Mom has Needs, Son is a Man Ch. 02

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Reluctance, The Ultimate Sin, Mom & Son have Sex.
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***All the characters in this story are over 18 years of age. This is a fantasy and not a real story. It includes strong themes of incest, romance, BDSM, male domination, female humiliation and water sports. If you're not comfortable, please stop reading.

**********Jessica's POV**********

Lonely Mother

What did I just do? My heart had just sunk. I didn't know what I was doing or what took over me. It had been a while since I had kissed anybody. But tonight, I kissed my own son. And what started as a motherly kiss turned into a romantic, sensual, full on make out session. I have to admit, I did enjoy it, a lot. But this was my own flesh and blood, the person I had birthed and carried in my belly for nine months. How could I? A lot of feelings were taking over me. Feelings of guilt, confusion, shame, fear and more importantly, insane arousal. I was so conflicted about what had just happened. My son was pushing his limits with his own mother. I just had this weird, eerie thought and was pleasuring myself thinking about my son's hard cock last night when I had my little unsuccessful playtime. Gosh, I had been lonely and untouched for so long. When he grabbed me roughly and spun me around into his arms to kiss me, a part of me erupted in joy. There was nothing hotter at the moment, for a man to roughly grab me, pull me and plant a wet, sloppy kiss on my lips. Oh my god, he tasted so good. But this man was my own son.

I kept thinking about what happened as I walked upstairs into my bedroom to find my husband sleeping. Blankly staring at the ceiling. As soon as I saw him, my mind just went into this hermit mode of loveless, joyless existence. I proceeded to change out of my fancy satin dress and looking in the mirror, it reminded me why my son thought I looked hot tonight. He called me sexy on multiple occasions. Oh these young teenagers, they only want to see skin. I changed into my comfortable pajama shorts and a loose shirt that I normally wear to bed. I washed my face, undid my hair, used the bathroom and got ready for bed. But I couldn't shake off that eerie feeling of knowing I had just crossed a motherly boundary with my son. On top of the intensely sensual kiss, he had asked to kiss me every night before bed. And for some unknown reason, I agreed in affirmation. It was as if some inner sexual beast had taken over me.

Just then, the mother in me had awoken and I knew I had to put a stop to this. This was incest. I could go to jail. I can't be thinking or using my son as a muse for my sexual release. He shouldn't be fantasizing about his own mother. This was wrong. It was so wrong. I had just realized the secret fetishes of the two most important men in my life. My husband's cuckold fetish and my son's MILF fetish. I had to have a chat with him.

The Birthday Gift

As I walked towards my bed, I noticed my husband's new iPhone on my end table. I had totally forgotten, I was supposed to give it to Tommy as his birthday gift. In the excitement of going out on a date with him and having the time of my life, it had totally slipped my mind. It was only 11pm and there was still an hour left for his birthday to be over. I took the phone, put it in its box and walked over to my son's bedroom. As I approached his door, I could hear faint mumblings from inside. I didn't think he'd go to bed so quickly. It sounded like my son's voice, but it was very faint and mumbling. I gently placed my ears on his door trying to listen, if it was just the TV or if he was awake and talking to someone. And the faint mumblings got clear enough for me to hear.

Tommy: Oh my god,'re so damn sexy. Fuck, how I'd like to fuck the shit out of you....I can still feel the taste of your lips. I want to suck on your lips, I want to bite your lips, I want to taste your skin. Ugh....why'd you have to be my mother...

I was shocked! Even though I shouldn't be, knowing how he had taken the liberty to kiss me. But now, it sounded like his fantasies were on overload. He was mumbling about sucking and biting my lips, tasting my skin. His own mother. Funny enough, these fantasies complimented my own. I wanted a man to take charge and dominate me, sexually. With my age and my situation, no man would want to, I thought. But here was my 18 year old son, a handsome hunk, the eye candy for all these young college skanks, thinking about me, fantasizing about me, sexually. Against my ethics and morals, I was so turned on.

For the first time in forever, I felt wanted. My urge to serve and pleasure a partner was taking over. The thought of looking at my son's strong penis was coming back to my mind. He did offer to show it to me earlier, but I had to decline. It was just so wrong and inappropriate but oh so alluring. I wanted to see it. My curiosity was taking over.

