Missionary Positions


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It was difficult to keep up with his companion while dealing with the changes taking place within his body but Jason did his best, deferring to Greg at every opportunity when they spoke with people at their doorstep.

After less than an hour of walking around, Jason knew he was getting worse. He found himself swallowing every few minutes while wiping sweat from his forehead and temples. Bile burned in the back of his throat and a cold phantom hand occasionally clenched fingers around his guts.

"Uh, Greg, I think I need to go back to the apartment," Jason said. "I think- I-"

Greg reached out as Jason faltered, leaning into his companion's side while arms wrapped around him. He felt the firmness of the grip and stance and it comforted him while he stood there. Greg looked around, squinting as he tried to read a bus stop's sign from three blocks away.

"Come on, there's a stop up ahead and that'll transfer over to the bus we need," Greg told him.

"I'm sorry," Jason whispered but he pressed harder into Greg's side. The comfort he received from the simple touch of his companion soothed his nausea slightly while the strength and nearness filled him with a sense of calm that helped dull the unpleasantness.

Jason leaned against Greg's shoulder once they sat on the bus. Greg adjusted himself as if he would push the other man away gently but settled instead, allowing the contact. They rode in silence, switching buses after several stops until they were walking back to their apartment.

"I can... walk," Jason said, breaking away from Greg when they were nearly home. "I think- I think, I'm sorry, I think I just need to throw up and I'll be- be better."

Greg let them in and, again, Jason walked immediately to the bathroom, shut the door and knelt in front of the toilet with his hands against the side. Bile burned his throat until he heaved emptying his stomach of the little food he'd eaten earlier. And still he continued retching.

Keratin formed beneath his cuticles, sliding over the smooth surface of his nails in layers that gradually pushed past the trimmed ends, dragging them out into smooth, long, translucent nails that clicked against the porcelain bowl.

Every time the young man threw up, the small fat rolls covering his stomach pulled back slightly.

Jason sat back on his heels while wiping drool from his lips. His brain buzzed, foggy and slow as he reached a trembling hand to flush the toilet without looking at the contents. He burped and groaned and wiped his mouth again before pushing himself up on weak legs. His nails clinked against the sink when he turned the faucet handles to fill his cupped hands with water that he used to gargle with. After the third time, he opened his hands to let the water fall. He immediately noticed his longer nails.

When- when was the last time I trimmed them? I thought- I thought- he swayed slightly and shook his head gently. I'll cut them in the morning.

Greg waited just outside the door when Jason came out.

"And?" he asked.

"Um," Jason said, wiping his mouth once more. "I feel better. But, I think I shouldn't have dinner tonight, I'm- I'm sorry. I think I need to rest."

"I'll call Joseph and let him know we aren't coming," Greg sighed. "Look, I'm worried about you, Jason. Are you telling the truth? Are you actually feeling better?"

"Better than on the bus, yeah," Jason told him while placing his hand on the wall for support. "I really think I just need to sleep it off. I promise. It's- I'm already feeling better than last night. Just need rest. Some more rest."

"Alright, I'll take care of everything out here, go lay down," Greg said.

"Could- could you- could you help me again?" Jason asked while staring at the floor and blushing fiercely.

Greg slid his left arm over Jason's back with his hand under the other man's armpit. Jason sighed silently while enjoying a thrill of excitement at the touch. Together, they walked to the bedroom where Greg helped him get ready. Jason stared down at Greg when he knelt and the position made him shiver and spread his legs slightly. He watched his friend untie his shoes, following the motions of his deft fingers while reveling in every little brief touch until his feet were bare.

As he had yesterday, Greg left Jason to undress in order to get them ready to settle in for the night. Jason groaned when he pulled his undershirt free. He could feel it dragging against every inch of his body and it left him panting and unable to move for several seconds.

Jason's nails fumbled with his buckle, interfering with his fingers when he tried to unlatch his belt and then again when he unbuttoned his trousers. He reminded himself again to cut them in the morning as he pulled his pants off, folding them roughly to set them with his other clothes. He took a shirt from a small stack beside his bed, slipping it on before settling under his covers.

