MF Max Intel Ch. 06-10


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To Paula's delight, there was no conversation during dinner as everyone was too busy eating and moaning.

Mercedes sat back and cried.

"Mom, is something wrong?" Joon asked, a look of genuine concern on her face as she reached for her mother's hand.

"Yes." sniffle. "Something is terribly wrong!" Mercedes cried as her lower lip began to tremble as she looked at Paula.

Everyone was quiet, waiting to hear what had caused mom to be so emotional. Paula was getting concerned, wondering if she had done something wrong to offend mom.

"There is no way in hell I am going to keep my weight down with all this fantastic food!"

Everyone laughed, not giving Mercedes any pity. After a bit, Agatha explained, "Mom, don't worry about it. I adjust everyone's metabolism as is necessary to deal with that situation."

Mercedes gave a deep blow, dried her eyes, and smiled. She stood and walked over to where Agatha was seated and hugged her, "Best Agatha."

Everyone looked at Joon, who had started that whole 'best Agatha' game and laughed, realizing the nut had not fallen far from the tree.


Commodore Jim Phillips walked onto the Bridge just as his XO was about to report they were entering the Xi Piscium system. "How about it XO?"

"Captain has the Bridge!" The XO announced.

"As you deduced, Sir, we are just now entering the Xi Piscium system. We have 6 hours travel time in sublight before we reach Freeport. With your permission I will contact the Ornalith traffic control as well as Freeport to advise them of our arrival."

"Very good XO."

"Coms, contact Freeport and advise them of our imminent arrival. Then contact Ornalith traffic control and ask them for clearance to dock with Freeport for the purpose of conducting a business transaction."

"Aye, Sir."

"XO, how goes the shuffling of internals so we can accommodate that much cargo?"

"All set, Sir. And I have a shift of personnel who are on standby to assist with the loading and locations."

"As is your customary standard, Well done, XO. By the way, have someone call the mess hall and have them bring me up something to eat."

"The XO smiled, ETA on food is five minutes, Sir."

Jim smiled, he was not a strict authoritarian, but he did run a tight ship. And his XO was top notch. He was due a promotion soon: Jim was not looking forward to losing him to his own ship. "Sound General Quarters XO, man all battle stations and let me know when we are ready."


To a person the ship jumped, and an organized chaos ensued. In five minutes there were Marines suited in full battle gear at their assigned stations throughout the ship and the Battleship was ready for war. "Five minutes to full readiness on repelling boarders, Commodore, five seconds on the guns and shields."

"Exceptional XO. Release from battle stations and let the crew know I was very pleased. Hollywood showers tonight for the Marines and the first round in the bar is on me as they rotate off duty."


While awaiting a courier ship to take them down to the planet Orithion, as it was locally named, Soumii held the hand of Mossira. It was obvious the two were feeling a bit out of their league and Agatha could 'taste' their anxiety, so she pushed calm into both.

Mossira responded, "Agata, the Ambassodorr was verry differrential to you, referring to you ass a Sstarr Child?"

Agatha continued to push calm into the two of them and answered truthfully, "Yes, Mossira. I am an Onieran, what the members of the Minor Empires call a Star Child. The last one here created the planet Dau and its inhabitants. She was considered a Deity among the Bolon whom she helped develop as well."

Soumii then responded to Mossira, "My love, as you already know, Agatha can also walk your dreamss. Sshe gleaned from that you were an honorable one who could be trussted when the fight for Golomar began. I wass in on ssome of the planning and can tell you firsst hand, sshe orchesstrated the whole thing."

Mossira nodded to Agatha and turned to give Soumii a light and tender kiss on her cheek, "And I am sso happy sshe did, my beloved. Sshould thingss go ssouth this evening, I will prresserrve and prrotect you both to my lasst brreath."

Agatha looked aghast, "You will do no such thing, Mossira! You will get Soumii clear of the danger and allow me to do my thing. I am an accomplished martial artist, student of the most feared fighter in all of the Terran Federation, and a practitioner of powerful magics. Besides, if I am killed, I will not die. If either of you are killed, I cannot easily bring you back the same as you are now."

Soumii and Mossira looked at one another, both realizing the unsaid. Agatha was immortal and could bring back the least to some degree. Both sat back and digested those bits of knowledge, having a newfound respect for their friend.