I figured, I'd push the door open and act innocent. I was here to give him his gift after all. I twisted the doorknob slightly and pushed the door open. With a tiny crack between the doorframe and the door, I gently pushed the door ajar to get a view that I will never forget. My son was lying on the bed, with his shirt buttons undone, exposing his muscular torso. His boxers were to his side, he had headphones on with his old phone in his left hand. And there it was, the mesmerizing pole that stood, long and hard under his pelvis. His right hand going up and down his shaft. My son was practically masturbating to porn, but thinking about me. The faint mumbles were now clear whispers. He was watching some milf porn that I could barely recognize from his small phone screen. I saw his penis. I finally saw another man's penis.

The first penis, I'd seen since my husband's. And it was huge. It was long, hard, and as my son put it himself, strong. I could clearly see the veins and the big hard cockhead. It made sense why his exes couldn't handle him. This dick was no way going down someone's mouth, not entirely. I was so horny, I could feel a wet spot forming in my nether regions. I was biting my lower lips. The things I'd do to taste his cock. Why did he have to be my own damn son?! He was so grown up, so sexy, so handsome.

I gently closed the door, trying my best not to make a sound. I waited outside his bedroom for him to finish. After what seemed like an eternity hearing him masturbate, knowing well, he was imagining fucking his own mother, he finally finished. There was no sound of his mumbling anymore, but I could hear some rustling. Maybe he was cleaning up? I wasn't sure. I just had my eyes closed and couldn't get the image of his massive dick out of my head. I thought this was a good opportunity to finally give him his gift and retire to my bedroom quickly to try to satisfy my urges again with my toys.

I knocked on the door.

Tommy: One second....

Jessica: Tommy, honey are you sleeping?

Tommy: uhh...No...Mom? What do you want?

Jessica: I....I had something to give you...

He opened the door. He had removed his shirt and was wearing his boxers again. I could clearly see the outline of his penis in his boxers. There was also a small dark, wet spot around the tip. He must have just ejaculated. I could smell the scent of his manly hormones in the air. The room was a bit of a mess too. And I noticed the crumbled paper towels in the trash can.

Tommy: I thought you'd be in bed by now, Ma

Jessica: I was about to, I just...forgot about your gift.

Tommy: You already gave me a gift, Mom.

Jessica: I did?

Tommy: Yeah, earlier....(He smirked)

I knew he was talking about the kiss.

Jessica: Oh hahaha, you're so naughty. Listen....ummm..We need to talk about...actually, nevermind. Here, remember Dad got a new phone that he was asking you to research?

Tommy: Yeah the new iPhone. Is that it?

Jessica: Yeah, here you go. It's yours now. Dad's not going to use it anymore and you know it's brand new, so I thought it would be a perfect gift.

Tommy: YESS!! Thanks Mom. I was sick of using this piece of shit with the tiny screen.

Jessica: Hahaha I figured. Well, have fun with it. I think I reset the phone and cleared it up so you can start using it.

Tommy: Oh really? Look at you, being all tech savvy.

Jessica: I try haha

Tommy: Thanks Mom. You're so thoughtful.

He came forward leaning into a hug. I was wearing a loose white top and my pajama shorts. As we hugged and wrapped my arms around his back, I could smell his manly scent again. The combination of sweat and his....stuff..jeez it was having an effect on me. Is this what they call pheromones? His body was sweaty but he was in such good shape. I wanted to run my fingers all over his torso and lick his chest. The amount of self control I had to exercise here was insane.

As he pressed into me, I could also feel his still hard cock rub into my belly through his boxers. How is he still hard, I thought he had just finished?! I was dumbfounded. He eventually let go of me.

Tommy: Mom, you look so good in these PJs.

Jessica: Hmm...So now I went from Hot to just 'good' huh? (I was teasing him, playfully) Is it because this doesn't show as much skin?

Tommy: No...No, you're still hot and sexy. No matter what you wear. I wish I had a girlfriend like you.

Jessica: Hahahaha. you're crazy, young man. Our date is over now, okay! Go have fun with your phone.

Tommy: Mom, wait.

Jessica: What?

Tommy: Thanks for the phone. You know, I suggested this phone for dad because it has the best camera. And it's only fair, the first picture I take with this, is my beautiful Mom's.

Jessica: Oh really? Hahaha okay. Well, I'm dressed for bed right now and look bleh. Maybe tomorrow, I'll put something nice on like earlier tonight.

Tommy: No, Mom. Wait. You look perfect. You're beautiful. I want a picture of you right now and then maybe you can dress up for me tomorrow and we'll do another.

Jessica: You want to take a picture of me, like this?

Tommy: Yeah..

Jessica: uhhmm..I don't look very photogenic right now honey.

Tommy: Mom, you're always photogenic. You look perfect.

