Mike's Navy: A Wedding, Christmas and New Year


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He hopes this is a maritime storm and will peter out as he goes west this week. He has to guard against slippage as his tractor is hard to manage on ice when he doesn't have a trailer hooked on behind. The drive wheels need weight on them to give them leverage and grip. All the same he makes good headway and passes Wolfville by 1500 hours. Another hour and he drives into Middleton. He parks by the restaurant and gets down in the blustery weather.

He dashes inside shivering and grabs a seat by the window. The waitress comes by and brings hot coffee. He recognizes her, she's Charlene's buddy, Cathy. She's short, cute, brunette and a B cup, how could he forget her? "Thank you, that will taste good today. Nice to see you again, Cathy."

"I remember you, you drive that pink pickup. Have you still got it?"

"Oh yeah, I've got the work horse today. That big blue one in the parking lot."

"Yeah, that's right, navy. I remember Charlene dragging you into my place that night you had her out all night. She works weekdays, you know."

"I know. I wasn't looking for her. Well, I guess I was but I knew she wasn't working. I guess I hoped she might be just hanging around."

"I haven't seen her this weekend. I'm not sure what she's up to. What can I get you?"

"Oh, drop me around a menu. I have lots of time. I have to pick up a load out at the base in the morning."

It's Sunday evening quiet in the place so she brings him a menu and hangs around. "You don't go with her, do you?"

"Not steady, we're just friends with benefits." He grins a lop sided grin and winks.

"Hmm, I'd like that, no strings attached. That's right up my alley." She licks her lips. Mike considers it but shakes his head and flashes his ring finger.

He says, "I no longer do that. That's what I was looking for Charlene to tell her."

"Oh, got yourself hitched, eh? That doesn't have to stop you, you know. It can just make it more interesting." She grins an evil grin. "Maybe Charlene doesn't think that way. I don't know."

"What would you do if I called your bluff on that?"

"Why don't you try me? You said you have all night."

"I guess I'll have the ham steak and fries."

"Coming right up." she heads off to the kitchen window to place his order. He notes the way she twists her hips as she goes. It makes his mouth water.

He sips his coffee and watches the storm as the sky gets darker and street lights flicker. It looks like more snow in it now and he hopes it changes before morning.

"My dad called to say he'd pick me up but I told him I had a ride. I thought you wouldn't mind dropping me off home. I've never been in one of those big trucks before." She brings his supper to him and sits down beside him as he starts to eat. "That storm isn't letting up, is it?" Mike nods. "Are you upset with me? I thought you might welcome the company tonight."

"They're still expecting you home shortly after the restaurant closes, you know."

"Not really. Dad didn't call, I called home to tell them I was staying with a friend tonight because of the weather." She looks up at him under lowering eyelids. "It worked for Charlene so it could work for us. What's she got that I don't."

"Well, to start with she's one hot redhead and a pretty good dancer, she also had history with me before we ever went out together and I don't think she ever lied to me. Should I go on?" Mike continues to eat his supper.

She reaches and takes his hand to slide it down between her legs, "Does she get wet as fast as that?" She drops his hand and runs hers over his fly. "I see your interested."

"Nope, you're mistaken. I'm aroused, not interested. There's a difference. You can play with me and I could play with you but I still have to be interested to take it farther. I'm sorry if I'm too blunt but I'm just not interested." Mike notes they are alone in the restaurant. He thinks I will hate myself later but I'm not going to let her get the best of me. She will blab about it non-stop if I give in. She doesn't have the civility to keep her mouth shut about any affair.

She still fondles the bulge in his pants, "Please, Mike. I need a man tonight. You have me so worked up I'm itching inside for you." If she wasn't so damn cute, he thinks.

"Cathy, it's not going to happen so give it up. If you're stuck now I will give you a ride home but that's it." She pouts and goes back to the counter. Mike finishes his supper and notices her putting the closed sign up on the door. She stands looking out at the storm through the glass door.

Mike goes to the till and she comes around to collect from him. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be done, Mike."

He waits and presently the lights go out except a night light then she comes from the kitchen with a coat and gloves on. "What about the cook?"

"He lives out back in a trailer. He went home half an hour ago." She gets ready to lock up.

"Who opens up in the morning?"

