Mistress Elisha’s Oblivion Ch. 02


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"Well, I feel like. I want to be your dirty girl. Even after we find Lauren and know she's safe, I want to be your dirty little girl...very badly!"

Mrs. Devlin smiled and pulled Jennifer close against her chest. "If you ever feel like you've changed your mind just say the word. I'll have you out of here in a second."

"Thank you...you won't have to. You might have to force me to leave." Jennifer whispered, giggling softly.

As they embraced Mrs. Devlin's usual enigmatic smirk crept back onto her face.

Natalie looked on in silence as Mrs. Devlin grasped the large iron handle and pulled.



The door swung open to reveal an enormous hall of rough limestone. A crystal chandelier hung beneath a cavernous ceiling skillfully painted to look like the night sky. Metal doors lined the sides of the spacious atrium, most featuring a small window with the dull tint of one way glass. Red velvet couches with frames of antique brass were scattered throughout the room, most of them occupied by women in various stages of undress. 'Second Floor' glowed in bright neon over a large freight elevator door on the opposite wall.

As they entered the great room, several steps behind Mrs. Devlin, Natalie whispered so only Jennifer could hear. "What the hell was all that 'why' crap about?"

"Well, I had to think of something, didn't I?" Jennifer whispered, thrusting her thumb sharply into Natalie's side. "I didn't want to have to explain the lump of YOUR shit on my tongue!"

"You could have said it was from your evaluation with what's her name...um...Rabecca?" Natalie slowed to a stop just as the massive door clanged shut behind them.

"Yeah, but that would have been a lie." Jennifer giggled. "Anyway, it's a fair question to ask right? I mean, I love being a toilet slave and eating shit. Not the most crazy idea to step back and ask why that is."

"I guess that makes sense. I never really thought about it myself. Maybe I should ask why...I mean, I love having you be my slave." Natalie's lips parted into a massive toothy grin.

"Yeah well, officially, I'm HER slave, not yours. Remember that!"

"But she knows I've, um, used you..."

"Yeah, but that was before this!" Jennifer raised a hand to her chest, pointing sharply at the jeweled heart around her neck.

Natalie thought for a moment as she examined the delicate charm, considering the fullness of what it represented. If Mrs. Devlin chose to do so, she could likely put an end to her and Jennifer's little arrangement with a single world. She could grow to hate that little jeweled heart despite its beauty.

The tiny pendant was like no other piece she had ever seen. She saw now that the ruby heart and its lustrous setting were slightly lopsided, as if the organ was frozen mid-beat to be preserved for all time by the experienced hand of a master jeweler. She'd seen hearts drawn this way in the past, but couldn't remember where, and was starting to annoy her.

"Jennifer!" Mrs. Devlin called over her shoulder and Jennifer scurried after her mistress.

Natalie drank in the room, watching the figures wandering about with deep curiosity. Some of them wore shining leather dresses and boots like Mrs. Devlin while others had been stripped down to their charm necklaces. She pushed her hands down the front of her dress and jerked the cinch belt around her midsection back into place. Of everyone present, none wore a little yellow shift dress like hers. She ran her fingers over her bare neck as she watched Mrs. Devlin guide Jennifer to an empty couch and cradled her own wrist in her hand as she followed, feeling the emptiness of bare skin. She was neither a mistress nor a slave. She was just here for 'the viewing.' Whatever the hell that meant.

"Mistress Rose!" An older girl with dirty blonde hair in a black satin bustier bolted up from one of the sofas. Her strong, athletic body was drifting into its late twenties gracefully, with any extra weight collecting around her chest, powerful thighs and shapely hindquarters to create a vision of femininity and power. Natalie watched the lace and straps of her intimate wear pull across the flair of her hips as she strode across the room.

"Olivia! Darling, how are you?" Mrs. Devlin's face beamed as she pulled the woman into her arms.

"That's Mistress Olivia to you!" The woman held up her arm to reveal a delicate silver bracelet dangling from her wrist, similar to the one Mrs. Devlin wore except instead of the jeweled heart, there was a large diamond-studded circle. She was a half-head shorter than Mrs. Devlin and looked up to her with eyes full of respect, nostalgia and love.

"And it's Mrs. Devlin to you." She paused, shaking her head, beaming. "Where does the time go? How long have you been?..."

"A mistress? Six months. After being a slave so long...I was ready!" Mistress Olivia smiled.