Soumii had a casual smile, "It iss good to have friendss in high placess."

Mossira nodded her agreement.

Agatha looked to both and quietly said, "You are both equals with the Honorable Chigurg this evening. Among my many duties, I am the First Secretary to Ambassador Jooniper Anders who is the Terran Federation representative to the Minor Empires. We represent her as a diplomatic corps this evening. So do not allow yourselves to be spoken down to. You represent the second strongest species in the quadrant."

Mossira asked, "Behind the Maliri?"

"Behind the Lion of the Federation, Admiral John Blake, who is King of the Maliri."

Both Soumii's and Mossira's jaws dropped. Agatha put a finger to her lips to indicate that was need to know and they both nodded after they got over their shock.

A moment later Soumii asked, "You know thiss h-how?"

Agatha giggled, "From what I have read. The Maliri do his bidding...even to the point of going to war when he asks both at Terra during the attack by the Kintark as well as in support of the Kintark against the Brimorians and in support of the Trankarans against the Kirrix. His ship, the Invictus, is the only non Maliri ship to have Maliri weaponry installed on it. And, with these wildly changing Maliri initiatives, they changed their name from the Maliri Regency to the Maliri Protectorate. The only entity capable of 'protecting' the preeminent species of this part of the galaxy is the Lion of the Federation and his Lionesses. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is John Blake is now the King of the Maliri."

Mossira's eyes grew large: "The Maliri werre the rreasson the Terran Federration wass able to defeat the Emperrorr's Arrmada!"

Agatha nodded, "And the Lion and his Lionesses are the only reason Kinta still exists along with the Kintark people."

Just then, the shuttle arrived to pick up the three guests and, thoughtfully, it was large enough to comfortably seat Mossira. The three rode in silence, knowing the shuttle was likely bugged. Agatha wore a very professional suit in charcoal gray with silver piping along the seams, a plain silver silk blouse with mother of pearl buttons, and low-heeled sandals made of leather strapping dyed a shiny black. She also carried her special purse.

Mossira went with a pearlescent green outfit made of ballistic material with detachable large buttons that could double as throwing disks. Her clothing also mitigated laser fire. Soumii wore her finest dark green outfit with orange highlights.

As they approached what could only be called a great castle, the transport rested lightly at the end of a carpeted walk lined with an honor guard of Ornalith security personnel in burgundy and black armor who saluted the trio with their front hands as they exited the transport and walked to the massive stone doors of the front gate.

The trio walked tall and with purpose through the honor guard, nodding politely to them as they passed.

The 5 story tall walls of the castle were a pristine white background and displayed bah relief scenes of forests, caves, and indigenous animals all colored with embedded gems. The double doors were a matched pair of enormous light blue Agate stones with cloud like white wisps moving through their mirror smooth, translucent surfaces that gave the appearance of a deep, light blue sky.

The doors were massive, being 4 meters tall where they met at the center line arch and 2 meters wide each. Each stone was 500 centimeters thick and they hung on long, massive, tungsten steel, floral designed hinges; eight to a side. The doors were actually inset into the wall and opened outward to reveal a three-meter wide, 50-meter-long hallway lined with enormous 2 meter by 3 meter high book matched sheets of mother of pearl stones. The ceiling was a solid curtain of bio luminescent algae which emanated a soft, pastel green glow.

The effect was the feeling you were walking through an ocean.

While Soumii and Mossira were awed by the grandeur and pure, unadulterated, garish opulence of the entrance to the castle, Agatha was acutely aware of the deeper significance of the stonework, realizing such massive stones of those sizes of those crystals did not develop naturally.


Back at the Deirdra, Vika looked at Agatha, "Do not touch the eating utensils. Kill the advisor after the insult."

Joon and Max overheard Vika's warning and Joon immediately sat her down on her lap and asked, "Is there anything the family needs to do?"

"Actually, Agatha is much more capable than we have given her credit for. Mossira is there and between them this will work out just fine."

"What is the probability?" Max asked as she pulled a worried Joon onto her lap where she was now supporting both.

"With my warning, near 100%."

Joon squinted at Vika, "And without your warning?"

"Everyone would eventually be okay, but the refit would have to have been rescheduled with another race."