"Charlene has a set of keys. She'll open up." They step out into the wind and rain so Mike dashes for the truck and unlocks the door then swings it open from the ground and turns to help her up. God, her bottom feels good, he thinks. He climbs up behind her and nudges her over.

"Well, what do you think. Is it big enough?"

She blushes and looks away, "It is big. I never dreamed it was this roomy. Do you sleep right here on the seat?"

"Yes, I slide it back to give more room," he does that and she's surprised, "Then I bring my bedroll from behind the seat and make myself at home."

She whispers, "Can I see it?" He nods and reaches behind her pulling it out. He opens it and spreads it on the seat then turns the cover back exposing the pillows. She bites her lip, "I'm in your bed now. How do you block out the light and any peeping toms?"

"I have shades for the windows." He watches her as he adjusts the radio for soft music and dims the interior lights.

A smile starts to light her face as she looks back at him, "I don't think this is a very good place to bed down. Charlene will be here to open in the morning."

"I don't plan to sleep here, I was merely showing you the way the conversion works to make my bedroom. I'll take you home now." He pulls the seat ahead in driving position and turns on the headlights before driving out of the lot. There's slush on the streets but the storm seems to be abating. He pulls into the driveway at her place and helps her down. "Good night, Cathy."

She's not very happy but her mom is in the door and has the door open for her so she can't pause, she has to head for the house. Mike flicks the lights and she waves. He pulls out and heads back into town then out towards Greenwood. He pulls up to the gate and asks about his load. He's directed to the Duty Officer. He asks the guard if he knows an aero engine tech named Campbell whose wife is secretary to the civil authority at the airport? He does so Mike gets his phone number and makes a call from the gate.

"Hello, Mrs. Campbell?"

"I'll get her, this is her daughter."

"Hold on, Charlene, it's Mike."

"Oh dear, you shouldn't call me here."

"Can you meet me at the wet canteen?"

"Just for a few minutes, Mike. I can't just go off in the middle of the night."

"I'm at the gate but I'm going over there right now."

"Okay, I'll meet you there." she calls, "It's for me, mom." She hangs up.

He goes to the wet canteen and watches for her. She comes bouncing in and waves to him when she sees him. She rushes to his table, "I couldn't believe it was you. It's been a long time since our last quickie." she giggles. She adds, "And I'm not. Is that what you wanted to know?"

"I didn't think you were since I figured you'd be in touch if you were. You know I'm at CFB Halifax. No, I have a load I'm hauling out of here in the morning so I thought I might touch bases with you and let you know I'm no longer available." He flashes his ring finger. "I hope we're still friends but I'm getting married. I found Mrs. Right."

"Oh Mike, you didn't have to let me know. We're not exclusive, are we? I still date other guys anyway but it was nice of you to warn me. So where is this enchantress that's captured your heart?"

"She's from British Columbia. Isn't that something, I had to cross Canada to find her. We're getting married next weekend when I get out west again." He pauses, "Oh, and another thing, I drove Cathy home tonight from the restaurant because of the weather but she was coming on awfully strong so she might spread rumors tomorrow. It was just a ride home and that was it."

"Why were you at the restaurant?"

"I came in for supper on my way here. I thought I might find you hanging around there but no luck. I recognized Cathy from the night she covered for us so I told her I was getting married. She said I could still fool around with her but I nixed it. She tried to get me to let her spend the night with me in the truck but I dropped her off home instead."

"I'll call her so she knows she can't rumor monger about you. I'll tell her I saw you here."

"Great! That will nip anything she might say in the bud."

"So what are you doing now?"

"Going over to see the Duty Officer and likely pulling out with that load tonight. It goes to CFB Trenton in Ontario then I have to pick up a load there that is going to the west coast."

"Okay, you take it easy on those roads. I hate driving at night this time of year. Can I get a kiss?"

He kisses her sweetly, "That's always allowed between us, love. You take care of yourself." They leave the wets together and Mike goes looking for the DO. He finds him in his office and asks about the trailer. They chat a bit about the weather and mutual friends then he shows Mike the trailer parked by the supply section. Mike signs for it and gets hooked up.

He goes to pull out when he sees Charlene running towards him in light rain. She bounces up on his running board and he rolls his window down. "I called her and she's not happy. She tried to tell me she fucked you in your lap, that you gave her a ride, but I told her I knew better because I just saw you. She got some huffy about it then. Take care, Mike!" She drops of the running board and runs away across the pavement.

