Mike's Navy: A Wedding, Christmas and New Year


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"I'm going to take you for the biggest steak of your choice this weekend. You are absolutely a miracle worker."

"How about a hamburger now? Or were you going to the mess for lunch?"

"Maxi, I was asked if I'm messing around with you this morning so rumors are floating around about us. We haven't been very discrete so I guess it shouldn't surprise us but it will cause havoc between you and the boss if it continues and could cause grief to me and my new wife. If we go and meet somewhere it might be better than going openly with each other."

She clamps her lips together, "It's none of their damn business but I understand what you mean. Where do you want to meet?"

"How about The Midtown?"

"Right, the Midtown Tavern and Grill it is. See you there in about half an hour. I love their atmosphere and it's so dark inside no one will see us." She laughs.

Mike leaves and drives around in front of the Citadel to find a parking space on Grafton. He watches for Maxine but doesn't see her car so he goes inside. A hostess greets him with, "Mr. Claymore?" He nods, "Your party is over at that table," she points to an alcove and Mike spots her.

He goes to her, "Your the fast one. How did you get here ahead of me? You must know a shortcut." He sits with her and looks at the menu.

"I came right down Gottingen Street and around the Citadel. Which way did you come?"

"I came down Barrington to Prince and right up here. I guess Gottingen is faster. I guess I'll get the cheeseburger and fries but I understand the slaw is out of this world so I better have some of that, too."

Maxine nods, "I think I'm going with the grilled chicken sandwich and slaw, of course. I'll have a Heineken with mine."

"Make mine Molson's Export Ale, please." They settle back to await their orders. "I see a lot of places with For Rent signs over in your neighborhood but they look so rundown. I think there's one across the street from you."

"Not a good idea, eh?"

"I suppose not. You must have a fantastic view from your back lawn. You overlook the cove. I bet it's lovely at night."

"What about rent to own? Have you considered that, Mike?"

"I'm not sure I'm going to sign on for another tour, Maxi. I may pull the plug."

"What would you do?"

"I'm sure I can get a job driving anywhere." Their food arrives. "That was quick and it looks super." They dig into their meal. "Mm, their coleslaw is as good as I'd heard. I wonder what they add to it to make it taste that good." He eats and talks, "I suppose I could build in equity into a property over one year if I rent to own. Do you suppose I'd make enough to make it worthwhile in the short term?"

"You might have to invest in it for repairs in which case you could even lose in the short term or property values could drop. It's up to you but if you feel you might leave it probably wouldn't be wise."

He munches on his food, "Straight rental, I guess." She nods in agreement. He drinks his ale and watches her eyes. "You have sexy eyes, Maxi"

"What color are they?"

"Sexy brown bedroom eyes in this light. You know I fantasize about you naked on a bar stool with an inviting smile and those sexy eyes. You have your legs spread wide open for me and I can see your rose so clear it seems real. When did you get that tattoo, Maxi?"

She extends her leg out the side of the bench seat and twists it to show her inside ankle and calf, "Back when I was young and foolish," she laughs. Her red rose shows through her hose although the green stem and leaves blend in and are hidden.

"It's a bright red bar stool so it matches the rose." He looks off in space and she kicks him under the table.

"Stop thinking about it!" she giggles.

"Are you done?" He gets up, "I think this is where we'll come for that steak. I heard they have great ones at a reasonable price." They head back to the office at Cape Scott. Mike returns by the route he used going to the restaurant so he will not come in at the same time as her.

He paces the floor in dispatch waiting for any news. Around 1430 the phone rings and Mike watches George expectantly. He nods and points with his thumb to go upstairs. Mike bounds up the steps. He steps inside and Maxine smiles at him, "Your leave is approved and the maintenance on your truck is scheduled. I need your girlfriend's name and address for the CO to send her a welcome to CFB Halifax and his blessing on your union. He wants to meet her when you bring her home."

"Wow, you did it. My heart is pounding in my chest. I really owe you that steak now. Wow!"

"Alright, once you're married you'll have to stop around to personnel and update your profile. They'll want to get her covered under your insurance and they'll require a legal will now. They'll want a copy of your marriage certificate and likely a copy of her birth certificate. Oh, by the way, you have just received a pay grade increase so that means you're due for a vocational level upgrade, as well."

