Mike's Navy: Femme Fatale


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Chapter 49

Tuesday, February 19, 1985

Wednesday, February 20, 1985

They go shopping after lunch to Simpson Sears in the Penhorn Plaza out on Portland Street. Today Mike has the power wagon and they're seeking a cradle and a crib as well as a rocker.

As luck would have it he spots a church sponsored thrift store operated by his church, Church of the Holy Spirit, in the mall. Inside is the most comfortable swivel rocker and hassock at a price he can afford. They load it up with happy hearts and go on to Simpson Sears.

They find a plain, well made wooden crib and a small wicker cradle at a reasonable price since Mike resolved they would use them more than once. He also finds a tightly closing lidded trash can so he takes two. One for dirty diapers and the other for garbage.

The only thing they still are seeking is a comfortable soft rug for the nursery but that is something for when they want to put the baby down on the floor and that won't be right away anyway. At the last minute Mike studies a small table with a lamp on it. "Honey, what about something like that? It has a small lamp so you can rest with a cup of coffee and a book while waiting for the baby to drop off to sleep. It could sit by your rocker." They decide to buy it.

Once again they delight in setting up the nursery and now it's beginning to really look like a nursery. Marlene wants to invite Bev over to see it. She gives her a call. She invites her for lunch then she says to Mike, "She's coming over. I can't wait to see what she thinks." Mike smiles and nods.

She rushes around slicing the crusts off white bread to make fancy sandwiches of some kind of pate and soft cheeses with tiny fish. Mike looks on in wonder. He asks, "Can you make me a crunchy peanut butter one while you're at it?"

Bev arrives and looks over the nursery approvingly. "You've really put some thought into this. Did someone advise you?"

"My mom gave me some suggestions on the phone. I have two brothers so I figured she has some experience."

"Are you going with disposable diapers or the cloth ones?"

"I think we'll use both. The disposables will be easier when we're traveling or away from home visiting even but for at home use I think you can't beat cloth. My mom says less diaper rash with cloth and let the little one run a while every day bare bottomed. It's good for them and let's their bottoms dry out well. Did you ever hear of that?"

"Yep, fresh air is the best thing there is for diaper rash but if you keep them clean and dry you won't have that problem." She slides into the breakfast alcove and nudges Mike with her hip, "That's going to be you too, big boy. You'll be changing those diapers." she sits across from him. "I do love your view from here." She's staring at Mike and smiling but Marlene can't see her since she is still in the dining room cum nursery.

Marlene answers, "It sure is nice especially early in the morning with the mists over the bay and the sun breaking through."

Mike waves a warning finger at Bev and says, "We still can't believe what a good deal we got here." Marlene joins them and asks who wants what to drink. Mike says, "Just coffee for me, love."

"It doesn't matter, Marlene, coffee's good for me, too." Bev moves around closer to Mike. "Can I cuddle up with you over here, Mike?" she laughs as Mike scuttles back. She laughs and says to Marlene, "Isn't he cute when he turns red?"

Marlene sits the sandwiches on the table and puts her milk across from Mike. "So how do you manage to get away today without Janet? Do you have a babysitter at home."

"There's three of us wet nurses at the hospital so we baby sit for each other. Lots of days you come by my place I have five of them running around underfoot. The other two keep bugging me to have another one and even it up. You know what I tell them?" Marlene shakes her head and Mike grins.

Mike says, "You tell them to do the same."

She elbows him and grins, "You got it, that's exactly what I tell them." She grabs a sandwich and bites into it. "Are you guys planning on having more?"

Marlene says, "You bet!" and Mike shakes his head up and down emphatically.

"Wow! It's unanimous! There must be something about it you like."

Marlene and Mike grin at each other and Bev hoots in laughter. They finish lunch with more sexual banter and jokes then Bev has to go. They bid her a good afternoon and dash back upstairs to the bedroom.

"Oh Mike, I swear she turns you on with those hooters of hers. I have to laugh, she corners you and turns you on and I get to take you to bed." She strokes his hard erection and marvels, "I swear that thing is growing. Have you measured him lately?"

"Hmm, well not lately. Do you think? Have you got a cloth measuring tape in your sewing kit?" She goes searching and comes back with the tape.

"Now how long was it when we met?"

"Just under eight inches, I think."

"And how big around?"

"Six and a bit, I think."

