Mike & Karen Ch. 33


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"I'm not sure that you'll make much headway with your mouth full of Italian baron dick," Janet pointed out.

Karen's response, now that she was turned away from them, was to pull her panties down to moon them, making the two snicker. She kept humming to herself as she finished getting out of them and then glided into her closet to find her outfit for the day.

"So you're goin' on a cruise this weekend, Princess?" Mona called out. "Sounds romantic."

"Well, they are meant to be, so one would hope this little excursion qualifies," Karen answered from inside the closet. "He does seem to know how to woo a girl, certainly."

Just then, the door opened, and Mike came into the room.

"Heya, Mongo," Janet said, smiling at him and waving. She seemed to have forgiven him for nearly ripping her tit off the night before. "D'you speak Italian?"

"I think I know exactly one phrase in Italian," he answered. "Tua figlia ha diciotto anni?"

"What's that mean?" Mona asked, making a wry face.

"Is your daughter eighteen?" he translated.

Mona and Janet were both snickering when Karen exited the closet, holding her clothes, but still completely naked. It didn't stall her one bit, nor did Mike seem to blink.

"DeBourne, you are incorrigible," she sighed, shaking her head as she put her clothes down and began the process of dressing. "I was surprised to see you absent this morning when I awoke."

"Yeah, went down to the gym with my guandao to make sure I was still proficient at something," he muttered, shaking his head. "Talk about embarrassing."

"You're taking the news of your mortality relatively well," Karen mused, slipping on her new panties, not at all bothered by Mike seeing her. How often had they seen one another naked now? Often intentionally on the part of the naked person? "After all, Gilgamesh had a great fear of death, did he not?"

"Gilgamesh could probably spend more than a minute in a cloud of cannabis seed smoke without going to La-La Land," Mike pointed out.

"Don't feel so bad, big guy," Mona cooed, smiling at him. "I mean, what you did was impressive anyway. Nobody else could've sucked back that whole bud and then exhaled no smoke."

"She's right, you know," Karen added, now slipping on her front-clasp bra, turning to speak to her guests, since having her back to them would have been rude. Mona and Janet tried to not stare at Karen's glorious knockers. Mike failed too, but was better at hiding it. "Nobody else I can even think of could do that. You just... paid a heavy price for what you accomplished. It was still inspiring, if terrifying, until you fell over."

"Speaking of inspiring," Mona sighed dreamily, holding up her ticket again. "I'm gettin' to go and see my fave Renaissance painter this weekend. How cool is that?"

"Hah, so you did end up with the Raphael ticket," Mike mused, nodding. "I was thinkin' you might."

Still in her underwear, Karen paused in getting dressed and looked up at him.

"How do you know that, DeBourne?" she asked, almost demanded. "What do you mean?"

The titan student shrugged. "I've heard Mona mention Raphael before as her favourite Renaissance artist, although I disagree with her choice. The dude who is the guest curator for the Raphael exhibit is from Kapuskasing. When I graduated high school, he gave me a ticket personally, since it was all going to be sold out well in advance. He thought I would enjoy the exhibit. But then I gave it to that student, Ellis, because he seemed to think some girl was interested in it. Was that you, Mona?"

Mona and Janet both turned their heads slowly to look at Karen. The bronze-haired girl was looking at the floor, her eyes wide, and her face pink with embarrassment.

Mike's face slowly creased into an evil grin. "It was you, Gordon. Hold on, let me parse this out... you knew that Bresc was big on Raphael and went snooping around for tickets. Ellis got wind and offered to give it to you so that you could give it to Mona."

He observed the blushing girl for another two seconds before he laughed. "You didn't give him money, you gave him a show for the ticket! He got a look at your goods so that you could give Mona the ticket, is that it?"

Mona was staring in shock at Karen while Janet had her face buried in her knees, shaking as she tried desperately to not scream with laughter.

"Shut up..." Karen murmured, still not looking up.

"Oh my gosh, Kar," Mona breathed. "You flashed a dude for a ticket to give to me?"

Karen slowly looked up at Mike, and while she was still blushing, she was also scowling. "I flashed my bra and panties at that kid, DeBourne. You mean to say you had the ticket all along and I could have just got it from you?"

"Hey, I've seen you in your skivvies more times than I could ever remember, how would you ever influence me with that tactic?" Mike pointed out.

