Mike & Karen Ch. 33


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"Darn tootin'," Lisa agreed, patting the flats of her fingers on Alex's instep. "Goin' to university, marrying Alli... there's so much to catch up on, I don't even know where to continue."

"Well, as long as I'm not squashing you," he replied, admittedly enjoying the attention. "I'm quite a bit bigger than the last time you saw me, especially you, Aunt Li."

"You're light as a feather, baby, and I like how you say that," the redhead assured him. "Aunt Li... it sounds like I'm doin' the aunt thing well, y'know? I do things in an 'auntly' way."

"Guess we're lucky your name isn't Lerissa, then," Alex quipped, smirking.

"Antler," Mona snickered while Janet laughed. Even Lisa giggled. "Apparently the countess is ready to marry your sense of humour."

"Nobody makes her do that crazy laugh of hers nearly as often as Alex does," Millie pointed out from the other group, pausing to speak to them. "I've heard it more times in these past few days than I had the previous decade, thanks to this little bugger. Still, if it makes Jenny laugh, the world is a happier place for it."

Karen motioned to Valentina, who was standing nearby with the drinks station, indicating she should give everyone another round as necessary. While it may have seen rather elite to have a servant simply standing around tending to drinks, Val didn't mind, since it meant she always have the freshest and juiciest gossip to share with the other staff members later that day. And she was all about the gossip.

She trotted over and poured cognac for Karen, Jura wine for Millie, and a rosé for Ashley. She then went to the chesterfield and poured more champagne for Mona, had a local wheat beer for Janet, and a sweet red wine for Lisa that she would pretend was kosher.

"Anything for you, your majesty?" Val asked sweetly, bending over to talk to Alex until she was almost nose-to-nose with him. If she'd been wearing her regular outfit, she would've been mooning Karen and Millie.

"Pretty sure we can feed him if he gets thirsty, Val," Janet said with a wink, wiggling her chest at the maid, making Mona snicker and Lisa giggle and blush. Even Ashley and Millie were giggling, while Karen just smiled and shook her head. She never wanted these days to end. Val laughed, doing a curtsy and walking back to her station. It wouldn't be long before Mistress would ask for a White Lady, so she began getting the ingredients ready.

They were still chatting gaily when Nanu sauntered into the lounge, raising her arm and snapping her fingers loudly overhead. As she headed over to an unoccupied chair, Percy trudged into the room, still looking completely defeated. He barely looked in his tima's direction as he passed by, knowing there would be no sympathy found in that corner.

Nanu sidled into the comfy chairs, sitting sideways, her feet dangling over the side. She snapped again and pointed lazily at Valentina and her work station. Head hung, Percy walked slowly over to Val and politely asked for the drink his new mistress wanted. Val poured him a glass of wine, trying to not smirk in glee at his discomfiture. He'd made life so miserable for the staff, she doubted Nanu could mistreat the little creep hard enough to make even Marie feel bad for him.

She handed Percy a silver tray and then put the silver goblet filled with Nanu's wine on top of it. He walked back to her chaise and held out the tray, presenting her libation to her. She didn't even look at him when she took the goblet and took a sip before sighing loudly and relaxing into the chaise.

"Don't feel bad for the little prat," Millie assured the other women at the table. "After trying to get me arrested for Grey Dolphin, I've no sympathy for him. He knows right from wrong, he just doesn't care. I should just paint him orange and get it over with."

"I'm rather enjoying the whole Ganymede training that Nanu is putting him through," Karen mused, making the other two women giggle. Over on the chesterfield, the only person coming remotely close to feeling bad for Percy was Lisa, and that feeling was decidedly very remote. Some people insisted on learning the hard way, and Percival Ravensworth was one of them. He was like a little Wile E. Coyote dressed in an Eton schoolboy suit.

Nanu sipped her wine and snapped again, causing Percy to go back to Val and retrieve a small tray of canapés. He brought it back and waited silently while she occasionally sampled one of the morsels off the tray. If she decided she didn't like one, she just tossed the uneaten bit back on the tray. Percy just waited silently, his face dull and defeated.

Eventually, she waved him away, apparently meaning he was dismissed for now. But she still had her snapping fingers ready. He turned and headed out of the room, not even looking at his tima. The women in the room all lifted their drinks in salute to Nanu, who had tamed the untameable beast. She smiled and saluted back with her goblet of wine, which was set with little red gems.