"What does that make me, a group three."

"I think it puts you in the top grade, a group four. Married top grade will be your full pay level until you sign on for another hitch. They might give you a stripe as incentive to sign on again but no guarantee of that and they can take away those stripes as fast as they give them. Now what's her name?"

Mike gives her Marlene's name and address. She passes the information to the CO's secretary on the phone. "Okay, I guess if you want to do anything you're free now. Oh, don't forget this," she hands him his approved leave form. "You better call that girl now. Congratulations, Mike."

"Thank you, Maxi. I'll never be able to thank you enough." He pauses, "There is one other small favor I have to ask."

"What is it?" she grins broadly.

"When I bring her here I can't call you Maxine. Do you have another name or will Mrs. Holloway work?"

"What?" she looks completely dumbfounded.

"It's a long story but to make it short I called her Maxine in the throes of passion one night. She demanded to know who Maxine was so I told her I didn't know any Maxine, that it was a mix up of my tongue. Any idea how we can cover that?"

"We could hope she doesn't remember but I wouldn't count on it. I think if you tell her you call me Maxi all the time or Mrs. Holloway and you never thought of me as a Maxine that might work but it's thin."

"I think the best thing to do is tell her the truth up to a point when you first see her again. Tell her I skipped your mind because you don't think of me that way, I'm a married woman and the boss' secretary. Just don't call me sexy or attractive or anything desirable. Emphasize my age compared to yours. Even that might not work if the rumor mill gets her but we can hope for the best.

"I guess you're right. That's what I'll do. I'm going to look at some houses. See you later." She wiggles her fingers at him and he leaves. He takes his paper with him and looks at all the ones he has circled. The first one is on Stairs Place just off Isleville Street so he quickly drives over there and shudders as he looks it over from the road. It has a For Rent sign in the window so he walks up the walk. He notices the house is in shadow most of the day by the neighboring church almost shouldering it out.

He peers through the front window. The front room is in disarray so he goes no further. If this is what they're offering he's not buying. He leaves for the next spot. It's up in the North End as well but it's off Acadia Street on Albert. It doesn't have a sign and looks lived in. He can see it has a large back yard backing on woods and the edge of a swimming pool is evident. He imagines it's quite expensive but knocks all the same.

A sparse waif of a woman comes to the door, "What do you want?"

"Do you know if this house is for rent? It's in the paper."

"No! Go way! I'll call the cops! Go away!" she shrieks and Mike quickly hurries back to his truck. He shakes his head as he drives away. In his mirror he sees her by the gate still screaming after him.

There's one in the West End off Connaught on London Street so he searches for it and searches for it but no way can he find the number listed in the paper and there's no phone number either. He gives up and decides one more try. He'll look at an apartment. There's one not too far away on Swaine Street. He pulls up to the large brick fortress of an old house.

He goes to the door and enters. There's the mailboxes, eight of them. There's stairs going up and down. On the railing for the downstairs there is a sign, Apartment For Rent, so he goes to the door that says Manager and knocks.

A wee girl of about four or five opens the door. "Well, hi there. Are you the manager?"

She turns shy, "No, silly. I'm just a little girl." She turns and calls, "Mama, a man's at the door."

A premature gray haired woman comes to stand behind the wee one, "Are you here about the apartment?" Mike nods and she beckons for him to follow her. They go down the stairs and along a corridor to a second door. She unlocks the door and let's him go first. He goes inside and peers around . She clicks on a light and he sees why it's so dark. Heavy drapes cover the windows on the far side.

"Do the drapes go with the apartment?"

"Oh yes, they add a certain appeal to it, don't you think?"

"I think they make it rather dark in here." he laughs lightly.

"Not when the lights are on." She attempts to show him the kitchen but instead he goes to the living room drapes and gives them a tug. There's no window behind them.

"Where are the windows?"

"There are two large sunny ones in the bedroom." She smiles and points the way.

"There's no other windows?" She's insisting he follow her to the bedroom.

"The rent is very reasonable for this unit. I'm sure it won't last. We only listed it today."

Mike turns back towards the entrance, "I can't bring my wife into a dark dank basement apartment without windows. I've seen enough, thank you." He heads for the door.

"Garbage pickup and water are included in the rent. I don't think you realize what a bargain this place is."