Agatha gave hand signals to Mossira and Soumii, "Touch nothing, eat nothing, stay close, follow my lead, high alert. Possible poisoning attempt."

The sightseeing was over in an instant as Mossira and Soumii became hyper vigilant. Upon entering the huge dining area, there were many slate tables with oddly shaped saddle shaped posts where Ornalith were seated as they squatted down upon them. The Ornalith at the door announced their arrival with a deep, booming voice. "Dignitaries and guests! I present unto you the Oneiran Agatha. Star Child and First Secretary to Ambassador Jooniper Anders of the Terran Federation and her companions, Mayor Soumii of Freeport and her head of Security, the Warrior Mossira!"

All heads rotated on their ball joints and respectfully nodded to the trio who were then led to the head table and seated with their backs to the rest of the room. The posts for them were modified to accommodate their anatomy. Agatha reached out and felt everyone's emotions and noted curiosity, ambivalence, and muted interest but no open hostility.

That was about to abruptly change, though.

Mossira was to Agatha's left and Soumii was to her right. Immediately upon them being seated, the doorman spoke again, "Prime Dictatus, the Honorable Chigurg, and his advisor Dictatumus, the honorable Decrang."

No one stood but everyone turned their head and bowed, Agatha, Soumii, and Mossira followed their protocol. Agatha was slammed with hatred from Decrang. A consuming fire of hatred and...fear.

Chigurg's coloring was an off white with burgundy and sliver veins while Decrang was a pure white with bright red veins, giving him an almost sinister look.

Both Chigurg, and Decrang sat across from and centered on Agatha. Upon their seating, the food was brought out. It consisted mostly of lichens, mushrooms, and prepared whole grains. Agatha again signing, "Touch nothing."

As Decrang and Chigurg began eating the others in the hall began as well. Decrang was very forward and a bit condescending, "Agatha, what cause did your incoming Terran Battleship have to raise shields and show their weapons upon entering our system? That was very inappropriate and insulting!"

"I apologize for the unintended affront, honorable Dictatumus Decrang. Terran Captains, when exiting hyperwarp, tend to have drills to keep their crew trained. I am sure no untoward intentions were meant."

"And now you insult us by not eating?"

"I apologize, Dictatumus Decrang, but we are not aware of these items and do not know if they may be detrimental to our various anatomies. Besides, the utensils are poisoned."


With that the whole dining room turned to look their way. Agatha held up a hand to silence him and loudly pronounced, "Perhaps you would handle our utensils yourself to prove me wrong about them being poisoned?"

You could have heard a pin drop.

Decrang's voice got even lower and menacing, "I would not bend so low as to appear to be so subservient to those who are not of high born Ornalith blood! Unlike you, who seems to delight in debasing herself as a slave to lesser beings."

Agatha smiled softly and slowly raised a finger, pointing at Decrang. I do believe I have had quite enough of your insults. You may be of high born Ornalith blood, but I am a Star Child and NO species may disrespect me, my family, or put my family at risk under penalty of death." She cast a 25th level 'Ray of Frost' spell and motes of frost developed around her finger before a blast of absolute cold lanced out, freezing Decrang almost instantly, "Mossira! Flying disk! Cut off his head!"

Mossira didn't hesitate and with a great draconian roar and a quick flick of her wrist, she detached one of the steel buttons of her outfit and flung the disk at the frozen neck of Decrang, decapitating him. As his head hit the table and shattered Agatha cast a 25th level 'Wall of Stone' spell around the head table that went from floor to ceiling.

As Agatha turned her gaze towards Chigurg he began to bellow his laughter. This effectively broke the tense atmosphere within the stone walls as his humor was genuine and deep, "Thank you Star Child for eliminating that fool! I have been chained by him and his followers for far too long in these halls. His public demise was so embarrassing for him and his movement it will totally crush his organization."

Agatha could taste his authenticity, "I regret having to take his life, Prime Dictatus, but he attempted to kill us. I assume he felt we were a threat and, sadly, his actions created the very threat he feared."

"Indeed, Star Child. Indeed. And, that self-fulfilling prophesy will completely demoralize his followers." Chigurg smirked with a wave of his frontal arm and hand. "By the way, I wish to thank you for the return of the 454 Ornalith captives from the slavers of Freeport."

