MF Max Intel Ch. 06-10


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As the family's cats spread their wings wide to break the descent to the stage, great fireworks were set off in a grand finale type of display with great balls of colored fireflies and loud, percussive booms as the family, along with their cats, landed and took their places on stage as well as in the crowd.

Almost immediately, Agatha pushed, *We have around 100 people here who have ill intent!*

Max then ordered, *Paula, let Agatha guide you and bring them to your attention! Pull fortune from them and hex them to sleep. Agatha, guide JPD to their locations so they can be arrested.* Max gave the orders without missing a beat as she unpacked Joon's guitar and handed it to her. *Let's get this show on the road to distract everyone from what is happening.*

Joon walked up to the front of the stage and spoke as the holographs picked up her face, "Hello everyone! I am Joon!"

The crowd went wild.

Joon, having swiped her glamour, moved immediately into the song "Top Of The World" by the Carpenters to set a calm base for the crowd. Her honeyed voice evoked a lighthearted joy among her audience as their bodies swayed to the music. The applause was loud but seemed to express a bit of expectancy, so Joon quickly followed with "Celebration" by Kool & The Gang to get the energy moving.

Soon people were dancing, hugging, and having the time of their lives as they listened to Joon's lighthearted rendition of the ancient song. Joon used her sub-harmonic vocals to evoke strong emotions of pleasure and happiness within the crowd.

All during this time, Agatha and Paula were working hard to disable the bad seed elements in the audience and directing law enforcement to their locations.

Then, with Joon's visage moving up to the right corners of the holo vids, videos of the destruction of the Assassin's fortress with a Nova Lance were shown as she played a rendition of "Eye Of The Tiger" By Survivor that was full of power and confidence. The crowd stopped dancing but soon people were shouting and fist pumping their support for the Lion.

"Iron Man," by Black Sabbath came afterward with scenes from the second battle of the Dragon March at Port Medea as the Invictus tore through the Kintark battle lines which switched to the whittling down of the Kintark at Olympus. Joon still projected power and strength but now she added a depth of righteous wrath in her sub-harmonic range.

The audience was putty in her hands by this point as she pulled emotional responses from them at will.

"Rip This Joint," followed soon after with scenes showing the arrival of the Maliri fleet during the second Battle of Terra. "U Can't Touch This" By MC Hammer then thundered with the entrance of the lionesses on the field of battle outside of the Citadel. The restored hope with the Maliri and pride expressed in Joon's voice with the lionesses deeply affected her audience who began rhythmically clapping their hands and singing along when the title chorus was repeated.

"The Champion" By Carrie Underwood played as Emporor Beladranax started the battle with the Lion who while being dominated, kept getting back up. The audience screaming again at seeing their champion laid low until Joon moved to "Black Dog," by Led Zeppelin and the video being showcased was of Sakura killing the bombers of Unity City.

The mood picked up dramatically with "Welcome to the Jungle," by Guns N' Roses which Joon sang next as the Lionesses were shown utterly destroying the Kintark marines outside the Citadel. That energy remained as she quickly transitioned to "Back in Black," from AC/DC as Dana in the Raptor was dragging mines through the Kintark forces running after the remnants of the Terran fleets.

"I'm Still Standing" By Elton John evoked screams of triumph and defiance while scenes of John taking over the fight with the destruction of the dampener on the back of the draconian Emporor Baladranax were played which transitioned into "Another One Bites the Dust," by Queen following the demise of the spiteful dragon.

As a final song, Joon bellowed, "We Are The Champions" in overlaid voices by Queen and the crowd roared as various clips of John and the Lionesses at awards ceremonies and other venues played over the holographs.

With the threats eliminated, Joon answered her curtain calls, all six of them, with the Blues Brother's rendition of "Rawhide", "Devil Woman" and "Tonight Carmine" by Marty Robbins, Steve Earle's "Copperhead Road", Motley Crue's "Smokin in the Boy's Room", and ending with "Bad Company" by Bad Company. At the final sound, the cats were quickly mounted, Max only taking time to pack Joon's guitar, sling it over Samira's back, and grab her wife, Joon, in her supportive embrace. The crowd roared continuously as the family departed into the darkness of the night flying fast and low, following the contours of the land beneath them as they made a beeline for Yumi's estate.