"Sorry, not interested." Mike leaves her in the apartment and leaves the building. He glances at his watch. It's near quitting time for Maxine and he wants to check in with her before he calls Marlene. He drives back over to Cape Scott and finds a parking spot. He's glad to see her car still here and dashes up the stairs.

She's just cleaning off her desk for the day so Mike nods towards the far door. She says, "He's gone for the weekend. I guess everything is in place now for you except a house to bring her home to. How'd you make out this afternoon?"

"Not so hot! I didn't see anything I would want to rent. All I saw was a bunch of duds today."

"If I don't before I go I'll have to leave her there when I come back. That's a depressing thought."

"Have faith, Mike. We'll find something. Keep in touch this weekend, here, I'll give you my number." She marks it on the back of a business card. It's the LCdr's card so she writes her name as well as the number. Mike puts it in his wallet.

"When would you like to go for that steak dinner?" He plays with the back of her dress as she has her back to him.

She leans back against him, "If you keep that up we won't go anywhere but here." He feels her shapely ass and spanks it.

"Guess I better quit then." He steps back.

"Chicken!" she crows like a rooster and turns on him. "How about Sunday evening?"

"I was sort of thinking I might pull out Sunday so I can get that trailer first thing in the morning at Greenwood. The weather can turn so quickly this time of year so I want to go as soon as I can."

"I can understand that so why don't I take a rain check for now and we'll leave it you owe me one. How's that?"

"Okay, we'll work it in some time."

She quickly comes into his arms, "Oh Michael, I'm going to miss your banter and good cheer. You made the job so much brighter for the last year. Our dancing and love making has become such a large part of my life." She sniffs and pulls away. "Go and let me wipe my tears in private." She waves him off so he leaves. She feels like an old worn out woman now and she hates it.

Mike goes to the mess hall for a bite of supper. He'll call Marlene later since she is four hours earlier in time from him. She'll have just finished lunch at home. He notices a bunch of hospital staff at one table as he passes by so nods at the nurses. Suddenly he realizes he knows one of them. It's Beverly Hannah (nee Hunt) from his basic course.

"Bev, how nice to see you again. How's Jack and the wee one?" He hovers as she looks at him then it dawns on her who he is.

"Oh my gosh, it's been over a year since I saw you, Mike. We're all fine. Have you been in touch with Jackie?"

"No, no contact."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hit a sore spot? I didn't mean to, Mike." She introduces him around the table but he has eyes for her only.

"Is Jack at home with your young one? What did you ever call it and was it a girl or boy?"

"A girl, Janet, and she's with our wet nurse. She also looks after her while I'm working. Jack's at sea in the Persian Gulf right now but I expect him back in time for Christmas... I hope."

"By the way, I'm getting hitched. It's a girl from British Columbia and we're expecting. I'm bringing her back here to Halifax before Christmas, as well. We'll have to all get together over the holiday."

"Do you have a phone number? Here, I'll give you mine." She gives him an embossed navy card with a picture of the three of them, names, address and phone number about the size of a business card.

"I like your card. I'm living in the Atlantic block at Stad right now. I'm seeking a home to rent to bring her home to. I see you're in PMQs, right?"

"Yes, we are. It's very comfortable. I love it there."

"I'm just going to grab a bite. I'll be right back."

"Okay and I'll join you for a while. It feels like old times to see you again."

Mike gets something to eat and sits with Bev at a separate table. "I don't like taking you away from your friends."

"It's okay, they're going back to work but I'm off now. You know, I used to have a real thing for you but you had Jackie and I had Jack so I never said anything. I remember so well that night you made me squirt and Jackie was right there. If she hadn't been I'd have been all over you. I used to be so shy but I've come out of my shell, I guess. Too bad you're getting married."

"Why Bev, you surprise me. I used to feel the same about you. I had many a wet dream over you, gal. You and those gorgeous orbs of yours."

She pushes them out, "They haven't gotten any smaller, have they?"

"What size are they?"

She blushes, "42DDD/E and I'm under five feet tall so they look bigger. I knew you loved to watch them. I could feel your eyes on them and it made me wet." She grins, "And it still does... so stop it!"

Mike looks away but he still smiles, "So where are you off to tonight?"

"Home... and to behave myself! So there! Put your mind back on that sweet thing you're marrying. So you knocked her up, eh? At least you're doing the honorable thing."