Agatha nodded and replied, "I wish to apologize for the necessary deaths of 4 Ornalith pirates and 8 Ornalith smugglers."

"Oh, you saved me the trouble, Agatha."

Soon banging could be heard on the stone walls Agatha had erected and she raised an eyebrow towards Chigurg who gently responded in his deep, bass voice, "I will stand them down if you would spare their lives. They are only doing their duty."

Agatha nodded and spoke, "Gone in 3, 2, 1."

As soon as the stone walls disappeared, the Prime Dictatus shouted, "HOLD! ALL IS WELL!"

Several guards fell over as they were in the process of battering the wall as it just disappeared. Neatly sprawling over the floor as they caught their balance. One of the guards who was leading the attempted rescue carried a short plasma rifle and asked, "Prime, are you in danger?"

"Only if you continue your needless attempts to rescue me. Stand down, Captain. All is well."

The captain bowed low while continuously watching the guests as he read their body language, "By your dictum, Prime."

Chigurg then apologized, "I am so very sorry, but this fool's public demise requires me to do a bit of political maneuvering that just cannot wait. Could we have dinner at your place sometime soon? I would love to get to know you better."

"I will have the refit teams work on the Ambassadorial level first and when it is complete, we must certainly get back together, Prime. However, in 15 days' time, my ambassador will be arriving and would ask for an audience."

"Let my people know and we will bring her straight to the palace. Oh, and I dictate your refit shall be paid in full by the Crown in appreciation for your unintended service to me. I will have you safely returned to your station immediately with my deepest apologies for the insults you have had to endure."

"By your leave, Prime, that will not be necessary."

Agatha put a hand on both Mossira and Soumii and cast a transportation spell, placing them back in her small office on board Freeport.

The Prime whispered to himself, "So the fables are true, and she is an authentic Star Child. We truly live in interesting times."


One Ornalith who was part of the service staff excused himself and quickly filed a clandestine report with his employers, the GSD Security Service.

Soumii, who had been silent during this entire ordeal, quickly sat down and took a deep breath as she looked to Agatha, "H-how did you know?"

"Vika's portent. She told me what to expect."

"Friends in high places indeed!" Mossira laughed as she grated and chomped her teeth in a Kintark style show of approval.

Soumii took Mossira's hand and whispered, "I need you, my love."

Mossira's face quickly shifted from amused appreciation to endearing care as she swept up her lover and walked out of Agatha's office without preamble and headed for their quarters for some very sensual lovemaking.


Joon stopped Agatha's report, "Wait. How did it feel letting go of your Ruthless Goddess of Chaos persona?"

"It was appropriate as an attempt was made against the family. And my attack was specific and controlled. I was enraged: not by the flimsy insults, but by the family being targeted and in danger."

Joon nodded, "So, you are telling us there was an assassination attempt on you three by the head advisor whom you killed after he insulted you and the Prime Dictatus then, out of appreciation, said the upgrade to Freeport was free?!"

Agatha nodded, "Yes. Freeport will now be upgraded to full luxurious levels for all inhabitants for free."

Samira smiled, "I am more interested in the 25th level spell casting! Agatha! That is beyond the 20th level limit! How?"

"Well, I added a wisdom component, a knowledge component, and a divine power component to the casting of the spell. Combined, it equates to a 25th level spell cast."

Samira's jaw dropped. Astrid was gobsmacked, "I compute it is actually a 25.4 level equivalency. Really amazing!"

Paula interjected, "Hold on! You have access to divine power as well?"

Agatha looked just a bit sheepish, "Actually, Paula, I didn't discharge all that I absorbed from you. I only discharged that amount I had to in order not to get hurt over time. Which means you can recharge me whenever you wish."

Paula smirked, "Okay, THAT is cool! You need recharging now?"

"No, I only used a very small amount on those two spells."

Joon smiled, "With a free refit, we need to build a safe zone daycare that is both comprehensive and intellectually stimulating for the children along with primary, secondary, and University level schools on Freeport."

Agatha nodded, "I am glad you agree with my plans. I gave them to the Ornalith earlier today."

Joon narrowed her eyes, "Keep it up doll face and you are in for a family tickling!"

Mercedes squealed, "We are going to have babies! And young children? And students I can teach at university?"
