Mike's Navy: Femme Fatale


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"Okay, I'd put in for two extra rest days and if the boss is feeling generous he might give you three. I'll work on him."

"Thanks, Maxi. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You can start with a kiss as a down payment on the rest." They kiss rather passionately and he has to leave. He dashes back up the hill and Marlene smiles as she watches him come. She keeps a pretty close watch on her man.

"Hi! I came back as quick as I could. Did I take too long?"

"Nope, I have everything ready to go on the table." She sets up for supper and they eat together. He helps her do dishes later and then they settle down to watch TV for the evening.

When she waddles off to bed Mike follows admiring her figure. He knows she doesn't believe him when he says how beautiful she is so he refrains from saying anything but he still regards her with awe.

Monday, February 18, 1985

It feels good to sleep in but sleeping is not what they do. Still it's eight before he leaves the house. He tells her he has to see that some work is done on the truck and he has to submit his hours in hopes of gaining extra rest days. He plans to be home by lunch time.

He drives out of the lot and heads out Portland Street towards the mall. He pulls in to the apartment block and notes Dana's yellow and black 1970 Ford Torino is parked there then parks and scoots upstairs. He raps on the door and hears a scuffle inside, "Who is it?"

"Darling, I'm home!" he sings out.

She flings open the door, "You came to me. I knew you would. Come in my love." She rushes around picking up clothes and dishes everywhere. "Sit at the table, I'll be right with you."

"I might have come in the night if I had a key." he winks.

"Oh, I've got one for you. It's here," she dashes into the bedroom and takes a key from a bowl on a side table. She brings it back to him and he affixes it to his ring. She kneels at his feet, "I knew you'd need one soon. Are we going to live here or the apartment where you are now?"

He reaches to play with her hair. "You have beautiful hair, my love. It shines like black Lucite." She tilts her head back proudly and smiles. He bends at the waist while seated to kiss her and she reaches her arms up to wrap them around his neck. She holds tight as he sits up again raising her to his lap then carries her from the table to the bedroom.

Her eyes sparkle with merriment as he takes her momentarily forgetting his resolve and filling her with his seed. It is sudden, deep and fulfilling. He leaves her satiated and goes to work.

"Good morning, Maxi. I have my claim here for rest days, should I just leave it with you?"

"You could climb under my desk with me." She grins and says, "Just leave it. Check back with me in an hour or so. I should know long before noon."

"Okay, I shall do that." He places the claim on her desk and leaves to drive a few miles in the city.

He passes the Victorian houses that make up PMQs and looks for a car. He spots the red and white 1960 Studebaker Lark convertible and parks behind it. He whistles as he bounces up the walk to the door and rings the bell. He senses a curtain moving and then she flings open the door. "Get in here!"

She slams the door shut behind him, "What are you doing here?"

"I thought you wanted me to come."

"My God, Mike, in the middle of the morning? Be quiet and don't wake the baby. Come." He follows her to the kitchen and she pours a cup of coffee. "I'm getting some of your bad habits. I have some on mornings now." She watches him, "So you fucked Barbara. I thought that was what she had in mind but I was sure you wouldn't do it."

Mike sips his coffee and she stares at him. He asks, "Did she call you to gloat?"

"She did with a blow by blow description. Maybe it was my fault, I told her how you showed me where my G spot was and how to have multiple orgasms. I thought it was funny to make her pant." She chuckles. "It was after Jack went back to sea and we went hot tubing so when we got back here I let it all out. I even told her you always make me wet." she grins, "She said you do the same thing to her."

"So what do you want to do about it?" She doesn't answer but reaches for his hand and places it under her skirt. He can feel she's dripping. He slips his arms around her from behind and draws her back to him. He lifts her up onto his lap and nuzzles her neck. He plays with her clothed breasts and feels wet spots over the nipples. "Bev, I've so wanted to play with these."

"I know. I wanted you to a long time ago but there was Jackie and there was Jack. Oh Mike, don't stop now." It's a plaintive cry so Mike reaches under her to set himself free. He sweeps her panties aside and seats her firmly over his probing organ where she drips on him and he slides in her juices. He kneads her breasts as he enters her and she squeals softly wiggling her hips. "Oh Mike, fuck me hard! I need you right now!"

