Miracle Cream Ch. 04


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"When did you get this thing?" Cory asked as Greg lifted his car into the air.

"Oh... a few months after finishing the Chevelle. Said to myself: self if you're going to do this for a hobby, get a lift," Greg said, smiling warmly at the memory. "So, how is the car handling after a few months?"

"Like a cloud," Cory said dreamily as he connected the air rachet to the hose that Greg handed him. "Don't know how the stock brakes handled the braking power on this car when it was new," he said, in-between taking the lug nuts off the front passenger tire.

"Oh, been through that kind of testing, huh?" Greg mused as he rolled the tire out of the way. Watching Cory removing the caliper from the rotor. "Roll out for a minute, Cory. I want to examine the rotor. How many miles on the engine?" he asked, inspecting the rotor, making sure it hadn't warped in the heat of braking.

"Little over ten thousand," Cory stated, wondering what he was looking at.

"Ah, the rotor doesn't show any warping; it's always good to check whenever you change the brakes, more so on muscle cars due to the force these brakes go through to stop something this heavy," Greg said in a teacherly voice. Turning his head when he heard his back door opening, patting Cory's shoulder when he was installing the new brake pads correctly as he went off to see what brought his new girlfriend out of the house.

"So... is he here... is that the car?" Cory heard a soft, warm voice off in the distance as he reinstalled the caliper. He had helped change the brakes on his parents' cars enough to do so with ease. Hearing their little chatter over the rachet as he snugged the lug nuts back on. Unwinding the hose to reach the rear tire before he went and did the left side of the car.

"Cory, before you start, there's someone I'd like you to meet," Greg spoke, seeing how Cory turned his attention to him as he laid the air rachet down when he was about to loosen the lug nuts.

"So... Greg, I think you forgot to tell me you found DB's hidden loot," Cory said, smiling at Dr. Cooper, the same woman that had treated him. Seeing the gleam in Greg's eyes as he got the reference. Rolling over to the side, grabbing one of Greg's shop rags and quickly wiped the brake dust and grease from his hands as he rose. "Now, I understand why she's after your 'Vette," he joked, "nice to see you again, Doc, out of a hospital bed, I mean." Smiling warmly at the woman as he held out his somewhat clean hand to her.

"I'm glad you remember me this time," Dr. Cooper cooed, returning Cory's smile. "When Greg, here," laying her hand on Greg's chest as she leaned into him, "talked about you and this car and how he lent a hand to help you restore it. I just had to meet the person he talked fondly about. I just didn't know it was you he was speaking about. So, is this the car?" she asked, glancing at it.

"Sure is," Cory said with a proud nod. "You know Greg, think I spoke too soon about that 'I'm finished with the car,'" he sighed as the thought hit him when he was putting the front tire back on.

"Oh? What were you thinking?" Greg said, holding back his amusement.

"Ever seen Gone in 60 Seconds?" Cory asked, wondering if he would get the reference.

"The one in the '70s?"

"No... didn't know there was a '70s version, no, the newer one with Nicolas Cage in it. Don't know if the Mustang in it had the side skirt exhaust pipes as the one in the newer movie has. What'cha think, look cool, right?" Cory asked with a boyish grin.

Greg looked to Cory and then to his Mustang, trying to picture in his mind. "You got a photo or video of how they're supposed to look like?" he asked, kind of liking the idea. "Oh, I see what you mean now," Grey caught on as he peered at the picture on Cory's screen when he did a Google search. "But that's for a Shelby-style Mustang; I don't know if it would fit on a Mach 1."

"Aren't they like basically the same car?" Cory asked, confused.

"No, the Shelby-style Mustang is a specialized car Shelby Cobra modified to his specifications, so it might have a longer or shorter frame than your Mach 1. Although I do have to say, I love your color scheme you have going on," Dr. Cooper marveled as she leaned each and every way to get the paint to change color in the light.

"She's right," Greg said, nodding along to Kimberly's knowledge of classic cars.

"What if they do? What do you think is going to be needed to attach it?"

"Hangers for the pipe, wielding, might have to get a lift kit for the car if there won't be enough clearance on the car for those, and we have to make sure we can lift the car with those on," Greg said in a teacherly voice as he pointed at the picture.

"Damn, but if I can find a set for the car, will you let me use your nifty, shiny tools?" Cory asked with a broad grin.