He lay with his eyes closed, breathing as evenly as possible in order to ward off the nausea that still twisted through his body. Exhaustion won out eventually. He slept, dreamless this time but his sleep was troubled. Greg checked on him occasionally but otherwise sat in bed with his Bible for self study, breaking away for a simple dinner late in the evening.

Jason's thin lips pushed forward slightly, the edges curling as they filled out. Extra nerves formed, branching and spreading through the soft flesh to increase the sensitivity of the swelling skin.

He moaned and twisted, dragging his nails against the sheet beneath him when liquid heat filled his skull. Microfractures appeared throughout his jaw. His cheekbones lifted minutely while his chin narrowed just a fraction. Cartilage melted beneath his nasal bone and the skin pulled tight, curling to shrink his nose to fit the other subtle changes.

Beneath his eyelids, his eyes streaked back and forth and he moaned again, smacking his full, thick lips. The young man's ears reddened as blood rushed to his scalp once more. His brown hair lengthened again, flowing down over his pillow. The strands lightened as they grew, sliding against his sheets and bare skin along his shoulders. New eyelashes joined his existing ones, curling as they elongated.

Gray early morning light cast zebra-like patterns on the floor between the two beds. Jason woke to a needy ache between his thighs. He groaned, turning his head to his pillow while reaching a hand below to stroke his erection as his mind tried to claw out of the sleepy, lust-filled fog surrounding it. His hand slipped beneath his underwear. Further. Further until he brushed his limp penis.

Wha- he wondered briefly, touching his flaccid manhood.

He could feel the throbbing, hungry pulse just like he had yesterday morning. Stronger even. And yet, he was completely limp. He whined in frustration, his breath huffing out until his long nails scratched against the head of his penis. Now he moaned, sliding his bare legs back and forth beneath his blankets. He reached his arms up and back to grab his pillow, raising the blanket to push it inside and down until it was between his legs.

Jason turned carefully until he lay on his stomach. He listened to the steady breathing from the other bed before squeezing the pillow with his thighs and shoving down against it.

"Mmmm," he moaned, reaching underneath his body to tuck his penis between his legs with the head bent downward. He flexed again and the pillow grinded against the head of his cock to send electric jolts cascading through his stomach.

The boy found a rhythm, flexing and pushing, rocking his hips while gasping and moaning as quietly as possible. Something was building within him. Pressure. A balloon filling a void edged with spikes, trembling as it swelled, closer and closer and closer to popping. To releasing the tension with the promise of ecstasy.

He propped himself up on his forearms with his stomach dipped low and his ass raised. His hands curled into fists with the sheet between them. His nails wore tiny holes into the material as he rocked back and forth. Whimpering. Gasping. Shivering when his shirt brushed against his sides and belly.

Fatty tissue formed over the muscles on his chest, pushing against the skin until slight curves formed to outline faint breasts. Milk ducts slipped through the gaps in the lobules while sending out tendrils through the new tissue. The soft, loose skin shook as he jerked in bed.

"Oh! Oh!" Jason gasped before shoving his face into the bed. His hair surrounded his face, hiding him from view.

Sharp thrilling spikes shot down from his chest to his core. His nipples dragged back and forth against his shirt. Jason raised his head with his mouth open and his tongue licking against his full upper lip.

Skin gathered around his tiny nipples, pink flesh growing dark as they merged with the tiny bumps before they grew wider and wider while pushing out until they bent beneath the motion of his shirt.

"Oh!" Jason gasped, shaking in place briefly before finding his rhythm once more. His areola was spreading around his thick nipples, stretching outward while tiny bumps grew from the surface. A few blonde hairs pierced his areola when they finished expanding.

It was almost there. The release he needed. He trembled and shoved, desperately needing it. Bowing his head once more, he bit at his finger to keep quiet. It was so close. And yet- and yet-

There was no release. Jason faltered, opening his thighs while lowering himself to the bed. He panted while bringing his hand up to pull his hair away from his eyes. And, he froze with his finger curled in a hook against the soft strands touching his face.

"No way," he whispered while looking towards Greg. He ran a finger through his hair, gathering it in his hands to stare at it. His dark brown hair was caramel colored with the exception of the darker tips that matched his old color. "Oh no."