She held Mistress Olivia's wrist up to the light and grinned. "You were always one of my most cherished pain sluts. I know for a fact that you know what makes a little bitch's mind tick. You'll make a fantastic dominant." Mrs. Devlin planted her hands on her hips.

Mistress Olivia's face reddened. "Thank you. I love being on this side of it. Giving these little sluts what they need." She looked from Mrs. Devlin to Jennifer, letting her gaze rest on Jennifer's necklace.

"So... it looks like you're back in the game!" Mistress Olivia eyed the necklace hungrily.

"After a fashion, yes." Mrs. Devlin flashed her perfect teeth before pulling Jennifer off the velvet couch. "This one convinced me to come out of retirement."

"I'm Mistress Olivia, pleased to meet you." She extended an eager arm.

"Jennifer Thompson," Jennifer stammered as she took the woman's hand, noticing the delicate and supple texture of her skin despite the iron grip that felt like it could crush bones.

After letting Jennifer's arm fall, Mistress Olivia reached for her necklace, holding her tiger's eye charm between her thumb and forefinger. "Full service toilet I see? You did always know how to train them." She rolled her tongue between her teeth. Jennifer noticed a sweetness in her breath as the woman leaned in closer, studying the semi-precious stone with her glistening dark-brown eyes. "Well, I usually use the normal facilities, but I think you just persuaded me to take a trip downstairs. It's not every day you see a toilet that could be a Tik Tok model."

Mrs. Devlin looked to Jennifer. "Well?"

Jennifer, smiling uncontrollably at Mistress Olivia's compliment, shot Mrs. Devlin a look of confusion.

"What do you say to Mistress Olivia?"

Jennifer stammered. "You can use me if you want!"


In a flash, Mrs. Devlin's hand shot up from her hip, striking Jennifer hard across the face. Jennifer stood stunned, struggling to maintain her balance as a swollen patch of red began to form on her cheek.

"I THOUGHT I had taught you better than that slave. Let's try it again. Having a mistress select you for toilet service is a PRIVILEGE!" Mrs. Devlin raked Jennifer with a poisonous glare. "Now, on your knees, let's try this again shall we?" Mrs. Devlin pointed to the stone.

Jennifer meekly knelt before mistress Olivia and looked up. The rest of her face had turned a shade of red to match the welt Mrs. Devlin had given her. "Mistress Olivia." Jennifer gulped. "I would be honored if you'd feed me your, your...your shit!" Jennifer buried her face in her hands.

Natalie watched Jennifer beg for Mistress Olivia's shit in rapt fascination. Yes! She thought...more of this! When Mrs. Devlin isn't around I'll make you plead for it like this every time!

She noticed how the sheer black fabric of Mistress Olivia's bustier elegantly framed her intimate areas while visibly allowing unrestricted access to all her holes. Natalie decided she would look for some lacy lingerie of her own to wear the next time she used Jennifer as a toilet. She listened intently, noting the practiced cadence in Mistress Olivia's voice as she outlined her plans.

"I was thinking of taking a piss but, as I used to tell Mrs. Devlin here, I live to serve." She winked at Jennifer as she traced a finger across her jaw. "Don't worry, when I have to go, I'll ask for you by name. And I'll make damn sure I have to do more than piss." Mistress Olivia giggled.

"You may have to wait your turn!"

A booming voice energized the hall. Heads turned from all around the room to see Tora standing in the entryway, towering above the milieu and flanked by two appropriately leathered guards. It was apparent from the various reactions around the room that Tora was indisputably in charge of all proceedings. A fierce tangle of wild brown hair framed the raw beauty of her face like a warrior's cowl. Her deep cut dress wrapped her torso in skin tight, shimmering leather save for the generous V of honeyed brown skin that ran from her captivating breasts to well below her navel.

"Rose, I trust, since this is Jennifer's first time, you won't mind if we give her the usual treatment?" Tora grinned widely. The women behind her stared into Jennifer with hungry eyes. Natalie wondered what their purpose was since Tora could have easily wrapped a sable arm around Jennifer's waist and hauled her away in the blink of an eye unassisted.

"Not at all. I wouldn't dare break such a storied tradition." Mrs. Devlin stepped aside, winking at Jennifer as she presented her to the trio.

Jennifer's stomach dropped as blood surged through her body. Her eyes glazed as Tora's assistants gripped her arms.

"Have fun darling! I'll be down to see you after you've settled in." Mrs. Devlin winked as one of the women produced several feet of black satin ribbon.

