Mike's Navy: A Wedding, Christmas and New Year


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"Good night, love."

He hangs up and wonders how a simple phone call could go so crazy. She sounds moody to put it mildly. He wonders what he's getting into.

He goes back to folding laundry and putting it away. When he hits the sack he feels good about the day's activities.

Saturday, 10th of November, 1984

Mike is out of bed early and heads over to the breakfast lineup at the mess hall. He greets a few other sailors but eats alone.

He's going to spend the day looking for a place to call home so he starts by getting a paper. He combs the city all morning and after lunch concentrates on Dartmouth. By mid afternoon he's ready for a break so he pulls in to Maxine's drive.

"Hi. How are you making out?" He shakes his head. "Would you like a coffee?"

"Why not." he follows her indoors. The house is not near as bad as he thought it might be. "Looking like a blow coming our way from the south. Have you heard the weather?"

"Cold squall, mostly wind I hear. Shouldn't last long."

"I've spent all day looking at houses and apartments, even a few duplexes. Nothing. It's damn discouraging." He looks around, "Nobody home?"

She nods and points with a thumb, "Sleeping it off." She picks up her coffee and beckons for him to do the same. He follows her outside onto a patio overlooking Trans Canada Trail and the Dartmouth Cove.

"Do you see the empty lot next door?" She points to the right. "That's the tail end of a property up on Newcastle Street that has an apartment block on it. The top floor is vacant and I know the owners. It's two bedrooms with a bath and a half, it has a study that would make a nice nursery. It's a third floor though and your wife will curse it in the winter when she has to get a stroller up and down there."

She goes on, "Next door to it is a bungalow all on one floor. Two bedrooms and one bath with a small loft that could sleep one older child or an adult. I'm not sure who owns that but I think it looks sound. I'm waiting for a phone call on that one. I don't think you even want to look at any of the hulks on this street. There's only two for rent and neither is what I would consider desirable."

"How is the parking up there. I do have Tryst."

She laughs, "How long do you think she'll tolerate that? Never mind, there's good parking at the apartments and it looks like good off road parking at the bungalow.

"What's wrong with Tryst? Marlene seemed to not approve of it on the phone tonight either. She was in a snarky mood anyway."

Maxine just nods her head, "She's pregnant alright. Oh Mike, Tryst is so obviously a shaggin wagon. Even you must see that." Mike just grunts.

"Now maybe that apartment isn't so bad. My friends have been trying a new large dumb waiter in it to raise and lower heavier items in the block. It's the size of a small elevator. You can't ride it but it can carry quite a load of goods."

"Can I see that one?"

"Finish your coffee and we'll go take a look. Br-r-r, there's a real chill in the air." They quickly finish their drinks and climb into Tryst. It's back out Hazelhurst and up a block on Old Ferry Road to Newcastle Street. Then back to an area overlooking her house. "Pull in up here at that block."

It's a three story square block of a building. Maxine explains, "It has two apartments on each floor except the top which has one. That's why it's so roomy. You'll see."

They enter the tall doors in the center of the front facade and find themselves in a long central corridor. She says, "The stairs are near the back." The corridor is bisected ahead of them by the stairs on the left and a narrower corridor on the right. "That narrow corridor leads to the dumb waiter. Do you want to see it?"

"Might as well if we have to wait for the owner." They trudge back to the dumb waiter. Mike opens a regular shaped door and they are confronted by a landing with ropes and cables nearby. "The red ropes raise it and the blue ropes lower it. It's actually suspended by the cables. This is it's resting position but when you move it an In Use sign appears on each floor. Quite ingenious, isn't it?"

"As long as it's safe."

"They've applied for patents on it but the dumb waiter is not new, it's the size and intended use that's innovative. I think I hear Millie out front."

They go back to the staircase and see a small woman in her mid fifties waiting for them. "Millie, this is the Mike I was telling you about. How are your knees, dear?"

"So it's nice to meet you, young man. I brought the keys but you will have to go up on your own. I can't climb those stairs anymore." Maxine takes the keys and consoles her on the condition of her legs. Mike seems to be forgotten but presently they turn to him.

"Shall we go up and have a look, Mike?" He nods so they climb the stairs. When they step off the stairs on the second level the dumb waiter is beside them and they are in a corridor again. They walk back to where it widens out and again take the stairs to the third floor landing. Once again there's the dumb waiter and a door to enter the apartment. "Here we are. They tell me they left this floor with one apartment to compensate for the climb."