Yes, it was a good day to be Nanu Tehemet.

"Hey, Kar, mind if we play some tunes?" Mona called out, her champagne glass almost empty. Val trotted over to refill it.

"Just don't let Alex control the playlist, or we'll be listening to Amon Amarth and Gloryhammer before you know it," Karen replied, nodding her assent.

"I find it odd that you know the names of these metal bands," Millie mused. "Not exactly the aesthetic I associate you with, Kat."

Karen shrugged. "I know members from both bands in this case, although they are not attending the celebrations this weekend. Jello Biafra is a maybe, though."

Over on the chesterfield, the three aunts were all debating who would get to choose the playlist. Eventually, rock-paper-scissors would determine who was in control.

"Ha!" Janet said, triumphantly before speaking at the ceiling. "Hey, Vedette! Give us a Best of the Eighties playlist!"

The music started up, all three women grooving along with the tune while Alex was still lying across them. Karen, Ashley, and Millie were wiggling along as well.

Nanu was staring at the magic ceiling in confusion.

"She'll only come out at night,

The lean and hungry type.

Nothing is new, I've seen her here before.

Watching and waiting..."

Alex chuckled and sat up, allowing his aunts to stand, and they began to dance and shimmy together. Soon enough, they were joined by Millie and Ashley, followed by Valentina, who squeaked in delight and jiggled up once Lisa had waved her over. Karen sat back for a little bit, smiling and watching.

Nanu was still frowning at the ceiling.

"She's sitting with you but her eyes are on the door

So many have paid to see, what'd you think, you'd get it for free?

The woman is wild, a she-cat tamed by the purr of a Jaguar.

Money's the matter, if you're in it for love you ain't gonna get too far!"


Downtown, the Mink Mile...

"Oh, here she comes,

Watch out boy she'll chew you up.

Oh, here she comes,

She's a man eater!"

Jenny was sitting back in a comfortable chair, a flute of complimentary champagne in her hand while she watched the small round dais intently, kicking her knee back and forth in a slow rhythm. Anthony was standing still on the dais, his arms spread out while junior tailors measured him and displayed panels of fabric for the suit the countess had commissioned. Ted and Dave were standing nearby watching, knowing they'd be undergoing this treatment next.

"Oh, here she comes,

Watch out boy she'll chew you up.

Oh, here she comes,

She's a man eater!"


Blackwell Manor...

Mike was sitting in the office, finishing some last-minute adjustments to schedules about VIP arrivals, and would send them to Tatyana for confirmation. While Hall & Oates played over the speaker system, he pushed back in the chair and stretched, letting out a loud sigh. Rotating his shoulders, he stood and went over to a covered thing in the corner of the room. It was the size of a large portrait, and concealed by vermilion silk.

Only Alex and he had seen the finished commission before now, and it was everything he'd hoped it would be. Given how unexpected the manner of presentation would prove on Saturday, it was an inevitable sensation that revered the first woman to head this ancient family in a thousand years.

On to the next task!

He locked the door behind himself, and only he had the key to the office right now. It had to be that way. He smiled as he thought about the even more stunning present he had for Karen come her birthday in August.

He strode down the hall, pleased with being well ahead of schedule. He'd promised his wife he'd find time to do naughty things to her, and he intended to make good.

He might even find time to practice with his guandao before the night was out.



Jenny was sipping a complimentary glass of white wine while watching David get fitted. He was the most heavyset chap of the trio, and Anthony the thinnest. David wasn't fat, but some exercise was unlikely to kill him. Lose a few pounds, look after the beard he was attempting to grow, and he would prove quite fuckable, in her estimation.

The tailors suggested a cut on the trousers to her, and she mulled it over before nodding. She knew how Alex was going to dress for the event, and while his friends would not be matching him, they could at least complement. She had discussed it with Kat and Michael, of course, and was ready to let the boys dazzle.

"I wouldn't if I were you, I know what she can do;

She's deadly man, and she could really rip your world apart.

Mind over matter,

The beauty is there but a beast is in the heart!"