"I might," Greg spoke, nodding along.

It wasn't lost on him that Greg brightened up when he was around. Given who the car was originally for, Cory didn't mind if he used him for a surrogate son in place of the one he lost if it helped Greg to come to terms with the loss.

"So, are you trying to make this car a clone of 'Elenore?'" Dr. Cooper asked, trying to picture what the car would look like.

"What? Nah, enough of them out in the world," Cory said, waving off the question. "I just think the side pipes would look awesome on it," he stated with a cocky grin.

"Then yes, I'd have to agree with your assessment," she said, matching Cory's smile.

"So... Doc, how did you and Greg meet up?" Cory asked, getting to the heart of the matter.

"Oh, I just got this thing for the '50s Vettes; while Greg's Stingray is very nice, I just lust after a cheery red 'Vette, so whenever I was off or if I could get the day off, I'd sneak out to a car show close to here when they pop up. The first time we met was when he won that award for his truck. Since then, well... you can guess what went on," Dr. Cooper said, snuggling up to Greg.

"Ah, car girl, huh? Nothing wrong with that; it just answers the question of why Greg's always at a car show," Cory said, teasing his mentor. "Well, I should get back to it, so I'm not interrupting anything you two have planned," he stated, knowing if they just kept talking, his brakes wouldn't get done.

"Please, continue, don't let me get in the way," Dr. Cooper said with a wave. "So, Cory, have there been any setbacks other than that time in the hospital with your injuries?" she asked as Cory rapidly fired off the lug nuts.

"Nah, well, some soreness in my hands, some aches too, but my doctor said that's normal given how I broke them. Other than that, yeah, healed right along, was thankful the day the staples came out, God, those things itched like crazy," Cory stated as he set the tire off to the side.

"How long did you have them in for?"

"The maximum amount they could stay in given the direction of the laceration on my chest," Cory spoke, showing her through his shirt where the scar ran from.

"Ah, that is a tricky one," Dr. Cooper nodded.

"So Cory, how's college going?" Greg asked as he set to work to unscrew the lug nuts on the other side of the car.

"Well, it's only been two days; I'm giving it a week before I pass judgments yet," Cory answered, quickly switching out the pads and reattaching the caliber. Tossing the old pads away as he walked around. Greg, as he took his spot, tightened down the lug nuts of the tire he had just put back on.

"Hey, Greg?"


"Did these cars come with a bigger gas tank?" Cory asked as he set the front left tire down and off to the side.

"Nope," Greg answered, chuckling when Cory groaned. "Kind of the reason why they were left behind in yesteryear."

"Now I know why only old dudes have these cars, they're the only ones that can afford the gas," Cory joked, getting a snort from the good doctor. "So, how long have you two been dating?" he asked as he swapped out the used pads for the new ones.

"About a year now," Dr. Cooper said fondly.

"Ah," leaning in and whispering low, "you got a 'Vette around here, don't you?" Cory inquired, seeing the twinkle in Greg's eyes that he knew him well enough to know he might have one hidden away or thinking about finding one or just doesn't have the cash yet. "Oh, question?"

"Hmm?" Greg hummed as Cory put the tire back on.

"What do you know about '32 street rods... think that's what they call them," Cory said as he dragged the hose to the rear tire.

"They're pretty much a kit car; you take a 32 frame and build a hot rod around it; why?"

"Well... given how my mother drives... it's frightening," Cory said in all seriousness, seeing Greg fight back a smile. "Thinking how her driving reminds me of how a moonshiner on the run would drive..."

"Really? Your mother?" Greg asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, apparently; get this, my great-grandfather and grandfather were moonshiners, and great-grandpa used to run shine in the Prohibition era," Cory said as he took off the last tire, nodding when he noted Greg's look. "So, grandpa would teach Mom how to handle a muscle car when she was my age in his Chevelle on the weekends, then proceeded to teach her how to drive like a mad woman," he joked.

"Never thought that about your mother; she looks too... dainty," Greg mused.

"Oh, you haven't seen her when she's behind the wheel," nodding to his car, "she's like a demon-possessed when she gets in it," Cory said, making quick work of the last of the brakes. "So, I thought maybe if they weren't too expensive to build, get one for her for their anniversary or something like that. Then I don't have to worry about my baby anymore," Cory uttered, grinning like mad at how Greg's shoulders showed him how much he was fighting back from bursting out in laughter.