It's even better than Mike ever thought it might be. Of course it couldn't go on forever so when the baby cries they have to stop, he has to go and they promise to do it again one day. He returns to the work site and greets Maxine

"Well, what did he say, my sweet?"

"You come back in to work next Sunday. There's a load for Greenwood and one from there to PEI. That's all I know for now. So when are we going to get together?"

"You know I would love to go dancing and drinking and screwing like we used to but it's just impossible now. We can sneak a few quickies like we did last night but that's all for now. I'm sorry, Maxi."

"Well, get out of here, you still smell like sex. You drive me crazy" Mike makes a mental note to air out his clothes and get some breath freshener before he goes home. He grabs his bedding out of the Hayes and puts the sheets and cases in the washing machine in the barracks. He ducks in and has a shower then gets redressed to go home for lunch.

"Hi dear, I got the extra rest days. I don't go in to work until Sunday morning, the 24th. How about that?"

"Wow, they gave you an extra three days. That's going to be wonderful to have you home all week. We can get the crib and other stuff for the nursery. You'll be here to help set it up. Isn't that terrific?"

'It sure sounds good but I wouldn't be surprised if they ask me to take that load Saturday night. It's to Gagetown and one from there to PEI then pick up back at Gagetown again. They don't have any listing of where I have to go from there."

They sit down to lunch. "We could go look in the mall for nursery necessities this afternoon. I just have to run in and check on if they have the rest of my loads lined up yet. I shouldn't be more than an hour."

"We could take the car and then we wouldn't have to make two trips."

"That's a good idea," his brain is spinning it's wheels to figure out how to see Maxi, steer clear of Dana and avoid visits with Bev. He thinks he can handle it.

"Donna might join us in the mall if I call her and let her know we're going to be there. She has been the one who has helped me the most to get out and look for nursery items.

"Okay, give her a call. I been wanting to meet her."

Marlene dials Dana's number thinking it's Donna's. "Hello, Donna?"

'Marlene, hi. Uh, what's up?"

"Mike and I are going to the mall to look at nursery things after a while. I know you wanted to meet him so why don't you join us?"

"Well, I, uh, I'm not sure I can make it. Hold on."

Marlene waits for her and suddenly hears a dial tone. She hangs up the phone staring at it. "She hung up on me. I wonder what's with her. Do you think I should call her back?"

"Was she upset?"

"I don't think so. I'm sure I didn't do anything to upset her."

"Well, give her the benefit of the doubt, call her back."

"Okay." She rings her back and it rings twice then stops ringing. She listens and says, "Hello? Donna? Are you there? Hello?" She turns and looks at Mike with a shrug, "There's no one there. It's just a dead line. Not even a dial tone now."

"Is it our phone?" He gets up and listens to the dial tone. "There's a dial tone there now. I guess it's not ours." He hangs it up. "Let's go."

They take the car and drive over to Mike's worksite. "Hang in here and I'll check the board. I may have to check with Mrs. Holloway." He ducks inside. He knows there's nothing on the board so he waits a few minutes and then goes upstairs. "Maxi, are you busy?"

"He's not in. What's up?"

"How would you like to go with me on a trip?"

"What? How can we do that?"

"It might mean some time to mess around, too."

"Oh baby, now you're talking"

"Why not go with me Sunday to take that load to Greenwood. I'll be coming back right by this site to take the other load to PEI so I could drop you off then. I was thinking we could take that one late Saturday night and spend the night together before dropping the load at Greenwood." he smiles.

"Oh, you sneaky weasel, I love it. But, how do we keep it from Marlene? She usually knows just where you are."

"I already told her I have a load from Gagetown to PEI and then bobtail back to Gagetown for another load going east. That puts me going east from Gagetown Monday. In actual fact I run the load to Greenwood on Sunday and drop the return load in PEI Monday ready to head east. It works. She won't expect me to call until I hit Edmundston and I will Tuesday at the latest."

"I'm with you, I love it. I'll leave my car here whenever we go and you can drop me back here. Mike, you keep my life interesting, that's for sure."

"Something else, can you get my sheets from the dryer in the barracks and put them in your car for now. I'll get them from you this weekend." She nods and nudges her bottom drawer open then lifts out Dana's bottoms.

He shakes his head and asks, "Okay, do you want to go dancing? How about tomorrow night or maybe Wednesday. What do you think?"

