Mistress Elisha’s Oblivion Ch. 02


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The elevator to the second floor was an overbuilt industrial thing that would have fit perfectly in a loft apartment or a steel mill. Jennifer dangled her bound wrists limply before her as she watched the wire mesh doors slam closed. The haunting groan of cables under tension filled the air as the carriage sprung to life.

She listened to the motor's dull hum while watching their descent through the wire grate. Brick after brick passed behind the metal lattice as they dropped until the lift ground to a halt before two gunmetal-gray sliding doors.

"Welcome to the second floor, sewer mouth." Tora's deep, ethereal chuckle ricocheted up the shaft to dissipate amongst the cables and machinery above.

Jennifer felt the rush of a warm breeze as the doors slid open, revealing a hall, much smaller and darker than the expansive atrium above. Sconces lined the limestone walls and shadows danced chaotically in the flickering light. The hairs on the back of her neck bristled as she inhaled the rich atmosphere--moist--thick with the earthy smell of human waste and just a hint of lemon.

Four sofas, identical to those above save for their protective plastic coverings, sat unoccupied. There were iron doors with-one way windows set into the walls, each hand painted one through six in blood-red Roman numerals.

"Room number three, little bitch." Tora grinned as her assistants pulled Jennifer forward. She had hoped to catch a glimpse of Lauren through one of the windows but Tora's assistants kept her on a straight line to the third door. The three blood red lines of paint on the rusting metal reminded her of a bleeding wound.

"It's a bit of a tradition around here to have some fun when we get a new toilet girl." Tora's eyes danced like fireworks across a midnight-black sky. "Don't worry, we never make anyone go through this all alone. Tonight, you'll be in good company."

Lauren! Jennifer thought, lifting her head as Tora gripped the metal hatch wheel, spinning it counterclockwise with a flick of her oversized wrist. The door swung open with a rusty moan and Jennifer was shoved into total darkness. She spun around in time to see the door clang shut in her face.

"Lauren?" She cautiously turned around and whispered into the darkness.

"No." A voice drifted softly through the black with the ragged quaver of an accelerated heartbeat but before Jennifer could ask again, a bulb dangling from the ceiling flickered to life.


"In the flesh." The young woman looked up with a wry smile.

She lay in the corner, legs spread haphazardly over the stone floor with her back to the wall, naked except for her soiled white panties. Her dimpled smile and full cheeks floated amidst an ocean of chestnut brown hair. Her nubile breasts, previously held in check by her tight cashmere sweater, hung free like some new kind of overripe fruit. Her hands lay between her legs, bound together by several loops of hemp rope. The untidy wet spot on the wedge of fabric covering her crotch suggested she had made good use of her time alone.

"What happened?" Jennifer trotted over to Rabecca and knelt beside her.

"Tora is punishing me." Rabecca giggled.

"For what?"

"Pooping my panties like a bad little girl." Rabecca wiggled her hips, grinding her dirty underwear into the stone beneath her.

"You had to have known she would do that!" Jennifer laughed as she folded herself onto the floor, finding it to be surprisingly warm.

"I may have had an inkling." Rabecca rested her head against the stone wall as she pressed her tied hands between her legs.

"So, you wanted to get punished?" Jennifer giggled, twisting her own wrists, testing the give in the ribbon binding her hands together. "Do you do that often?"

"Not really. I never have to go looking for excuses for Tora to punish me." Rabecca's fingers danced over her soiled panties. "But today...let's just say I wanted to be extra bad today." She pursed her lips as she met Jennifer's gaze.

"I guess I didn't realize you...that you were a slave." Jennifer turned around and lay her back against the wall.

"Yep. Everyone here who isn't a mistress is a slave." She lifted her chin and shook her head back and forth, jiggling her charm necklace. "And I...am a slave--an important one, just so you know, with responsibilities...but a slave."

"I see..." Jennifer's gaze rose from Rabecca's necklace to her glittering eyes. "I guess with your glasses, you didn't look like one. Haha."

"Tora insisted I wear them. They complete the look when I'm in the office...I like 'em though, even if I don't have a prescription or anything."

"Lauren's like that. She barely needs them for reading but she wanted them so bad...she used to beg to go to the eye doctor whenever new frames came out."

"Really?" Rabecca paused then closed her mouth. "I mean, Lauren...is she the sister I've heard so much about?"

"Yes...How do you know?" Jennifer's eyes narrowed.

"Uh...I was listening here and there in the hall when you were talking with Tora." Rabecca's lips twitched upward into a sheepish smile.