"Well... you don't really have to build one, Cory unless you actually want to build one. People always build a '32, at least the old guys do, so theirs a flood of them out there; I probably know some guys that might know of someone that might be selling one or two of them. If they don't suit what you're looking for, I know this car place on the web that sells muscle cars; I'll text you the website when we're done here," Greg said as he watched Cory reassembling the brakes before he put the tire back on. He knew Cory did the work properly, given how he kept a keen eye on him throughout it. He would've stepped in if Cory had made a mistake. "Let's take her up, just to see the kind of work we'd be doing if you can get those pipes," he said as he and Cory put up the tools and put the brake fluid cap back on, and relatched the hood. For the next hour, the two of them, with Dr. Cooper joining in occasionally, went over what it would take to get the exhaust to work with the existing mufflers, so they didn't have to scrap the whole thing. Showing Cory where they might have to make some modifications to the skirt so it wouldn't block the jacking points on the car. Then went over how they would have to lift the car if the skirt hung too low.

"May I?" Dr. Cooper asked once they got the car on the ground, and Cory pumped the brakes to tighten up the new pads and Cory rolling the car off the hoist.

"Sure," Cory answered as he eased out of his running car, moving off to help Greg with moving the building back to its former spot.

"Appreciate the help, Greg, and letting me use your lift; that thing is awesome; it would make changing the oil on Mom's car so much easier," Cory said, being pulled into a one-armed manly hug and a firm pat on the back.

"No worries, Cory, happy to help," Greg said in a fatherly tone.

"If you need help with your little 'cherry' problem, text me; I'll come over and help when I can," Cory offered.

"I'll keep that in mind," Greg nodded, seeing Kimberly walking up after examining Cory's interior, leaving Cory's car running.

"Cory, what are those seats? Never felt leather so soft," Kimberly praised.

"Buffalo leather," Cory said factually. "Nice, huh?"

"It is; you have a very nice car, Cory; I'm saddened that the judges don't see it," Kimberly said apologetically.

"Meh, so I won't win in some car show; it doesn't take away how sweet-looking that car is," Cory said, pointing his thumb over at it with a smile on his lips.

"It is," Kimberly agreed.

"Well, I should get going need to make a stop at AutoZone and pick up an air filter before they start blowing up my phone; nice seeing you again, doc..."

"Call me Kimberly," she supplied, seeing Cory nod in understanding.

"Greg, I'll see you later; text me, okay?" Cory called back to his friend as he ambled back to his car.

"Promise," Greg answered, raising his hand in goodbye.


"Cory, where have you been?" Jairo asked as his son strolled through the front door a little around four in the afternoon.

"Greg's, he let me use his lift to put the new brakes on the car and see about a future project on the car; why?" Cory informed them as he stopped at the entranceway as his father stood in the kitchen's doorway since his father was overseeing the crews that were shoring up the framework of their new bathroom so they could get the plumber back in to get the tub they had carried down there, and the rest hooked up and tested.

"Really? He has one of those?" Jairo asked in surprise. "Damn, would make so much of the work easier," he stated, all to Cory's agreement. "We were just worried about you since you've been gone since before lunch."

"Ah, yeah, Greg and I had to plan out how we would make the project I'm thinking about work without all the existing exhaust pipes," Cory said, seeing his parents' interest pegged at that.

"And why in the world would you tear out perfectly good exhaust for?" Celeste asked quizzically.

"Thinking of putting side exhaust on the car, it's going to look sweet, also loud," Cory said, amused with himself. "Although, I have to see if they make a model for my type of Mustang or have to do it all custom. Then had to go get a new air filter for the car on the way home."

"Thought you said you were finished?" Jairo uttered in that fatherly tone.

"So did I, until I saw how good they look, look, even Mom's drooling," Cory said, gesturing to the sight.

"Shut up," Celeste huffed in a pouty way as she crossed her arms. "Not my fault. I miss those days, and your car brings it out."

"Yeah, you're never going to get to drive it alone," Cory teased.

"Dinner will be in a few," Celeste called after her son as he moved off towards the stairs.

Chapter nine

October 18, over a month later...