She's staring at him open mouthed, "What will Marlene say about that?" She drops the bottoms back in the drawer.

"I imagine she'll like it, she's going with us."

"So how are you going to invite me?"

"You helped me get my extra rest days. I owe you!"

She rushes around the desk, "I love you." She wraps her arms around him and kisses him.

"Hey, take it easy, I don't want to smell like sex. Marlene's waiting in the car."

"What do you think, I'm going to seduce you right here on my desk?"

"Well either that or haul me under it." he laughs. Do you have any more idea where I'm going from PEI."

She looks it up, "Looks like you're taking one from Gagetown to Kingston and then west."

"Okay, I'll keep in touch and we'll work in whatever we can whenever we can. Later, Maxi." He goes back to the car. Marlene has had to move it.

"I see they made you move. Sorry love."

"Just get in and let's get out of here." He does and she does heading for Simpson Sears. "We can start at Simpson Sears and then Zellers. What else is there, Mike?"

"What about the new Target Stores. They must have one of those here somewhere."

"Mom always counted on Simpson Sears but that was because she liked catalogue sales. I like Zellers because they have everything right there on the floor."

"Sorry, I always look in on the Canadian Tire Store or the Radio Shack. I don't think they have anything for the nursery.

Marlene abruptly makes a change in direction and Mike exclaims, "Hey, take it easy. Where are you going?"

"Bev will know the best place to shop for nursery items. Am I going the right way for her house?" Mike directs her and wonders what Bev's reaction to her will be. He needn't have worried since she's not home.

Mike says "Well, we know Zellers is out in the Bedford Mall so let's go out there." He directs her again and they head out past Tuft's Cove and Big Walt's towards the Bedford Mall.

Marlene grins, "Do they serve supper there?"

"I'm not sure but it's an idea. I'll check it out and maybe we'll come over for supper one night this week. I'm thinking of thanking Mrs. Holloway for her help in getting these extra rest days by treating her to dinner and a dance or two. I've heard she loves to dance and I know that you do."

"That sounds like fun. Do you want me to go back?"

"No, we can check on our way back." She's in a much improved mood now and chatters away gaily. "You know my mother told me on the phone the essentials for a nursery. Number one, she said, was a comfortable rocking chair for those long nights when baby is cranky and I hold or feed it while trying to stay awake." She looks to see if he's listening,

"And yes, I'm going to nurse it." Mike perks up. "I thought that would get your attention. I see how Bev excites you when she nurses Janet. If I hadn't met her husband and saw what buddies you guys are, I'd be watching her a lot closer."

"Oh dear, that's preposterous!"

"I was listening when she told of how you taught her where her G spot was and how to have multiple orgasms. It's a good thing it was Jackie with you then and not me. I'd have stopped that business."

"It was just innocent fun, love. We were young and full of life sharing our knowledge with each other." She frowns and says they weren't that much younger than they are now.

"What else did your mother suggest?"

"A crib and a changing table."

"That's it?"

"She also said a nice soft rug for the floor so baby will be comfortable on it."

"Hmm, that makes good sense." They arrive at Zellers and go into the store. Mike heads to look at the music and cameras. "We'll want to take pictures of the baby to send your mother."

"But we're here to look at nursery stuff, Michael. Come on, now." So he heads around the store and can't resist the tools. She hustles him along to children's wear and then newborns. Marlene spots a changing table with shelves. "Look, it has the edge ridge so it can't roll off and room for diapers and cloths underneath. I can see baby oil, Q tips and baby powder and lotion on those shelves and I think there's room for a baby wash tub. And it's a good price."

They look at everything but finally decide to go with the changing table. Mike manages to get it in the back seat. They head for home. "We can check Simpson Sears tomorrow, Mike. They're right there at the mall out by our place."

"I think Zellers have better prices on things like baby oil and shampoo. Maybe even diapers, too."

She slows, "Do you want me to go back?"

"No, no, just go home. We can come back another day."

"And your taking me dancing for supper. Did you forget?"

"Well watch out then, it's not far up here on the right."

Marlene spots the drive way and swings in. She pulls far up to the right of the step and parks. "Had I best lock it up?"

"I suppose. Someone might be desperate for a baby changing table." They lock the car while Mike just rolls his eyes. He runs to catch the door for her and they go inside the cool shadows with the shifting lights and the pulsing music.

