Astrid's thoughts were cold.

Samira yearned to comfort Astrid, *I don't know, Asa-chan, but we need to get more information before we start thinking like that.*

*...Yea, you're right.* Astrid conceded, *I think I have an idea.*

Twenty minutes later Astrid was in an EVA suit, she was standing at the open cargo bay door...One hundred meters aft of Deirdre was the Diplomatically marked crate with her two Security drones.

Astrid raised her arm and a wet lavender sphere appeared around it. She made it large enough to encapsulate the meter cubed dimensions of the crate with plenty of space for the two drones to work. The Sorceress Engineer cybernetically slipped into her drones, and slowly began to take the crate apart. She carefully stripped away the outer layer, it was superficial, a ruse.

The next layer was far more substantial with superior materials, construction and design. Astrid hadn't seen many military craft so well constructed as this seemingly innocent standard cargo unit.

The rest of the family watched as Astrid's Security drones gently deconstructed the mystery container. Astrid stopped, the superior layer had been breached, under that layer she recognized the thin weave of a Faraday cage, protecting the contents from electromagnetic fields.

Next the Engineer detected a thin layer of lead that would passively frustrate scans that could penetrate the Faraday cage. She carefully maneuvered her drones to peel back the layers of the lead and copper weave. Astrid narrowed her eyes as she initiated a scan...

She gasped at the results, everyone did. This standard cargo unit was actually a cleverly camouflaged, heavily shielded, self-contained cryogenic chamber...

And it was occupied.

Max Intel: Jooniper

Chapter 3 - Monsters

When the crew of the Deirdre discovered the contents of the mysterious crate shrouded in diplomatic seals it only broadened the scope of the mystery. Only two people could have possibly been behind it... and most likely it was a combination of the two.

Uncle Goat a.k.a. CmSgtMjr Boggs TFNI and Naja Yolanie Xander.

It did not make sense that Ira would have knowingly sent a person in stasis to Max via diplomatic pouch. Obviously Max's 'inheritance' was not verified in detail, then again, if you didn't know it was shielded from scans, you'd have no reason to doubt the innocuous appearance and negative scan results.

After all, It was Agatha's unique innate empathic sense that detected it. She felt a void, not positive or negative, just... Nothing at all.

The crate was brought back aboard Deirdre and Astrid properly set to prepping the custom cryo-pod for defrost. Joon was equally involved, making sure she would be able to address any medical issues that might arise.

Then they finally got clean readings on the occupant... which changed everything.


Nike opened her eyes; her vision was a blurry mess.

She knew it was one of the side effects of cryo-stasis and it should clear up in a few hours, or at least that's what Nanna had said.

"Nem..." She croaked turning her head to her left, like she had done a hundred times a day, every day of every year she had been alive.

"Nemesis, wake up... We're thawed." she whispered.

A soft moan reverberated through their shared chest cavity.

"Where are we?" a soft voice asked.

The voice sounded exactly like her own, Nike knew it did, she had heard recordings... But her voice sounded different to her own ears when she spoke. "I don't know yet..." Nike responded quietly.

"Blurry eyes." Nemesis stated.

"Uh huh." Nike confirmed, she looked around... from what she could make out, they were in a soft bed, in a smallish low-lit room... She also felt a low hum. "Maybe on a ship." Nemesis said what Nike was thinking.

"Yea... Maybe, or a loud ass building or station." Nike lifted her caramel colored, blurry hand in front of her face and flexed her fingers... they felt stiff.

Nanna had told them about the temporary effects of cryo-stasis and that it would take time for the effects to fade, some of them took days.

The two young women wore a similar hairstyle, just in opposite directions; the narrow cornrows started from the inner side between them then up and across turning into thin braids on the outer side. Deep brass colored hair became lighter in shade as it grew out, making their caramel skin seem to glow in contrast.

"Think we are in danger?" Nemesis asked.

Nike thought about that, "Not sure... This could be a hospital and a hundred years has passed, otherwise... Yea, probably."

"Fuck." Nemesis muttered.

"Yea." Nike agreed.

The sisters turned their heads to each other.

With noses touching, they both sighed. "We have to pee." Nemesis stated the obvious.

"That means we're going to have to find a bathroom... or piss the bed." Nike grumbled.