He already had the camera on and was pointing the phone at me. I didn't know what to do and just awkwardly posed as he snapped a few pictures of me.

Tommy: Thanks Mom.

Jessica: Goodnight honey.

Tommy: Goodnight Mom.

I went back to my bedroom and jumped on my toys.


The Morning After

I woke up fairly early the next morning. Changed my husband's catheter. Helped him up on his wheelchair and pushed it along to the stairs. As I was trying to mount him on the stair lift attached to the staircase's railings, I heard my son's door unlock. He looked like he had just woken up.

Tommy: Good Morning, Mom.

Jessica: Good morning, Tommy.

Tommy: Here, let me help you.

Tommy helped lift his father's body and placed him on the chair lift. Then brought the wheelchair downstairs and helped me put him back on the chair too. I appreciated the help, since Brian was getting a bit too heavy for me to manage by myself.

We were all downstairs now and I turned to my son.

Jessica: Thanks Tommy. He's getting heavy. I appreciate your help.

Tommy: Of course Mom. I heard you struggling so I thought I'd help you out. And if you need me to help with anything, just ask. I want to make things easier for you.

Jessica: Oh honey, you're so thoughtful. Okay, I will. Honestly, just getting him up and down the stairs is quite the task.

Tommy: I got an idea.

Jessica: I'm listening.

Tommy: Mom, why don't we have him settled in the guest bedroom behind the kitchen? That way, you won't have to mount him up and down all day and it'd be easier for him too. There's also a bathroom there for him.

Jessica: Hmm...I didn't think of that, that's a great idea. I guess, I was just so busy with trying to take care of things, it never occurred to me. I'll start moving his stuff around to that room later today.

I watched as Tommy walked towards the kitchen and made coffee. He was still wearing just his boxers and I could see the outline of his morning wood in them. He had just woken up and I had this view of a handsome young man with his huge cock in front of me, separated by a thin fabric. No matter how much I tried to distract myself going about my morning chores, I couldn't help but catch a glance of his protruding crotch. Tommy was kind enough to pour me coffee along with his own cup and he went about his merry way to his bedroom upstairs, leaving me hot and bothered early in the morning.

Secrets Revealed

As Tommy went to school, I went about my day working in the house and taking care of my disabled, paralyzed husband. It was around 6 in the evening when Tommy returned. He disappeared into his room as soon as he returned. I finished cooking dinner and feeding Brian, then helped him to the guest bedroom. Tommy was right, it was much easier to relocate Brian's stuff in the guest room, since it was on the same floor and close to the kitchen. Once I had his father taken care of and laid him down on his bed, I left the guest bedroom door ajar and called Tommy downstairs for dinner. It took him longer than I expected, but he finally came down to join me for dinner. I had made his favorite spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast.

During dinner, Tommy was oddly quiet. He was also avoiding eye contact with me. I was wearing a gray top and a matching skirt. Very typical for my daily home clothes, nothing sexy. Maybe that was why he was avoiding looking at me. I had to know.

Jessica: Tommy, is everything alright?

Tommy: Uhh...yeah Mom, why?

Jessica: You're rather quiet. Something is off. Did something happen at school?

Tommy:, I'm fine.

Jessica: Tommy if there's something you want to talk about, you know I'm here for you.

I realized, it was just a couple of days ago, he was seventeen, now that he's legally an adult, he's still a teenager going through hormonal evolutions. I had to make him comfortable to open up to me. Teenagers these days hide a lot from their parents and I didn't want him to get in more trouble. Despite his good behavior at home since his dad's accident, I wondered if there were any changes in his shenanigans outside the house. Tommy remained silent to my questions but I had to dig deeper.

Jessica: Son, remember, it's just you and me now. Remember our new year's resolution? No more secrets, no hiding. Be better at communicating.

Tommy: Ugh...okay mom, you don't have to guilt trip me like that. It''s just that.... I've been thinking about you.

Jessica: Okay.... I'm your mother and you have been very helpful lately, so I can understand that. Nothing wrong with that honey.

Tommy: No, Mom. Not like that. I want to make your life easier and make you happy. But....lately, I feel very attracted to you. You're so hot. I've been obsessed with the pictures I took of you last night.

Jessica: Oh....Tommy, you can't be....wait....the photo you clicked with your new phone? Of me in my PJs? Tired and ready for bed?

Tommy: Yes.

Jessica: Jeez Tommy. I wasn't even wearing anything revealing like the dress from dinner. It was just my PJs. Kinda like right now, just a top and a modest skirt.