Big Walt nods and murmurs, "Mike, nice to see you and you too, Mrs. Mike." as he passes by on the way to the bar. Keisha sings out, "What'll it be, folks?"

"A moment, if you please." He looks over the selection on the wall. "Hey, that's a new menu!" He looks over the list. "What do you think, dear?"

"I'd like to try the Rosemary Grilled Chicken, it sounds so good with Rosemary oven roasted potatoes and I think, Caesar Salad." Keisha nods as she writes it down.

Mike pipes up, "I'm going to try the Blackened Tilapia and a house salad with blue cheese dressing." He adds, "I'll take a Keith's IPA, too. How about you dear, something to drink?"

"I better stick to the milk," she grins and Keisha nods grinning with her.

"How long now?"

"Supposed to be two more months but it can come anytime and it would suit me." she goes on, "Supposed to be late April."

"Find yourselves a table. We'll bring it out for you."

Marlene suggests, "Down there in the shadows. I see an empty table." They go for it but when they get there they see a purse on one chair. Marlene shrugs and Mike looks around. Janea Mathews waves and signals for them to sit down. She's dancing with Derek Acclaim, a rather successful young black businessman in Halifax.

Mike says, "It's Janea, Billie's sister and her boyfriend. She says to sit down." He looks questioningly at her. She nods and they take a seat.

Mike asks her to dance and they get up again to hit the floor. It's Bruce Springsteen and 'Dancing in the Dark' so they move as one in spite of her big belly. As the music winds down Marlene whispers, "I have to go. Can you walk with me over to the can?"

He does and Janea is going the same place. They go inside and Mike waits around. Then they both come out gabbing so he follows along back to the table. Derek stands to shake hands with Mike, "Nice to see you home, Mike."

"Thanks, Derek. It was a long haul this last time. They detoured me up around Prince Rupert, one step out of Alaska." they chuckle together. Derek waves to the bar and circles his head with his hand indicating a round for everyone at the table. Mike now knows he owes them one. "Uh, we're not staying long. I'll catch the next one."

They get up and dance again but come back to the table when their food arrives. They eat in peace by themselves a while when Mike notices a movement nearby. It's a young group of two couples at the next table and they've had quite a bit to drink. The girls are teasing their boyfriends and the one girl in particular is teasing both men. She has opened her blouse and pulled it out of her skirt. She doesn't have a bra.

It's dark in their area so Marlene doesn't notice at first and when she does she pokes Mike with her elbow, "Look over there," she whispers. Mike nods and grins.

The braless gal reaches to uncover the other gal's tits and they tussle resulting in both of them topless. They laugh and start playing with their men. Mike notices the aggressive gal has her partner's cock out in his lap and is playing with it. He asks, "Care to dance, dear?"

"Not now, I'm eating."

"You're not eating, dear. You're staring." She shushes him and watches as the girl goes down on him. Marlene wiggles in her seat watching them.

Marlene hisses, "She's sucking him off, oh yeah. Can you see them?"

"They're drunk, dear. Eat your supper." She puts some food in her mouth but keeps watching. Janea and Derek return from the dance floor so their view is obstructed. As they finish their food Mike has Marlene up to dance. She watches to see what is going on at the next table but now they are just there topless and drinking.

She whispers, "I think she got him off. Oh my, let's hurry and go home. I'm really horny now."

"You're always horny since you got pregnant. I'm going to keep you that way all the time."

She grins, "Isn't that what they say, keep her barefoot in the winter and pregnant in the summer to keep her home?"

"Yeah, I guess something like that," he laughs as they return to their table. He signals for a round as he sits.

She whispers, "My ankles are starting to bother me, dear. I think they're swollen. We better go before long." Mike nods so one brew and he dances her around the floor to the exit. It was a fun visit but it's time to go home.

He gets the changing table out of the back seat and drags it to the lift. Up it goes to the top floor and Mike hauls it into their apartment. What seemed so big in the store and bigger yet in the back seat of the car now seems so small in the converted dining room. Mike looks at it and scratches his head.

Marlene is rushing in and out of the room with baby powder and oil, some disposable diapers and other items she has purchased with Donna (Dana). She is putting them on the shelves under the changing tray on the top. Mike concludes he will have to get her more shelves to put along side the table. He thinks they better take the truck next time they go shopping.
