Mizspelred Tie Toe


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"Boss. I have a call for you."

"If it's another reporter, send ..."

"It's a complaint. She didn't want to listen to me so she asked for you."

"What the hell?" he muttered as he picked up the receiver and mashed the blinking light to patch himself onto that line. "Hello, Officer Kerulaski."

"I want to report incest." a woman's voice said.

"Between who?"

"A brother and a sister."

"How old?"

The woman said the ages and the officer shook his head.

"So, over 18. Both of them."

"Yes. You can arrest them and charge them as adults."

"Ma'am, the current incest laws are primarily designed now to help prosecute child molestation. If they're both over 18 then there's nothing I can do."

"They have a child together."

"Are they sexually abusing that child?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"How old is the child?"


Kerulaski rolled his eyes. "Ma'am, is there anyone there under 18 who's being sexually abused?"

"Um ... no."

"Is anyone there being forced to engage in any sexual activity that they do not consent to?"

"Yes. Me. They forced me."

"Who forced you?"

"The sister."

"Sister? How did she force you?"

"She wouldn't sign the form so we could sell our shares ..."

"Wait up. Stop. Did she physically force you in any way?"


"Yeah. Pulled your hair. Put a gun next to your head. Threatened your life."

"No. She just said that she wouldn't let us get paid unless I had sex with her."

"Get paid? How much?"

"A lot of money."

"Is the money there?"

"No. It's in the company."


"We're trying to sell shares in ..."

Sigh. "Did she offer you cash money?"


"Did she offer to pay you with a check to perform sexual acts on her?"


"Are there any drugs or weapons present?"


"Well, let me ask you, are you still there?"

"Yes. I'm right here. I can show you who's having incest."

"Ma'am I couldn't even care about that right now. Are you free to leave? Like, if you wanted to walk out the door and get in a taxi and go to another place away from them, can you?"


"Then I suggest you do that and in the future you leave them alone and ask them to leave you alone. What I hope you do not do in the future is bother us with it."

"You're not going to do anything?"

"Goodnight, ma'am."

The officer went back to his forms and another laugh started to bubble up. Most people didn't know it but the mayor was carrying on with his own daughter more often than his wife. But those who did know didn't seem to care. The newspapers had been told that they couldn't ask about incest. They couldn't run stories about incest. The police were initially told not to arrest anyone on an incest charge but then there was a little bit of backlash so the cops were allowed to intervene in the case that a minor was involved.

But even if that wasn't the case, as for this night, there was nothing that could be done. They couldn't spare the manpower to deal with bedroom antics. They had real criminals to contend with.


"You called the cops on me. You actually called the cops on me." Clark said.

"For your own good." his wife answered.

Clark looked at everyone assembled and tried to keep his anger from showing too much. "So, they're coming are they? Coming to arrest us?"

Stacy was quiet for a moment and then turned to Lori. "They're coming to arrest you unless you sign this."

"Let them come." Lori answered.

Stacy waited for Lori to capitulate but she never did. She just stood her ground and didn't even flinch when police sirens passed close enough to the house to be heard in the distance. Eventually, it was Stacy who gave in.

"Clark, take me home."

"No." he said back with hardly a moment lapsing.

"Take me and Laura home."

"I want to stay here." Laura said.

"Trust me, we don't want to be here when the cops break that door down."

The teenagers all looked like they were worried but Lori had no fear. "Clark," she said. "Do you want to sell your shares to me?"

"No." he answered.

"There. I can't make him sell those shares. They're his."

"Clark. Husband." Stacy cooed to him. "We need that money."

"How do you figure?"

"She's only giving us 20 thousand a year."

"So what?"

"It's not enough."

"That plus my salary puts us at sixty five thousand. You're going to tell me that's not enough for you?"

"Baby. Wouldn't you like to not have to work?"

"And just how long do you think that money will last us if I don't work?"

"But just imagine. We could buy a bigger house. We could get a new car. We could take that vacation we've always wanted."

"No. I'm not selling."

