Mid-Valley League Swim Finals


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After a few minor stabs around the base of my cock I learned how to pull my skin taut for a close, uniform clip. I swept the clipped hair off the floor, took Mom's razor from the bathtub, loaded a new blade, and sat on the closed toilet seat to get to the delicate part.

Perched on the edge of the toilet seat, I put a mirror on the floor between my spread legs, the only way I could see where to shave. A soaked, warm washcloth draped over my right leg, and the shaving foam set on the counter, I began work with the razor.

I rubbed my crotch with the wet washcloth and slathered the foam on my pubes. Stroking the razor with the grain of my hair, I removed all my hair from the base of my cock and the edge of the crinkly scrotum skin. I was tugging at things to make my skin taut for the shave, but the pulling and rubbing raised my blood pressure.

After cleaning off my newly shaved pubic arch, I applied foam on my cock as far as the hair goes and gingerly stroked the razor from the base. I washed off the soap and hair and felt my newly shaven skin. Some stubble remained, but not much. I could do one more light pass to make it entirely smooth.

The shaving was sexy, not as much as Mom doing it, but enough to get hard. Leaning back against the toilet tank, I stroked my cock. An idea and overwhelming urge for something more forbidden hit me; I wanted to show Mom how well she taught me to shave. A cock-wilting wave of guilt struck, but the thought lingered.

I knew I needed to be hairless for Mom, balls to asshole. Being rigid, my cock stood out of the way while I worked on my balls. I stretched my scrotum to keep from cutting it. Next, starting below my balls, I dabbed foam and carefully used short strokes of the razor to avoid nicking my perineal raphe; I completely removed everything, everywhere down there.

During my shower, I re-did Mom's work from last night, then dried off and put things away. Squirting some Jergens Lotion onto my hands, I rubbed it over my body, focusing on my crotch.

Hanging around nude would be the perfect ending to an exciting evening. I peeked into the hall and looked into the living room to be sure I was alone. Walking into the kitchen, I noticed it was getting dark. I'd lost track of time. It must have been after eight o'clock, and resisting the urge to step outside was impossible.

I'd been nude in the backyard many times before and grown addicted to the sexual charge and accompanying anxiety of being caught. Due to my body shaving, I felt more naked than ever. The slight breeze against the skin of my crotch was an erotic overload. I rubbed my hands over my body and across my hairless cock. The thought of Mom's panties and what they might feel like against my skin had my cock throbbing. I had to experience how they felt.

Returning to the back door, it had swung closed and locked. My panic increased as I went from window to window at the back of the house, looking for an open one. There were none. My only choice was to go around the side of the house and dash across the front yard to the porch, hoping the front door was unlocked. I knew my bedroom window was open, but it was beyond, at the far corner of the house. Our street's a residential thoroughfare, not a narrow cul-de-sac. There were neighbors across the street, too.

I slowly opened the side gate and stretched around the oleanders to look into the street for cars, pedestrians, or neighbors looking out their windows. The closest streetlamp was four houses away. It didn't shine directly on our yard, but our front porch light was on. I couldn't remain hidden in the shadows.

Gathering the courage to dash across the front yard, I was cut short when a car pulled to the T-intersection five houses away. It turned in my direction. I crouched beside the low hedge in front of the house under the windows and held my breath. The car accelerated past, and the pounding in my chest subsided.

I stood and turned right to move to the front porch. Everything went fine until another car's headlights appeared at the T-intersection. I saw the driver's door before I jumped on the porch and grabbed the front doorknob. Nothing happened. The front door was locked too.

I looked over my shoulder where the car headlamps lit the road. It turned in my direction too. Luckily, the porch extends under the living room window and is faced by a criss-cross wooden lath, partly blocking the view from the street. All I could do was lie on the porch as flat as possible.

My heart pounded as I lay face down on the sandy concrete. The Jergens Lotion attracted all the dust and dirt particles in Los Angeles County. I tried to think of a story to keep me out of jail, but the car accelerated without hesitation.

The front door was locked, the porch light was on, and I was still naked. I reached to feel the window and found my luck was consistent; the window was closed and locked. My final choice narrowed to a dash from the porch to my bedroom window. After glancing to the street as best I could from my prone position, I stood for a final run to safety.

