Mirror Images Ch. 03


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"Yes, that's a challenging list of requirements," Summer responded, smiling across the table at Brennan.

Brennan smiled back.

"Challenging, but not impossible," Summer thought. "I'll see if I can help you find what you're looking for."


"Alright everyone, gather round. Let's go through the third scene of scene of Act 1 again. Remember, it's going to be crucial for the two of you to set the right tone here from the outset. It's essential to convey suppressed energy and a sense of apprehension to foreshadow the conflict that's coming in Act 2.

"Brennan, your tone as Emma in this scene has been perfect. Brent, as you take on the role of James, I really need you to try and match Brennan's bottled-up dynamism here."

Brennan smiled at the Director. This was the third play she had worked on with Diana. Though she had to this point only been selected for minor supporting roles in the Diana's plays, she knew the Director thought highly of her. She was confident that she would soon be chosen for a leading role.

"Remember, you're playing two former lovers who are now back in college for a class reunion. All right let's give it another go. Action."

Act 1, Scene 3

(An old, dimly lit fraternity of sorority lounge with dusty furniture. Emma, a woman in her late twenties, enters, cautiously glancing around. She seems haunted by memories.)

EMMA: (whispering to herself). It's been years since I set foot in this place. The echoes of the past linger in every corner.

(She approaches a dusty photograph on the wall, her fingers gently tracing the faces.)

EMMA (cont'd): (voice cracking) All of you were my world once. Now, only shadows remain.

(Enter James, also late 20s, with a sense of melancholy. He watches Emma from a distance, unsure of whether to approach.)

JAMES: Emma...

EMMA:(startled) James? How did you...?

JAMES: I couldn't stay away. The past pulls us back like an invisible force.

(They share a long, silent gaze, a conversation of unspoken words.)

EMMA:(looking away) We were in so much pain. Can we ever escape it?

JAMES: Perhaps not. But we can choose how it defines us.

(They move towards each other, an unspoken understanding passing between them.)

EMMA: Our love shattered like glass. The pieces could never be put back together.

JAMES: (gently) You know it wasn't your fault. Everything had been so simple. Then your so-called friend stabbed you in the back.

EMMA: I know. I'm so sorry James. I still ponder what could have been.

(As they embrace, a distant sound echoes, hinting at the unresolved mysteries of their shared history.)

"Okay, let's take a break. Once again Brent, it's so important for you bring your performance up to match Brennan's tone here. We'll try it again after ten."

After rehearsal, Brennan contemplated the play as she took the short train ride to Courtney's apartment for dinner.

"This play is forcing me to relive my life back at Zeta." She thought of Summer and Ethan. "It's such a strange mixture of satisfaction and regret, nostalgia, and melancholy -- it's cathartic but also painful. I'm glad Courtney understands me. We've been through everything together. It's been so long since we've had fact-to-face, one-on-one time. She'll be able to help me."


"Bren!" Courtney exclaimed happily as she opened the door to her apartment. Brennan came into the elegantly furnished apartment and the two friends embraced.

"It's so good to get together with you Court. I needed some one-on-one time with my best friend." Images of their childhood and high school in the affluent community on Long Island, then college together, and more recent times in the city with her friend flashed through Brennan's mind.

"Hey, I splurged tonight. I know you've been having a rough go of it money-wise. I had my assistant pick up some French cuisine. Hope you don't mind."

"That sounds great Court! I appreciate you so much."

"Let's go sit out on the balcony for the appetizers. There's salmon mousse and wild mushroom veloute' with truffle-infused oil. We can have some light wine and then have the main course in the dining room. The sun should just be setting over the river.

After dinner and dessert, as they were feeling mellow and sipping cognac, Courtney asked her friend, "How's the rehearsal for your upcoming play going?

"It's going well. It's strange though. Parts of the play remind me so much of our time back at Zeta. I have such a peculiar mixture of feelings about it. Can I ask you something Court?"

"Of course, Cam. You can always ask or tell me anything. We've been through so much together. We understand each other. I tell you things I wouldn't dare share with anyone else."

"Do you ever think about what we did to Sum, what we did to her at Zeta back in the day?