Jennifer paused, positioning her body as if she were about to resist before the corners of her lips lifted into a grin. She caught Mrs. Devlin's gaze and nodded quickly before slacking her arms, allowing Tora's assistants to bind them together with several loops of the black lace.

"What are they going to do to her?" Natalie's thoughts raced with lewd ideas of her own as they led Jennifer to the second floor elevator.

"Something vile. Don't you worry about it. You're here for the view, remember?"

Yes, that's painfully obvious, Natalie thought.

"You're sure she'll be safe?" Human toilet or not Jennifer was still Natalie's best friend in the world and she couldn't shake her feeling of unease as she watched Jennifer disappear into the elevator on the far side of the room.

"Jennifer will be more than safe. They won't subject her to anything she hasn't signed up for." Mrs. Devlin caressed her own bare neck. "A slave's collar is the law. Everyone here gets exactly what they need--more or less."

Just then a guttural, blood chilling scream resonated from behind one of the metal doors.

"What was that?!" Natalie whipped her head around to the sound.

"Somebody getting exactly what she needs I think." Natalie felt the warmth of Mistress Olivia's body behind her as she reached an arm around her shoulders. "Let's take a look! Do you mind if I show her around?"

"Not at all. Actually, we can cover more ground if we split up."

"Cover ground? Are you looking for something in particular?" Mistress Olivia turned a curious head back to Mrs. Devlin as she guided Natalie to the metal door.

"Yes, we were hoping to run into somebody while we were here. Her name is Lauren."

"Doesn't ring a bell," Mistress Olivia murmured.

Mrs. Devlin's eyes danced in the light as she studied her reaction. "She's a born toilet, just like Jennifer here. Maybe you've seen her on the second floor?"

"Maybe she's there. But as I said. I don't usually go to the second floor." Mistress Olivia shrugged as she peered through the square of one-way glass. "Ooh, come take a look at this!" She stepped aside for Natalie to see.

Inside, a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties stood at the center of the chamber, naked save for her silver necklace. Her cuffed arms were secured with thick cord to two eye hooks set into the limestone ceiling while her splayed legs were bound to a long bar of polished wood. Her breath was ragged and quick. Sweat hung in heavy beads across her forehead.

A younger woman--presumably her mistress--stood behind her wearing a steel-boned leather underbust corset and a studded black thong. She held a long black belt and her bare nipples stiffened as she slid the cool leather through her delicate fingers. Her lips--full, wet and colored deep burgundy--whispered something in the ear of her submissive as she pulled her toned arm behind her head. She stepped back a few feet and soon her arm leapt forward in a blur of radiant flesh. Through the door, Natalie could hear leather biting into the woman's skin with a sharp crack.


The woman pulled against her restraints, flailing like a fish out of water as electric pain ricocheted through her body. Her stomach punched in and out as she struggled for breath.


The next blow caused her knees to pull up to her chest, lifting the wooden bar off of the ground. Her hands clenched into tight balls in her cuffs as she flailed back and forth like a dying animal.

"Bloody fuck!" Natalie gasped, leaving her mouth agape.

"Like what you see babe?" Mistress Olivia grinned.

Natalie slowly shook her head from side to side. "Who would want this?" She watched the woman with amazement. How could she enjoy what was happening to her? But the sight of her punishment caused a rush of something in her belly. That's interesting, she thought. Perhaps Jennifer would consent to a beating?

What am I thinking? Natalie caught herself. "She can't be enjoying that can she?"

"Trust me, she loves it!" Mistress Olivia laughed, hooking her thumb underneath a strap of her elaborate bustier, snapping it against her skin. "Why, Mistress Rose--er Mrs. Devlin used to thrash me within an inch of my life!" She turned around, happy to see Mrs. Devlin returning her grin.

"Darling, pain can be as profound a sensation as anything else. As much as Jennifer loves to eat shit, this woman loves pain." Mrs. Devlin peered into the window with a satisfied look. "Have a look around. I have to get ready for Jennifer downstairs. And I'll keep an eye out for Lauren of course."

"Wait!" Natalie's eyes widened.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine with Mistress Olivia. Then you can join us downstairs. I'm sure you'll want to see what's in store for your friend." Mrs. Devlin quickly turned and dashed across the gothic hall.

"Don't worry babe. You'll be fine. We're always more than accommodating to girls here for the view." Mistress Olivia giggled as she lifted the hem of Natalie's yellow dress, teasing it between her nimble fingers before letting it fall around her hips. "And if you see something you like...I'd happily sponsor you."