Jason slid from his bed as quietly as possible, eyeing his companion as he crept through the bedroom and into the bathroom where he eased the door closed while turning the handle to keep it from clicking.

His voluminous hair reached lower than before, down to the middle of his back. He half turned, watching it wave behind before turning back. Something was wrong with his face. Stepping closer he-

The fog in his brain whispered and he shook himself. He felt light on his feet and he noticed his shirt hanging strangely from his body, as well as the two small bumps just on his chest, just-

"Nggh," Jason groaned, gripping his head. The whispers crooned to him, just beneath the level of his conscious understanding and eventually he reached down.

His fingers pressed into his skin to feel muscle and bone beneath. There was still a stomach pouch and a single smaller fat roll but he was thinner than before.

Jason hurried to the small scale set beside the bathroom vanity, tapping it with his foot and waiting until it zeroed out. The digital numbers counted up after he stepped onto it but they stopped at 177. A chill ran down the back of his neck and along his spine. He'd been 253 pounds just two days ago when he'd last weighed himself. Nearly 75 pounds lost in two days.

"I don't understand what's happening," he whispered, cradling his stomach while stepping back from the scale. His voice cracked and he reached up to touch his throat. "I know I threw up a lot but, there's no way I lost that much weight."

Greg would be waking soon, he knew and the thought filled him with a strange excitement. The image of his companion's smiling face flashed in his mind. Greg smiled in return while running his hands through his hair.

I should make us breakfast! Jason thought to himself while going to the door. He opened it and walked through the doorway.

Greg stood in the bedroom in his shirt and underwear. Jason blushed to see him. His smile narrowed, turning shy but when he saw the other man's mouth drop. Jason fidgeted. His blush deepend and he cast his eyes to the floor.

"Wha- what's wrong?" Jason asked softly. His voice cracked again, pitching higher for a moment before droppin low again.

Did I do something wrong? he asked himself while briefly looking up at his companion. His earlier excitement twisted into anxiety as he worried that he'd displeased the other man.

Rather than speak, Greg stalked forward with a furious expression. He grabbed Jason's arm, who gasped in return, and pulled him back towards the bathroom.

"That hurts! What are you doing?" Jason asked as he was pulled along.

Greg shoved Jason in front of the mirror.

"I don't understand," Jason whined, rubbing his sore arm.

"You don't-?" Greg asked, his voice a mix of disbelief and outrage. He grabbed the bottom of Jason's shirt, pulling and lifting while the other man squawked and twisted. Greg yanked the shirt up, forcing Jason's arms up. "Look at yourself!"

Jason stared at himself, topless in front of the mirror. He felt light. The stress from the weight on his joints was gone, leaving him light on his feet. His body felt right and good and proper. The sickness from the past two days was completely gone.

"I'm fine," Jason told him. "Great, in fact! I really feel sooo much better."

"You're- you're crazy," Greg whispered. "We're going to see the doctor."

"No, really, I'm fine," Jason said, reaching out to rest his hand on Greg's arm while giggling. The other man jerked away from him, leaving Jason feeling once more like he did something wrong.

"How can you not see this?" Greg gasped. "You- you look like a girl!"

"I- I-" Jason started to say. He turned to the mirror while the voices whispered but the rage pouring from Greg fractured the illusion and he saw himself as he truly was.

A stranger's face stared back at him. He reached up to touch himself only to pull his hand away to stare at the long nails tipping his fingers. But, finally, he touched his face while watching the other person moving. He felt a strange dissonance, as if disconnected from himself. Pulling the strings of a puppet that looked eerily like him but wasn't him.

While his changed face was fascinating in a horrifying way, the twin dark bumps on his chest drew his attention.

Tiny breasts lay against his chest, dominated by their large areola and nipples. He shuddered as he stared at them.

"No," he whispered. "No, I- This isn't-"

Despite their size, they were undeniably breasts, even without the large nipples making it clear. In a panic, without caring that Greg stood behind him with crossed arms, he shoved his hand down into his pants but sighed in relief when he felt his penis.

It all came together with a sudden clarity that should've been immediately apparent to him.