Tommy: I know mom, it's not what you wear. It's just you. You're beautiful and hot. And I keep.... nevermind.

Jessica: No keep what?

Tommy: It's awkward....

Jessica: No secrets, no hiding.

Tommy: I uhh....I masturbate thinking about you, sometimes.

I already knew that. I caught him moaning my name last night. It didn't come as a shock to me. So in all honesty, I didn't act surprised.

Jessica: Sometimes?

Tommy: Okay, sorry, jeez ALL THE TIME!

Jessica: Tommy... I'm your mother. You shouldn't...

Tommy: I know, I know. But that's what's so hot about it. I can get any girl I want to go out with me, but eventually they leave me because they can't handle my....uhh....

Jessica: Penis?

Tommy: Yes, Penis.

Jessica: You should feel comfortable saying that word, be mature about it.

Tommy: Well, I do, with my friends, we say Dick or Cock. I'm sorry. You're my mom, and I shouldn't....

Jessica: It's okay Tommy. Treat me like your friend. I should be your best friend. Is that all? That's what's bothering you? You... pleasuring yourself with me in your mind?

Tommy: Yes. How are you not alarmed or surprised about it?

Jessica: Honey I'm 38 years old. I'm well aware boys your age have a certain fascination with older women. Teachers, Librarians....what you guys call MILFs. It's normal. But yeah thinking about your own Mother like that.... it's inappropriate.

Tommy: I know, mom. Its incest. It's illegal, it's wrong, we talked about this. It just makes me more horny.

Jessica: Good! I'm glad you understand that. Now, I have a confession of my own. Part of the reason I'm not that surprised is because I knew you were playing with yourself thinking about me..

Tommy: YOU DID!? WHAT?

Jessica: Yes honey, I'm sorry and I know we're supposed to come clean and no more secrets, but it was just such an awkward moment and it was your birthday so I didn't want to ruin it. Last night, when I approached your room to give you the new phone. I....I heard you mumbling and I got curious so I opened your door slightly and saw what you were doing.

Tommy: MOM!!!! What the Ffff.... what the heck! You didn't knock!

Jessica: No, and I know, Privacy. I'm sorry. I don't know why, but I just wanted to check if you were sleeping or not and not disturb you or wake you was just in the heat of the moment.

Tommy: Oh my god. This is embarrassing. And then you knocked again, and pretended to not see me.... masturbating?!

Jessica: Yes.

Tommy: Mom!!!! What the fuck?! How long were you watching me?

Jessica: Baby, I'm sorry. Don't be upset.

Tommy: I'm not upset, it's just....I feel like you invaded my private moment.

Jessica: I did. And it was wrong of me. I'm sorry. I didn't watch for too long. Once I saw what you were doing and heard you mumbling my name, I understood what was going on and shut the door.

Tommy: And then, you waited? For me to finish?

Jessica: Yes.

Tommy: Wow! I don't even know....

Jessica: Baby, I'm sorry okay..

Tommy: It's okay, mom. You've apologized enough. Now that I think of it, it's kinda hot.

Jessica: Tommy, no....

Tommy: Well, last night, after we kissed, when I offered to show you declined. And then you saw it anyway.

Now, it was my turn to be embarrassed. He was right, I did invade his privacy. I saw his penis and I fucking loved it. I guess I'm to blame for this awkwardness. I pushed him to not withhold any secrets. I remained silent and looked down, began clearing the dinner plates and walked towards the kitchen.

Tommy: Well, What did you think?

Jessica: About what?

Tommy: My penis.

Jessica: Tommy, we're not talking about this.

Tommy: Yes, we are. You said no more secrets, right?

Jessica: Ugh Tommy....

Tommy: How can I trust you won't do it again, Mom?

Jessica: Because I'm telling you, I won't. I'll knock.

Tommy: I don't know, I feel like my privacy was violated.

Jessica: Well, what do you want me to do Tommy? I already apologized.

Tommy: You did. But it still doesn't change the fact that you saw my penis, without my knowledge or consent. And you won't even tell me if you liked what you saw?

Jessica: Why is it that important for you to know if I liked it?

Tommy: Because, it's been a problem. It's always hard, it's big, it's uncomfortable and I need to know if I have to get it looked at by a doctor or if it's a medical condition.

Jessica: Oh God! Tommy, no! It's perfectly fine. Your penis is magnificent. It's perfect! Most women would die for a penis like that.

Tommy: You too?

Jessica: Tommy! Stop it.