"Well, let's see what it is now." She carefully measures. "It's over eight. Let me see, it's not a quarter but close. I'd call it eight and a quarter inches. Let's check the other way." She carefully measures it around. "Wow! Six and a half inches! No wonder I thought it looked bigger, it is bigger around." She chuckles, "But it still fits me perfect, lover man."

Mike grunts, "It sure does fit. It makes you feel tight like a virgin." He marvels, "Can you imagine how a guy like John Holmes must feel. He must be scared every time he has sex he will hurt his partner and I'm sure he has some of the loosest partners in the business."

"Who is John Holmes?"

"Just one of the most famous porn stars because he has a large dick. It's reported he has thirteen and a half inches. I've heard he has never gotten a full erection. In fact there's a joke that if he did he'd pass out," he chuckles. "Now Seka would know and she says he has the biggest in the industry although he is always soft, like a sponge when they fuck."

"Who is Seka?"

"Another porn star known as the Princess of Porn. She's likely the most famous of them all since she has had a great following since her start in 1978. She's a real trooper who will try anything, they say. I saw her in 'Heavenly Desire' and 'That's Erotic'. The former was a fun romp where two prostitutes come back 100 years after they died to help a couple virgins get laid by their boyfriends." He grins.

"That's Erotic' was a cornucopia of sex scenes starring many porn stars including John Holmes and Seka. I'm not sure where I saw that one but the erotic comedy, 'Heavenly Desire' I saw in Montreal. You can put away the measuring tape now, dear."

"Do you suppose he's still growing?" She strokes it some more.

"If you keep doing that he'll do anything you want." She climbs on top of him. He asks, "So how are your feet today? I was thinking of asking Mrs. Holloway to join us at Big Walt's tonight." He breathes deep and starts thrusting upwards.

She shakes her head letting her hair fly loose in all directions as she bounces on him, "Okay. give her a call when we're done. My feet are good now but you better hurry, my bladder's about to bust."

"Do you want me to quit?"

"God No! Don't you dare quit now!" She's starting to really pant and wheeze. She bends low over him and pumps her ass up and down feeling him slip in and out of her rubbing her clit. "Yahoo!" she shrieks and kisses him passionately. She hugs his neck nearly choking him.

Mike loves it. He feels her excitement stimulate him immeasurably. He thrust trying to keep up with her but finally just arches his back letting her do all the work. Her steady rhythm is bringing him to a quick end and he knows it. He laughs and let's loose with his load filling her, pumping her full, overflowing her in hard contractions of his testicles.

She is quivering with him and trying to get off him. Panting she squeals, "Damn, I'm cumming and trying not to pee. Damn!" she staggers away to the bathroom. Mike laughs as he looks over the side of the bed and sees a trail of water.

He gets up still oozing cum and gets a wet cloth from the kitchen. He carefully cleans up his mess and hers then gets paper towels to dry the floor. Marlene is back sitting on the bed watching him. "Thank you, love. It really bothers me to bend down like that."

"I better give Mrs. Holloway a call." Mike goes to the phone and dials the office in Halifax."

"Naval Ground Transportation, Mrs. Maxine Holloway speaking."

"Hey, it's Michael Claymore calling. I told you I owe you for your help in getting me extra rest days. Would you like to go dancing tonight?"

"Mike! I'd love to. You know that."

"My wife and I would like to thank you by treating you to dinner at Big Walt's and at least a few dances. What do you say? Care to join us?"

"Mike , I said yes, Yes, Yes! Did you hear me? Yes!"

"Well, I heard you like to dance so I thought you might like it. I know Big Walt's doesn't have such a good reputation as some places but I was hoping you might be interested if there's dancing."

"Mike, I'll strangle you if you say I refused."

"Okay, I'm pleased you have agreed to join us. We promise to not keep you out too late."

"Damn, what time?"

"What time do you get off, ma'am?"

"If you call me ma'am again I'll kill you. You know I'm off at five. Shall I meet you there?"

"Either that or we can pick you up after work. Would that be better?"

"Whatever you want. Are we still on for the weekend?"

"Oh yeah, I meant to ask you about that. They want me to go Saturday night around eight, do they. I guess that's okay and we'll come by to pick you up when you get off work tonight. Okay?"

"Okay, see you at quitting time. And I'm delighted we're going Saturday night at eight, you rascal."