Max had a sealed container of sweet tea for Joon which she sipped while her Captain-wife flew her back to their room.


The family, minus Joon who was asleep, gathered in Yumi's library, being too high on adrenaline after the show to rest. Paula just shook her head, "That entire concert was off the chain. I have never experienced anything in my life that was so emotionally charged that it actually carried a life of its own."

Howard and Mercedes were speechless and their faces were tear stained; deep pride very evident on both their faces. Agatha sat and settled herself down: "The pure rush of such strong emotions from the crowd was almost as debilitating as Paula's Divine energy buildup."

Yumi was a bit lost until Vika mentioned, "Our resident Star Child can 'taste' emotions. I think she actually can feed off of them."

"You are correct, Vika-chan. But not in a way I can explain."

Yumi turned on the local news channel to see if there were any stories on the concert and no one was surprised to see the entire news segment was all about it. It seems the concert broke all the records for live viewership and downloads of the event were threatening to crash the servers set aside to handle the traffic. Attendees who were interviewed as they exited the event were still enraptured and in awe of the experience.

It seemed Joon had inspired a renascence of archaic music that artists were eager to explore. None of the 'quick and dirty' renditions held a candle to Joon's performance, though.

What was missing, however, was any mention of the arrests, which was fine by the family as they didn't want a few bad apples to spoil their wife's thunder. Yumi made inquiries with assets she had within the JPD and found out the would-be assailants were mostly family members of those who were found dead at a meeting held on another planet some days ago.

When Yumi mentioned this Astrid sighed: "Obasan, an interplanetary crime syndicate called 24K was involved in Ingrid's kidnapping attempt as well as destroying Chichi and Haha's home. That organization had also killed Max-chan's adoptive parents and one of their enforcers attempted to kill the family recently as well. The family killed the assailants, including the enforcer, who was then raised from the dead and sent on a mission to destroy all of the heads of the syndicate. That mass death was her doing."

"Asa-chan, thank you so much for that information. The Komatsu Clan has been in an undeclared turf war with 24K for several generations now. That Witch of which you speak has been a thorn in the side of Komatsu Industries for some time as well. You say the leadership is being systematically eliminated?"

"Yes, Obasan, the Witch the family sent will not stop until all the movers and shakers of 24K have been eliminated from this area of the Galaxy."

Yumi smiled, "And their assets?"

Samira answered, "Each innocent family member was or will be given enough money to provide a comfortable life for themselves. All other assets were or shall be sold and put into our account. Last we checked that account had grown to over 40 trillion dollars. The Terran Federation locked the account until we explained their crimes and how we acted within the law and offered to give the Federation 90% of those initial proceeds. With that transaction, everyone was happy and we walked away with over 4 trillion dollars and counting."

Yumi giggled, "Yes, it is quite amazing how things can be overlooked when 36 trillion dollars is thrown on the negotiating table. That was an inspired move."

Samira winked, "Our resident Rogue/Shaman used her Portent to show us the best way to deal with that situation."

"Portent, you say?" Yumi looked to Vika and asked, "Do you have any advice for me, young Shaman-chan?"

Vika smiled, "Harden your assets. You and others with capital will be targeted as understudies of 24k attempt to wrest the capital necessary to revive their criminal enterprise."

Yumi nodded, "Wise council indeed. May I warn my associates?"

Vika nodded in the affirmative and Yumi pulled her Shitsuji to the side, giving her explicit orders, before the house overseer left the room in haste.

Joon pushed to the family, *I think it would be wise for a hand of Agatha to remain with aunt Yumi. She can learn her new role as the clan's new Iemoto as well as keep us abreast of the financial world in Terran space.* The family agreed. And while Yumi obviously could take care of herself in a hostile environment, it could not hurt to have a hand watching over her safety.

Astrid asked to broach that subject with her Aunt. "Obasan, the family has considered Agathasama may benefit greatly from you as she learns her new role as Iemoto. Would you consider taking her on and teaching her the ways of her new family and clan?"

Agatha looked expectantly towards Yumi who just grinned and winked in Agatha's direction, "House Komatsu would gladly accept and be very honored to have its own Star Child learning the ways of the Komatsu Clan, should she wish it."