"Fine. Then stay here with your slut sister. I hope you two are very happy. Give me the keys to my car. It's in my name."

Silently, he pulled them out of his pocket and handed them to her.

"Everyone at church is going to hear about this. You'll see. And don't bother coming home because I'll be changing the locks. The deed to the house is in my name alone so don't even think of getting any ideas. And give me your phone. That's in my name too."

Clark took his phone out of his pocket and went into the settings to make it reset to factory settings. Then he pulled out the memory card, which he'd bought himself and handed it to her.

"See. Lose me and you lose everything. I hope you're thinking about that when the police come to put your sister in handcuffs." Then Stacy looked at her daughter. "Come on. We're going."

"I'm not going." Laura said.

Stacy grabbed Laura by the arm and tried to force her to leave with her but Laura pulled away and Stacy's grip wasn't strong enough to hold the younger woman.

"I told you. I'm staying."

Stacy's index finger went from her daughter to her husband. "You two. I should have guessed."

"You're crazy." Clark said.

Stacy pointed at Lori. "She's going to drag you both down to hell with her. Then you'll be sorry but don't come crying to me. I won't hear you." Stacy went to the front door and slammed it as hard as she could before going to her car. She got in the driver's seat and had to adjust it since it was set for Clark. Then she pulled out of the driveway and peeled out as fast as the car would take her.

Clark went to the living room and sat on the sofa. He put his head in his hands and was still like that when all the rest of them came to sit with him.

"What the hell just happened?" he asked.

"You found out that you weren't actually married all this time." Lori said.

"That's crazy. Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were happy. Why should I mess that up for you?"

"Fuck." Then Clark looked up at his daughter Laura with Sue sitting next to her. "Sorry." He looked down again. "What am I going to do?"

"I'll have my lawyers prepare a property warrant so you can get your things."

"But where are we going to live?"

"Well, it's your choice but you can stay here if you want to. I certainly have the room."

"Wouldn't that look wrong?"

"Clark. Do I look like a woman who cares what other people think of me?"

"I just ... I have a life with Stacy. I had no idea things would happen this way. We're really not married?"

"Not even for a second."

"But I have a daughter with her."

"You have a daughter with me. You're not married to her, not really. And you're not married to me. So really, you're free to choose either one of us if she doesn't want to be nice."

"This is heavy."

"Daddy." Laura started. "Let's do it. Let's live here."



"We can afford our own ..."

"But if we live here with Aunt Lori I can ride to campus with Sue and Reggy. And I'll get to live with my sister."

"Alright. Alright. But it's a little fast to just decide that. Crap, and I have work tomorrow."

"I can call Bill and get you the day off." Lori offered.

"No. I need to go in. Gosh, what time is it?"

"Ok, Sue, drive your father to work tomorrow. I'll call the lawyers and get them working on all that other stuff."

"I still can't believe you never told me she was still married."

"And if I had you guys would have fixed it a long time ago and you'd actually be married now."

"That's good, right?"

"No. That's bad. She's leaving you. Only now, she can't drag you through a divorce. You can prove that your marriage was null to begin with. No alimony for her."

"Then, how's she going to live?"

"Maybe she can get alimony from her real husband. What do you care?"

"I care. She's Laura's mother."

"Well, you can do something for her if you want but the good part is no one can force you. Whatever you give her, it's your own choice."


Reggy woke up the next morning and his room was way too hot. He was sweating all over the place. His window was open and a bird was walking on his sill and looking in, perhaps trying to figure out if it should enter or not. Or maybe it was looking at Reggy's exposed dick and wondering if it was food or not.

He looked at the time. Eleven. At this hour Sue should be ... oh, she had to drive Uncle Clark to work. Would she be back yet? Mom would be off doing her business stuff. So it was just him in the house. Cool. He could practice the piano with no audience.

"Hey." said a voice and Reggy spun around. There in his bed was Laura. Oh, yeah. They had told their parents that Laura was going to sleep in Sue's room but really she'd come in here.