Mike hangs up, "She sounds happy that we're asking her out. How about that? I bet she doesn't get much chance to go dancing."

"You know, I sort of like her, too. It's sad her husband is such a drunk. She should divorce him but I guess he's fairly well off. That's what I heard anyway."

"Where did you hear that?"

"Some of it from you, some from Bev and some from her, herself. I put it together."

"I never really noticed. I guess because she's another generation from me."

"Yeah, I guess she's in the same generation with Jack's mother. Remember her at Christmas time over at Bev's?"

"Oh yeah, I think I know who you mean." They get around and get dressed. They watch the news and it's almost time to go pick up Maxine.

When they get ready to go downstairs Mike asks, "Now if your ankles get swollen or you get tired, tell me and we'll come home." The phone cuts him off.

Mike picks it up, "Hello?"

"Mike?" It's Maxine.

"Yes, what's up? Are you tied up?"

"Just the opposite, the boss sent me home early. It was quiet and I was all caught up so he said to take off. I'm at home, can you pick me up here?"

"Oh, okay. We'll be right down."

"Is she working?"

"She's at home. She wondered if we could pick her up there? I bet she plans to drink quite a bit so she doesn't want to drive home." Marlene frowns but nods.

They drive down and pick her up. She's cheerful and explains she's off early. They drive the Nova so Mike lets Marlene drive and chats with Maxine. It turns out to be a fun evening and Maxine does get plastered but behaves herself. They drive her home and then go home themselves.

"I heard her telling you they want you to go Saturday night but that shouldn't mess up our week much." Later she admits her feet are swollen so they go to bed early. That gets them off their feet but not necessarily to sleep.

Thursday, 21 February, 1985

Mike wakes early and tells Marlene, "You go back to sleep, dear. I have to stay in practice for getting up early so I guess I'll run in and check out my truck. I won't be long." He gets up but lingers over her feet rubbing the ankles and lulling her back to sleep.

At ten after six he's unlocking the door of Dana's apartment. He slips inside and studies her profile in the dim light. He quickly takes off his clothes and slides under the cover with her. He lays a hand on her shoulder attempting to pull her closer and she whimpers, "No uncle, please no more."

"Dana, it's Mike. Are you okay?" He can see tears streaming down her cheeks. "What is it, Dana?"

"Oh Mike, it's you!" She clutches him and plasters her body to his. "I was having such a nightmare. I was attacked by a man."

He holds her close, "You're okay now. You're shaking. You were really upset. Who was it in your nightmare?"

"I don't know. It was a strange man, a stranger and he was attempting to rape me." She wraps her body around his and murmurs, "You're the one I want inside me, not him." She runs her hand over his face as if checking it is him and then sprawls on him to kiss his lips passionately. He can feel her kicking off her bottoms as she pushes her legs on each side of him.

She slides down his body to grab his handle and shove it in her mouth, then wiggles around so her legs straddle his chin. Mike licks her and she squeals before sucking on him again. They lick, kiss and suck on each other for quite some time until they pant and turn to couple. The morning sun lights the edge of the curtains as he drives into her in a missionary position then rolls her to drive in that way.

She moans and whimpers and squeals as he drives her from orgasm to orgasm to orgasm. She totally collapses in a doggy position and he feels her gush around his tool. Finally, he breathes a sigh of relief. She will think he's cum now. He plays the part and slides out of bed to get dressed. He kisses her and leaves.

He mumbles, "By God, it works! She doesn't bug me all the time if I fuck her good once in a while. I'll have to remember that." He heads home. Not bad, a little over an hour. "I suppose I better do the same for Bev tomorrow to keep her happy." He does consider that she's all alone.

He snuggles up to Marlene and it isn't long until they are making their bed bounce and the slap, slap, slap of their love making reverberates throughout the apartment. He does let loose all his juices to allow her to drain him. After all, this is his gal and she deserves it.

She slips from the bed to go and make him some breakfast. She figures if you treat your man right he'll remain true. Mike doses off thinking how lucky he is. He sleeps like an innocent babe until she rouses him with breakfast. "Wow, that coffee sure wakes a guy's senses, love. Thank you." She has delivered a cup to his bedside. He sips contentedly.

"Bacon and eggs are ready and the hash browns will be shortly. You better get up." The phone rings. Marlene answers it, "Good morning, Donna. What's up?"