Mike's glad he stopped to see Charlene now. That Cathy could be a regular bitch. He pulls out the gate and is on his way to Halifax. He'll pull in there for the night and have an early start in the morning.

Chapter 27

Monday, 12 November, 1984

Six AM and he's eating a bite at the mess. It felt good to stretch out in a full size bed last night at the apartment. If he had any food there he would have made his own breakfast. He eats quickly and is on his way to park Tryst and roll out of the yard in Big Blue.

He stops for an early lunch in Aulac at the Irving Big Stop. He watches for Anastasia but she's not working. His load looks good and the weather is clear and cold. He saw some limbs on the road on the way but otherwise the driving is easy.

He rolls on past Moncton and Fredericton finally pausing for an afternoon break in Woodstock, MB at Murray's Travel Plaza. It's clear and dry pavement now with no signs of the recent storm. He hurries on for the Quebec border. He's going to skip Edmundston tonight and try the Irving Big Stop out at the border. He would rather not see Dana again. Her passion and fervor had menaced him since their liaison. He can't afford a new relationship when he's getting married and he knows it.

He rolls up through Grand Falls and tries to avoid thinking of Dana as he approaches Edmundston in the gathering dusk. He doesn't even look in as he drives by the Pirate of the Sea Truck Stop for fear he might see her and she wave. He thinks how foolish is that but if he had looked he would have seen her standing in the window as she has down the last couple nights watching for him and she waves in vain. She raises her chin in a haughty way and a look of determination crosses her countenance.

She leaves the truck stop in pursuit. She knows he has to stop soon for the night and she plans to find him. She doesn't have to go far to see him parked at the Irving Big Stop by the Edmundston airport within ten miles of the town. She discreetly stays out of sight to surprise him so she drives back to her place and slips into her sexiest outfit she has purchased just for him.

Meanwhile Mike has fueled up and is inside chatting with Jane Tegan who is a well endowed sexy blonde about his age and awaiting her relief, Nina Devon who is an older black chick.

He already likes this place and Jane has told him the other two navy trucks similar to his stop here every round. "So this is their stop. I was wondering where they usually put in for the night," he sips his coffee. Jane runs to get his food.

She brings his supper and asks, "Will there be anything else?"

He thinks and asks, "How about a back rub when I finish this?" He winks.

She chuckles, "You guys are all the same. If you need anything I'm close by."

He wonders how she meant that but sets in to eat his supper. The food's good and the company agreeable so he's happy he skipped Edmundston. He finishes and sets about getting settled for the night. With shades in place he makes up his bed and strips. He prefers to sleep in the nude so that is how he slips under the cover and turns the radio low. He turns off the lights and dozes off to the diesel's purr.

After midnight there is a click as the passenger door swings silently open. As luck would have it he is sleeping with his head by the wheel instead of on the passenger side so the shadow kneels over his feet to kiss him. It dawns on her this is the wrong end so she's delighted. Now she can slip under the cover with him before he wakes up and she can mount him to wake him. She slips around and takes her place carefully then insinuates herself over him.

In his dream he's with Marlene and can feel her mounting him. He arches slightly to enter her and move smoothly up into her. Oh God, she feels so good. He grips her hips and drives up into her repeatedly until some quirk or sound warns him things are not as they seem. He falters and whispers, "Marlene?" Then he wakes up!

"What the hell?" He jerks out of Dana and stares at her. "What the hell is going on?"

She relaxes on his thighs and raises her head on high, "Don't you like the baby dolls I got just for you? I got some you'll love on order from Hollywood. Wait till you see them!" She wiggles her bottom trying to capture him again.

"Where did you come from? Why did you come? What's going on, Dana? And stop that!" He pushes her off his legs and she has to stand bent over on the floor.

"You don't like my baby dolls? Not even the thong bottoms."

"I don't like you climbing into my bed uninvited."

"I would have asked but I wanted to surprise you. I did surprise you, didn't I?" She swings her head impishly.

"Dana," he sits up beside her, "I'm getting married. I can't go around sleeping with you. Doesn't that make sense?"

"I know we'll be happy when we're married and you'll forget all those other tramps like Lola and that waitress from Fredericton." She strokes his erection softly.