"Do you like pancakes?" he asked.

"Love 'em."

Good to know.

The rest of the morning passed with Reggy and Laura in the house alone but the passions of the night before had cooled into a softer kind of love this day. She kissed him on the cheek and he smiled at her when he presented her with the food he'd cooked.

"So, my dad and my aunt are like, seeing each other now?"

"Maybe. I don't know."

"He slept in her bed last night; not in the spare room."

"When there's something to know, they'll tell us."

"So, you and your sister are ... seeing each other?"

Reggy nodded.

"How long has that been going on?"

"Going on two days now."

"Just two days?"


"So this was brought on by the incest news then."

"It might have had something to do with it."

"Can I tell you something?"


"I ... I liked you from before."


"Yeah. Before I knew about any of this. Before my dad got all angry at the barbecue. It's actually been a while. I ... I love you."


"Yes. You."

"But, I'm sick all the time."

"I don't care. I don't think about that stuff."

"I wish I didn't have to think about that stuff."

"I care about you. I ... love you. I really love you. I've known for a long time now. I wasn't going to, you know, ... I wasn't going to do anything about it. But then, ..."

"You found out that we weren't going to judge you so you did it."

"I knew it had to be you. I knew it. I could never let any other guy be with me. I knew it had to be you. I thought I was crazy thinking that kind of stuff. But I knew it had to be you."

He kissed her hand. "Well, here we are."

"I mean, I'm happy to have a sister and all but the one I really want is you. I want to be with you."

"Well, there's something about me you need to know before you decide that. It may be a medical thing."

"Whatever it is, I don't care."

"Sue's not the only one who's inbred."

"Daddy's your father too?"

"No. My grandfather, as in my mom's father, is my ... my father."


"Yeah. And I might have gotten lucky and maybe I'll be fine, or as close to it as I am now for the rest of my life, but I might get more sick as I get older. There's no way to know."

"Have you been seeing a doctor for this?"

"I've been seeing doctors all my life."

She took his hand and brought it to her lips and she kissed it. "I still love you."

"You still want to be with someone like me?"

"Not someone like you. I want you. I can't help it. I love you. Whatever happens, I'll be with you all the way."

He looked down and smiled in embarrassment. "Truth is ... I was in love with you, too."


"And still am."


Before the day was over, boxes with Uncle Clark's things and Laura's things were brought over. The sisters wanted to share a room so Laura's things went to Sue's room but Uncle Clark was going to take one of the spare rooms, even though it was obvious that he was sharing a room with Lori.

Before bed that night, the three teens were taken aside by Lori.

"I know. Ok, you guys. I know. Don't say anything. Just know that I know. You all know about some things and I know about some things. Laura, your father is going to need some time to adjust. So while I encourage open honesty, there's nothing wrong with waiting for the right time to reveal a secret. So I know you guys are going to do what you're going to do. All I ask is follow the rules and be discreet. Ok?"

They all agreed and Lori smiled.

"Good. And Reggy, if it comes to pass that you become a father ..."


"Don't give me that. It could happen. If that should come to pass, I'll expect you to act like a mature adult. I'm in a relationship with Clark now and even if I have your baby, that's not going to change."


Samantha spotted Reggy as he was coming out of the movie theater. She waved at him and walked up to him using her sexy walk.

"Hey." she said.

"Hi." he answered with a smile. She hadn't seen his smile for so long. Was this her chance?

"You haven't been by in a while. I don't suppose you'd want to come over for dinner tonight?"

"I can't tonight. I have a family thing to take care of."

"I'd be willing to take a rain check."

Just as he was about to answer, these two girls come out of no where and each took one of his arms.

"Laura, Sue. Hi." Samantha said.

"Hi, Sam." they said in unison. Then they started to march Reggy away. "Bye, Sam." they called back to her when they started to get some distance. Samantha watched as they left and then noticed that each one of them had a hand on Reggy's ass. What?

There was so much incest going around lately. First that guy Tim. Then Ben and his sister followed by Jamie and her brother. Now Reggy of all people. Well, his sister and his cousin were hot. She couldn't really blame him.