"Once in a while, I guess," Courtney giggled. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm trying to understand myself better, I suppose. Usually when I think back to what we did, I know I shouldn't feel this way, I still get a weird feeling of satisfaction."

"Yes, I feel that way too. Sum was always so perfect. It felt good to see her squirm. Everything came to her too easily."

"I know. It's not nice to admit, but it still gives me a perverse thrill remembering her sobbing in front of everyone."

"Me too Bren. She was humiliated," Courtney agreed, with an expression of only partially suppressed glee and excitement. "I still have a copy of her selfies hidden in a folder on my computer. I like to go back and look at them -- especially when I think about how well her cosmetic plastic surgery practice is going. It's hard to describe. I guess I find it sort of erotic, to think about the fact that so many people have seen her pictures. People that know her, as well as thousands of strangers. They've all seen Sum -- have literally seen all of her. She needed to be brought down to size." Courtney laughed.

"It's funny Bren, as I'm talking about it I'm starting to get turned on thinking about Sum naked and humiliated. The number of people that have seen her could fill a stadium."

Brennan returned an understanding and relieved laugh, her friend's harmonious feelings somehow imparting a measure of absolution to her underlying feeling of guilt. "Court! I do the same thing -- I still have her pictures too and when I look at them I feel the same way.

"The reason I brought it up in the first place is that in my current performance, I play someone who reminds me of Summer. When I put myself into the role, it makes me start feeling badly about what we did."

"You're just acting. You're not really her."

"That's easy to say. But for me to do my best in my role, I really try to put myself as the character that I'm playing. I try to become that person. I want to be convincing in my role. This play makes me start thinking about how much it probably hurt Sum at the time."

"Well, Sum is obviously fine. She's successful. Beyond successful."

"Yeah, that's true, Brennan agreed."

"Really, we did her a favor. She was much too serious about her boyfriend. And she was such a sappy bleeding heart -- such a cliche', wanting to help the poor and downtrodden."

"I'm glad she never found out it was us," Brennan said. "I think about that sometimes. Sum would have been so angry. It would have split Zeta apart. We could have gotten into trouble with Zeta or the university."

"Water under the bridge. You worry too much. I hear what you're saying. But there was no price for us to pay."

"I suppose it really is all in the past. And we're all still friends."

"That's right"

"Bren, now I'd like to return the favor. I want to tell you something in confidence."

"Yes. Of course Court."

"I've sent Sum's pictures to other people."

"Really! You mean recently? Who?"

"Her neighbors in her apartment complex. And some of the businesses near her clinic.


"Ha. Sum will never know. She'll just think that her reputation, her reputation from the pictures has followed her."


"Brennan, I may have an interesting opportunity for you," Diana exclaimed enthusiastically to her protégé. Brennan was just coming out from the dressing room.

"Really, what is it?" Brennan asked, her blue eyes wide with curiosity.

Various possibilities raced through Brennan's mind. Over the last two years she had been hoping, counting on, the possibility that her favorite director would want to cast her in a leading role in one of her plays. This might be it.

"I just got off the phone with a director in LA. He's looking for new talent for a new series that will be on a new streaming service. He's especially interested in actors who may have been flying under the radar. People who aren't yet well known but who have high potential. For me, you were the first person who came to mind."

"That's interesting." Brennan was flattered and her interest was strongly piqued. She had thought about the possibility of somehow auditioning with the film industry. But the idea had remained abstract. She had yet to make the leap and try out. She had been so busy with the theater. The possibility of a series had never crossed her mind.

"That's so nice of you to think of me Diana."

"Not at all. You're someone who's developing into a solid theater performer. You deserve a chance. It would obviously be a different platform than live performance. That might take some getting used to. You've just done theater so far, correct?"

"Yes, that's right. I've thought about film before but haven't pursued it actively. Who is the director? And why...is this someone you know?"

"No, I don't know him personally. He's also the principal artistic creator of the series. He's working with a producer to find new talent for the series. He thought a good way to go would be to talk to well-known theater directors around the country as well as in Europe and Australia. That's why he contacted me among others. He's interested in new faces.