She unlocks the door and they enter a foyer. Mike looks around, "Is it furnished? I thought it was vacant."

"It's a furnished apartment. Can you imagine moving your own stuff up to a third floor. What a headache! Come look around."

Mike weighs the advantages to renting a furnished apartment in his mind and decides why not if the price is right. Maxine is chatting away, "Millie has been urging us to take this apartment and I must admit, I've been tempted but I doubt we can sell that albatross we're weighted down by."

He likes the look of it. The two bedrooms are spacious and the study can readily be converted to a child's room. It has a large convenient bathroom for all just off the kitchen, has a separate breakfast nook with large windows overlooking the cove, "Hey, I can see your house down there, Maxi." he exclaims.

It has a large dining room as well with a stout oak table and chairs. Mike really likes it, all in all. He asks, "Where's the half bathroom you mentioned, Maxi?"

"Oh, it's off the one bedroom. Come, I'll show you." so they go back to the larger of the two and what Mike thought was just another closet turns out to be an ensuite bathroom without any bathing facilities except a sink and make up table. It could be considered a make up room except it does have a toilet.

He asks, "So that other door is the closet?"

"A walk in closet, no less. Marlene will love that. Lots of room in that one."

Mike flops down on the bed and says, "Nice comfy mattress." he grins and beckons, "Come join me, Maxi."

"Oh no you don't. Now you just behave, Millie is waiting for us downstairs. What do you think of it?"

"If the price is right I think it's terrific."

"I'll try to get them to offer it to you for the same price she was offering us. That's a long way below market value. I'll check with her when we go down." She sits on the bed by him. She can't resist and lays by his side breathing heavy and kisses him, "I don't think we've ever been in bed together, have we?"

"Not in a real bed. Oh baby, we better get out of here." He climbs off the bed, "It's a real comfortable bed." he helps her get up. He holds her close. "Take it easy, Maxi. You're all flushed and worked up. We can blame the long climb up here if Millie says anything. Let's go down again."

She quickly shows him where the fire escape is off the kitchen then they go back down to the ground floor. Millie is chatting with a lady on the ground floor so quickly introduces them then pulls Maxine aside. They haggle a bit but he can tell Maxine is winning. They get it for a song and Mike can't believe his ears when he hears the price, "And that includes the furniture?"

"Yes, it's all inclusive. How about that?"

He says quietly, "I'd like to take you back upstairs but how about I buy you that steak tonight? I think we've got a deal."

"I think you'd be a fool not to take a deal like that. I'd be delighted to accept your alternative prize of a steak dinner, lover."

"Shhh, someone might hear us. I'll take it, then. Shall I tell Millie?" Maxine nods so he approaches the two gabbing women. "Millie, I guess you have a new renter. I'd love to rent your apartment. Do I sign a lease or anything?"

"We'll mail you a copy of the lease but it's straight forward so you shouldn't have any problems with that. Maxine tells me you're a truck driver for the navy and you'll be away a few weeks so if you can provide a month's rent now that will hold it. Once you have the receipt you can move in anytime."

"I could even sleep here tonight then."

"Yes, as long as the rent's paid up." Mike digs out his cheque book and makes out a cheque for Mrs. Millie Auxstein. She pulls a receipt book out of her apron pocket and gives him a receipt.

Mike joins Maxine, "Shall we go for steaks?"

"Do you have a best man's gift for your best man?"

"Lord no, I never thought of that. What's customary?"

"It depends, who will it be? Have you asked anyone yet?"

"I did mention it could be her younger brother. I think he is expecting me to have him as best man."

"So he's what, sixteen or so?"

"Yeah, about that."

"Jewelry if he's Jewish, maybe the same if he's protestant. How about a pocket watch or a treasure chest type box for his valuables? Does he collect coins? How about a silver plaque with Best Man for a Day on it and the date? I don't know, think on it."

"Okay, let's go and eat. Do you have to stop at home?"

"Hmm, I better stop and check on him." So they do it that way and end up back down at the Midtown Tavern and Grill for an early steak dinner. The steaks are finished well just as ordered and in good time. Maxine doesn't object to a spot of blood and Mike likes his a definite pink. They have the slaw and fries with them. Of course they have cold Keith draft to top it all off.