Stepping off the porch, I saw another car farther off, coming this was. I had to finish this, regardless. With a few steps, I was in front of the oleander hedge under the window, another effort to push through the thin barrier, and with both arms against the bottom sash, a sharp upward push to open the window. It barely budged, and I wedged the sash in my panic and would have to work it loose. The car was closer, and the hedge was too thin to provide natural cover from someone looking directly at me. Trying to run anywhere would draw more attention.

'I'm back in the dirt again,' I thought as I knelt to hide. Real panic overtook me as the car slowed to a U-turn in front of our house, shining its headlights directly on me before creeping to a stop next door. At least it wasn't a police car, but my heart raced as the driver's door opened, and Debbie, our neighbor's daughter home from Cal State San Luis Obispo, stepped out. I couldn't move my head to get a better view, but she took her time getting into her house. Eventually, I heard her house door open and close.

Relaxing, I stood to work the window loose and end the ordeal. I jiggled the sash several times, enlarging the opening enough to pull myself through. I placed my hands on the window to jump, when from behind, I heard, "Eric, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I would have peed my pants had I worn any.

Debbie stood ten feet away, well-lit by our front porch lamp. She looked at me with an expression both furious and laugh-suppressing. "Well, Eric, if there was ever a time you need to explain yourself, this is it."

"I've accidentally locked myself out of the house, and the only open window is here," I said while pointing to the window. "My bedroom."

"You're missing the obvious, Eric. If you don't want me calling the police, I need to feel safe. Get out here."

"I'd rather stay right here. I'm not dressed for the front lawn."

"Damn it, Eric, you're not dressed at all. I don't care what you prefer. I saw you naked in the car lights when I turned to park and had to find out what you were doing. I opened and closed the house door but didn't go in. I've seen you dancing around before in the backyard, and I'm tired of talking to a hedge."

Shit. I didn't have any choice. I felt so guilty I could hardly move, but I slowly covered my crotch and pushed through the hedge to face the music. I realized Debbie said she'd seen me in the backyard. She must not have reported it, at least not to her parents or authorities, whom I'm sure would have raised hell. I stood on the lawn before her, my crotch covered, head down, and prepared an explanation.

"You're a filthy mess, Eric. But before you begin your tale of woe, pretend you're a man and stand straight, arms at your sides, and look at me."

Although embarrassed and reluctant, I was excited about being exposed. Then I remembered I'd have to explain my nudity and shaved pubes. I'm sure she could see my face turn red through the darkness as I slowly lowered my hands and raised my chin.

"I still haven't heard your explanation for, well, anything. Don't forget your shaved dick, either."

"It began yesterday at our swim workout..." I haltingly recounted the story of the past day, keeping strictly to the facts and omitting my erotic feelings. Headlights appeared further away. "Another car's coming. Can we at least get off the street to talk more?"

She turned her head to look at the approaching lights. "I don't think you want to be safe inside, but I'll provide cover. Hug me, but no funny stuff." She closed the space between us and turned so that while the approaching driver would see a couple, the apparent female was clothed and blocked the guy behind her.

The car passed without incident. The excitement of exposure, confession, and her embrace rekindled the stirring in my groin. As soon as she felt it, she stepped back. "I see this isn't only exploring your new feelings of the air and water against your bare skin. I don't mean to tease you, Eric. I have a boyfriend back at university. You're attractive and open to unusual experiences but too young for me."

"I'm just locked outside and want to get back inside. I wasn't trying to get a girlfriend."

"I understand. I'll watch your back until you're inside. Make sure you check the doors next time you feel like going out. Don't feel too weird about your actions; I shave my pussy. It makes it feel so sensitive; sex, swimming, walking around in my panties."

"I wouldn't know. Well, the sex and swimming part, anyway."

"Yeah. I've seen you wearing your mom's panties in the backyard. I assume they're your mom's. Hey, if you're man enough, we can go shopping for panties of your own next week. Get some rest for the swim meet tomorrow."