Janet lost the battle and was lying on her side, weeping with laughter while Mona cuddled Karen from behind, kissing her shoulder.

"You are the most frustrating man," Karen growled, still glaring at Mike while wearing only her panties and bra. "If I could reach that far, I would throw a brick at your head, sirrah."

"Just get dressed first, I wouldn't want the colour of the brick to clash with your underwear," Mike chuckled, shaking his head before looking at Mona. "I'm not surprised that it ended up in your hands, even if Princess had to randomly shame herself to make it happen. That's a good friend, you know."

"Believe me, I know," Mona purred, still hugging Karen and kissing her shoulder, occasionally groping her tits. "Best flasher friend ever."

"Lemme see if I can make it up to you, Gordon," Mike said easily, heading over to the large dresser and opening the panties drawer. He pulled out the magnet from last night, knowing it would be there. "Thanks for holding onto this for me, it's what I came to get. I'll see you all later..."

And then he was gone. Karen was still staring blankly while Mona held her. Janet was nowhere near done snickering. She couldn't wait to tell Li about this.

"It was him the whole time," Karen murmured. "That... Brobdingnagian battle mammoth had the ticket all along, and some kid used it to see my goods."

"Something about not enjoying the discovery of mortality, Princess?" Janet quipped, finally managing to right herself, sitting up again and grinning.

Karen would get DeBourne for this somehow. Even if it wasn't his fault, he would pay.


Blackwell Manor, Thursday morning, the present...

"This is quite the busy day, but we seem to be on top of it," Karen mused as everyone stood around in the Wellington Lounge. "Let's see... Ashley is staying here to keep me company, as is Millie..."

The two women nodded.

"Michael and Alex are working on aspects of the weekend, and Jordan has agreed to continue collating task files for the staff..." she continued. "Mona, Janet, and Lisa are staying to enjoy the amenities..."

Janet winked at Mike.

"Amenities which do not include my husband, since he is busy," Karen said, dryly, fixing the brunette and the black girl with a look, making them giggle. "Jen is meeting the boys at the Mink Mile to find suits for them, and possibly some casual clothes. She is also helping the Tyrfel sisters do the same."

"Just so," Jenny announced, nodding. "And Glenda has agreed to not only drive, but assist with choosing outfits. I trust her judgement on the matter."

"That's fine, Jen," Mike said with a nod of his own. "Just be back in time for rehearsal, since today will likely be our final chance at one."

Jenny did a graceful curtsy in response. Orders and instructions from Mike were obeyed cheerfully and without question.

"Also heading downtown, although perhaps not quite so minky..." Karen went on. "Alli will be taking Trinian to find another outfit for Saturday."

"We brought nice outfits for you, honey," Ashley pointed out to her daughter. "You don't need another, do you?"

"Alexandra will be so beautiful, I have to match her, mommy," the eight year-old protested, holding Alexa's hand and not letting go. Alexa was trying to keep a look of dull despair off her normally radiant features. She hadn't been laid in more than twelve hours, and it was wreaking havoc with her disposition. "And we also have to get her proper pajamas that match mine."

"Right, then," Karen said, trying to spare her baby sister a little agony, even if this amused her no end. "We also will-"

There was a pause as someone walked in, then snapped their fingers. Everyone turned and looked, seeing Nanu strut through the door into the lounge, looking haughty. Behind her came Percy, dragging his feet. She pointed to a corner, indicating where he should wait. Everyone watched silently as the newly humbled Lord Ravensworth shuffled over to the corner and stood silently, waiting his next instructions.

He looked around the room with a hangdog expression, hoping for sympathy but finding none, especially not from his Tima and Mimi, who simply ignored him. Nanu stood there expectantly, waiting for things to continue. She may have had no clue what was happening, but she had no intention of being excluded. Becky had gone to her teaching job, and Mike and Karen had agreed to host Nanu until her return later in the afternoon.

"It will be a full house tonight," Mike announced. "Not only ourselves, but the Tyrfel sisters, Alex's three friends, Freja, Jeanie, along with Miss Fischer and Miss Tehemet. Dinner will be a lively affair, certainly. Are there any questions?"

Everyone seemed to know their part, and they were eager to get going. He nodded and clapped his hands together, the sound making both Lisa and Valentina start and squeak. "Excellent. Break!"

