MILF 04 Pt. 1 - Twincest

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Alice wants to have sex with her sons. Sarah joins her.
14.1k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/06/2024
Created 07/31/2013
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Given that this tale mostly involves Alice, it didn't seem right to use Sarah's viewpoint. So first person again, but this time from Alice's viewpoint. This is Part 4 of my MILF opus, and it will make more sense if you've read the previous parts. Apologies for the delay (four and a half years!) since posting the previous part, but my health has been poor and the urge to write has been low. This tale picks up where Part 3 ends.

* * * * *

MILF 4 -- Twincest -- Part 1

Once I was safely indoors, after I'd waved goodbye to Sarah, I made myself some coffee and relaxed on the couch in the sitting-room. I had a lot to think about after the marvelous time I'd had with Sarah and Ben. A lot, mostly involving remembering the fun we'd had, the three of us, in bed and out of it. Mostly out, I have to say, because the remotely controlled webcam in Sarah's home office had offered us the possibility of something a little more concrete than mere memory, given that we could record our fun onto the hard drive of Sarah's PC. I remembered, too, Sarah talking about what was now her favorite summer wear - a light summer dress and no underwear! I had a couple of dresses like that, too, and as soon as I'd finished my coffee I took a quick shower, dried myself, and dabbed a little perfume on my body, including a few places where a divorced mother of two really ought not to think anyone would get close enough to enjoy the fragrance, then donned the dress over my naked body, enjoying the free flow of air around my pussy.

Time to check the emails, see if Sarah had sent the videos. I booted up my laptop and checked my emails. Yes! Two from Sarah, each with attachments. I opened the first.

'Hi, Alice. As promised, I'm attaching a couple of the videos we made. I've chosen to send the one we made with the strap-on, and the one where the two of us enjoyed ourselves with my dildos. Maybe the twins might enjoy them, if things go according to plan. Ben and I thoroughly enjoyed having you here -- and there, and over there, and in there -- well, just remember where we had fun and fill in the blanks from memory! Remember, sweetheart, if you want to do that again, just say the word and we'll be happy to entertain you. Remember, too, that if you need someone to help you satisfy the twins, always supposing your plan works out, then I'm willing. Very.

Love, Sarah. XXX'

Great! I checked the attachment. Yep, it was the strap-on sequence. I quickly saved it to the hard drive. I'd copy it to my tablet later, and watch it in bed, with my dildo close by. Now for the second email.

'Hi, again, Alice. Second video attached. Enjoy! I plan to later, with Ben. ; ^ ) Just had a thought -- if you have a little time to yourself on Friday, would you like to join me and Carol for lunch? We usually either have a meal and a gossip, or get some coffee to go and a couple of Danish, and talk dirty in that little park off Elm Street, near our offices. You'd be welcome if you care to join us. No big deal. If you can make it, just turn up! We usually meet at the corner near Carol's office, where Elm intersects with Third. Or you could just come into our office, just before twelve, which is when I finish on a Friday. Up to you, of course, but you'd most likely enjoy yourself.

Love, Sarah. XXX'

Hmm, yes, meeting up with Sarah and Carol might be fun. First, though, get that second video saved. The work of moments. Right, what needs doing before the twins get home? Change the sheets on all of the beds, and get the washing machine going. No real rush, as they weren't due back for a couple of weeks yet, but I liked to get that sort of work out of the way, so I could have some me time. Probably -- definitely -- watching the videos on my tablet. And using my dildo! Now, the twins had said they'd phone me Saturday evening, between six and seven, so get that washing started before six.

As usual, they were a few minutes late, but the phone duly rang at about ten after six. Yes, Alan's cell number.

"Hi, son," I said.

"Hi, Mom. Missing me?"

"Of course, especially since it's so quiet here at the moment, I keep wondering where the noise has gone."

"Oh, very funny, Mom. Not." He laughed. "Are we really that bad?"

"No, I guess not. Enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah!" He launched into an enthusiastic account about the things they'd done, the places they'd seen, even the food they'd eaten! David Junior was just as enthusiastic when Alan passed him his phone, but I was conscious that the call was costing Alan, and cut the conversation short.

"Okay, son, it's clear you're enjoying yourselves and haven't got time to miss your poor old mom, but next time you ring, ring my cell phone. I'll make sure it's charged and that I take it with me. That way, I'm not tied to the house waiting for your call. Tell Alan as well, please."

"Okay, Mom, I will. Um, hang on a sec. Yeah, Dad wants a quick word."

A pause, and then my ex-husband's voice. "Hi, Alice."