Cory was sitting in his math class thinking back to the day about a week ago he and Greg had installed the side skirts that housed the exhaust tips just behind where the door closes on the frame. He was lucky he had found a smaller version of it so he would have the clearance to go anywhere outside of his driveway. How he roared up and down the interstate just to the exit before entering the city proper and raced back to his home exit just to hear how the exhaust would sound going eighty miles an hour. Seeing the yearning in his mother's eyes when she came out to see how it looked. True, he did have to go buy another can of paint to match his car, but it was cheaper than buying a lift kit for it. Then the most horrid thing happened, Lady Gaga's 'You and I' began to play in his head. He's grown far too familiar with his sister's tastes in music. Although, that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the little dance she did last night to it. Recounting how the mini-skirt she had bought just for them flowed through the air as Dayana lifted up the back of it and shook her bare ass at him. Cory still had the love bites she left along his long scar as she enticed him to their bed.

While most of the work on their apartments was nearly complete. They were waiting on the inspector to give the final okay on the bathroom before they laid down the tile, the finishing touches. The fight between Dayana and Zoe was amusing to watch as they fought over who was going to get to use the tub first. When Cassy threw her name in the ring, they thought Cassy was going to be teaming up with Zoe; much to Zoe's surprise, she was fighting for a threesome in it that would be their crowning moment in it. Still, that didn't mean they were done; no, once the final piece of sheet rock was hung, his sisters and Cassy were in a tizzy to get the basement decorated as they wanted. He did like the pocket doors they had installed when they closed off the stairwell so they each could have their privacy when they wanted it.

Trying not to grow bored as his Professor went on about the problem he was showing them. Glancing at his phone, he was so very glad for the distraction when he saw his text icon notification light up. Cory knew today was Alice's ultrasound, while he wanted to be there, yet backed off when Zack needed the memory to bond with his child, which was weird to even think about if you asked him. He wondered when he would have heard something from them since her appointment was at nine that morning. He was expecting to see the text come from Alice; however, as he opened it up, he found it instead came from Zack, which surprised him. Anything that dealt with the baby Alice normally informed him of. His pencil fell from his grip and rolled off his desk, bouncing trice on its ends before breaking under Cory's foot. There on his screen that he held in his hand one single word. TWINS! Texting him the jpeg the doctor had emailed Zack, telling him he had sent one to his own email of the sonogram. Cory couldn't look away from those two shadowy figures on his screen as he looked upon his children. While he may never be their dad like Zack would be, he was their father. Telling him why he was the one contacting him instead of Alice; it was due to how she hadn't stopped crying from the joy she felt at that moment as she was curled up on their bed whispering, 'My babies, my babies.' Nevertheless, the news didn't stop either when Zack texted back the sexes of the twins, which were boys. Typing out a text to congratulate the two of them, knowing they both wanted this. Agreeing to be there for the party, they were having to announce their pregnancy. Even if it was college, he still couldn't get up and walk out in the middle of the lecture, granted he could, just not earning a demerit.


"Okay, Cory, what's going on? You've been out of sorts ever since we left the campus," Dayana said lovingly as she sat facing him in her seat when she told him to take her to their little spot. The gentle breeze and the sweet scents in the air flowed through the open windows as they sat in the shade of the overhanging branches of the trees of the oak forest that surrounded them. Looking down when Cory held out his phone to her, bringing her head up as the words, 'Read Zack's text," left her brother's lips. Her hand flew to her mouth as the first thing she saw when she opened it up was the sonogram of Alice's baby, or in this case, babies; it took her a while to spot the other shadow. Then she squealed and bounced in her seat at the word that sealed Cory's fate.

"Come on, sis, I'm dealing with something important here, and you're more concerned about getting you're pussy licked?" Cory groaned as his head struck the headrest of his seat.

"Sorry, sorry, you're right, this is important," Dayana uttered, calming herself down, yet she was not about to let her brother welch out on the deal.

The two of them were just reclining in his car as the minutes wore on as they discussed what this meant for him. What his future would be like. What his interactions with Alice and Zack would be like. To how often they would let him see the twins.

"I understand where you're coming from, Cory; I do, but you have to realize you might not get a lot of face time with them. They might move, we might move, and really I think that's for the best for the twins. I know you want to be in their lives; I get that," Dayana said, reaching over and laying her hand on his arm, her thumb brushing along it affectionately. Feeling the melody of Lady Gaga's 'Shallow' softly tugging on her heart as it played on the air, she had a sneaky smile on her lips when her brother groaned. "But you did agree to how this would be; a little late to have regrets."