Glenda was standing nearby now with the Tyrfel sisters, who watched quietly and waited patiently. They'd been told they would be fitted for dresses as well, something worthy of showing up in to this event. If they were nervous, they were also equally excited. Watching boys get fitted for clothes was new for them, even if none of these three were built like a god the way Alex was.

Shana resisted the urge to catcall when Dave turned around slowly on his dais, wearing only his boxer shorts and socks.


An expensive ice cream parlour...

Despite being deprived of sex for sixteen hours now, Alexa had to admit that she wasn't having a bad time. Trinian was regaling her with stories of her days at school, and how goofy all the other children were. Not many of them were very smart, like her.

"Do you think Percy is smart?" Alexa asked as she took another scoop of her decadent banana split. She'd have to fuck somebody for the best part of fifteen hours to work all these calories off.

"Who?" Trinian asked, blinking for a moment. Then she remembered. "Oh, him," she said unconcernedly, digging into her chocolatey sundae. "I don't know, but probably not. He doesn't seem smart, does he?"

"I dunno, really, he's about your age, I don't have much in common with him," Alexa mused. "His grandmother, the countess, is pretty darn smart."

"Well, she's a girl, that's different," Trinian pointed out, gesturing to bring over a server and indicating that she needed a few more cherries, and some extra chocolate goop. "And yes, he's my age, but it's different with you and I, isn't it? We can talk about anything and everything. That's so perfect."

"You do have a lot to say," Alexa agreed. Trinian would be a lot more fun for her to hang around with if it was Alex she'd developed the terminal crush on. And she was definitely a Blackwell, expecting things to work out a certain way, and for lesser mortals to simply comply.

Thankfully, there had been no adult-sized rubber ducky pajamas, nor any scant nighties Trinian's size. The girl had eventually bowed to the powers of supply and demand, and allowed Alexa to get some silk pajamas that were a royal blue in colour, matching her eyes. While this was technically everything they'd had on their shopping list, Trinian wanted to stroll around more, and see what else caught their eye. She didn't make it to Toronto nearly often enough, according to her.

Alexa shook her head when Trinian ordered a second sundae.


Harry Rosen...

"Oh, here she comes;

Watch out boy she'll chew you up

Oh, here she comes,

She's a man eater!"

The six girls sat and watched as the boys paraded out individually, wearing clothes they thought suited them. Jenny would muse, then shake her head, causing said boy to sigh and head back to the dressing room to roll the dice with his next outfit. He was replaced by another member of the crew, who waited anxiously for approval.

"Oh, here she comes

Here she comes she's a, man eater!"

Jenny shook her head. Ted almost threw his arms in the air and stalked off, ready to dress and try again.

"Oh, here she comes

(The woman is wild oh)

Oh, here she comes

(Here she comes watch out boy watch out boy)

Oh, here she comes

(Oh watch out watch out watch out watch out)

Oh here she comes

She's a man eater..."

Finally, all three boys were standing in front of the ladies, grinning while Jenny nodded her approval. The women all clapped, with Freja and Jeanie already having been warned to not throw their panties at the models.

Job well done, Penrose, Jenny thought to herself, standing up and rummaging in her clasp for her credit card. And now on to get the ladies properly clad.

I wonder if everyone back at Blackshack is having as much fun as I am?


Blackshack (aka Fun Central...)

He almost slammed the glass down on the table, scowling at the surface in front of him. Theresa mused that this had been his third glass of cherry juice, and he had a red ring around his lips. He was beginning to look like one of the Mentats from the Dune movie.

"It's not fair!" Percy groused, his little face a mask of sullen resentment. "Why will nobody say I'm better than them! I am! I'm an earl!"

"Are you?" Theresa asked, hoping it didn't sound like she was needling him. She didn't want him here. But he'd stomped into the kitchen, apparently having escaped Nanu's clutches, demanding something to drink. She'd stocked up on cherry juice recently, since it made him drowsy. "Aren't your great-grandparents the earls or something? Don't you need to wait your turn?"

"You don't understand because everyone here is stupid," he spat, pushing the glass toward her, clearly insisting on more. She had plenty, so she willingly obliged, along with tons of pistachio ice cream. The little brat might pee red for a week, but if it put him to sleep, all the better. "I'm an earl, and that makes me better than everyone else!"

"Even your grandma, the countess?" Theresa queried.