Agatha knelt before Yumi and bowed deeply, "Obasan, I would be honored to accept a position in your household. I assure you I will not be a burden. It would also allow me to continue to strengthen your body and revert it back to the bloom of your youth, should you so desire."

Yumi nodded her acceptance, "Perhaps we could discuss that at a later time, Oiemoto Agathasama. But I am very interested in you staying here with me to better learn your role, and if I am to be honest, keep me company."

Max smiled, would you like to see Agatha go through mitosis, Obasan? It is a spiritually moving event. I suspect Chichi and Haha would like to see the process as well."

Mercedes squealed, "Oh Agatha! Would you mind? Observing that would be the highlight of my day!"

Agatha smiled, "I would enjoy your company, would you like a hand to accompany us so she can answer any


"Yes, please?" Mercedes asked with hands held in a prayer and raised eyebrows.

Max nodded and giggled, "Obasan, Oiemoto Agathasama will require around 10,000 Calories to perform her mitosis, would your Shitsuji prefer to provide that, or would it be best if we did so?"

Yumi motioned for her Shitsuji who, having had others go and make the necessary phone calls, came immediately and bowed respectfully, awaiting Yumi's request. Yumi inquired as to the possibility of meeting Agatha's needs and Shitsuji nodded and quickly strode off to make arrangements.

Soon after, Yumi's wrist phone rang with a number originating from the Jericho Police Department. Yumi answered it and soon the face of Major Hendrix appeared. Yumi situated herself so the rest of the family could watch and interact after the customary greetings were exchanged. "How can the Komatsu family help you today, Major Hendrix?"

"Mrs. Komatsu, this is an issue concerning the over 100 arrests during the concert last night. May I speak with Mrs. Agatha Oniera?"

"I am here, Major, how can I be of assistance? And just call me Agatha, please."

"Thank you, Agatha. We are needing to file the paperwork with our legal system and wanted to get some understanding as to how you knew everyone you pointed out to us was carrying explosive devices which could be hand thrown? We are needing to develop probable cause for the searches and arrests."

"Actually, Major, I had no idea. All I did was notice some people feinting and pointed them out to officers in the vicinity. In the process of evaluating those individuals for medical issues, you say they found explosive devices?"

"So, you are saying it was just coincidence that every one of them had the exact same devices on them?"

"I don't know what to tell you, Major. Perhaps they all came into contact with some chemical that eventually led to their unconsciousness? But it seems your probable cause was gained with the preliminary first aide medical examination which resulted in finding those devices, yes? And that some agent they all came into contact with, which may or may not have been fully metabolized by their bodies--leaving no trace to find for your medical examiners-- causing unconsciousness was the justification for the search?"

Major Hendrix smiled, "That makes for a very neat package, Agatha."

"Doesn't it just? And it is a probable cause which does not involve our families being entangled in such a sordid mess. I do have empathy for your people having all that paperwork to do, though. Please give them my highest regards for their diligent work and professionalism."

Major Hendrix chuckled, "You are a very wise woman, Agatha. Sneaky wise. But, thank you for your time and I will certainly convey your best wishes to my officers."

With that the call was ended and Yumi looked at Agatha with a bemused expression saying, "Sneaky wise indeed! Well done keeping the family out of that mess. Now, what is this about 100 assailants at the concert last night?"

Howard and Mercedes were also shocked and paid close attention.

Agatha blushed, "Well Obasan, I can 'taste' emotions and I noted those individuals had evil intent. The 'taste' of that emotion is very rancid and easily located, even within a crowd. I informed the family via telepathy of the danger and Max had Paula, who is a witch, pull 'fortune', which is often called luck, from them and then hex them which caused them to lose consciousness until she lifted the hex. I called to an officer in the vicinity of each one as Paula hexed them and soon after the officers arrested them she lifted the hex and the perpetrators woke up. No one being the wiser."

Howard looked at Max, "And you intentionally had hands of Agatha intermixed in the crowds in anticipation of just such a possibility?" Which was more an observation that a question.

Max nodded, "Dad, I try to leave nothing to chance when the safety of our family is in question."

Mercedes then spoke up, "With someone who can taste emotions over a broad area, another who can foretell when issues will arise, and another who can put massive numbers of people to sleep at the drop of a hat; I would say chance has nothing to do with it."

"Well, mom, we do have a very talented family."