Mike comments, "Next time I'm trying their Fish and Chips. I hear they're fantastic. There, I've said it, I'll be back one day."

"Oh Mike, you idiot! I know what your doing. You used 'there' in three different ways in one short paragraph."

"Who, me?" Mike winks at her chuckling. "It's the beer."

"I know, you love that Keith's draft. I'm surprised you never tried it before coming here."

He raises his glass, "Alexander Keith, here's to you." He drains it and they get ready to leave. "I've always been a Molson's Export Ale fan but that India Pale Ale of Keith's is good draft.

He drives her home. "I guess when I see you next I'll be a married man, Maxi. I'll likely pull out tomorrow afternoon so I can pick up early from Greenwood. Once again, thank you for all your help."

"Are you sleeping up at the apartment tonight?" She reconsiders, "Never mind, don't tell me. I don't want to know. Good night, Mike" She gets out and runs to the house. He watches her flee and is sad for her. He knows she counts on him to pull her out of her doldrums. It's all coming to an end. He drives towards the bridge and Atlantic block.

If he moves over there tonight he better call Marlene so she knows where he is and he better let her know he is leaving early for the Okanogan. He has to let her know they have a place so he better call her later. If he's calling her anyway he might as well move, so he starts packing. He fills his duffel bag with loose items and a box for the leftovers. All his clothes are hanging in plastic so they can go as is.

He'll need another box or make two trips. He decides to dump the box in the back seat and go fill it again. He has to do that twice but finally has everything loaded. It's nearly 2200 so he digs out his change and goes to the pay phone.

"Hello, Marlene?"

"It's Nancy, Mike. I recognize your voice this time. What's up? She'll be right here, she's in the bathroom."

"Hi there, just calling to let her know I found us a furnished apartment. If she doesn't come to the phone soon my change will run out. I want her to know I'm moving over to the apartment tonight so I won't be available by phone."

"I'll make sure she has the message, Mike. Was there anything else?"

"No, just that as soon as I move over there I'm no longer available by phone. You can tell her it's a two bedroom with a study that will make a nice nursery and it has a bathroom and a second half bath for the master bedroom. It has a quaint breakfast nook overlooking the cove and the harbor plus a formal dining room. It's quite nice and it's furnished."

"It sounds lovely but expensive, isn't it?"

"Not really, it's less because it's on a third floor without an elevator. Is she there yet?"

"No, I'm sure she's hurrying."

"I don't have any more coins, can you have her call me back, please?"

"I'll do that, Mike. We're looking forward to you being here next week. We have a surprise for you."

"Please deposit more coins in the slot. Twenty five cents is the minimum size you can use for this 'out of Province' long distance call."

Mike hangs up and waits by the phone. After a while he paces the corridor in the barracks. He wonders if the water is turned on in the apartment. Perhaps he should shower here before he leaves. He reconsiders and thinks he can come in for a shower tomorrow before he goes to Greenwood.

He paces some more and finally gets a chair out of his room to sit on. He frequently glances at his watch and wonders what's taking her so long. The phone rings. He grabs it. "Hello!"

"Mike? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me love. I thought something was wrong. Where were you?"

"In the bathroom. What's wrong?"

"I just wanted to let you know we have an apartment. It's very nice..."

"Not a house?"

"No, it's a furnished apartment that looks out over the harbor. Very romantic."

"I don't know, is it used furniture?"

"Yes, I guess it must be, it's still in there from the last renters. It's nice quality furniture, dear."

"I'll have to see it I guess. What else?"

"Uh, I'm moving over there tonight so I won't be available by phone before leaving for BC. I thought I should let you know."

"There's no phone there? How come there's no phone."

"I only got this place today. I haven't had time to get in a phone yet."

"Oh, we have to get the phone, eh?"

"Yep, that's one of the first things we'll do when we get back here. So I'll see you in a week, I'm hoping to get there Saturday or Sunday and take the load over to the island on Monday so I have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off and my annual leave starts on Friday. It's for another two weeks so we have time for the wedding and even a short honeymoon. if you like."

"It sounds like you have it all under control."

"I hope! There's so many things I don't know about like what would your younger brother like to have as a best man's gift? What are you getting your bride's maid?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? I guess Mom's looking after that. How did you know that?"

"Uh, I think Mrs. Holloway mentioned it. She said something about Jewish grooms get their best man jewelry."