Also, he didn't say it, but I imagine he has budget constraints imposed by the producer and studio. So he could be looking for quality actors but likely can't afford big name, established actors."

Brennan was mildly disappointed as she thought about the idea of budget constraints.

Diana, seeing the expression of skepticism on Brennan's face as the mention of money, continued, "It would be good money if you're able to land one of the leading roles. He told me the going rate would be about $50K per episode for the four main characters, and $30K for secondary players."

"Really! That's a lot. At least for me. How many episodes is he planning? What is the series about?"

"I don't know too many details about the series. From the brief synopsis he gave me, the main premise is built around two couples who meet on their honeymoon and become friends. They find that the two couples, coincidentally, are neighbors from the same city in northern California, and they have intertwined pasts of some sort."

"But what about my role in the play I've been working on with you? Would I be able to do both?"

"I'm not sure about the timing of the audition, but it sounded as though it would be soon. So if you're interested, I'd encourage you to try out for a part. Your part in my play is important but it's rather small -- it wouldn't be fair for me to hold you back. Your second could stand in if need be."

"Diana, I'm interested in finding out more about this," Brennan was trying to suppress her excitement. She didn't want to come across as too anxious to the director she admired. "Do you have the producer's contact information? Maybe I should talk to him."

"He asked me to get back to him sometime over the next day or two with any prospects or recommendations I might have. If you're interested, I'll let him know. He also asked me to send a headshot for anyone I decided to recommend, so I could send him the one of you I have on file.

"Brennan, I know this is a potentially exciting opportunity. In addition to the financial aspect, increased visibility like this might lead to even more opportunities for you. But please, take your time thinking about this. It's a big decision. I know how devoted you are to your craft and the theater. Going in this direction wouldn't preclude you from also continuing in the theater and live performance, but television and film -- it's a different world."


Brennan stood in the shower; water careening and flowing over the elegant curves of her body. She thought once again about Diana and about the unexpected opportunity. She reflected, "Diana asked me to think this through carefully. I always do my best thinking in the shower."

She reflected on all she had been through, where she was now, and where she wanted to go. Her privileged childhood, private school, an ivy league education. Her decision to pursue acting. Her current struggle to make it in theater.

Brennan knew she had talent -- she just knew it, and so many others had told her the same thing.

She worked a dollop of conditioner into her hair and slowly worked the liquid through the length of her clean wet hair.

"Who am I kidding. There's nothing to even think about."

Brennan knew instantly, when Diana had first laid out the possibility of her being in a series, that she would accept the offer to audition. She was excited, even euphoric, about the potential.

"I wonder who the other actors will be. Maybe some others from the theater scene here in the city. I hope there's someone else that I know. I wonder how many people will audition. I wonder what my chances are. Diana said other actors from theaters around the country and Europe and Australia. That sounds like intimidating competition. Wait, I can do this -- theater in NYC is second to none. The others should be the ones who are intimidated."

Brennan rinsed the conditioner out of her hair. "I wonder whether the auditions will be here in the city. The producer is in LA. Maybe I'll get to go to LA to audition. That would be exciting. Where would I get the money for the trip and where would I stay? I can't go to my parents -- they want me out of drama and the theater. I bet Court or Sum would loan me the money."

"I wonder if I'm a good fit for one of the leading characters. My headshot. Damn it -- why does appearance always have to be so important? I have no idea whether they're looking for a hot woman or some frumpy woman or if it doesn't even matter."

Brennan studied her image in the bathroom mirror as she toweled off. She smiled at herself in the mirror. "What's your problem, Bren? You have both the looks and the skills. What are you so worried about? What did Summer tell me just yesterday -- that my acting skills and natural allure are a powerful combination? She's right." Brennan smiled brightly at herself in the mirror.

Brennan studied both frontal and profile views of her breasts, her tan areolas and nipples slightly darker than her skin. "They are perfect," she concluded. She put one foot up on the vanity with a knee raised, satisfied with the athletic tone of her long legs, of her quads and hamstrings. "There are benefits to being a group X instructor and fitness junkie." She looked over her shoulder, pleased with the curves and contours of her lower back and ass. "Why are you always so worried? You have it all."