"I'm marrying a girl from the west coast named Marlene so I have to forget all those waitresses including you, Dana." He moves his hands to fend her off. "Now stop that!"

She moves her arm around his neck, "You'll forget her too, my love." She attempts to move into his lap facing him. "Turn a bit, love." He pushes her forcefully and she slips from his lap to land on her ass on the floor banging her head on the dash. She reaches for him weakly.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" he bends over her. Slyly she says nothing but continues to flop on the floor reaching for him. "Dana, let me help you up. I'm so sorry I pushed you. Let me help you." He catches her hand in the dark and doesn't notice she has slipped off her baby doll bottoms. The thong goes up under the seat. She moans his name weakly. He pulls her up on the seat beside him then holds her close. "Dana, I never meant to hurt you," he croons.

She slips her arms around him and cuddles close feeling his naked body. She secretly smiles her satisfaction. Her naked form in his arms does arouse him but he puts it out of his mind. She groans, "Please let me lay down for a minute and ease my head. My neck hurts the worst." He eases her back so she's laying close beside him on the seat. He wonders where her clothes are. She shivers so he holds her closer to warm her.

"Where are your clothes?"

"In my car beside us."

"You climbed in here with just a baby doll top? You do have nerve, I'll give you that."

"It's because I love you, Mike. I watched you with all those other tramps and knew you would come to me eventually. It's my turn and I'm never going to let you go, my sweet love." She softly and smoothly rubs his hardness moving as an extension of her unrest over her injury. She shivers again feeling him pull her closer.

He's torn whether to be brutal and kick her out or simply give in and fuck her. He knows if he does that he's sabotaging his future but how can he extricate himself from this situation. He considers subtle trickery and says, "Let's go get a bite and talk this over. First we need some clothes. I'll see you inside." He sits up and starts to dress. She lays there for a few minutes but then sits up and opens the far door.

"I'm not very hungry." He opens his door. "Okay, I'll be right in." She drops down and slips away in the dark. He considers driving away but wouldn't put it passed her to step out in front of him or some such nonsense so he goes inside. She comes in and joins him. Nina Devon waits on them and Mike takes a moment to assess her. About twenty five with black hair and golden brown skin to match her deep brown eyes and a gorgeous figure for her five foot height with tits to fill his hand full of about 32B.

"Mike, I'm over here." Dana glares at him, "You have a bad habit of doing that. You assess every woman when you see them. I see you doing it in your head."

"I'm human and male, what can I say?"

"At least we're together and that's all that's important. When you come back we'll go to Halifax together and find us a place. Every day I'll look after you and every night we'll have each other."

"Dana, I'm quite concerned about your head. You struck it quite hard on the dash when you fell in the truck so I think we better see medical services."

"I don't have to see any doctor!"

"I'm afraid so. It's the navy liability since you were injured in a government vehicle so I have to take you to medical services."

"No way, I won't go."

"I won't stand liable for you." He pauses, "I might forget you hit your head in a government vehicle if you promise to rest and recuperate for my return from the west coast. As long as you're okay when I get back I'll tell no one." He goes on, "I may wish I didn't let you do this but if you rush home and lay down you should be okay. I'll see you soon."

He watches her go and watches her car leave the lot. He breathes easier as she goes out of sight. "Who's that haughty bitch?" asks Nina. "She has her nose stuck up in the air like a fucking flag pole. Who does she think she is?"

"She a misguided mixed up dame who thinks she has me hog tied. I'm trying to get her off my case."

She smiles, "Looks more to me like you got what you wanted and now you're trying to dump her." She shakes her head. "You should be ashamed."

"Nina, you misjudge me. I'm not at all like that. I'm a kind and considerate man, you know."

"Sure, and you want the opportunity to show me that by taking me out in your truck some time. Right?"

"Somebody has surely misused you, my dear girl. We are not all like that, trust me."

She laughs, "You sure do have the line down pat, don't you?" Mike gets her to fill his thermos and says he's going to head on to Ontario now. He drives to Riviere-du-Loup and then south west towards Montreal. Following the river he stops at St. Germain Tim Horton's & PetroCan Fuels in St. Germain and watches for Ramira Stripping. She drops in while he's there, he sees her coming down the road.