Yumi giggled, "I love the way this family incorporates such understatements when explaining what you all can do. It is most refreshing."

Samira then smirked, "And no one has told anyone here about us taking on 10,000 to 1 odds in lethal melee combat to free prisoners from slavers."

At that, Howard and Mercedes had to sit down. "You can't really mean that!"

Joon then sat down with the family and they recounted the events that led up to the freeing of Freeport and the future plans for the mining ship as well as the initiation of the M.E.S.I.N. intelligence entity she was forming in the Minor Empires with the incorporation of the Sharik-Sah intelligence network of the Skerawk species and the captains of all the Bract trading vessels.

Howard just shook his head. "I knew I was outclassed by my girls. I just had no idea how badly. I cannot tell you how proud I am of you all." he said with tears in his eyes. 10,000 to one odds against pirates, slavers, and thieves who included ranks of Drakkar, Kintark, adult Largath and T-Fed traitors... and not a single scratch on any of you?"

Yumi looked at Vika and smiled, "And the smallest among us killed 3 Kintark in one engagement and 3 Bull Largath in another by herself in melee combat. Most impressive, Vikasama."

Howard added, "And the tactical acumen required to plan and execute such a bold plan, Max, made all your sacrifices in the past worth while. No way you could have put that together without your training."

Max blushed and smiled, "It was a team effort, dad."

"And the team leader gets the glory in success and the shame in defeat. Deal with it, my loving daughter. I have seen more than I need to recognize your skills as a warrior."

Samira corrected the record, "Well dad, there was one small casualty. I was ambushed by several dozen mortars in a hallway and blown about 30 meters backwards. Joon had to check me for concussive injuries. But, I was fine."

Yumi asked, "Samira-chan, how was that possible?"

Samira stood and backed up a bit before she pulled our her Aegis. Her golden hard light armor and shields glistening in the noonday sun. " Please call your swords, Obasan."

Yumi called her Katana to her and they soon zoomed to stationary positions before her hands. She took hold of them and raised an eyebrow.

"Strike me with your most deadly and strongest blows, Obasan."

"I dare not Samira-chan. I will kill you."

"You will not even touch me, Obasan."

She was tentative at first, but soon Yumi was striking Samira's hard light shielding and armor with all she had; the blows deflected easily by the armor.

Yumi released her Katana and they flew back to their stands, "That is amazing. Can anything pierce your armor?"

Max drew her Nagamaki, its translucent, dark-crimson form flowing with power. "This can."

"And this," Emma drew her Staff of Kaladanda, whisps of smokey death emanating from its surface.

"And these," Vika said as she let loose with three windblades and two Ca'tagri knives into the ground at her feet.

Yumi then asked, "And what other special gifts do my nieces have?"

Nike just laughed and seemed to flicker for a second before she handed Yumi 4 huge raw diamonds weighing nearly a pound apiece. "I can travel a whole planet in an instant and find buried treasure!"

Finally, Yumi's jaw dropped, and she was speechless, accepting the diamonds with both hands and croaking her thanks and astonishment.

Astrid asked, "Obasan, may I see those, please?"

After Yumi handed them over, Astrid analyzed them and interfaced with Samira's wet ware. Samira then used her arm lasers to cut the raw diamonds into huge, exquisite, finished diamonds with hundreds of individual faces that caught the light of the sun in dazzling displays of rainbow arcs. She then handed them back to Yumi, "There, these are nicer now."

Yumi exclaimed, "Each one of these is a priceless gift!"

Astrid smiled, "By accepting the gift, you honor the giver."


The first of the Ornalith work crews docked on Freeport in three transports and the three hands of Agatha were at the three stations, tasting the emotions of the workers as they passed. Each transport had a 24K operative in their midst and when she pointed them out, each was escorted by two of Mosira's security detail to Agatha's meeting room. While there, their work pouches were searched and the Kintark found several types of explosive and listening devices on them.

The Ornalith began sputtering their indignation when Agatha hexed them with a spell of silence by nonchalantly flicking her fingers. I am not going to waste time talking to you. You have just brought explosives onto the grounds of a foreign embassy. Mosira, take them and lock them in separate brigs where they cannot communicate, do forensic work on these artifacts so you can tie them to each Ornalith, and send me all the data so I can call the Prime Dictatus.