"You saw her today? It's Saturday."

"I know but remember she's helping me find a house."

"I guess you didn't need her. You got an apartment, eh?"

"Actually she got it for me, her friend owns it so she got us a good price. I know you'll love it." Marlene is silent. "Are you there? Marlene?" Silence. "Marlene, are you there?"

"Are there a lot of Jews there?"

"Huh? It's like Vancouver. There's blacks and Arabs and Chinese and Russians and even Jews."

"There's black people there?"

"Yeah, quite a community of them in Dartmouth. Hey, guess what? East of Ontario there are communities where nobody speaks English. They're all French."

"You don't have to be sarcastic. I never been there. I'm sorry if I'm ignorant. Don't patronize me!"

"I'm sorry, love. I miss you so much it gets me on edge, I guess. I'll be so happy to see you next weekend. I better let you go. This call will cost your parents an arm and a leg."

"I know, My mom said to keep it short since it's not eight pm yet. Okay, good night lover." He hears some bantering. "Well, he is my lover!" then "Good night, Mike"

"Good night, love." but she's gone and he's talking into a dial tone. He drags the chair back to his room and leaves heading for the apartment. Across the bridge he admires the lights of the twin cities and thinks how nice it would be to go to Big Walt's and just have a brew.

But he heads on out Nantucket Ave to Victoria Road and turns right. He follows it into downtown Dartmouth and turns left on Portland Street. He follows that through to Maitland Street and swings right onto it bearing left at an immediate Y into Newcastle Street. He drives around the first curve in the dogs leg and spots the apartment block. He pulls into the parking lot and is glad he's home.

He carries in the duffel bag and boxes loading them into the dumb waiter. Using the red rope he raises them up as high as they will go then bounds up the stairs. He's happy to see them in the lift. He drags them into the apartment and unloads them then take the empty vessels back to the dumb waiter and lowers them to ground level.

Down the stairs he goes and carries them to the power wagon. He fills them all again and then takes them to the lift and goes back for the clothes in plastic. With everything in the dumb waiter he raises them up to the apartment and follows up the stairs. He drags everything inside and lowers the lift to the ground again.

Now he checks to see if they have water and is delighted to find they also have hot water. It's time for a long awaited shower and he loves the place already. After his shower he has coffee in the breakfast nook and admires the lights of the harbor. He also glances down at the lights of Maxine's house. He tears himself away and gets ready for bed.

He checks and there are no sheets on the bed. He searches but to no avail so he gets dressed and goes down to Tryst. He brings out his bedroll and locks the power wagon up again. He carries the bedroll upstairs and opens it to get his barrack sheets out of it. Satisfied he finally goes to bed and sleeps like a baby until a knock at the door awakens him.

He's not happy and thinks it's likely Maxi but he wraps a blanket around him and goes to the door. He opens it and a short thirties bald guy asks, "Where's Donna, you son a bitch?"

"What? Who? I don't know any Donna. There's no one here by that name."

"God damn you, you hiding her?"

"No, no, I don't know anyone by that name. I just moved in here last night. I just rented the place."

He mumbles and grumbles but leaves. Mike's glad to see him go. He wonders if there's a Donna living in any of the apartments below. He supposes he will know eventually. He decides to go for some breakfast so he gets dressed. He admires the view again before he goes. He pulls out and heads around the dogs leg then notices it's One Way. Oh no, he came in the wrong way last night. Thank goodness there was no traffic.

He goes on out to Portland Street and Tim Horton's for a quick breakfast of donuts and coffee. After that he finds a proper way to approach his new home. He goes on out on Portland Street to the next corner then south to Newcastle which brings him exactly opposite the apartment.

He goes back upstairs and starts putting things away and unpacking from last night. It takes him till noon to be satisfied with the results so when he leaves he will feel comfortable with bringing Marlene in the place. He crosses the bridge in cold gusty winds and goes to the mess for lunch then sees the Duty Officer about turning in his key. In the afternoon he heads for Greenwood with Big Blue.

He passes Big Walt's with a sigh and proceeds out passed Bedford Magazine. Then it's on out 101 for Wolfville and the Annapolis Valley. His wipers are flashing across his screen trying to remove the slashing rain. In Halifax it had been cloudy but the clouds had a funny greenish hue and were torn looking. Now near Wolfville it's a raging gale of mixed rain and snow.
