Misty and Cheryl Pt. 01


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"I... I... Mistress..." I tried, but my brain and my mouth were just not connected. That sort of thing happened a lot when Mistress's boobs were staring me in the face.

"I'll take that as a yes," she said, still scrolling through her phone. "Just taking a cue from you and your outfit this morning. I enjoy having you naked, baby, don't get me wrong, but Charlotte in sexy underwear is a beautiful sight to behold."

"Thank you, Mistress." I made sure to wiggle my ass against her as I reached for the salad bowls.

"I just need to fetch the dressing and we're ready to eat," I said, turning toward the fridge.

"Make sure it's on the bottom shelf, baby."

"Sorry, what?"

Mistress lowered her phone and leered. "I like it when you're bent over," she whispered.

"Yes, Mistress," I said. "By the way, I slipped in the next size up when we got home."

"Charlotte..." she said. "The biggest one?"

"Yes, Mistress." And did I lean down to touch my toes before I came back with the bottle of blue cheese? You bet I did.

She shuddered, then regained her composure. "On a scale from one to five, with one being very dominant and five being very submissive, how do you identify?"

"Hmm?" I said, smirking. "Oh, five. Definitely five."

Mistress nodded.

"Hey," I said, "Where's your pants?"

Mistress pointed to the back of the chair again and went back to swiping at her phone. I stood for a few seconds, picking my jaw up off the floor.

"You did it to me this morning," she said. "With your little lingerie show in my office."

"You really liked that, huh Mistress?"

"Liked it? Oh, yes. Dressed. But barely dressed. And leaving just a bit to the imagination."

"You want me to leave my apron on, Mistress? For your imagination?"

She shook her head. "Definitely not."

"Yes, Mistress," I said, slipping the strap over my head before picking up the two salad bowls I had prepared.

She never moved her gaze from me as I walked over to the breakfast bar to set the bowls down. Even when I turned my back to rummage in the silverware drawer, I could feel her eyes on me.

"Before you sit down, spread your cheeks for me," she said.

"Yes, Mistress." I set the forks down and cupped my ass in my hands.

Mistress touched her finger to the handle of the silicone plug still nestled between my cheeks. "You've had something in there for a while," she said.

"Yes, Mistress. Since before lunch."

"And it still gets you hot or are you just numb to it all by now?"

I clenched my ass. It set off another interesting sensation of a burning itch mixed up with a wave of preorgasmic pleasure. "Pretty much on the verge all afternoon, Mistress."

Mistress took a last glance at her phone before setting it face down on the counter. "So, on a scale of one to five, with one being totally blasé and five being unbridled desperation, how would you rate your current situation?"

"Is that really on the questionnaire?"

Mistress smirked as she shook her head. "Nah. I just want to know if your going to fall over or if you'll make it through dinner."

"Four and a half?" I offered.

"Sounds fair," said Mistress. "There's a survey on anal sex by the way. We could skip ahead."

I rolled my eyes. "You're not helping."

"Charlotte, honey, I want you to know I'm looking forward to tugging on that handle while my tongue is buried in your puss and your begging me to let you come. But this dinner you've created looks delicious and I'm starving." She slapped me on the ass.

I swallowed hard. "Yes, Mistress."

* * *


"How would you identify your ethnicity, Charlotte? White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Inuit, Pacific Islander. Check all that apply." I looked up from Charlotte's phone in my hand and over at Charlotte. If she was rolling her eyes, I couldn't tell, because her face was in my lap.

We had moved to the living room and Charlotte's lovely body was draped over the arm of the sofa as I sat on the cushions. That had the effect of pushing her ass up nicely and leaving her face in my crotch. I stroked her hair once, moving a strand that had fallen across her face, before returning my hand to hover over the electric blue plug still filling her ass.

I tugged at the handle. "Charlotte?"

"Mistress," she whined, "I think you know."

I pulled at the handle of the silicone invader, enjoying the sight of Charlotte squirming as she stretched. "It's your questionnaire, baby. I think you have to answer. I'm just punching in the answers for you since you're busy."

I let go of the handle and watched in fascination as everything got sucked back in.

"Mmm-ugh. Yes, Mistress."

I chuckled. "It's a multiple choice question, Charlotte."

"My mom's White and my dad's Asian. So both those, I guess, Mistress."

"Good girl, Charlotte. Only a few more to go and we can take care of your other needs."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Next," I said. "Your sexual orientation."

"You don't even have to read the choices, Mistress. I'm a girl's girl. All the way."

I nodded. Then I thought back to when we first met. "Didn't you say you had a boyfriend in high school?"

"Yeah," said Charlotte. "More of a friend who was a boy. We were both way too awkward to do anything besides hold hands. And even that felt wrong to me. I just wasn't ready to admit it, I guess."