"Well, no..." Percy said hesitantly.

"What about your host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. DeBourne?"

"Well I'm better than everyone else except them," he grumbled. "They just don't like it and won't admit it. But I am. They need to kneel!"

"That might be hard sell here, your lordship," the chef said with a shrug. "Things aren't the same here as they are back home for you. We don't have kings, and lords, and earls and so on here."

"Everyone respects my mimi," he groused. "I see them do it all the time. People nod, or bow, or curtsy."

"They do respect her," Theresa agreed, nodding. Which was odd, since the countess nearly got them all killed the night she went out partying. "You should ask her how she makes it happen."

"I'm an even higher rank than her, they should respect me more," he insisted before draining another glass and slamming it down. "I'm saying... I'm... I'm saying... people... stupid... they..."

He pushed his chair back and jumped out of it, dashing out of the dining room and heading for the closest bathroom. Cherry juice was so yummy, but it always did this to him! Betrayed!

Theresa sighed and cleaned up the mess he made before returning to work on dinner. It was promising to be a full evening one way or another.

Bless that Nanu girl, though, Theresa mused, smirking. She's doing God's work, keeping that little brat Percy in line.

She was humming an eighties tune to herself as she prepared the duck in pomegranate sauce for dinner.


A posh café downtown...

"So then, ladies, gentles," Jenny said, sitting at the large round table they were sharing and looking around at the younger folk. "Smashing new outfits for five of you, and a good time had by all, what?"

"Thank you, Lady Greymoor," Shana said respectfully, nodding her head. She and Peg had only just met the woman a few hours prior, but they already liked her a lot. They'd go back to Blackwell Manor for dinner, and they didn't quite know what to expect. But if Lady Greymoor was any indication, they needed to be at their best. "You were very kind to buy these dresses for us."

"It seemed like the thing to do," Jenny said easily, as if spending a few thousand dollars on dresses for girls she didn't know from a hole in the ground were the most reasonable thing on earth. "We were buying togs for the boys anyway, so why shouldn't we girls have some fun?"

The boys nodded and thanked her as well. Their suits would all be ready tomorrow, and delivered to Blackwell Manor. Jenny would personally make sure they were ready for Saturday. It almost felt like she was serving a real purpose now beyond fancy wall dressing and playing second violin.

"So Lexi said the countess is taking you boys under her wing and teaching you manners and stuff?" Peg asked, looking around the table at the three young men. Jenny had arranged everyone's seating, which would keep Peg and Shana from reflexively sitting together, and the boys from forming their little nerd herd. They were now spaced out between the ladies, with a clockwise order from Jenny as Ted, Shana, Jeanie, Anthony, Glenda, Peg, Dave, and Freja. It balanced out well for conversation.

"Uh, yeah," Ted said somewhat hesitantly. He'd hadn't considered having to explain to people outside 'the group' before. "Yeah, we-"

"Theodore," Jenny chided. "Saying 'uh, yeah,' will not fly on Saturday. Sit up straight and begin speaking properly now."

He dutifully straightened his posture, took a breath and nodded, answering again. "Yes, the countess has agreed to train us in manners. And in return, we act as her cabana boys for the duration of her stay. A fair exchange."

"Well done, if a little forced," Jenny said, patting his shoulder while Glenda snickered. She was allowed to, she wasn't being trained here. "Now, order what you like, but you might consider trying something out of your comfort zone. We don't want you to be, as Alex would call you, a 'food weenie', after all..."

Everyone laughed and went about choosing their food and drinks, talking freely with one another. The seating arrangements had worked, to Jenny's delight. And she ignored people lapsing into casual slang, since there was still plenty of time to train.

As long as nobody put their elbows on the table. She only had to swat Freja for it once.


Heading home in the Aston Martin Vantage...

"You sure you're going to stay awake, babe?" Alexa asked as she sat behind the wheel, heading north on the DVP. She found the handling on the Aston rather lively, and it kept most of her attention as she tried to master it. This V-12 engine would have been a great car for the Autobahn. "You're lookin' kinda spacey."

"I'm fine," Trinian said tiredly, blinking as she sat uncharacteristically still in the passenger's seat. Alexa was relieved the girl could be properly buckled in. "Sometimes car rides just make me tired."