Mike & Karen Ch. 33


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Not to mention three big chocolate fudge sundaes and the resulting sugar crash, Alexa mused. If Trinian planned to be grafted to her as long as possible, then Alexa would do her best to keep the younger girl awake through dinner, send her into a food coma, and hopefully have the evening off. Even if she apparently wasn't sleeping with her husband. "Keep your eyes open, because you won't want to miss dinner. Good practice for Saturday, you know?"

"I will be good for dinner," Trinian mumbled, blinking some more before slumping into silence. "Just you... watch..."

Annnnd there she goes... Alexa sighed, shaking her head. I just hope she doesn't get a second wind after dinner.

She took a chance and shifted into a higher gear while pressing down on the gas. The sooner she got home...



They were in the formal dining room tonight, since so many people were present for the meal. Neither Percy or Trinian had managed to stay awake, and everyone hoped they would be out until morning. The adults were laughing heartily as Jordan related an anecdote from decades past.

"So we'd gone down to Niagara Falls to see Elvis in concert, what with Miranda being such a devoted fan and all," he explained as he sipped his port. "We were invited backstage, which tickled her no end. I had young Mistress Karen with me, and she watched everything with her typical cool aloofness. She couldn't have been more than six at the time. The King was doling out kisses to his adoring female fans."

"Ooooooh," most of the women at the table said, smiling at Karen, who remained stoic, as she always did when this story was told.

"Eventually, Mister Presley knelt down in front of her and asked the young lady if she wanted to kiss him," Jordan continued. "She looked directly at him and simply said 'No, but you may kiss me...'."

People were roaring with laughter, it was amazing that they hadn't awakened the children in their rooms up above. Lisa was almost as red as her hair, slapping her hand against the table. Only Mike was not wheezing with laughter, but was indeed smirking. Alex hadn't heard this anecdote in over ten years.

"Ohmigod, Kar," Ashley gasped, wiping a tear from her face. "You blew off the King? Only you could possibly pull that off!"

"I don't see anyone else at this table who can claim they have been kissed by Elvis," Karen sniffed, sipping her own glass of port. "And frankly, I would have been more interested in kissing Priscilla or Ann-Margret."

"Makes my little snog with David Bowie seem rather tame, admittedly," Jenny allowed with a smirk. "Count on Kat to put everything in perspective for the King of Rock 'n' Roll..."

Dinner had ended and now people had repaired to the ballroom, where Mike, Karen, Alex, Alexa, and Jenny were going to do what was likely their final rehearsal for their performance that would officially kick off the festivities on Saturday.

On the stage at the back of the room, Karen and Jenny were standing and using the Stradivarius violins, Sleeping Beauty, and La Pucelle. Alexa was sitting and playing the viola da gamba, Alex was strumming on the baroque guitar, while Mike was playing the harpsichord. It sounded magnificent and everyone applauded enthusiastically. They all bowed before Karen, Alex, Alexa, and Mike, who gestured to Jenny before joining in on the applause. The countess did a graceful stage bow, her arms spread wide, a flush exhilaration on her cheeks.

Drinks were served, and everyone was milling around chatting. Shana and Peg were talking with Mike and Karen, whom they'd never directly met before, even if they knew them. Shana's voice kept squeaking as her intimidation showed. Soon enough, their hosts had the sisters at ease, saying they were looking forward to their presence at the weekend festivities.

However, Freja was no longer able to ignore the fact that Nanu kept her chest pushed out any time she was near to the Danish girl. Jeanie, talking happily with Ashley, had failed to notice her wife's growing irritation. Freja knocked back her drink, hoping it would calm her, but eventually she'd had enough. She didn't care if they were surrounded by people, she was dealing with this now.

"I am knowings that you are doing this on purpose!" Freja said angrily, standing in front of the Egyptian girl. Freja was taller than Nanu, but the shorter girl remained defiant, smirking and making sure her breasts were pushed forward, almost like a shield. "You are being very rude!"

Nanu turned her head to look at Becky, who was standing nearby conversing with Millie. The blonde woman translated into Latin for her, and Nanu laughed into the back of her hand for a moment before talking back to Freja, her eyes glinting with wicked amusement. Freja didn't need a translation, she was pretty damned sure she knew what the little runt was saying.

"Do you think I will not kick your ass?!" Freja said angrily, her face colouring. "I will not be disrespected, with no regardings to who is around! And you will have it comings!"

The smirk never left Nanu's face as she spoke again, wiggling her tits slightly while she did it.