Natalie cast a worried look back to the darkened window. The woman had begun to swing limply from the ceiling, her swollen hands now an unsightly shade of purple as the cuffs supporting her weight dug into her wrists. Tears streaked her face as she gasped air in shallow bursts. Natalie's gaze fell to between her legs, noting the accumulation of intimate fluid on her vaginal lips.

"You like?" Mistress Olivia nuzzled her head close, ostensibly to get a better view of the beaten woman--but as her words hung in the air she pressed her nose to Natalie's neck, taking in a long lungful of her natural aroma.

Natalie shook her head 'no' but felt her heart pounding as she watched the beaten woman swing back and forth.

"Too bad." She whispered in Natalie's ear. "I could show you a world of pleasure." The words dripped from Olivia's mouth, leaving Natalie with no doubt that she was speaking the truth.

"She really likes being hit like that?"

"You tell me." Olivia cooed. "Don't you see her dripping pussy?"

"Yes...I did notice that. She gets bothered by...getting whipped like that?"

Mistress Olivia laughed. "Love your voice babe...and to be clear, she gets 'bothered' by doing whatever Mistress Lyra tells her to do."

Natalie looked at the younger woman. She would have been surprised if she was any older than twenty. Her sandy-blond hair hung in graduated layers past her uncovered breasts to sway gently against her ribbed corset as she walked from her depleted submissive to a small wooden stool in the corner of the cell holding a small mirrored tray with several long, silver needles. Letting the belt fall to the floor, she lifted the stool and returned to her victim, showing nothing in her expression.

"She's a natural--Mistress Lyra. Normally they start out as submissives, like me." Olivia's cheeks flushed. "But--Tora knew exactly what she had with this one."

Mistress Lyra cradled the bound woman's chin in her hand, forcing her head upwards before kissing her deeply. As they embraced, maintaining their deep kiss, Mistress Lyra casually took one of the long needles into her fingers, bringing the point to rest against the woman's nipple. Her areola raised in goose flesh as the tip pressed into her, all but breaking her skin.

"It's not so much what she does, it's how she does it. That complete disconnect--no concern whatsoever. It's a thing of beauty."

Yes it is, Natalie thought.

The woman began to shake as Mistress Lyra steadily drove the needle into her flesh. As it slid deeper the woman gasped, returning Mistress Lyra's kiss with a fervor, standing up as straight as her restrained legs would allow, pushing her other breast forward as Mistress Lyra reached for a second needle.

"I think she's on the spectrum, don't you?" Mistress Olivia giggled, studying Natalie's lips as they quivered and parted in time with the second needle sliding into the woman's breast.

"Aren't we all though?..." Natalie paused to swallow the accumulation of saliva in her mouth before turning to Mistress Olivia. "...On the spectrum I mean?"

"I think you're right um...I don't believe I caught your name babe?"

Natalie turned her head, still keeping an eye on Mistress Lyra. "Um, Natalie...Natalie Harrington."

"Pretty. Well, we might all be on the spectrum, Miss. Harrington but--not like her. Look at that stare into the middle distance. That emptiness. What do you even call that?"

Aspirational? Natalie thought long and hard as she watched Mistress Lyra work. She imagined doing something similar to Jennifer and gasped as she felt a sticky pool of gruel form inside her and leak into her lacy underwear.

Just then Mistress Lyra turned around, meeting Natalie's gaze with the slightest hint of a smile before lifting a third needle from the silver tray. Natalie's heart stopped, as if the door jumped from its frame, smacking full force into her body. Natalie jumped.

Mistress Olivia laughed. "It's one way glass. She can't see us."

"Are you sure? She looked right at me!" Natalie dipped her head as she continued to watch.

"Of course it is. SubSpace, is a safe place."

"I've heard." The words slowly fell from Natalie's gaping mouth as she watched the needle press into the woman's breast. The tiniest drop of blood began to ooze from her skin around the silver shaft. As the silver disappeared into the woman's supple flesh, Natalie noticed her hand mimicking Mistress Lyra's every motion. She quickly dropped it to her side though she continued to watch. While Mistress Lyra reached back for another needle Natalie took notice of the platinum dagger with a ruby hilt hanging from the fine chain around her wrist.

"Come on, there's still a lot to see. Maybe Lauren will be in one of the other rooms."

Mistress Olivia took Natalie by the arm and began to pull her away.

"Can I watch just a little more maybe?" Natalie turned back to the window just in time to see Mistress Lyra cup the woman's breast in her hand and squeeze. Natalie wondered if Jennifer, wherever she was, could hear the woman scream.