"Hi, David. What's up? A problem?"

He laughed. "No, nothing like that. I asked the boys where they wanted to go to eat on their birthday, and they've opted for Italian food. Can you make a booking for the four of us on their birthday, for seven o'clock?"

"Table for four, sure. Where?"

"Oh, yeah. Tino's, where else?"

I laughed. "Where else indeed! Yep, I'll make the booking, no problem."

"Thanks, hon. We'll see you when I bring the boys home. See ya!"

"See you, David." He rang off, and I put my own phone back on its rest. Well, if they call on my cell I don't need to be at home. Maybe take Sarah and Ben up on their offer of more!

Next day dawned bright and clear, with the promise of warmth. I didn't need to do anything urgent, just normal housework, and as it was Sunday, not much of that. Prepare something light for lunch, but nothing else to do except maybe watch the videos again - after all, the dildo and I had managed a couple of gut-wrenching orgasms last night!

After breakfast, I was pondering over what to do next when the phone rang. I checked the caller ID display. Sarah!

"Hi, Sarah, what can I do for you?"

She laughed. "Invite me round, maybe? I have a DVD for you. Ben burned it for you last night."

"Yes! When can you be here?"

"In about forty minutes, I'm just having breakfast." She laughed. "Ben's still asleep, he was exhausted last night."

"Your doing, no doubt," I said, laughing. "Okay, I'll have the coffee ready when you get here."

Sarah was as good as her word and it was almost exactly forty minutes later when she pulled her car onto the driveway. Yeah, summer dress and, I assumed, no underwear. Definitely no bra, as I could see her jiggle as she came towards me where I waited at the door. Once inside, with the door closed, I drew her towards me and hugged her.

"Good morning, Sexy Sarah!"

She laughed. "And good morning to you, too, Adorable Alice." She kissed me, lingeringly. "That's from Ben." Then she kissed me again, even more lingeringly. "And that's from me."

"I could get used to being greeted like this," I said as she broke the kiss.

"When Ben goes back to college, and the twins start their own studies, maybe we can play occasionally?" she said, arching her eyebrows in query.

"If you're asking me to vote, it's yes!" I cocked my head. "No bra, I could tell from your jiggle. Panties?"

She grinned, and slowly raised the hem of her dress to reveal the mons I had become so familiar with during Friday and Saturday, and not a stitch of clothing. I nodded.

"Yep, no panties." I grinned. "Naughty girl!"

"Ooh, yes, please!"

I laughed, happy. "Come on, then," I said, leading her to my bedroom, unfastening my own dress as I went, throwing it off as I turned to her. I laughed. Sarah was just unfastening the last button on her dress, and soon hers joined mine in a heap on the floor. She kicked off her shoes and I followed suit.

"How do you want to do this?" I asked, moving to hug her.

"Well, I brought Ben II with me, so how about sixty-nining, with added dildo stimulation. I assume you have one of your own?"

I grinned. "Of course. Two, actually."

Sarah laughed, happy. "Then what are we waiting for?"

It was fun. Making sure I had at least one of my dildos near at hand, I made myself comfortable on my bed, Sarah knelt astride me, Ben II close to hand and her sweet and savory pussy in easy reach of my mouth, and we indulged ourselves for the next hour or so, licking, sucking, stroking, sliding dildos into each other's pussy -- and into our own -- and generally having a good, fun-filled, sexy time. I must have had five or six crashing orgasms! It's always better when someone else helps get you there.

Eventually, sated, we lay back, holding hands, and just chilled for a while. Sarah squeezed my fingers.

"Thought any more about the twins seduction plan?"

I laughed. "Can't get it out of my mind, honey."

"So, what's the current plan?"

"Well, as you know, their birthday is July 12. David and I are taking them to Tino's for dinner. Their choice, of course. Heck, boys and pizza? But the food's good, so no complaints from me. I thought, maybe when we get home, maybe next morning, I tell them about July 14 being National Nude Day. I tell them I'm well aware they have been spying on me, trying to catch me naked, and I let them know that on July 14 I will go around in the house -- and the pool, too, of course - naked, but only if they will, too." I grinned. "Think it will work?"

Sarah thought for a moment, a broad grin on her face. "It has a damned good chance. What about if any of their friends come around to visit? Could be embarrassing."

I grinned at her. "For them or for me? Heck, Sarah, I'm a mature, sexually desirable woman, one of your own son's MILFs, too, remember. You and Ben - and our sexy home movies, of course - have shown me, to my complete satisfaction that, naked, I have nothing to be ashamed of."