"But, but-," he told his reflection as she repeated it back to him with panic and disbelief in her eyes. The voices swirling in his mind increased, howling and singing. His pupils narrowed and he giggled, stroking his hair. "I like how I look."

"Get out," Greg demanded. "I'm going to shower and then we're going to the doctor. You can explain yourself then. Be dressed and ready when I'm done."

"Do you want me to-" Jason asked before blushing and ducking his head.

-join you, he finished mentally, furrowing his brow as he tried to understand why he would ask that. The implication of it was- was-

"Get. Out," Greg said through clenched teeth, shoving Jason through the door before closing it and locking it.

Jason stepped back. Cold air swirled through the room from a vent set in the floor. He moaned when he felt it against his chest. There was a tightening sensation as his nipples slowly hardened, pushing outward into dark little nubs. He lay back against the wall with his eyelids half closed. His thick, long lashes curved over his eyes as he touched himself, sliding his soft hands over the gentle, nearly non-existent curves of his breasts.

Another moan was forced from his full lips when his thumbs brushed his nipples. Electricity coursed down his core to his crotch. He reached down, whimpering when his nails dragged against his sensitive skin. He ached to be caressed. His penis hung limply but, beneath the shaft as a void. A hungry void begging to be filled. Nails brushed against his empty ballsack when he pressed into them and the flesh beneath. He dragged his nails back and forth while his other hand pressed into his chest to massage his breast.

"Yesss," he hissed, fluttering his eyelashes while rolling his head back. His finger pressed into his body slightly. A high, shuddering moan issued from between his slack lips while he slowly slid against the wall until he sat on the ground with his legs spread. "Yesssssss."

The squeal of the shower water turning off snapped Jason back to reality. He gasped and jumped, pushing himself up to run into his bedroom to get dressed, hopping as he pulled his underwear back up. They fit snugly against his hips and crotch, digging in uncomfortably when they stretched over his waist but he ignored them as he quickly found fresh slacks and shirts to wear.

His undershirt dragged over his still erect nipples, making his legs waver. He hissed out, exhaling while biting the inside of his lip to hold back a moan. A button-down shirt followed while he listened for Greg to be done in the bathroom. His nails fought him when he tried to hold the delicate buttons in his fingers.

I'll need to cut them, he told himself, turning his hand slightly. I had no idea they'd gotten so long. And so plain. I wonder what they'd look like if I colored them? Painted them. I wonder what Greg's favorite color is. Maybe he'd like it if I colored them. No. No, I have to cut them back. He'll be mad if I don't. And- and it's not right that they're long. I'm not- I'm not-

"Gah," he groaned, grabbing his head in his hands when a sharp pain bloomed behind his eyes. He rubbed his eyes with his palms without remembering what he'd been thinking about.

Greg strode into the room with a frown that grew harder when he noticed Jason. His eyes dipped down to faint imprints of the other man's hardened nipples pressing against his shirt. Muscles flared in his jaw while he grinded his teeth together.

"We'll go to a different barber shop," he announced. "I know another one that isn't too far away. We can stop for breakfast on the way. After the haircut, we're going to have a talk and then we're going to the doctor."

"Okay," Jason said submissively, shrinking in on himself in an effort to protect himself from the obvious anger. He hated that Greg was so upset.

They left the apartment with Greg in the lead. Jason found himself needing to take extra steps to keep up. His feet felt loose in his shoes while his underwear pinched the inside of his thighs. It took effort not to pull at his clothes to try to make them more comfortable but he was out in public and it would be incredibly indecent. They made a few turns before Greg stopped in front of a glass door to pull it open. Jason smiled happily when the other man held the door open for him.

Greg walked past Jason with his longer legs to find a booth far away from everyone else. Jason joined him and, after a moment's thought, sat next to Greg rather than across from him. Greg slid further away while Jason took a menu from a stand near the window.

"Good morning," an older waitress said, appearing suddenly while the pair studied their menus. She nodded at Greg when he looked up at her. "What can I get started for you?"

"I'll have scrambled eggs and toast with bacon on the side," he told her.

"And you, hun?" the waitress asked Jason.

"Oh, m- me?" Jason nibbled on his lip while tapping the back of his menu with his nails. "I don't know. What should I get, Greg?"