"I'm not judging, baby. I hope you know that." I trailed my fingers over Charlotte's back. "I just want to be accurate for the research."

"Definitely Lesbian, Mistress. Lesbian in denial for a while, but yeah, all my fantasies are with a female partner."

I tapped Lesbian and scrolled to the next question. "Monogamous or polyamorous?" I asked.

"Now or when Juliet's back from touring with her band?"

"I think in general."

"Polyamorous, Mistress."

I nodded and let my finger drop on the checkbox for the answer I was already hovering over. "I wonder how she's doing," I asked. "What time is it in Tokyo?"

"She's probably asleep, Mistress. Or just waking up."

I reached over to take the T-shaped handle of the plug in my fingers. I pulled it out just enough to spin the thing around one-hundred eighty degrees and then let it go to get sucked back in. Charlotte shivered the entire time.

"I wonder if she's in the shower," I mused, as I tugged on the handle again. "With one of those detachable massaging shower heads pointed at her crotch." I turned the handle another one-hundred eighty degrees and let it drop. "Thinking about you getting your ass filled while she masturbates."

"Oh, Mistress..." Charlotte shuddered.

I pulled my hand back and slapped Charlotte hard, once on each butt cheek. That got me a moan to go with the shuddering.

"Pay attention, girl," I said. "Next question."

"Oh. Mmm. Yes, Misty. I mean, Mistress."

"Nice one, Cheryl." I slapped her twice more. Once on each side.


"You're enjoying this too much. Back to the questions." I extended my index finger and dragged my fingernail up Charlotte's back to the base of her neck. "What is you highest level of education?"

"Masters of Arts."

"I knew that." I wove my fingers into Charlotte's hair and massage her scalp. "Do you smoke?"


"Knew that too. Do you drink?"


"It's another of those one through five questions."

"Occasionally. What's that equate to, Mistress?"

"I think that's a two."

"Two," said Charlotte. She had her tongue out after she said it. I knew, because I could feel her lapping at the fabric of my underwear.


"Are we almost done, Mistress?"

"That sounded a little whiny, baby."

"I'm all for science, but I've been... I've had this thing up my ass since noon and I'm really needy right now, Mistress."

"Last question," I said. "Illegal drugs."

"No." Charlotte squirmed on my lap. She was trying to get her teeth clamped onto my waistband, but it kept snapping back. "Though there was that one time in college. But pot's legal now, right, so... oh crap, does that count toward the smoking question?"

"Just one doobie?" I said. "I think you're fine." I set Charlotte's phone on the side table and reached down to my hips. "Let me help you," I said, sliding my underpants over my thighs and down to my knees.

"Thank you, Mistress."

* * *


The scent of Mistress's lust hit me like a hammer. I don't know why. I had my face in her crotch the whole time we'd been filling out my survey, but when she slid her underwear off... wow! I pulled a long breath through my nose while she ran her fingers through my hair.

She wasn't doing anything to maneuver my head, just playing with my hair, but I slid my body off the arm of the couch and moved to kneel in front of her. This in turn caused some wonderful torment for my poor, stretched out ass during the entire journey.

"Charlotte," said Mistress, slouching on the sofa. She knew my plan, and she appeared to be okay with it.

"Let me help you," she said, reaching down to slide a finger over her folds and tease herself apart. Yep, she was definitely okay with it.

"Keep your ass up in the air, Charlotte," she said. "I want to see that plug filling you."

"Yes, Mistress." I got up on my hands and knees, arched my back, pushed my butt up as high as I could, and dipped my head to start licking.

"Ohh," said Mistress. She was definitely ready. Her folds were slick and glistening. And I could hear the squelching of her fingers in and out as I pushed back on her hood and went for her clit.

"Ohh," she said again.

We made a pretty good team. Mistress and her fingers thrusting in and out, and me with my tongue batting at her nub. There's something about watching your lover pleasuring herself that really takes me to the next level, and I had a front row seat to watch Mistress's fingers collecting more and more sticky girl juice every time they disappeared and came back.

"Ohh." Mistress was moaning, and she was starting to quiver. It started in her thighs, and I had to hold onto her one knee to keep from getting my ribs bashed. She was close. And I was set on pushing her over.

But then I felt her hand on top of my head. She shoved me away. Hard.

I sat back on my haunches, staring at her swollen pussy, unfulfilled.

"Mistress...?" Okay, that probably came out whiny, but seriously, what the--?

Mistress shot to her feet. She grabbed me by the hair and tugged me over to the sofa. "On your back," she commanded.

I could see where this was going, and I liked it. "Yes, Mistress."

She wasted no time straddling my face once I was horizontal on the sofa. "Lick," she said, lowering herself onto me.

If I thought her scent was strong before, that was nothing like being smothered in Mistress pussy. I grabbed onto her hips and pulled her down.