Sarah nodded. "Absolutely. I know how you feel, after all, thanks to you and Carol, but especially Ben and Tony. Want me to come around and support you? And maybe fuck one of them?"

"Would you?"

"Like a shot!" She pondered for a moment. "Do I need an excuse, or shall I just be dropping by to bum a coffee and a chat?"

"Reason, shmeason, Sarah. You're my friend -- heck, and my lover, too, of course -- so you, if anybody, are always welcome. Any time," I said, emphasizing 'any'.

She leaned across and gave me a quick kiss. "Thank you." She grinned suddenly.

"What?" I said.

"We can always start making out then, if they catch us, ask if they want to join in."

I giggled. "What do you mean, if?"

"Good point!" Sarah glanced at her watch, and sighed. "Guess I ought to be going. Ben was only just about awake when I left and if I know my son, when I get home he'll probably bend me over the table, flip up my dress and fuck me." She grinned suddenly, that look of pure mischief I was beginning to recognize. "Anything spoiling here?"

I shook my head. "Nothing I can't put off. Why?"

"Come with me. I'm sure Ben can manage a fuck for each of us. Eat with us, and one of us will bring you home later. Or stay over again, of course, but we both have to go to work in the morning. Well?"


"Great. Put your dress back on, nothing else, grab your shoes and your purse, and let's go!"

So I did. Another day of happy, sexy memories. Ben didn't manage just one fuck each for us, but two. And while he was recovering, Sarah and I made another home movie with the strap-on, only this time I was the fucker and Sarah the fucked. Happy days!

I managed another happy, sex-filled weekend with Sarah and Ben the following Friday and Saturday, after a Friday lunch time sexy banter session with Sarah and Carol, but then it was the week the twins were due home. Much as I'd enjoyed my time with Sarah and Ben, I needed to know if my fantasy of fucking my sons had any chance of reality. Not long to wait!

David had told me not to meet them at the airport. He'd left his car in the airport lot and at three in the afternoon I saw his car pull up on the driveway, behind my minivan. Alan was beside him in the front, David junior in the back and I went out to the porch to meet them as they unloaded their bags.

"Hi, Mom!" David.

"Miss us?" Alan.

"Who are you two again?"

"Oh, very funny, Mom. You know you missed us, don't you?"

"I guess I did, and it's good to have you home again." I turned to my ex. "They behave themselves?"

David grinned. "Most of the time, yes, I guess they did."

"You know we did, Dad, all of the time, not just most," said Alan, laughing.

"Okay, you did." He turned to me. "Reservation for Tino's okay?"

I nodded. "Absolutely. Seven-thirty tomorrow. Couldn't get a booking for seven."

"Okay, I'll get myself away now. I'll collect the three of you at, um, seven tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, we'll see you then." I turned to the twins. "You two get your bags indoors. We'll sort out your dirty laundry later."

"Okay, Mom." They disappeared indoors with their bags and I turned to David.

"Any bills I need to settle with you for the boys?"

He shook his head. "Not a thing. Everything was included in the price of the holiday. Anyway, there was so much to do they didn't have time for any mischief," he added, laughing.

"Just as well. Thanks for taking them, I kind of enjoyed the peace and quiet. Not something there's much of, when they're at home."

"As I remember so well!" He reached out and squeezed my hand. "See you all tomorrow. Bye for now."


I waved as David's car rolled off the driveway, took a deep breath and followed the twins inside. They were standing, waiting for me, identical grins on their faces. Alan held out a small package to me.

"A little souvenir for you, Mom."

Surprised, and not a little touched, I took the package.

"Go on, open it!" Alan urged.

"I will," I said, laughing, and proceeded to unfasten the package. Inside was a small jewelry box. I opened it and found something wrapped in tissue, and within the tissue was a pendant. Crafted of silver and semi-precious stones, it was almost like a snowflake, but with seven arms, not six. It was beautiful.

"It's beautiful, Alan, thank you."

"It's from both of us," said David.

"Well, thank you both."

"Wear it tomorrow, when we go to Tino's," said David, "then the loveliest woman there will be you."

"And what am I without this?" I said, mock-sternly, enjoying the sudden consternation on their faces, then I couldn't help it, I laughed. "Loveliest woman, eh? Does that include teenagers? Remember, I've seen quite a few of your classmates in bikinis, and some of them are gorgeous."

"We know, Mom, but not one of them is in your class."

"And what class is that? Thirty-nine-year-old mothers of twin boys born on July 12? Class of one, probably."