"I see...well yes. She's missing and we're looking for her. You haven't seen her have you? She looks like, well...my sister! Picture a slightly older me and that's what she looks like." Jennifer giggled.

Rabecca opened her mouth but didn't say anything. She paused, swallowed, then continued. "No...I don't think I have. But I'm only here a few days a week."

"I see. What else do you do?" Jennifer leaned back, casually adjusting the hem of her dress with her bound hands. "If you don't mind."

"I teach." Rabecca grinned. "I started wearing my glasses for that too, in case you were wondering." She smiled.

"Grade School?"

"Oh God no. I can't handle kids. I teach mechanical engineering at Pikes Peak."

"Ooooh community college!" Jennifer grinned. "I bet you're popular."

"You mean with the testosterone tornado that is the engineering department?" She laughed. "I suppose so, but I...I don't care for guys all that much."

"Well, you're in the right place then. It's all girls here!" Jennifer cleared her throat. "From what I've seen at least."

"Indeed it is."

"Why is that? Lauren and Mistress Elisha were always talking about how most people with these extreme fetishes are men, but here it's only girls."

"Yep. Weird right?"

Suddenly, Rabecca's face brightened in shock. "Wait, you're not talking about THE Elisha are you? THE Mistress Elisha...from Deviant Cams?"

Jennifer sat up. "Um, I think so, I don't know of any others. Why? You've heard of her?"

"Of course! Who hasn't seen Mistress Elisha's videos? You've met her?"

"Yes! We went to a concert together...and stuff...and Lauren was her girlfriend!"

"No fucking way." Rabecca's eyelids seemed to peel back into her head.

Jennifer pressed her palms against the stone floor and leaned forward. "Yeah. It still blows my mind how many people seem to know who she is."

"You bet...she's popular! Practically a celebrity. Everyone here knows her, even if it's not their scene...and you're right--most of her videos are probably aimed at men. But she keeps it gender-neutral if you think about it. I'm sure she knows that girls watch her shit. Hell, even I have a few favorites." Rabecca giggled.

"Really? Have you, um, followed ALL her instructions?" Jennifer grinned.

"Oh no. I don't actually do anything. But fantasizing about it...pretending I'm doing it...that always gets me."

"Oh, so you've never?"

"No, I've never actually eaten shit. But I love the feeling and the texture. I wish Elisha would make a video that's just panty-pooping. I'd be so into that!"

"You could probably request one...after we find her."

"What do you mean?"

"She's disappeared. We think something happened to her and that she didn't actually break up with Lauren...we think that somebody took her."

"Woah, what? Start from the beginning."

"Sorry, it's a long story. I think somebody kidnapped Elisha and used A.I. to make this message they left on Lauren's phone saying that she's breaking up with her and leaving town."

The skin on Rabecca's forehead flexed itself into a mask of disbelief.

"I know, I know, it sounds crazy. Anyway...I think Lauren got so upset when she heard that message that she found this place and came here to forget all about Elisha. But we can't prove it unless we get a copy of the message and get it checked out. And it's on Lauren's phone so we need to find her to find it! And if she's here, that would be super helpful cause I don't know where else to look!"

"I see...well, that is...a lot."

"And I think Lauren IS here but Tora won't say. She's being coy. It's so stupid."

"That's our privacy policy. SubSpace..."

"Is a safe place. So I've been told." Jennifer rolled her eyes into her head as she shook her bound wrists at Rabecca's face. "I mean...you'd tell me, if you knew she was here right?"

"Uh...of course." Rebecca twisted her neck to cough into her shoulder. "But I just work here. They don't tell us slaves everything."

They sat in silence for a moment listening to the gentle creak of the glowing yellow bulb as it swung back and forth on its chain.

"Hey...why are these stones so warm?"

Rabecca giggled as she slid her bare feet back and forth across the smooth flagstone. "Radiant heat. We've got pex tubing running throughout the floors and walls and multiple boilers on each floor. We want it to look like a dungeon but not feel like one. Mrs. Devlin was adamant that nobody wants to fuck if they're freezing to death."

"Mrs. Devlin? Did she design it?"

"Of course! She and Tora built this place! Pretty much all of it. I mean, I helped with some of the newer rooms but yeah, she worked with the contractors from the very beginning. You didn't know?" Rabecca laughed.

"No, I mean, there's so much I don't know. I'm so new to this. SubSpace, eating shit, being with girls..."