She reached to my shoulders, turned me around toward the window, and gave me a push. I jumped and leaned on my desktop under the window. My legs hung outside. I had to spread my legs to get my knees to the windowsill to climb through. I looked back, and Debbie kept a close watch on my progress. Knowing she watched my ass was a treat. I had no choice but to spread my legs and raise my knee to the sill.

Once inside, I waved. "Thanks, Debbie. Shopping with you next week would be fun. Bye."

"We'll make a date later. Good luck tomorrow. Night."

I closed the curtains but was aroused, drained, and dirty. The Jergens Lotion collected dust and dirt from the porch and under my window. With sweat from my fear and anxiety, I needed another shower.

With the warm water flowing over me, I thought of Debbie saying she watched me in the backyard wearing Mom's panties. I remembered what got me into this mess in the first place, panties. I needed to find out how they felt against my newly shaven skin. I dried off and walked through the house, turning off the lights.

Mom's bedroom was my last stop before bed, where I opened the bureau drawer holding her most intimate clothing. I removed one of her many white cotton panties, knowing she wouldn't notice the absence, and pressed it to my face inhaling what I imagined to be her scent. I stepped into them and arranged my engorged cock inside their small confines. They felt exquisite. I didn't dare return outside and went to my room.

Lying on my bed in the dark, my head filled with a frantic swirl of Mom's and Debbie's images, I pressed my cock through the panties and quickly released a massive ejaculate. Filling my mother's panties with cum, I fell into a deep and satisfying sleep.

The sound of the alarm clock roused me from sleep. After peeling Mom's cum caked panties from my waist and putting them under my pillow, I took another shower. I thought I should wear my swimsuit instead of underwear to avoid potential problems with my shaved crotch in the locker room.

Arriving five minutes late, I shucked my street clothes and participated in our final token workout. The feeling of my shaved cock slicing through the water was terrific, but the Speedos annoyed me. I had to find a way to swim nude.

After the workout, we cleared our lockers, and I walked through the office. Carol called out. "Good luck today, Eric. Anything to add to our talk from yesterday?"

I blushed at her question. "My shaved legs and body felt so good, I wondered how shaving the rest would feel. You know, my pubic hair." I looked left and right, not wanting anyone to hear us. "So, last night, I shaved it. Even wearing my Speedos felt wonderful this morning, but I want to find somewhere to swim nude."

She visibly brightened. "You finished your last workout at Poly High and cleaned out your lockers. I open at seven, and if you want to come by, I'll let you have the pool to yourself."

The possibilities filled in my mind. "You'd let me swim . . . alone?"

"Yeah. You can swim alone. I have lifeguard responsibilities when no one else is here and must observe. Purely in a professional capacity. For safety reasons."

I tried to remain calm. "Uhm, sure." I didn't know what was more exciting, swimming nude or swimming nude while Carol watched.

"Great. I'll see you in the morning then. Good luck again." Carol smiled and walked into the women's locker room.

I didn't have time to think. I had to get to IHOP for the team breakfast and my usual French toast with butter and lots of sugar. After breakfast, I had two classes before the team met at the gym for the bus to Birmingham High.

I wanted to do well at the swim finals. I fantasized about Olympic glory but knew I was slightly above average in a talented, large pool of great swimmers. I was good but not remotely great. Swimming felt good. It was fun, and I could enjoy my near nudity in front of a crowd.

I swam in three events: the individual fifty-yard freestyle, the two-hundred-yard medley relay, and the two-hundred-yard freestyle relay. I would be lying if I said we had any chance. We hoped to be respectable in our final high school meet.

The qualification rounds were in the afternoon, and the finals in the evening. Of my events, the medley relay was first, the individual next, and the freestyle relay last. I held our position on my leg of both relays, but I didn't gain either. Neither relay team qualified for the finals. When the individual freestyle qualification rounds were totaled, I had the sixth fastest time and was assigned lane seven for the finals. I was shocked the shaving worked.

I knew Mom wouldn't be awake for the qualification rounds. I had a snack during the break before the finals and started looking for her. There are sets of bleachers along each side of the pool. Spectators aren't allowed near the starting blocks, but swimmers can meet family and friends at the bleachers.

Time passed until there were two more events before mine, and I worried Mom wouldn't show. I spotted her walking to the bleachers. I hadn't seen her since our shaving session on Tuesday, and she starred in my activated fantasies of the past two days.