The group broke up now, everybody heading to their assignments. For several of the ladies, that involved lounging about lazily and getting a head start on the day's drinking. Jenny left with Glenda, and Trinian pulled Alexa out of the lounge. Drinks would be served in Dunsany on the third floor, to stay out of the staff's way.

Nanu snapped her fingers and indicated Percy was to follow her. He looked over at his Tima for a split second, but she remained passive, making little walking motions with her fingers, indicating he was to follow his new mistress. He hung his head and shuffled out after the Egyptian girl.

"I'm in no danger of not enjoying seeing that," Millie muttered as she shook her head. "After trying to get me arrested at Pearson over potato crisps, the little bugger has it coming."

She was laughing with Mona, Janet, Lisa, and Ashley, while Mike and Karen stood in a corner. She held his hands as she looked up at him reverently.

"I know I cut Janet off for the day because you will be busy, but you will of course find time to track me down and do naughty things to me, right?" she asked in a quiet, tiny voice and with the hopeful little girl expression she was so good at.

"It's my reason for being, so how could I not?" he said, smiling down at the woman he worshipped and would do anything for. "You keep them amused with anecdotes for about an hour in Dunsany. Then I'll meet you in B9."

"It's been a while since we've defiled ourselves in there," she breathed, feeling a tingle as she nodded. "Very well, sir, we have an accord. I will see you in an hour."

He kissed his wife lovingly and then turned to leave, striding out the door. Karen turned and smiled at her friends.

"So, ladies," she began with a graceful gesture. "It's always happy hour somewhere on this big blue marble. Shall we repair to Dunsany and begin with the libations?"

An enthusiastic cheer met her suggestion. Day drinking was an easy sell with this crowd.


The Mink Mile, half an hour later...

"There you are, gentles," Jenny said as she watched the three young men approached. She was wearing a chic outfit, her hair done up in its customary chignon. "What ho, boys?"

"Lady Greymoor," they all intoned as they stopped, bowing their heads in respect. She smiled, since she hadn't taught them to do that quite that way. They'd clearly discussed this amongst themselves.

"Since you're playing hooky, I suppose we should get right to it, hm?" she suggested. "I have a number of places all pegged out, so we shall avail ourselves of the first task, that being getting you fitted for suits."

"Fitted, my lady?" Ted asked, tilting his head. "Can't we just buy them somewhere, prefab?"

"We could, but that wouldn't do," she said, shaking her head. "Boys, 'off the rack' is simply not done. Not in my circles. And you are now travelling in my circles. Michael has his suits fitted and tailor-made, he has for decades now. And do you think Kat would let her son be seen in a suit not tailor-made to fit him?"

That answer was fairly obvious, and now Ted felt like a dolt for asking to begin with. The countess wasn't here to save money.

"Stay put, let me look at you," Jenny mused, assessing them now, side-by-side, but also individually. She walked around them slowly, examining their frames. If anyone walking by was wondering what the gorgeous posh bird was doing sizing up three young men like pieces of meat, they knew better than to ask. She made her decisions and began pointing.

"Theodore, you're an Armani man," she stated. "We'll get you fitted for your suit at the Emporio just down the road here."

Ted's eyes widened? "Armani? Me?"

"Yes, you."

"I can't even afford to look in the window as I pass by the place," he said, sounding flustered.

"Then it's a good thing you're not the one in charge or paying, what?" Jenny reasoned before looking at Anthony now. "Anthony, you will be fitted at Hugo Boss, I think. Yes, that will hang on your frame nicely. We'll hit that up as well."

Dave was last, and she considered. "David, we'll take you to Bespoke and Distinguished, which is where Michael gets his done. They're used to dealing with his larger frame, so they can certainly accommodate you."

"Does that make me the fat one?" he asked, trepidation in his voice.

"No, lovey, you're just bigger-boned than your mates, that's all," Jenny said easily, waving it off. "Now, we're closest to Hugo Boss, so we will start with Anthony. After that, we'll meet up with the ladies. Let's go, boys, spit-spot!"

"Yes, my lady," they chorused before falling in with her as she headed out. Three different stores for formal wear. As least she could get all their new casual clothes at Harry Rosen. Glenda had gone to pick up Freja, Jeanie, and the Tyrfel sisters, whom she had yet to meet.

She was looking forward to today.


Another shopping district...