While Mistress rode my face, she had gone to work with both hands. One was tugging at the silicone plug up between my cheeks, pulling it out just enough to stretch me to the maximum before letting it slide back in. The other was flying over my clit at a pace that was sending shudders up my spine.

"Mmm. Oh... My..." I don't know if she heard me with my face buried in her puss, but I think she sensed I was about to go over. I mean, how could I not after being teased all day?

"Mistress, I'm..." That's all I managed in my single moment of clarity.

She had her hand up inside me now. Well, most of it, anyway. Her thumb was knocking up against my clit while her fingers competed for space with the butt plug she kept tugging at.

"Mistress... Oh... My..."

As I was beginning to loose my capacity for coherent speech, Mistress was bucking her hips over my face. I batted and lapped at her the best I could.

She stopped bucking and I felt her body go rigid the same time I did. She ripped the plug from my ass.


I'm not sure which of us said it. Probably both of us. It actually hurt a little when she yanked it out, it was so sudden. And there were the fireworks to contend with. Maybe from the orgasm that hit me like a freight train. Or maybe just visions of photopsia from my recent exertion.

Photopsia? Where did that tidbit come from?

I decided I didn't care. I let my breath out all at once and concentrated on Mistress's pussy. There was still some of her left to slurp up.

"Mmm, tickles," she complained.

"Your fault," I replied, mumbling into her crotch.

"My fault?" she said. "Why is it my fault?"

"I don't know. It just is."

She peeled her thighs off my face and stood up, but not before dipping her finger into my still quivering nether regions. "It's still open, baby," said Mistress. "Your ass is still open a little." She sounded fascinated. Like a scientist.

"Mmm. Mm-hmm."

"Oh, Charlotte." Mistress was kneeling by the sofa, cradling my head in her arm as she leaned over me. "Was it okay?"


"We didn't really talk about any of this beforehand. And I just sort of plopped down on your face and stretched your butt."

"Remember the survey question?" I asked. "One to five, dominant or submissive. You remember where I was?"

"Very submissive."

"And you, Mistress?"

"Very dominant."

"I wouldn't want it any other way," I said.

"I love you, baby," she said, covering my face in kisses.


"Yes, baby?"

"Will you grab a blanket and snuggle with me for a while?"

"That sounds like a great idea," she said.

* * *



Moona was sprawled out on top of the covers with her legs spread when I got home. There wasn't a stitch of anything on her. She was holding her phone in one hand and tugging at her nipple ring with the other. "I've been waiting for you, Miss Jessica," she said.

"Have you now?"

"Yes, Miss Jessica."

"And how have you been occupying your time?"

"You think I've been touching myself inappropriately, Miss Jessica?" Moona looked up briefly and frowned. "I've been filling out your questionnaire."

"Good girl," I said, stepping over to the bed to touch my finger to her knee. "I'm happy to have you helping with my research. And I'd like to reward you for that," I said, dragging my finger upward along Moona's inner thigh. "How would you like me to reward you?"

Moona smirked. She set her phone on the side table and dug under her pillow. After a few seconds, Moona came back with a length of rope all wadded up. She smoothed it out, doubled it over in her hand and held it out to me. "I think you know what I like, Miss Jessica."

"Yes, I do, baby," I said. "Yes, I do."

* * *


Even with the lesbian couple, I decided this story landed pretty squarely in the Anal category on this site. There's a couple other tales of butt stuff, entitled A Friendly Wager, and New Music Monday, featuring these two. Though if you're looking for more stories of Misty and Cheryl (Mistress and Charlotte) you will have better luck finding them under Lesbian Sex.

Hope you enjoyed it. And from the conclusion of this tale, you can probably guess what the next one will be about. Don't forget to like and subscribe. ;-) And I do love reading comments.


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toesucker1toesucker1about 2 months ago

Really, really, lovingly hot. Good thing I follow you or I would have missed this!! And I learned a new word: photopsia.

Amy_ShawAmy_Shawabout 2 months ago

Hot and enjoyable. You've left me wondering how the two couples are going to meet and interact, assuming that's where the story's headed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I enjoyed your work, but have to say that the varied points of view and the changing of character names had me going back and forth in the story pretty often. Found it a little confusing at times.

stroudlestroudleabout 2 months ago

It's always good to see Natasha and Charlotte, they are my favourites too and nice to bring 2 characters from a different story to add to the fun . Now this is the kind of survey that would make me stop on the shopping street and partake, take note all you pollsters , this is how you make research fun🔥

I do like how you always carefully consider the genre to post in Wax . Another stonkingly great outing for my favourite couple , now back to the research . Thank you Wax . Jc

HornyBunny5464HornyBunny5464about 2 months ago

I could use a fun partner of my own 🥺🤭

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A great start. I love these stories. Thanks for writing them!

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