"I just called to see if you checked out Zeller's. They have a cute baby rug in their toddler's department so I thought of you."

"That sounds like just what we need. We got a bunch of stuff this week but we still need the rug. Are you coming over? Mike is up but not dressed yet. Come on over."

"You sound like you just got up. I bet you guys were doing the wild thing, weren't you?"

Marlene laughs, "Guilty, he's so affectionate in the morning. He was wilder than ever this morning. I think it's cause I measured him last night. You know his cock has got bigger since I met him. He's so wild, I just love that man!"

"Well, I got to go to work but you guys behave. Bye."

Dana is livid. 'He went back to her and fucked her! I'd like to tell her he fucked me, too! She's got to go! I'll do her in while he's on his next run. No one will know it's me and I'll console him when he's mine!' She continues to conspire her evil deeds within her demented mind.

Mike and Marlene go out to Zellers on her tip and find the rug. It's just what they're looking for and they praise her name. "I simply have to meet this neat girlfriend of yours. She's really a faithful buddy. You said she's working today?"

"That's what she said, she was on her way in to work."

Dana is glaring with an open sneer at them across the store. A sales girl asks if there's anything she would like to see. She snaps, "Fuck off, bitch!" and stomps out of the store. She nails the gas pedal down and screams burning rubber out of the parking lot. She mutters, "That bitch is dead!"

Mike loads the rug and a few other items they pick up then they head home. Now she's a bit weary and thinks she might lay down when they get home. Mike brings everything up in the lift and they set it in place. She tells him she's going for a rest so he says he'll be quiet so she can rest.

Later in the afternoon the landlady drops in to see the nursery. She says Maxine has told her and Marlene gets up when she hears another voice in the nursery. Her and Millie chat a while so Mike takes some laundry down to do for his wife.

When he comes back she is just leaving. Marlene is putting supper on. Hot dogs and beans tonight. Mike loves them.

Friday, 22 February, 1985

6 AM and he quietly slips in the door left open for him. He called her last night and she assured him she would have a key for him this morning. He sees it on the foyer table and pockets it. He proceeds down the hall and opens the bedroom door, looks around and slips out of his clothes.

He slides under the covers and nestles her to him smoothing her shoulders and hair, kissing her chin and then her lips lightly. His hand caresses one of her marvelous orbs and toys with the nipple. He can feel his erection suddenly poke her as it grows and she stirs. "Ohh my God, that's big! she whispers. She tosses the cover aside and sits to confront him with her knees parted and totally naked.

She sucks in a breath and inserts two fingers in her pussy as she examines him with a far away look in her eyes. He can't stop looking at her tremendous breasts as he gently plays with the nipple. She in turn is fascinated by his huge erection pointing directly at her. She reaches and fingers the head of it slipping her thumb in the pre cum.

"I knew you'd come if you promised you would. I was so confident I slept soundly. I never even heard you come in."

"I didn't want to wake the baby."

"Don't you think I will in a few minutes?" She grins, "Don't you remember how noisy I am?"

"Well yeah, we did wake her the other day. I forgot."

She gently strokes him, "It is bigger!"

"Why do you say that?"

She grins, "Marlene told me but I now see it for myself. It looks wonderful and I bet it feels the same."

"I suggest we find out," he leans forward to kiss her and their lips linger working then opening then writhing together as they adjust their position to openly make full contact with each other. Hands flutter over each other bodies and legs wrap around legs as they maneuver their limbs and appendages. Bev is four foot eleven inches and Mike is over six foot but there is no hesitation for him to poise his ramrod within the folds of her cunt and gently push, withdraw and push, withdraw and push deeper to hear her cry out and back out one last time before sliding in deep.

She squeals and pushes back to him hard. He's hard against her cervix and knows it so he backs off some to let her adjust. He works himself in and out of her feeling her loosen and bathe him with her juices. She cries, "Now you can thrust as hard as you want. Come on and fuck me, Dammit! Fuck me hard!"

He does and she pounds him back arching against him. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she chants as he pounds into her making an awful racket of sucking noises and balls slapping on flesh. He knows she's cumming and he wants her to cum more than once but he's not sure he can hold back for it. They change position and the madness continues until she squeals and goes wild. Mike can't stop. He feels the tingle and then the bulge moving up his rod and the sudden release of tension as a gob of semen shoots into her.