Alexa was standing outside the change stall, sighing and examining her nails. Her shopping buddy had insisted Alexa's fingernails be a delicate shade of pink today, which she personally found rather revolting. She hadn't liked pale pink since she was around nine, so maybe this made sense.

"Alexandra," Trinian called from inside the little space. "Can you come in here and give me your opinion?"

Jeez, was I this demanding when I was her age? Alexa thought. "Sorry, honey, they have a one person at a time in the fitting stalls policy."

A store employee was walking by as Alexa said that and looked ready to correct her, but a firm stare from the tall, amazon blonde with the flashing blue eyes compelled her to say nothing and just keep moving.

"Even though we're both girls?" Trinian protested, the frown in her voice obvious. "That seems dumb."

"Maybe, but we Blackwells obey the law of the land, we always have," Alexa pointed out, using her family's generations-long and famous adherence to the rule of law as an excuse. Given how hidebound Trinian seemed to be for a girl her age, maybe this would get through to her. She heard a sigh and then more rustling around.

"Okay, I think I'm ready," Trinian said. "I hope you like it."

"I'm prepared to be blown away," Alexa said, faking all the anticipation she could in her voice. "C'mon out."

The door opened and out stepped the younger girl, twirling into view. Alexa had let Trinian pick out an outfit without showing her, waiting for the big reveal. This seemed to be important. Her eyes widened slightly as Trinian came to a stop, the skirt of her new dress ruffling around her knees. The top was black with white spots around it, while the skirt's panels were designed to look like the wings of a monarch butterfly. Trinian had put her hair up in a little bun while she was at it.

"Well?" she asked, swishing side to side so that the skirt flowed around her. "What do you think?"

"That's... actually very pretty on you, Trinian," Alexa said, impressed. It was quite lovely on her, and she was indeed an exceptionally pretty little girl. Alexa had been slightly taller at that age, her hair a little more golden, while Trinian's had an ash-blonde tint to it. But they both had the unmistakable Blackwell features, and Trinian wore them well, like every other member of the family.

"Thanks!" the girl gushed, her hands behind her back and she looked very pleased.

"But I thought you were going to find an outfit to match mine," Alexa recalled. "Wasn't that your idea?"

"Oh, yes, but then I saw this and had to have it," Trinian replied, doing another spin to flare her skirt out, making it look like the wings were in motion. That was no doubt part of the appeal of the dress. Alexa found herself wondering if they had one just like it in her dimensions. She would totally rock that outfit.

"I thought so too, but then I realized that if we matched, people would think we were closely related," Trinian explained. "And we can't have people thinking that."

Heavens forfend, Alexa sighed inwardly.

Trinian disappeared back into the stall, emerging two minutes later changed back into her street clothes, the butterfly dress over her arm. "Come on," she said, taking Alexa's hand. "Let's go buy this, then we'll get pajamas for you that match mine, and then you can take me for ice cream!"

"I don't know if they make rubber ducky pajamas for people my size, sweetie," Alexa confessed, hoping for a way out.

"Oh," Trinian said, frowning as she thought the problem through while they headed to the register. "Do they make nighties like yours in my size?"

Alexa restrained another groan and pulled out her wallet.


The Dunsany Lounge...

They seemed to have divided up into two little groups now, one sitting in three chairs around a small table, the other group on the long chesterfield. Around the table, Karen, Millie, and Ashley were sipping their drinks and gossiping. Ashley had juicy details about the lives of the moneyed people living on the Bruce Peninsula, and Millie was giggling, because she had no such news to share from Fraggle Rock.

On the chesterfield, Mona, Janet, and Lisa were sitting along its length, with Alex having been made to lie on his back on top of them. His head was in his Aunt Mona's lap, his back was on Janet's, and farther down, his feet were resting on Lisa's lap. His feet were the least heavy part of him, so she'd opted for that, since Mona had already claimed his head. With Alexa downtown, they were fawning all over him, as was their custom when they were present.

"Soooooo, how's our little man holding up?" Mona cooed, caressing his cheek and running her fingers through his magnificent mane of golden hair as she smiled down at him. "I know we've been paying so much attention to Alli these past few days, you must've been feeling left out."

"But we could never forget about you, stud," Janet assured him, smiling her sexy smile, lifting his shirt and running slowly her palms over his eight pack abs. "We've got way too much invested in you, after all."