"She's everything Jackie was to me and much more. Her name's Marlene and I'm sure you'd like her. I'll bring her around for you to meet."

"That's wonderful. Do you still have Tryst?"

"Yes, I do. It's in the parking lot. Do you want to see her again?"

"Oh Mike, I feel you have other ideas in your head and it's not going to happen so forget it. I would like to see her though. Are you finished?"

He downs his coffee and gets up with her. He has to smile as he towers over her. He leads the way to the lot. "There she is," he opens the rear door, "Hop in and get a feel for it again." He helps her up and runs his hand deep between her legs lifting her up. "Doesn't that bring back memories?"

She smirks at him, "Do you mean the hand on my cunt or the back seat of Tryst?" She looks around, "It does bring back a lot of memories. I think my daughter was conceived right here." she pats the seat. "Those were good times, weren't they?"

"The young and the restless, eh?"

"It was a brave new world for a lot of us. Now I do have to get home. Thanks for the memories." She struggles down out of the power wagon and goes to her nearby 60 Studebaker Lark convertible. "Keep in touch, Mike. And do bring that girl of yours around to meet me."

"I will," he waves as she leaves. He then drives around to the lot at Cape Scott and parks by his truck. He pulls out laundry from the power wagon and the truck then cleans the interior of the cab of the Hayes. He fills both washing machines with laundry then goes to collect more from his barrack room.

He keeps busy with laundry until 2200 hours then goes to the payphone. He gathers his change and places his call. He hears her voice. "Hello."

"Marlene? It's Mike."

"I knew you'd call tonight but I thought it might be later."

"It's ten o clock at night here. I know, it's supper time there. I think we have everything covered, love."

"I know. I got the welcome letter today from your CO and the nice flowers. I figured everything was okay. When will you be here?"

"Wow, that's fast. The only problem I still have is a place to bring you home to. My boss' secretary is helping me look and she knows the area a lot better then I. I'm leaving here Monday for Trenton then pick up a load in Millhaven for Esquimalt. So about six or seven days depending on the weather. I should be there either the 18th or the 19th so my rest days should be 20, 21 and 22nd. My annual leave starts 23rd to Dec. 07th so we're covered for the 25th for the wedding. I guess we'll have to rent a car for my leave days."

"Have we got a car down there?"

"Yep, I have a crew cab power wagon. It'll go anywhere anytime."

"What's a power wagon? Don't we have a car?"

"It's a four door pickup with four wheel drive. Very powerful and very dependable."

"A four door pickup? That's not a car." He hears noise in the background. "My dad thinks it's better than a car. Hmm."

"Anyway, I should be there next weekend. I miss you."

"I'm surprised you don't bring one of the navy pickups from the island." She sounds sarcastic. "So who's looking for an apartment with you?"

"Uh, my boss' secretary. She's lived here all her life and knows not only the area but also the people. Why?"

"It's a she so I'm interested, okay?"

"Honey, she's nearly forty and quite married. She's also Jewish if that makes any difference. Why are you so inquisitive all of a sudden?"

"Dear, I have always been interested in anything that has to do with you. What's her name?"

"The secretary? Mrs. Holloway."

"So what are you doing tonight?"

"I was out looking at places for rent but now I'm doing laundry."

"I guess you won't have a place then since it's already too late Fridays night and I doubt you find anything on Saturday or Sunday."

"Oh, we'll find something, have faith dear."

"We will, will we? Is she looking on her weekend for you? She must be a very good friend... or what?" He hears a scramble on the line, "Mike?"

"Yes dear, what is it?"

"It's Nancy, Mike. She quite temperamental, it's the pregnancy. My husband says I was the same. Just be patient with her, please."

"I'll see you folks next weekend. I just called to make sure she knows it's a go with the priest for Sunday, the 25th."

"Thank you for calling, Mike. Good night now." Mike goes to hang up and he hears a scramble cut off by the operator saying more coins are required. He doesn't know what to do so he deposits coins and rings her back.

"Mike, you hung up on me!"

"No, I'm on a payphone and the phone needed more coins. I didn't hang up on you."

"Is that you Mike?"

"Yes, it's me. I rang you back. I wanted to wish you sweet dreams, my love."

"Oh thank you, Mike. Good night now. I love you."