Jennifer continued to run her fingers across the pleasant warmth of the floor.

"Did you always know? I mean, did you always know you liked girls?" Jennifer murmured softly, turning her head to face Rabecca.

Rabecca nodded. "Since I was little. Always. I just knew." She looked down and paused before swinging her head back to Jennifer.


"I'm not even sure what I like. I mean, I guess I like girls ok but...I never even thought about it until recently...I mean, I'm nineteen so who knows...but I've only dated guys. I've only had sex with guys. I've only kissed guys!" She paused, looking at Rabecca's face and then at her body, really studying it honestly. She didn't have any objections to being with a woman--of course not. She considered this as her eyes made their way past Rabecca's tight midsection to her full breasts, lingering for a beat before settling on her good-natured smile. Definitely no objections--but despite all that had happened in the last few weeks, she had to admit that she hadn't thought about the female body in any capacity beyond its role in satisfying her subhuman need for degradation--as a human toilet.

"You know, it's funny. I can only picture myself having sex with guys and I can only imagine doing all this um...toilet stuff with girls. Is that weird?" Jennifer laughed nervously.

"I don't think so but then again, we're all a little weird aren't we?" Rabecca shrugged her shoulders, spread her legs and bounced her filthy panties against the ground. "And there's nothing wrong with that!"

"I mean, I've eaten shit from Mrs. Devlin, and Natalie and Elisha but..."

"What. Hold on...wreeeeeepp!" Rabecca did her best impression of a vinyl record getting absolutely shredded by its needle. "You ATE SHIT from...MISTRESS ELISHA?" Rabecca bolted upright, her eyes saucers.

Jennifer nodded her head.

"How is that not the FIRST thing you told me? Fuck my ass! What did it taste like?"

"Like fucking shit. What the fuck do you think it tasted like?" Jennifer grinned.

"Hahaha. Stupid question. I don't know...chocolate ice cream? I mean, it's Elisha...was it different...from the others I mean?"

"Not really. But the experience was. The whole time Lauren was crying and begging to eat her shit instead. Like the whole time she was pushing it into my mouth. I mean, that didn't make it taste any better, but it made me cum so hard! You don't get dirty talk any better than that! And I was strapped down to the bed!" Jennifer winked as she caressed her upper lip with her tongue.

"I can't believe you got to do that. That's so fucking hot..."

"Yeah it was. I'd do that again in a heartbeat." Jennifer felt her blood race through her body as she pictured Elisha's flawless ass forcing her shit down her throat.

"So like, I know it tastes like shit but, do you like it? I mean, the taste?"

"Fuck no!" Jennifer laughed but soon paused, looking down as she ran a finger through one of the many small cracks in the floor separating one stone from another. "I mean, it doesn't taste BAD to me anymore...it just tastes so...different. It's cliche but it's like...sexual. Like my tongue is hardwired to my pussy or something. But still, you saw my face when I was getting used to the taste of yours. I still need to convince myself to do it every time. But once I get started..." Jennifer grinned broadly as she swung her head around to meet Rabecca's gaze.

"Clearly you don't have a problem once you get started." Rabecca giggled. "Can I tell you something?"


"I've done evaluations for toilet girls before. You were the first time I've ever gotten wet watching a girl eat shit!"

Jennifer's face flushed hot pink. "Thank you, I think."

"No, seriously. We have lots of shit eaters come through here. But some are being forced by their mistresses, and most of the others are, well, not my type."

"Your type?"

Rabecca's face was getting redder by the moment. "You know...like well...a lot of women, by the time they get into bathroom play are, well, more mature than you. A little past their prime if you will. I mean, nothing against them...I think all women are beautiful just...what am I trying to say. Fuck. Most shit pigs aren't gorgeous blonde nineteen-year-olds okay?"


"Yeah, of course, think about it."

"No, I mean," Jennifer paused, pulling her wrists to her face to scratch her nose. "You called me gorgeous."

"You are!"

"I never thought so. Lauren's prettier."

"I wouldn't say that. A little more filled out maybe but."

"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?" Jennifer turned her head slowly.

"Um... you said she looks like you only a little older. I'm extrapolating."

"I see." Jennifer paused, suspicion flickering in her eyes.

"Anyway, shit eater or no, you're one of the hottest people I've ever seen, down here or anywhere else."

"Thanks." Jennifer continued to blush and stared blankly at the wall though she couldn't stop smiling.

"What were you going to say? Before you told me about Elisha?"