"Oops," Jeanie said quietly, standing near Becky now and looking worried. "Aren't you concerned for Nanu? She's got Fre pretty riled."

"No, can't say as I am," Becky sighed, shaking her head.

"Oh, wow," the brunette mused, taking Becky's words at face value. "Is she like a really good martial artist?"

"Not at all," Becky said, just watching on.

"One more word," Freja said menacingly, her eyes flashing as she glared at Nanu, holding up her index finger. She knew everyone in the room was watching, whether it was her Jeanette, Alexandra, Alex, Mike, Karen, Countess Greymoor, other guests, or members of the staff.

She was not taking it any more from this brat. She'd done nothing, but the Nanu girl insisted on taunting her. One way or another, it ended here. "Say one more thing about my tits and I am doing the planting of you."

Nanu could tell by the short-haired girl's tone (and finger) that she was threatening her, an ultimatum issued. She wasn't much all that much taller than Nanu though, and Nanu wasn't afraid. She cupped her prominent boobs with her hands, raising and releasing them, letting them bounce before sniffing in contempt and snapping her fingers at Freja's chest.

That was all Freja could take. Her eyes flared and she lunged in, grabbing Nanu and spinning her to the floor. The Egyptian girl squeaked in surprise as she found herself in a very firm triangle lock, her neck clamped between Freja's powerful thighs as well as one arm, pinned in place.

Freja was on her back, gripping Nanu's immobilized arm while the free arm flailed almost uselessly behind her. Nanu was on her knees, struggling to escape, but Freja was much stronger than her.

She began to turn purple, her eyes bulging as Freja applied pressure.

"You are having an option," Freja hissed, glaring at the other girl. She didn't feel bad, she had put up with as much as she could take. She had her pride. "You are to stop mocking me at once! You will apologize and stop! Somebody tell her!"

Becky spoke to Nanu in a blasé voice, translating what Freja had said.

Nanu's eyes flashed defiantly, even as they started to bug out of her head. She couldn't do anything, but she refused to submit to this angry girl with no tits. Everyone was still watching quietly, a sense of consternation growing around the room. Karen glanced up at Mike, her expression voicing her concern, but Mike simply tilted his head toward Becky. Karen looked over at their former student, who was standing nearby, along with Jeanie.

Becky didn't seem all that interested or troubled, she was simply looking at her fingernails.

"I am not joking!" Freja said harshly, applying more pressure with her legs. "You are to give in at once, or ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!"

As everyone who wasn't Becky (or Mike) looked on in astonishment, Nanu lunged down and sank her teeth into Freja's vagina through her yoga pants, holding on like grim death. Freja thrashed about in shock and agony, the leg lock broken instantly. Still, Nanu wouldn't let go, her beady eyes fixed on Freja like a shark's.

"MAKE HER STOP!!!" Freja howled as she tried to escape, her body shaking from the pain. She tried crawling backwards on her hands, but Nanu was lying between her legs now, dead weight as she was dragged across the floor. "FOR THE LOVINGS OF GOD, MAKE HER STOP!!!"

Alex was watching with one eyebrow raised, while Alexa couldn't keep from smirking. Still not the weirdest or stupidest shit she'd seen Fre get herself into. Valentina was standing nearby, her eyes wide and her hands clasped over her mouth as she tried not to wince in pain from what she was seeing.

"I AM YIELDINGS!!!" Freja wailed, her strength to retreat failing her as she fell on her back, writhing, every nerve in her body on fire. "I AMS SURRENDERING!!! SHE WINS!!! MAKE HER STOP!!!"

Jeanie looked at Becky now, worried for her wife. Becky sighed and walked forward, kneeling next to the jawlocked Egyptian and the thrashing Danish girl.

"Okay, Nanu, I think you made your point," she said in Latin, just loud enough to be heard over Freja's screeching. "You won, you can let go now."

Nanu didn't, still lying like a sack between Freja's churning legs, her teeth clamped on the other girl's pussy, the pupils little more than tiny black dots in her flashing hazel eyes.

"Sweetie," Becky said a little more firmly. "Enough is enough, it's time to let go, she said you won, she submits."

Nanu ignored her.

"YNDLING!!!" Freja cried out. "SAVE ME!!!"

"NANU!" thundered Mike in Coptic, his powerful voice echoing through the entire house and causing almost everyone looking on who wasn't his wife or his son to jump in shock. "RELEASE HER, CHILD OF THE BLACK LAND!"