It made Samantha wonder. Did all these people know something that she didn't know? Was incest the new fad now like being gay had been just a couple of years before? She hadn't really liked that phase everyone was going through. That was the sole reason she'd broken up with Reggy and made him so pissed off with her. Then she had to date that dyke for six months and lick pussy every other night. Now, she guessed she'd have to go home and seduce Donny. Well, at least he had a cock.

Then Samantha realized, Reggy's sister and cousin were sharing him. "Hey." She shouted at them. "Wait, up. I want to talk to you."

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ANessexBouyANessexBouyabout 3 years ago

Really good, especially as there's twists-n-turns, and not all big cocks in little pussies.

OzzyPervOzzyPervover 4 years ago
UMM... Yeah

Before all the haters howl at me telling me it's only a story & someone's fantasy, this has to be the most fucked up plot I have read on this site. I couldn't keep up with who was the parents of whom & who was fucking who.

Then there was the manipulation & in lies, finishing with the knowledge that apparently half of the town was in some sort of incestuous relationship or prepared to engage in incest.

For all of that the story was well written with plenty of good sex.

Not my favourite.


kokonumber1kokonumber1about 5 years ago

Great story. I hope there will be a second chapter

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 6 years ago
Um... was that misspelled title really "Misspelled Title"...?

Bizarre... Really must be something in the water in this town...

Kitist02Kitist02over 6 years ago
"Mizspelred Tie Toe"???

I give up, what is the title all about?

I loved the structure of the story. I had a little difficulty keeping the relationships straight but muddled through.

I have a vested interest in incest both as a product and practitioner thereof. But even my convoluted family was simple compared to these people. I think you had to have had a huge story board in order to keep track of who was doing what to whom.

I enjoyed the dialogue because it was as real to me as if the people were speaking around me. Well done!

I'm not sure that there needs to be a furtherance of this story line. You seem to have wrapped it up quite nicely. Spend your creative efforts on some of the other stories that have to be rattling around in your head.

SWIM21SWIM21over 6 years ago
Man, Lori was such a fucking bitch!

Overall I liked the story, but I wish there had been more interaction between Reggy and his mother, especially where he put that bitch in her place. As much of a cunt as Stacy was, she was right about Lori being a selfish, controlling, manipulative slut. As much as Lori prides herself in not aborting her son, she sure as hell doesn't seem to care that much about him. She didn't give a shit about his feelings when she told him of his true parentage and was immediately ready to was her hands of him if he gave her any grief about it. What really pissed me off, though, was what she told him at the end, especially the way she said it, patronizing and treating him like a child even though her possible pregnancy was entirely her own fault, then passive-aggressively informing him that since she's with Clark now, Reggy needs to be an adult about the fact that she won't sleep with him anymore even if she has his baby. What a cast-iron cunt. Reggy should have thrown it right back at her and ask that bitch what the hell would he want with her when he had two beautiful, young sisters to give him the love she never did.

sabra16023sabra16023almost 7 years ago
Great story

Would like to see it continued. Thanks

Rumplestilskin1Rumplestilskin1almost 7 years ago
Great story

I really believe this was your best story. Please continue it.

nightshadownightshadowalmost 7 years ago
Nicely done

You've got some grammatical and typographical errors here and there, all forgivable. The story itself was well written and the dialogue was especially realistic. There were, however, some spots of dialogue where it was difficult to follow who was saying what- might want to get handy with the ", he said and ", she replied stuff so that the reader doesn't get lost. I think you kinda-sorta jumped the shark towards the end, but the development and interactions between Lori, Sue and Reggy were all pretty solid.

I hope to see more from you in the future!

TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 7 years ago
What a hoot!

Enjoyed. LOL! Thanks for sharing. 5*

lazyhornylazyhornyalmost 7 years ago
wtf is wrong with you

they raped him and suddenly he is ok with incest wtf is wrong with you you psychotic asshole.

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