Most guys wrapped a towel around their waist to meet visitors in the bleachers. If they were showing off for a girlfriend, they might forgo the towel, but usually not. With the electric charge of seeing Mom, I threw caution aside. My Speedos left no surprises concerning my crotch, and I felt myself enlarge when she broke into a genuine smile at seeing me.

I shouted when I was close. "I'm so glad you got here in time for my race. I'm only qualified in the individual fifty-yard freestyle. We didn't make the relays."

She made her way to me, and we hugged. "Oh, Honey, I wouldn't miss this for the world. Sorry, you qualified for only one event."

She wore the same outfit as Tuesday, except a different color and with a bra. She held our embrace longer and tighter than a proper motherly greeting required. The long hug enhanced my erection. "My race is next. I'll come back when it's over."

"Okay, Honey. Good luck." She smiled with pride.

I had to diminish my hard-on, or I couldn't stand on the starting block. I jumped in the warm-up pool, and a couple of hard laps did the trick. The fifty-yard freestyle final was announced as I emerged.

I wish I had finished better than dead last, but I didn't. It was a personal best, though. I was officially the eighth-fastest fifty-yard freestyle swimmer in the Mid-Valley League 1972. But it was a letdown after years of workouts and effort.

It was getting late, and after a couple of minutes of talking with Coach Richards and receiving the congratulations and commiserations of fellow teammates, I threw my towel over my shoulder and walked over to Mom.

She could see my disappointment. "Oh, Honey, at least it was a personal best, wasn't it?"

"You pay attention to those things?" I needed to give her more credit.

She pulled me into another tight hug. "Of course I do. I know everything important about you." She rubbed her hands and arms slowly over my back, pulling us tightly together.

I was overcome and hadn't felt such an emotional connection since Dad died. I followed her lead and massaged her back. I couldn't hug her without pressing my lengthening cock against her stomach. I didn't force it but didn't shy away, either. I'm guessing she felt it too. Her hands lowered to my ass, and she arched her back to make space to talk while still touching our waists.

"Tonight's your team dinner." She said, looking straight into my eyes. "But tomorrow is senior ditch day and your graduation ceremony. We'll go for breakfast. I've got a staff meeting, so I'll be later than usual."

"I'd like that a lot. Breakfast tomorrow."

Mom kept smiling and looking me over as we stepped apart. I tried to be as casual as possible and moved the towel from my shoulder to around my waist when I turned back to the team area.

Dinner at Shakey's was the usual good pizza, but the mood was sad. We did worse than last year but better than the previous two seasons. This was the last team dinner for all the seniors. Tomorrow was graduation and the end of this chapter of our lives. For me, it was the beginning of an optimistic future; Sonoma State accepted my application for the fall. Most of my teammates imagined their lives would never be better than now.

Despite the mixed emotions of the team dinner, I was more disturbed by the eruption of my spontaneous sexual fantasies. I decided it was all Coach Richards' fault. None of this would have happened had he not mentioned shaving for the final meet. I couldn't get those visions of Mom, Debbie, or Carol out of my head. I felt guilty when they consumed my thoughts, although I tried to stop them. I eventually quit trying.

Mom had gone to work long before I got home. I was so tired I stripped and slept nude.

The alarm woke me in time for a shower with shaving touch-ups and breakfast before driving to the pool. Carol slid the key into the door as I walked around the corner from the parking lot.

"Morning, Carol."

"It is a good morning, isn't it. I half expected you'd be a no-show." She smiled and held the door open. "I'll keep the door locked, but you can't swim too long. My first class is at eight, and I don't want you interrupted by any of our pre-schoolers arriving early. Go ahead and change. Oh, sorry. Strip is what I meant to say."

"You're sure this is okay?"

"Only if you let me watch, but don't get any weird ideas. I like looking at tall, well-built guys, but my heart and body belong to Michelle. As long as you're good with that, knock yourself out."

I walked straight to the pool area. Halfway along the left side, I stripped and stacked my clothes on one of the benches, where Don Johnson also stripped when they filmed 'The Harrad Experiment' in February. I mentally added one more item to the lengthening list of unusual things happening to me the past few days.