Nana instantly unclamped her jaw from Freja's crotch and scrambled away. Freja rolled onto her side, trembling and whimpering as she cupped her much-abused pussy with her hands. Alexa sighed, shaking her head and coming to kneel next to her best friend, with Jeanie joining her.

Meanwhile, Nanu was now kneeling in front of Mike and Karen, her forehead pressed to the floor and her arms flat on the marble in front of her, mumbling fearfully in Coptic, her whole body trembling in dread as she made obeisance before the two mighty gods. Everyone who wasn't watching Freja was gaping in amazement at the scene with Nanu.

"Damn," Becky muttered to herself, looking on with a wry expression that bordered on a jealous scowl. "I need to figure out how to do that."

"Trust me, lovey," Jenny sighed, putting an arm around the younger blonde's slim waist. "It is simply a skill and a gift we mere mortals must learn to do without. But goodness, that girl of yours has a mean streak in her, doesn't she?"

The teacher shook her head in resignation. "She was raised as a slave, and she'd had to fight for everything her whole life. Once she's in survival mode, it is very hard to get through that upbringing."

"Well, no harm done," Jenny remarked with her typical whimsical tone, until she looked down at the scene of carnage in front of them all. "Well, except for maybe poor Freja's undercarriage, that is."

"Well, how'd that daring plan work out, tumpe?" Alexa mused in Danish while squatting next to her soulmate and stroking a hand through her hair. "Congratulations, you just got your ass handed to you by a girl barely bigger than a kindergartner. In front of high society, too. Not your best idea, Fre. Don't you ever learn?"

"Gnnnnnn," Freja groaned, lying on her side and holding her crotch, shivering because every synapse in her body was still screaming in outrage. "Why are you mocking me at the hour of my death, you heartless bitch? Doesn't my pain mean anything to you?"

"Well, I got it all on video, so I can watch it a few hundred times and decide," the blonde girl said cheerfully.

Freja ignored her best friend and looked up at her wife, her eyes bleary and red with tears. "Yndling, you will take me to a doctor, yes? We must make sure the demon-girl did not bite my cunt off."

"I mean, yeah, I guess," Jeanie said, shrugging. She had absolutely no idea how Freja had managed to lose that fight. She'd watched Fre handily take out many people plenty bigger people than Nanu, some of them bigger than Alex.

Bigger people, mind, not scarier. Jeanie had to admit that she was rather frightened of the little Egyptian girl now.

"Everyone back up," Mike ordered in a low, firm voice. Alexa and Jeanie both moved away from Freja immediately, leaving her to whatever came next. Freja just lay in a fetal position on her side.

Mike looked down at Nanu, speaking in Latin. "You are to be Freja's friend now. You will support her and cherish her. No more conflict between you. Go."

Without a hint of hesitation, Nanu got to her feet and hurried over to where Freja was lying. She cradled the Danish girl in her lap, whispering in a kindly tone and caressing her crimson cheeks. She gently wiped away the tears and leaned down to kiss her lips gently.

Jeanie seemed confused. "Diiiiid the Prof just give away my wife?"

"No," Alex chuckled, shaking his head. "He just made sure that Fre's still gonna be a biological woman at the end of the day."

"Oh," Jeanie said, watching the odd scene playing out before them. "Good. Because I want a wife. If I was gonna marry a dude, it would've been you, y'know?"

"God, I love you, Jeanie," Alexa said cheerfully from the brunette's other side, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek affectionately. "You're awesome."

Freja was lying on her back, breathing heavily and trembling still, her head in Nanu's lap. The smaller girl was still caressing and cooing to her, absolutely no sign of the menacing danger from earlier. She almost seemed to look at Freja in adoration. But Freja was still too shocked and exhausted to work out what had happened. She was simply relieved that the excruciating pain had ended and that she still had a cunt.

She hoped.

"Alex, find Glenda and get her to drive the girls over to Kerkyon, will you?" Karen now said, catching her son's attention with a gentle hand stroking the back of his neck, now that Nanu was starting to caress between Freja's legs, where all the trauma had happened. She didn't need her little boy seeing that. "Dr. James may be clocked out, but they have a late-night urgent clinic available, just call ahead."

"On it, mom," Alex replied, loping off, confident that Alexa was still subtly recording everything that happened until he got back.