"No, Mom, it's the class of mature, beautiful women that any man - or boy -- would be proud to be seen with," said Alan, with David nodding agreement beside him.

Touched, I couldn't say anything for a moment, then I held out my arms and drew them both into a hug, kissing each of them on the cheek.

"Thank you, boys, thank you. The pendant is lovely and your flattery is very welcome, although a tad unreal, I think."

"No way is it, Mom. You are the most beautiful woman we know," said David.

"And you raised us to always tell the truth, remember?" said Alan.

"Okay, okay," I said, laughing, "now dig out your dirty laundry and put it in the basket beside the washer. I'll treat us to takeaway tonight, but it better not be pizza, if we're going to Tino's tomorrow. How about Chinese? Or Thai?"

"Thai for me," said Alan.

"And me."

"Thai it is, then. Any special choice, or shall I just get the meal for three?"

"I think we're still on a learning curve with Thai food, Mom," said David, "so the meal for three is the best option as that way we can try different things."

"For once in his life he's right," said Alan, nimbly dodging the mock blow David aimed at him.

"Sheesh, to think I've missed the banter between the two of you," I said, laughing, "I must have been mad!"

"Well, you know what they say, Mom, 'Insanity is hereditary. You get it from your children.' If you're mad, so are we, or at least Alan is," said David, in his turn dodging a blow from Alan, but they were both laughing.

"I think I'll have a swim," said David, "I'm still sticky from the flight home, and Dad's car was kinda hot after being in the airport lot in the sun for three weeks."

"Well, before you do, dirty laundry, please. Both of you."

It was a pleasant evening, the boys competing to tell me about their adventures, the things they'd done, the sights they'd seen, the alligators, the air-boat ride.

"There was the beach, too, of course, Mom, and the girls." Alan took a deep breath. "And the nude beach. We'd love to have seen you there, Mom." He made a face. "Dad wouldn't go, but he didn't object to us going."

"Whoa, boy! Me? At a nude beach?"There was a distinct pulse in my pussy at just the thought.

"Mom?" said David, "there were older women there, too, some as old as grandma, but none of them as good-looking as you." He grinned. "But, you know what? They all looked relaxed and happy."

An opening, I wondered, realizing that this was my chance to open up on my idea. No, I decided, tomorrow, or the day after, then I'd tell them, pretend I'd been thinking about it. Before I could open my mouth, David spoke up.

"Mom? You know there's a nude beach at Warren Cove?"

I nodded. "Yes, I've read about it. So?"

"Well, the fourteenth of this month is National Nude Day, and - "

I affected surprise. "Hold on a moment! National Nude Day? You're kidding me!"

"No, Mom, honest injun!" David made a cross sign on his chest. "It's the truth. Show her, bro."

Alan unfolded a crumpled newspaper cutting and passed it to me. I took it, but I knew already what it was going to say, having read the article only two days earlier. I pretended to read it, then nodded. "Okay, guys, you're not joshing your mom, but so what?"

"Warren Cove offers free admission to family groups on Nude Day, potential members, Mom. You, and us, that's a family group. Please, Mom?"

I gazed at them for a long moment, thinking. It might just be the opening I needed. I had a sudden thought. What about Sarah? She'd already arranged to take the Tuesday, the fourteenth, as a day off from work. Would she be interested? Only one way to find out, of course. Ask her. Now, don't appear too eager, Alice.

"I'll think about it," I said. "I'll let you know the day before. But, boys, don't be surprised if I chicken out."

"Okay, Mom," said Alan, "we'll leave you with the idea. For now, is it okay if we hang with the gang for an hour or two?"

I nodded. "Okay, but back by ten, okay? I worry if you're late."

"Back by ten, Mom. We promise." David nodded agreement, and within a couple of minutes they were away. I waited ten minutes, to make sure they were away, then picked up the phone and dialed Sarah's number. It was Ben who answered, and I put on my vamp voice.

"Hi, there, stud," I drawled, "ready for some sexy action?"

He laughed. "Hi, Alice! Missing me so soon?"

"You bet! Ben, is your mom there, please?"

"In the pool, of course. Hang on, I'll get the other handset and take it out to her." A short wait, then Sarah came on.

"Hi, Alice, how's it going? Boys home safely?"

"Yep, sure are."

"Told them your cunning plan yet?"

I laughed. "Not yet, they told me theirs."

A chuckle on the line. "Go on, I can tell from your voice there's more."

"Well, they already know about National Nude Day."

"They do? That's good, yes?"

"I guess so."


"Not but. And. The Sun Club at Warren Cove is offering free admission to family groups that day, and the boys want me to go with them."