"Oh, just that I've eaten shit from all these girls but I can't imagine like, you know--like, LIKING any of them."

"You mean, like a relationship?"

"Yeah. I mean, like, how Lauren was with Elisha. Before this all happened. They were, like, crazy in love with each other."

"Crazy in loooooovvvvvveee!" Rabecca's voice bounced from wall to wall in the tiny room as she lifted her bound hands above her head, singing loud and mostly in key with herself.

"Ok Beyoncé." Jennifer laughed. "But for real. Like, when Lauren wasn't being her toilet, they had this crazy connection, like super intense make out sessions and stuff. Ugh, like...so...disgustingly...romantic!"

"And you're not like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, like the romance stuff...Have you ever kissed a girl?"

"Well, Lauren gave me a shitty scat kiss once, but I don't think that counts."

"So you've never had a friend and just wondered what it would be like to make out with her?"

"Not really. As I said. I've only dated guys."

Rabecca's eyes fell.

"But I wouldn't be against it. I think it's more I'd need to meet the right girl. I mean, for one, she'd need to be cool with my shit breath!!" Jennifer leaned over and exhaled sharply. Rabecca made a show of gasping for air and keeling over before exploding in a fit of laughter.

"Just kidding. I can't complain. After all, it's my own shit!" Rabecca grinned.

And Natalie's, Jennifer thought. I wonder if anyone can tell the difference between people's shit? Lauren could probably.

Rabecca cleared her throat. "You know, it's really not that bad...your shit breath. Maybe take a mint or two. But...knowing you smell like that because you just ate MY shit. It's kinda hot." She giggled.

"Why, you like the smell of your own shit?" Jennifer teased.

"Of course not. I mean, maybe a little. Doesn't everyone like their own just a little?" Her face flushed as she paused. "It's more about knowing what it means. That you ate my shit. I just wish..."


"It's stupid, selfish really. I mean, no offense, but knowing you've eaten shit from so many girls...it's not as special as if it was just me..."

"Oh, I get it. I'm just some cheap whore who eats shit from everyone." Jennifer giggled but her eyes darkened as the smile fell from her lips.

"I didn't say that!"

"No no...you're right. I'll eat shit from any girl that wants me to. That's what this means." Jennifer pressed her chin into her neck as she looked at her Tiger's eye stone. "I'm a public toilet. I bet you all have a good fucking laugh. Oh look at the pretty little potty face. She actually gets off on eating our shit--fucking loser. No wonder I've never kissed a girl. Who wants to lick a dirty toilet seat?"

"Stop! I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying that...I don't know what I'm saying. Forget it."

They sat in silence for a moment. With all the physical humiliation visited upon her over the last month it was surprising to her how deeply Rabecca's words had cut her. 'Knowing you've eaten shit from so many girls.' She felt her chin beginning to quiver as she fought back the tears forming at the edges of her eyes.

"Look, some girls do!" Rabecca forced a smile.

"What?" Jennifer lifted her bound wrists to her face to dab at the corner of her eye with the back of her hand.

"Some girls will happily lick a dirty toilet seat. I mean, there's a video of Sasha Grey where she really gives it the business."

"Sasha who?" Jennifer cocked a skeptical brow.

"Fuck...I'm getting old." Rabecca frowned.

"Is she a shit eater?"

"No no...just a porn star...from years ago...now...I guess. Fuck, I didn't think I was that much older than you."

"You're not...anyway...she was probably getting paid a ton of money for it. No normal girl would lick a dirty toilet seat." Jennifer rolled her eyes.

"I still say some will."

"Have you?" Jennifer swung her head around so her eyes were even with Rabecca's.

"Well, no...but that's only because I never saw a dirty toilet seat I cared to lick."

"Hah. Whatever." Jennifer threw her back against the wall and continued to glower.

"But...I see one now." Rabecca whispered.

Jennifer raised her brow and looked up skeptically.

"I'm serious."

"Really? Are you sure? Cause I bet Tasha whatsherface cleaned the fuck outta that toilet seat before she licked it."

"Well, I mean, the seat is dirty, but it's dirty from me so..." Rabecca smiled mischievously as she sat up.

"Yeah, but what if it wasn't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Remember my friend Natalie?"

"The girl with you who came to watch?"

"Yeah...well, she had to go right after you finished with me so...I let her take a big, stinking poop in my mouth...then I swallowed it. Still wanna lick this dirty toilet seat?" Jennifer shook her head back and forth quickly while pursing her lips. "Didn't think so." She leaned back.