"Let's leave the kiddies to it, shall we?" Mike announced, getting the adults to follow him out of the room, his wife on his arm. The small group had made its way out of the ballroom, discussing evening drinks on their way to Dunsany. The staff present had also dispersed, leaving Alexa, Nanu, Freja, and Jeanie alone in the room, the three fit girls huddled around the stricken Danish warrior. Peg and Shana seemed reluctant to leave, but eventually followed Mike and Karen.

"Nanu, honey," Alexa said in Latin to the Egyptian girl, smiling and touching Nanu's hand. "What do you want to say to Freja?"

Nanu nodded. "I am her friend, and I will always be there for her. Her and her dumb wife. I am their fast friend now."

Alexa giggled. "Well, there's no need to be mean about the fact that her wife isn't smart, Nanu. She can't exactly help it."

"I know, and that is why I will like her," Nanu replied. "If she was intentionally stupid, I would bite her cunt off too, to make sure she could have no stupid children. This girl with no tits, if she has girls, they will have no tits as well. A sad world. It's a good thing that she and the dumb girl cannot fuck and have dumb girls with no tits."

Alexa was still snicker-giggling thirty seconds later, both Freja and Jeanie giving her a bemused look. She finally managed to take a breath and told Freja in Danish that Nanu was now her devoted friend and that would never change.

"What?" Freja groused in Danish, scowling despite the fire in her crotch. "It fucking took her all that fucking time to say that? She fucking nearly bit my goddamn motherfucking cunt right the fuck off and one fucking word from your overfuckingsized brother-in-fucking-law and suddenly we're fucking besties?"

"I think she believes Mike and Kar are gods, literally," Alexa answered, switching to English for Jeanie's benefit, in case the dumb brunette had forgotten she spoke Danish. "You didn't see how quickly she started bowing and groveling after he made her stop biting you. And she might think Alex and I are gods too."

"Goodie for you, bitch..." Freja grumbled, looking away at the far wall and refusing to be mollified.

"Hey, it beats getting your tingler bitten off, doesn't it?" Alexa reasoned. "How is it you never manage to win a fight with people smaller than you? I mean, how many of them can there be?"

Freja was muttering un-ladylike things at Alexa, ignoring the fact that Nanu's hand was now in her yoga pants and stroking her shattered pussy lovingly when Alex came back into the room. "Okay, Glenda's firing up the Maybach. Let's go, ladies. Fre, y'need someone to carry you?"

"Not these two traitors or that little homicideful maniac," Freja groused, scowling at the other three women present while he bent down next to her. "It is up to you, hero."

"Okay, up you go," Alex said with a small grunt, lifting Freja easily and carrying her sideways, her arms around his neck. He headed out of the ballroom and toward the front doors, a very disgruntled Freja in his arms, grumbling, her crotch throbbing like a beacon. Behind him walked Alexa, Jeanie, and Nanu.

Jeanie looked down as Nanu laced her tiny fingers through hers, smiling warmly and speaking in Latin. Jeanie looked at Alexa. She didn't even speak Latina, forget Latin.

Alexa smirked and spoke in French, which Jeanie understood. "She wants to know if she can lick your pussy and finger your ass to show your that she's your friend."

Jeanie considered. "I s'pose that sounds good, as long as I don't piss her off, right?"

Alexa nodded her agreement.

"Thank God I have tits," Jeanie sighed as she walked hand-in-hand with Nanu, following Alex. "She doesn't take kindly to girls with little tits, does she?"

When they got to the limo, Alexa was still snicker-giggling, much to Freja's annoyance.


Later that night...

Blackwell Manor was quiet now, as almost all parties had retired to their rooms for sleep. Jenny had taken the shift with Percy on the second floor, while Millie was crashed out in Jenny's VIP room in her large, soft bed. She had to admit, she might not have gone in for all the social nonsense of the blue blood life, but she could get used to this. Was her sister rubbing off on her?

Jenny was sitting up in the other bed in the suite on the second floor, with Percy snoring across from her. Ignoring the sound, she was writing in her little journal, something she'd done since before she'd met Kat, and she was quite diligent in making entries at least a few times a week. This was her seventy-fifth such journal, the others having filled up over forty years.

She kept two sets of journals, actually- one devoted to her daily life, her impressions, and things that happened around her. Today's entry had been mostly about the trip to the Mink Mile, and her impression of the boys.

But she had another set of journals of a far more intimate and personal nature, in which she described the erotic events of her life, her trysts and her lovers over the decades, and how they had made her the woman she was today. She had no idea how on earth they could ever be published or made public, because how the scandal would shake the foundations of high society, but oh, what delightful and salacious fun it would be!