Bren: Hey you guys. I can't make Zeta lunch tomorrow. I have exciting news.

Court: Hey Bren. What's exciting?

Bren: I'm going to LA to audition for a new television series.

Sum: What! That's so exciting Bren. Congratulations!!!

Cam: Yes! That's wonderful. Congrats!

Court: I just knew you would make it Bren.

Bren: Thanks you guys. But I can't get ahead of myself. It's just an audition.

Sum: Even so, that's such an accomplishment.

Cam: Well, you've been through auditions before.

Court: Yes, you're experienced.

Cam: And you still have the theater if the audition doesn't work out.

Court: So when are you leaving?

Bren: Tomorrow. They're paying for my flight to LA.

Sum: That's encouraging Bren. They must be seriously considering you.

Bren: I hope so. I'll be staying in a nice hotel on the beach with some of the other actors who could be in the series.

Court: That's so exciting. How long will you be gone?

Bren: I'm not sure. They asked me to keep the return trip open since I'll be working for several days.

Cam: Bren, it sounds like they've already decided on you! This isn't just an audition.

Bren: Maybe. But I don't want to get my hopes up.

Court: I'm so proud of you Bren.

Sum: Hey. I'm going to be in LA later this week too. I have to do an important project there.

Bren: At your new clinic? Maybe we can meet up. That would be so much fun.

Sum: Let's see about your schedule though. Sounds as though you might be busy.

Bren: Yeah. That's true.

Cam: Bren, we're so proud and happy for you.

Sum: Your natural allure, your magnetism, and your ability to immerse yourself in your character is a powerful combination.

Court: Yes!

As Summer exited the group chat she set down her phone and slowly stood up from her desk, looked out her window at the city and then turned to consider her image in the framed mirror above her office couch. "What exactly is wrong with you Summer? What's happened to you? You know right from wrong. This is wrong. It's not too late to stop!" Her bright green eyes peered back neutrally from the mirror. "I'm fine. This is step one. It's important. Nothing is wrong at all."


"Brennan, come in. How was your trip? It's so nice to meet you." Bill Carler walked quickly from around his desk in his three-piece suit to welcome Brennan into the hotel room set up with office furniture.

"He looks nice. He looks distinguished with the beard." thought Brennan."

"Hi, Mr. Carler. It's nice to meet you as well. My trip was great. I haven't flown first class in a long time. Not since I was in college." Brennan thought quickly about the family trips her parents used to organize, back before she "disappointed them" by becoming an actor.

"Please, call me Bill. Sorry about being so dressed up," he said with a chuckle. "Had to meet with the producer and some bigwigs. I usually like being informal but when there's money involved I'm willing to dress up for it.

"Alright, thanks Bill. I'm excited to be here to audition for the part. I'm intrigued by the idea of being in a series."

"Diana speaks so highly of you. And when I saw your headshot I immediately thought you have just the look I was after for the role of 'Love'.

"Now that I see you in person, I'm even more excited. You look like someone I've seen but that I can't quite place."

Brennan was irritated. "Sydney Sweeney. I get that all the time," Brennan relied icily. "But I'm 5'9" so I'm quite a bit taller than she is." For a time, Brennan had enjoyed being compared to an actor she considered attractive and talented -- she had taken the resemblance as a compliment -- but more recently it had started to grate on her -- she wanted to be recognized for her own accomplishments and talent.

"Yes indeed, that's it."

Brennan considered and thought to herself. "I'm going to show him that my ability as an actor is my strength. He'll see."

As if he was reading her mind, Bill continued. "Well, the right look is important, but the bigger question is whether you have the skill to deliver what we're looking for in the character. My strategy, and Diana might have mentioned this to you, is to try and bring in actors of high potential but who are not necessarily yet well known."

"Yes, Diana mentioned that to me." Brennan smiled, somewhat relieved.

"The other three main characters of the series are already set. We screened several possibilities for each of the roles, and these three rose to the top. You'll have the chance to meet them soon. But we still have to fill the role of Love. Two others have already auditioned for the part. They were good. Nonetheless, I'd still like you to try out for the part of Love. If we don't think you're suitable we might still be able to offer you a minor supporting role, if you're interested."